Top 5 Apps Similar to 102 Eclipse Shortcut Reference

Easy Eclipse 0.0.2
Vmak Design
Easy Eclipse Application is useful totheprogrammer or coder who uses Eclipse As IDE to developdifferentapplications. This app contains the commonly usedShortcuts forEclipse IDE.We have categorized the shortcuts so thatuser caneasily get it.Your feedback is very important for us to improve the contentofapplication. Please share your comments with us.
Learn Eclipse 1.0
Eclipse is an integrateddevelopmentenvironment (IDE) for Java and other programminglanguages like C,C++, PHP, and Ruby etc.This application has been prepared for the beginners to helpthemunderstand basic functionality of Eclipse tool. Aftercompletingthis app you will find yourself at a moderate level ofexpertise inusing Eclipse IDE from where you can take yourself tonextlevels.We hope it will be helpful for everyone
Eclipse 4 IDE 1.0
TM SoftStudio
Книга посвящена разработке широкогоспектраJavaприложений с использованием среды разработки Eclipse 4IDE. Вкнигерассматриваются основы работы в Eclipse 4 IDE, втомчислеиспользование средств отладки, тестирования ирефакторингакода.Также рассматриваются команднаяразработка,интернационализация илокализация приложений, созданиеграфическогоинтерфейсапользователя на основе библиотек SWT/JFace.Вы узнаетеособенностиразработки RCP и Android приложений, а такжеWeb и Ajaxприложенийна основе Eclipse проектов RAP, GWT, Riena,SCA, Scout,WPT, DTP,BIRT и др. Книга сопровождается большимколичествомпримеров сподробным анализом исходных кодов.The book isdedicatedtothe development of a wide range of Java applicationsusingtheEclipse development environment 4 IDE. The book coversthebasicsof working in 4 Eclipse IDE, including the use oftoolsfordebugging, testing and refactoring code. It alsodiscussesthedevelopment team, the internationalization andlocalizationofapplications, creating a graphical user interfacebased onthelibrary SWT / JFace. You will learn the developmentfeatures ofRCPand Android applications as well as Web and Ajaxapplicationsbasedon Eclipse Project RAP, GWT, Riena, SCA, Scout,WPT, DTP,BIRT, andothers. The book is accompanied by a large numberofexamples witha detailed analysis of the source code.
Planet's Position 2.3.2
Tim Gaddis
Planet's positions and solar/lunar eclipse calculations.
Eclipse Calendar 2.0
Displays the list of solar and lunar eclipses in current century