Top 23 Apps Similar to BirdsUK

Bird Id - British Birds v10
BirdId is a stunning guide to identifying bird species oftheBritish Isles.
UK Birds - Birdwatching App 12
Thom Shutt
Information and photos for over 600 birds of the UK andGreatBritain.
eGuide to British Birds 1.4.0
An interactive companion to The RSPB Handbook of British Birds.
Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab 3.0
What's that bird? Merlin Bird ID helpsyousolve the mystery in 5 questions, or with a photo of abird.First, Merlin asks you a few simple questions. Then, almostlikemagic, it reveals the list of birds that best matchyourdescription. Pick your bird, then delve into more photos,sounds,and ID tips about your bird!If you have a photo, Merlin Photo ID is here to help. Take aphoto,or choose one from your photo gallery, and Merlin will offera listof birds that best match your photo.Merlin is fun and easy to use—whether you’re curious about abirdyou’ve seen once or you’re hoping to identify every bird thatcomesto your feeder. The answers are waiting for you with this freeappfrom the renowned Cornell Lab of Ornithology.Features• Merlin Photo ID can identify your bird photo. Select yourphoto,tell Merlin where and when you took it, and you'll see ashort listof suggested identifications.• Download bird packs containing the species of yourregion,reducing the app size.• Created for beginning and intermediate bird watchers,Merlinidentifies the 1,100 most common bird species of thecontinentalUnited States, Canada, Mexico, Belize andGuatemala.• Explore birds by location and date with a list ofspeciesseen in the area.• Intelligent results. No more scanning through hundredsofpossibilities! Merlin shows the birds near you that fityourdescription.• Customized location and date tools generate best answers foryourneighborhood and time of year.• Powered by eBird to deliver the most accurate results basedonmillions of sightings from bird watchers acrossNorthAmerica.• Enjoy more than 7,000 photos of birds, including males,females,and juveniles.• Learn ID tips from Cornell Lab of Ornithology experts.• Listen to the beautiful bird songs and calls from theMacaulayLibrary at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.• It’s all free! The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s goal is tohelpyou and millions of others to learn about birds.​Merlin Bird ID currently includes Bird Pack downloads for theUnitedStates including: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, RockyMountains,Southwest, Texas and Oklahoma, Alaska, and West Coast.Canada iscovered by Eastern Canada and Western Canada packs.Mexico packsinclude Yucatan Peninsula, and another for Oaxaca andChiapas.Central America Bird Packs include Guatemala andBelize.About Photo IDPowered by Visipedia, Merlin Photo ID uses computervisiontechnology to identify birds in photos. Merlin learns torecognizebird species based on training sets of hundreds ofthousands ofphotos from birders at When using photo ID,enter thedate and location where you took the photo; those cluesimproveMerlin’s accuracy by helping it focus on the species youmostlikely encountered there.
BirdTrack Legacy 1.30
***UK and Ireland BirdTrackRecordsOnly***An app to collect lists and casual records for BirdTrackuserswithin the UK and Ireland. Records can be collected offline,andthen verified and uploaded later, when convenient. GPSintegrationincluded (when switched on!) and helpful local species&location hotspot viewers, and personal lists and targets, makethisa useful app for any birdwatcher in the UK and Ireland.To connect with the BirdTrack database users MUST haveaBirdTrack account (free). Please visit the BirdTrackwebsite( to register (included inhelpdocumentation).http://www.birdtrack.netBrought to you through a partnership between BTO, RSPB,BirdWatchIreland, SOC and WOS
Pocket Guide UK Birds of Prey 2.4.1
Senet Mobile UK
Pocket Guide UK Birds of Prey is anidealquickreference guide to help identify the Birds of Prey youmightsee onyour trips out.Containing records listed by the BOU for the Birds ofPreythathave been sighted around the UK, the guide is idealforramblers,walkers or just to help with your childrens questionson aday outin the car to help identify Birds of Prey whensighted.• A few of the birds listed from the BOU areextremelyrarevisitors and these are mentioned for completeness onlyas theyarereferenced from historical records of sightings in the UKandyouwould not normally be expected to see these.Main View• List around 90 pages on information on Birds ofPreyfoundacross the United Kingdom• Categorise birds by Family, Genus etc• Includes thumbnail images along with English andBinomialnamesEntry Details• Detail page for every entry with useful information such- nb. Characteristics, common names, alternativenames,binomialnames etc• Full colour photo for each bird• Select photo to use pinch to zoomSearches• Find birds by text searching or filtering.- nb. Wildcards are supported such as "white%hills"- nb. Your custom notes can also be searched• Picture gallery view- nb. Select image to view detail pageComprehensive Content• Specialised Glossary• Useful Website and other References ViewCustom Features• Easily bookmark search results or individual entriestothebookmark view• Add your own Custom Notes to ANY entry with thehandyeditfeatureSocial Networking• Post notes to your wall or feeds using the sharefeatureinAndroidOther useful utilities are included to help when you areoutinthe field such as• Flashlight• Compass• A Range and Height Finder.• Moon phases for the next 70 days.- nb. Northern Hemisphere only.• Sunrise/Sunset, Moon Rise/Set and Twilight Start/Set.- nb. set your location on the map and GMT offset as required.Installing the data• CHECK DATABASE function to install or updatedataasnecessary.Contacting UsWe are happy to consider including new featuresinfuturereleases.Please contact us to discuss the app, ask supportquestionsormake suggestions for improvements using any of thefollowing.• Website• Webpage Contact Us Support Form• In App Contact Us Support Email• Support Email Address• Support and News forums for each appContact details• [email protected]•••• This App requires an internet connection forsomefeatures• All images are saved to the sdcard for reuse asrequiredbyassociated license agreement where stated, where nolicenseisstated image reuse is not permitted please contactthedevelopersto discuss.• Please contact us directly with any supportquestionsorissues.• Please let us know if we have made any errors or missedanyUKBirds of Prey so we can update them in later versions.• Please note that birds of prey and nests are protectedandshouldalways be treated with respect. Care should be taken nottodisturbthese birds or damage their habitat or environment.• Please note this guide does not cover non-nativeimportedspeciesthat are bred for captivity.
WP & UK Birding Checklist
Duncan Watson
Birding Checklist for the UK and Europe (Western Palearctic).
Sibley Birds of North America
NB: Please backup your list beforeinstallingv1.6.0! Your list should upgrade automatically but therehave beeninstances on certain devices where a list upgrade hasfailed and islost.On Sale Now !!!The most popular printed field guide to North American birds isnowavailable in its entirety on the Android!NB: Please note that an additional download of 360MB isrequiredonce this app has been installed. Please ensure you use aWiFiconnection to prevent additional data costs.The Sibley Guide to Birds has become the most popular andfastestselling printed guide to birds as well as the mostcomprehensiveand authoritative guide to North American Birds:● Over 6600 images.● Every species is shown perched and in flight from aboveandbelow.● Shows every major seasonal, age, and sexual variation.● Detailed coverage of subspecies and regional variations.● Detailed maps showing not just winter and summer range butalsomigration and rare occurrence.● Detailed descriptions of songs and calls, comparingsimilarspecies measurements of length, wingspan, and weight foreveryspecies.Now all of that information is available in aneasy-to-navigateportable format on any Android device.Includes the following functionality:● Swipe to move to the next or previous species.● One-tap enlargement of images with extendedzoomfunctionality.● Over 2300 carefully-selected and edited sound recordings.Nearlyall species are represented with multiple examples showingtherange of vocalizations.● The ability to compare any two images, maps, or sounds, sidebyside on the screen.● The ability to filter by state/province, so that you see onlythespecies likely to occur in your location, and to further reducethepossibilities to the most common birds in that area.● The ability to search by distinguishing features such assize,prominent colors, habits, and group.● *A basic personal species list that stores your sightings savedtothe device (ability to upload list coming soon)* Uninstalling/reinstalling the program will result in the lossofyour list, it is recommended that you keep your own backup(masterlist) separate from the application (applicationprovidesbackup/restore functionality in "My List" page)We go out of our way to resolve customer issues, please feel freetocontact us by email at [email protected] invite all users to share their comments and ideas on ourforumat
Birds of Europe 1.0
This e-guide to the birds of Great BritainandEurope is part of a series of mobile systems foridentifyingspecies in nature. They were developed as part of theECKeyToNature project aiming to provide easy access to floraandfauna information.This app contains:- Information on 448 species of birds (distribution,habitat,food, etc.)- 1360 photographs- The sounds of 435 species- An interactive key for identifying species- An alphabetical list of species with a search functionThis application is an adapted mobile version of theCD-ROM‘Birds of Europe’, published by ETI, Netherlands(ISBN90-75000-98-7). In addition to this e-fauna, othere-guidescovering plants, butterflies, fish, reptiles and amphibiansareavailable or in preparation. For a list of available titles,see: Tekla Boersma and Huub Veldhuijzen van Zanten,PaulKlinkenberg (opening screen).Programming: Dennis Seijts, Stefano Martellos and EdwinvanSpronsen.Initiative: ETI BioInformatics.Identification key: R. Sluys, G. Gijswijt and Huub VeldhuijzenvanZanten.Drawings: F.J. Maas, Joh. Reydon and P. van der Wolf.Bird calls: C. Hazevoet and L. Svensson.Photography: we would like to express our gratitude to thefollowingphotographers for their willing co-operation : JankeesSchwiebbe(, Han Bouwmeester(, PieterDol (, RichardDiepstraten(, Toy Jansen(,Robert Royse (, Janvan der Voort, MarcGottenbos (, StichtingSaxifraga (Luc Hoogenstein,Piet Munsterman, Jan C. van derStraaten and Mark Zekhuis), RuudAltenburg and Edwin vanSpronsen.ETI BioInformatics was founded in 1990 by the Dutchgovernmentand UNESCO to facilitate easy access to information ontaxonomy andbiodiversity. See
ЭкоГид: Птицы - старая версия 3.04
Данное приложение (2013 года) технически УСТАРЕЛО ибольшеНЕПОДДЕРЖИВАЕТСЯ автором. Новая (нативная) версия2021года(бесплатная со встроенными покупками) расположенапоадресу:Даннаяверсиясохранена в магазине для удобства пользователей,купившихприложениев период 2013-2021 гг. Ее можно восстановить налюбомсмартфоне,привязанном к аккаунту Google. Описаниеопределителя исписоквидовптиц:Видео-обзорприложения: ЭкосистеманаFB:
Bird Identification 1.3
Ryan Haines
Use this guide to identify birds in the Northeastern UnitedStatesand adjacent Canada.
BTO Ringing & NRS Info 2.0.1
Helping ringers check the correct ring sizes/codes to use foreachUK bird.
iKnow Birds 2 PRO - Europe
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to BIRDS OFEUROPE,all in the palm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelpof a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts,figures, and images. Read fascinating information and learnfactsabout birds; browse professional images; listen tospectacular callsand songs. Find inspiration and experience naturein a whole newway.CONTENT* 300 bird species - 2000 images - 550 calls and songs* Extensive description of the species* Bird names in 30 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameBIRD IDENTIFICATION BY* APPEARANCE- Size, feathering, beak type, etc.* RANGE AND HABITAT- Cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc.* ORDER- Owls, herons, eagles, etc.* MIGRATION- Sedentary, short, medium, longQUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Guess species from calls and songsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at [email protected] OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
World Birds 1.1
Containing over 10,000 bird species,WorldBirds is the most comprehensive birding app in theAndroidMarketplace.Want to see all the birds of your country or USstate?Want to search for all the different night-hawks in theworld?Just the night-hawks in the UK?Want to learn what a Gyrfalcon is called in French?OrJapanese? Or Russian?Want to maintain a life list of bird sightings?World Birds can do it all!World Birds features:- Browse By Region- Search By Name- Browse By Phylogenetic Tree- My List- Extensive information on over 10,000 bird species_______________________Browse By Region allows you to see all theorders,families, and species of birds located in 225 countries andall 50US states, plus most territories. You can also see thevernacularname of a given bird in the languages of that region.Great forbird identification and multi-lingual birdingvacations!_______________________With Search By Name you can search for a bird'sEnglish(common) name or its Latin name. You can also limit yoursearch toa specific country or state._______________________Browse By Phylogenetic Tree is a way to see birdorders,families and species in their evolutionary context,according tothe latest genetic studies._______________________My List is a place for you to record your birdsightings.You record the date, location, and any pertinent notesabout yoursighting and it's saved to My List. You can also exportMy List asan email for backup or for incorporating into anotherlifelist._______________________Data about bird species is from Wikipedia, meaning it is, onthewhole, the most accurate and up-to-date information describingtheworld's birds._______________________Note on taxonomies: Browse By Region uses a modified versionofthe Clements Checklist for species, family, and orderrelationshipsas it is the most intuitive. Browse By PhylogeneticTree is adaptedfrom genetic studies as outlined in Shannon J.Hackett's article inScience 320, 1763 (2008)._______________________Note on data connection: This application currently requiresadata connection to view information about individualbirdspecies._______________________Demo Version: There is also a limited version calledWorldBirds Demo available for free in the Android Marketplace. Useit toevaluate World Birds before purchasing this full version.Discover the world of birding and the birds oftheworld!Keywords: ornithology, bird, study, order, family, species,tree,genetic, identification, id
Bird Song Id: Auto Recognition v12
Record a bird singing and use Automatic Recognition tohelpidentifyit.
Morcombe's Birds of Australia 1.7.1
The foremost field guide to Australian birds is now available ontheAndroid.
Die Vögel Europas 1.0
Dieser Vogelführer hilft Ihnen, dieVögelEuropas anhand ihres Erscheinungsbildes und ihrer Stimme,d.h.anhand ihres Gesanges oder Rufes, zu identifizieren.Das Programm umfasst:- Einen interaktiven Bestimmungsschlüssel- Eine alphabetische Artenliste- Informationen über 448 Vogelarten- Über 1300 hervorragende Fotos- Die Stimmen der berücksichtigten ArtenWarnhinweis: Das Anlocken wildlebender Vögel durchAbspielenarteigener Stimmen ist in Deutschland gesetzlich verbotenund nurmit Ausnahmegenehmigung möglich. Es kann zu erheblichenStörungendes Brutgeschäfts oder sogar zum Verlassen des Brutreviersführen.Vermeiden Sie daher Störungen von Vögeln durchunangemesseneNutzung dieser App.Enthalten sind die Vogelarten, die innerhalb Europasbrüten,sowie alle Durchzügler und Wintergäste. Die Artbeschreibungenthältdie wichtigsten Feldkennzeichen und gibt Informationen überihreVerbreitung, Habitat und Nahrung.Diese Applikation ist eine für dieses MediumangepassteNeuausgabe der CD-ROM 'Die Vögel Europas', herausgegebenvon ETI(ISBN 3-540-14595-8). Sie wurde im Rahmen desEU-Projekts'KeyToNature' entwickelt, das Informationen über Floraund Faunaschnell und einfach zugänglich machen will.Weiterhin gibt es neben den Vögeln Europas eine e-Flora fürdieNiederlande und Grossbritannien, sowie eine Seriee-Fauna's(Schmetterlinge, Reptilien und Amphibien,Süsswasserfische).Weitere Titel sind in Vorbereitung. Siehe: Tekla Boersma und Huub Veldhuijzen vanZanten,Paul Klinkenberg (Eröffnungsbild)Programmierung: Dennis Seijts, Stefano Martellos und EdwinvanSpronsenInitiative: ETI BioInformaticsBestimmungsschlüssel: Ronald Sluys, Gideon Gijswijt undHuubVeldhuijzen van ZantenZeichnungen: F.J. Maas, Joh. Reydon und P. van der WolfVogelstimmen: C. Hazevoet und L. SvenssonFotos: Den folgenden Naturfotografen sind wir sehr erkenntlichfürihre bereitwillige Mitwirkung: JankeesSchwiebbe(, Han Bouwmeester(, PieterDol (, RichardDiepstraten(, Toy Jansen(,Robert Royse (, Jan vander Voort, MarcGottenbos (, Stichting Saxifraga(Luc Hoogenstein,Piet Munsterman, Jan C. van der Straaten und MarkZekhuis), RuudAltenburg und Edwin van Spronsen.ETI BioInformatics wurde 1990 vom Niederländischen Staat undderUNESCO gegründet, um einen breiteren Zugang zu Information aufdemGebiet von Taxonomie und Biodiversität zu ermöglichen.Siehehttp://www.eti.uva.nlThis bird guide helpsyoufind the birds of Europe based on their appearance and hervoice,ie be identified by their song or call.The program includes:- An interactive identification key- An alphabetical list of species- Information on 448 species of birds- Over 1300 superb photos- The voices of the considered speciesWarning: Attracting wild birds by playing species-specificvoicesis prohibited by law in Germany and only with specialpermissionpossible. It can lead to significant disturbances in thebreedingbusiness, or even to leave the brood coalfield. Therefore,avoiddisturbance of birds by unreasonable use of this app.Included are the species of birds that breed in Europe, aswellas all migratory birds and winter visitors. The speciesprofilecontains the most important field marks and providesinformation ontheir distribution, habitat and food.This application is a custom for this media new edition oftheCD-ROM 'The Birds of Europe', published by ETI(ISBN3-540-14595-8). It was developed in the framework of the EUproject'KeyToNature', wants to make the information on flora andfaunaquickly and easily accessible.Furthermore there are in addition to the birds of Europeane-Flora of the Netherlands and the UK, as well as a series ofe-'sfauna (butterflies, reptiles and amphibians, freshwater fish).Moretitles are in preparation. See: Tekla Boersma and Huub van Zanten Veldhuijzen,PaulKlinkenberg (opening image)Programming: Dennis Seijts, Stefano Martellos and EdwinvanSpronsenInitiative: ETI BioInformaticsIdentification keys: Ronald Sluys, Gideon Gijswijt and HuubvanZanten VeldhuijzenDrawings: F. J. Maas, John Reydon and P. van der WolfBirdsong: C. Hazevoet and L. SvenssonPhotos: to the following photographers we are very gratefulfortheir willing co-operation: Yankees Schwiebbe(,Han Bouwmeester (, PieterDol(, Richard Diepstraten(, Toy Jansen (,Robert Royse(, Jan van der Voort, MarcGottenbos(, Stichting Saxifraga (Luc Hooge stone,PietMunsterman, Jan C. van der Straaten and Mark Zekhuis),RuudAltenburg and Edwin van Spronsen.ETI BioInformatics was founded in 1990 by the Dutchgovernmentand UNESCO, to allow broader access to information in thefield oftaxonomy and biodiversity. See
Birder 1.01
Birder is an application that incorporatesaField Guide and Field Report for Birds of Britain and Ireland.Birder features beautiful original artwork(commissionedspecifically for the application), high qualityrecordings of birdcalls/song, concise text descriptions andidentificationsguidelines, the latest commissioned range maps and ahost of otherfeatures.Bird species can be listed by common name,latin name,family or habitat.There is also the option to sort alphabetically or byscientificorder. View the stunning illustrations and range maps inportraitor landscape; pinching and zooming for additional detail.Theapplication details 247 species found in the BritainandIreland.As well as being a highly useful portable field guide,Birderalso provides a means to create and maintain complete fieldtripdata.Create and store your visits, saving location, county andcountryinformation, species recorded, accurate GPS location, notesand muchmore. Locate birds quickly using 'Quick ID', filteringpossiblespecies by colour, size, habitat and general shape.You can also narrow down identification possibilities usingthe'Similar' species option, that will detail oftenmistakenspecies.Sightings and field trip data can be emailed to your ownaccountor that of friends or colleagues and locations can be viewedinmaps.Birder also catalogues your life list so you can see at aglanceall your sightings.
Audubon Bird Guide 6.6.7
Identify over 800 bird species
UK/WP Birding Checklist (demo) 2.0
Duncan Watson
UK & WP/Europe BirdingChecklistdemoversionIf you find it useful, please consider upgrading to thefullversion.This is one of a series of Birding ChecklistapplicationsforAndroid mobile phones and tablets. There areapplicationsforAustralia, New Zealand, United States (excludingMexico andSouthAmerica), Western Palearctic (UK and Europe),PacificIslands,South Africa, and Ecuador/Peru/Bolivia.PHOTOS & SOUNDS are downloaded separately, andmustbemanually installed via your PC. Please check the Readmefileatthis download website so you know how to do this. Thephotosandsounds are NOT included in the download package fromtheAndroidmarket.Please seesupportwebsite ifyouhavedifficulties downloading and installing the photosandsounds.WP/UK download website: Palearctic (includes UK) – 924 speciesand1188subspeciesThese applications include basic birdidentificationinformation,and are NOT intended to replace a fieldguide. It isexpected thatusers will have good familiarity with thebirds theyare seeing, andwill use this application for:a. Logging bird sightings (with GPS co-ordinates if your phonehasaGPS)b. Uploading your sightings to eBird (or similar PCoronlinerecording system)c. Maintaining your LifelistFull versions have the following features:- complete listing of all bird species andsubspecies(whereknown)- searching and filtering of the bird list- statistics and record of your personal bird Lifelist- current tick list (birds you have seen today or duringashortfield trip)- quick lists for customised bird listings forlocationsyourfrequently visit- display of bird photos and bird calls on the SD card linkedtotheapplication (these must be manuallydownloadedseparately)- logging facilities including GPS location (if your phonehasaGPS)- export log file in eBird Import format for rapid loadingofyoursightings to eBird- optional downloadable Rangemaps and extendedtextdescriptions(incomplete but growing collection on externaldownloadsite)- help information- play mp4 videos of birds stored in the photos folder ontheSDcard- support for large screen 1280 x 800 tabletsDemo versions have reduced functionality:- cannot save sighting logs or statistics- will not display rangemaps or extended descriptions- do not display ticklists for regions- no GPS location display on Google maps- no alternate language support- no quicklists (custom filtering of bird listsforyourlocation)- no mp4 video supportYou can easily add your own resources files –theapplicationplaces no restriction on this but very large numbersofphotos(many thousands) may slow down the application.Please contact me if you have any comments orsuggestions,orcorrections to the bird information. Please also getin contactifyou are interested in helping create a newbirdingchecklistapplication for birds in your area.
iNaturewatch Birds 1.1
A Field Guide to Common Birds of Urban India launched by LEC
Bird Guide to Rutland Water UK 1.0
Birds of Rutland Water UKprovidesauseful tool to let you learn about the varied species thatyouarelikely to encounter while visiting this idyllic location.Features► All resident breeding species► Images to aid field identification► Detailed descriptions and dimensions► Curate your own checklists and submit them toassistbirdconservation effortsCurrently hosting the UK Birdfair 2015, Birds of RutlandWaterUKwill no doubt prove a valuable addition!★★★ "Simple yet powerful" ★★★You are able to create your own Checklists of what youseeandsubmit them. Submitting your checklists will helpusbetterunderstand bird species distributions and populationsandassist inconservation efforts.It is best to enable location services so thatpreciselocationdata can be added to each sighting record, thoughthis isnotrequired!Media is downloaded on-demand, it is thereforeadvisedtoinitially download this data when connected to agoodWiFinetwork.**If you encounter any problems, please contactthedeveloperrather than simply rating 1 star.Unexplained/unresolvedlowratings negatively affect the developmentofapplications,thanks!**Birdfair 2015 - 21st - 23rd August,Egleton,Rutland,information: Water information: by AviSurv
Irish Birds 1.1
A Mobile App for Ireland's Birdwatchers Irish Birdshasinformationon 212 regularly occurring species of bird inIreland.Ideal forbirdwatching, with detailed information presentedabouteach birdincluding identification, breeding, diet,conservationstatus &wintering habits. You can record your birdsightings bybuilding upyour list, or you can create a wish-list offuture birdsightings.The app will record your location when youmake asighting, anddisplay markers on a map for each one and if youlike,you canshare your sighting through Twitter, Facebook ortextmessage.Irish Birds is a companion reference guide forthebirdwatchers ofIreland, whether you're a novice or anexperiencedbird enthusiast.Pictures from Wikipedia. Data fromBirdwatchIreland (noaffiliation).