Top 10 Apps Similar to BF3 Stats Retriever

Loadout Saver for Battlefield4 1.5.1
Max Becker
THIS APP IS NOT SUPPORTED ANYMOREAllows you to save different Loadout-Sets and to loadtheperfectLoadout-Sets for the Gamemode/Map your arecurrentlyplaying withouthaving to set it up manually.It can only save the currently equipped loadout, so you stillneedtosetup your loadout in game or in battlelog, but then youcaneasilyswitch between different sets/profiles via this app.It also can selectivly save parts of the loadoutlikeweapons,vehicles or kits.Instructions:1. Enter your Battlog login information in the options menu2. Use the +-Button to save your currently equippedLoadoutandchoose a name for it and select which parts of theLoadoutshouldbe saved (when sending a Loadout the missingpiecesaresupplemented with the corresponding pieces ofyourcurrentloadout).3. Click on a Loadout to load it and watch it happen onBattlelogorin game4. Long click on a Loadout to remove it.Important: You probably need to be playing BF4, when tryingtosendor save a loadout!(If you own BF4 only on one platform it may work even if youarenotplaying)Feedback and bugreports appreciated: [email protected]
Statistics for BFH 1.1.8
Finally Battlefield Hardline playerswillgetperfect application for Android. One place where you willbeableto check your progress in game.- View preliminary score- View weapon and vehicle statistics- View upcoming unlocksThis app in actively developed and new features willbeaddedfrequently.Thanks to the for providing free of use APIDisclaimer:This app was not created or endorsed by EA. All images areownedbytheir respective owners, and Battlefield Hardline andBattlelogareregistered trademarks of EA Digital Illusions CE AB.The statsandimages are provided by
Medal Of Honor Warfighter Stat 0.4
Finally Medal of Honor Warfighter playerswillget perfect application for Android. One place where you willbeable to check your progress in game.- View ribbons, medals- View weapons- View nation and kit scores and statsThis app in actively developed and new features will beaddedfrequently.Thanks to the for providing free of useAPIDisclaimer:This app was not created or endorsed by EA. All images are ownedbytheir respective owners, and Medal of Honor WarfighterandBattlelog are registered trademarks of EA Digital Illusions CEAB.The stats and images are provided by
ステータス比較 for BF3 4.1
BF3ステ比較(β)とはバトルフィールド3(Battlefield 3)のstat(ステータス)を確認するアプリで、日本語で作られている物が見当たらなかったので作ってみました。BF3のステータスを確認・他人との比較をするアプリです。PC版はもちろん、Xbox360版、PS3版の方もご利用いただけます。現在β版としてリリースしておりますが、現状ご利用いただける機能は■最新の自分(指定したID)のステータス(戦績)  ―基本的なデータは一覧で確認できます。■武器・乗物ごとのデータを確認  ―使用時間やキル数、アンロックの進み具合を確認できます。■兵科ごとのアンロックの進み具合を確認  ―それぞれのアンロック武器やアンロック能力の解除条件を見れます。■ドッグタグ情報(作りかけ)  ―誰から何個ドッグタグを『奪った』『奪われた』か。■リボン・メダルの入手状況確認  ―リボン・メダルの獲得条件・状況■指定した別のプレイヤーとの戦績を比較  ―その結果をツイッターと連動しつぶやける今後のアップデートにより、追加で実装する予定の機能は■過去のデータを保存し成長記録をつける、そしてTwitterへ投稿できる。■ドッグタグの詳細を確認できるように。■日本語に翻訳できて以内部分を日本語に翻訳予定■ステータス比較を好きなプレイヤーと比較できるように。■ステータス比較にて武器の詳細(命中率等)を比較できるように。※アプリ内で使われる画像は、リアルタイムで通信をしDLしますので、ネット圏外では画像が表示されません。※そして通信をしますのでパケットし放題をお勧めします。※大元のデータが更新されるまで時間がかかる場合があるので、常に最新のデータとは限りません。※SDカードにインストールできます。■■■動作確認機種■■■(動作はAndroid Ver2.2以上必須です)auARROWS Z ISW11FdocomoOptimus chat L-04CP-01D■■■■■■■■■尚、作者もBF3を当然プレイしております。PC版の「yoshihiroFOF」という名前です。クラン【FOF】のリーダーとして活動もしております。ゲームの生放送やサバイバルゲームの生放送も行っております。このアプリについてのご要望などございましたら、FOFのニコニココミュニティか公式サイトまでお越しください。コミュニティ:公式サイト:■■■過去のアップデート履歴■■■■■■Ver4.0での変更点(2012/09/12リリース)■武器別データ → 武器・乗物データ へ変更しました。これに伴い今までは確認の出来なかったビークルのステータスも確認できるようにしました。■アサイメントメニューのレイアウト変更アサイメントの部分にプログレスバーを追加しました。★アーマードキルのデータも確認できます!★一部データの表記がおかしかった部分を修正しました。BF3 stearyl comparedtothe(β) isIn Battlefield 3 app to check the stat (status)of(Battlefield3),Because the thing is I could not find that is made in theJapaneseItried to make.It is an application that a comparison between the checkandothersthe status of BF3.PC version of course, Xbox360 version, also availabletowardsthePS3 version.We have released as current β version, but the functionthatcanpresent condition available■ latest of their status of (the specified ID) (KOs)- Basic data can be found in the list.■ check the data for each weapon, vehicle- Use time and kill the number, you can check the progressoftheunlock.■ check the progress of the unlock of each corps- You look at the release condition of each of the unlockweaponsandunlock capability.■ dog tag information (make over)- Who what one "took" a dog tag from "deprived" or.■ availability and confirmation of the ribbon Medal- Acquisition conditions, the status of ribbon Medal■ Compare KOs with another player that you specify- Tsubuyakeru linked the result with TwitterThe future of the update, the function of the plantoimplementadditional■ Save the past of data put the growth record, and canposttoTwitter.■ be able to see the details of the dog tag.■ translation scheduled for Japanese parts within andcanbetranslated into Japanese■ to the status comparison can be compared withthefavoriteplayer.■ to be able to compare the weapon of detail (hit rate, etc)atthestatus comparison.※ The image to be used in the app, so you DL thecommunicationinreal time, it does not display the image inthenetout-of-service.※ And so the communication we recommend Unlimited packet.※ Because there is a case in which data of Omoto it takesuntilthetime is updated, not always the most recent data.※ can be installed on the SD card.■■■ operation check model ■■■(Behavior is required Android Ver2.2 or more)auARROWS Z ISW11FdocomoOptimus chat L-04CP-01D■■■■■■■■■In addition, we have of course play the author also BF3.It is named "yoshihiroFOF" of the PC version.We are also working as a leader of the clan [FOF].Live broadcast of the game of live and survivalgameweperform.If you have any requests for this app,Please come up smiling community or the official site oftheFOF.Community: http: // site: http: //■■■ past update history ■■■■■■Changes in Ver4.0 (2012/09/12 release)■ it has been changed to a weapon specific data → armsandvehicledata.Until now Along with this it was to be able to also checkthestatusof the vehicle, which could not be the confirmation.■ layout change of assignment menuIt added a progress bar to the part of the assignment.★ You can also check the data of the Armored Kill!★ Fixed a notation was funny part of some data.
Crosswalk Project Runtime 23.53.589.4
An application you just installed requires the CrosswalkProjectRuntime
Chrome Beta 112.0.5615.37
Google Inc.
Welcome to Chrome Beta for Android!• Preview the latest features: Try out the newestfeatures.(Sometimes these may be a little rough around theedges.)• Give early feedback: Let us know what you think and helpmakeChrome for Android a better browser.You can install Chrome Beta alongside your current version ofChromefor Android.
Stats for Crysis 3 1.1.3
Finally Crysis 3 players will getperfectapplication for Android. One place where you will be able tocheckyour progress in game.- View player info, kills stats- View team stats- View skill assessment- View weapon stats- View kills by damage type- View perks, maps, modes and lot moreThis app in actively developed and new features will beaddedfrequently.Thanks to the for providing free of use APIDisclaimer:This app was not created or endorsed by EA/Cryteck. All imagesareowned by their respective owners, and Crysis isregisteredtrademarks of it rightful owner. The stats and images areprovidedby
Tips for Xender File Transfer 3.0
Free Xender File Transfer Tips its No needtoUSB phone No data usage to another phone No internet. NoshareitApp. With the Xender file transfer sharing for pc softwaredownloadandroid app all kinds of files whenever also wherever. andforFree! so you can share file windows, and share file Mac withthefree xender File Transfer or transfer sharing shareit app.Xender free download shareit send with a reallyfastestcross-platform file transfer share file windows tool.Supports 4shared to Android, Windows Phone,iOS(iPhone/iPad)..Xender file transfer is NOT an Official App. We made this greatApponly as a guide for Xender Fans with no cheats, only for thosewhowants to enjoy the Free Tips.
Gamertag Generator 1.3
This is an app that generates a randomgamertagfor your new character or user profile. No thinkingrequired, thisapp does it for you. Prevent the frustratingsituation that occurswhen your desired name is already taken. Makeyour life easier withthis app. If you like the app, leave a reviewand tell us what youthink.
Wifi Password Hacker Prank 2.2
apps D wifi
WiFi Password Hacker is a prank app thatgivesthe impression you can hack a WiFi network. This prank appcreatesthe illusion that it can hack into secured wirelessnetworksprotected with WEP, AES or WPA2 encryption. It doesn'tactuallyharms or breaks into wireless networks. But it's an awesometool toimpress your friends and with which you can have fun. Itmakes youlook like a proficient hacker and a technical genius. Thisis avery delightful prank to play on your friends.How to use:This tool has an wireless network scanner (the wifi scanner)thatwill detect all the wifi hotspots in range, with either good orbadsignal. The detected wireless networks are displayed in a listofwifi network identifiers.Choose the id of one of the wifi networks from this list. Afterasimulation of hacking a fake generated password will bedisplayed,as if the target network was broken into. See how amazedyourfriends are by your hacker talent and enjoy!DISCLAIMER:Once again, as stated above, please remember that this app is notanactual hacker tool. Displayed passwords are randomly generated.Toreally hack into networks is illegal and immoral.If you like this app, rate us and perhaps write us a few lines.Yourfeedback will be much appreciated.