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Calendar of the Soul
Dr. Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophical Calendar of the Soul
Violet Flame Invocations 1.0
Violet is the colour and the worldintowhichthe humanity walks through initiation. It is the KingdomofGod,called by such names as Eden Garden,Paradise,Devachan,Su-permundane and so on.The Violet Flame relates to the 7th ray of Swaraj.Swarajstandsfor self rule.Self rule demands discipleship.There are aspirants allaroundtheglobe who follow the discipline to be disciples andwhoendeavourto rule themselves.Self-rule is governed by 7th ray and 7th ray functionsthroughVioletFlame. Violet Flame is worshiped in all the subtleTemplesof 7th rayin all the four corners of the globe. The VioletRayinaugurated itsactivity in this cycle, in the year 1675 AD.The work is subtly taking place and many are introducedtothefunctioning of the Violet Flame. Eso-teric templesarebecomingactive, transmitting their presence to the seekerallaround.333 years of work are accomplished by this year 2008.Incelebrationof a grand work a few invocations are given out totheardent seekerof 7th ray activity.