Top 20 Games Similar to 文明三國

逐鹿三國2 - 君主降臨 1.6.6
一統天下 10.2.8
"Dominate the World" classic Three Kingdoms strategy mobilegame,you can experience the national war wherever you go andfightwherever you go! The heroes of the Three Kingdoms dominate,and thegenerals will awaken again! The Chariots of the Gods andRaiderswill help you to complete your hegemony!
三国志-英雄的黎明 1.4.6
真三國大戰-一番武將跨服大戰 5.9.0
Taiwan Limited! "True Three Wars" official visit in Taiwan! True3Daction version of "Three Kingdoms の war"!
三國的紛爭:梟雄之亂 2.5.0
東漢末年,兵荒馬亂,黃巾賊四處劫掠,有一群諸侯便以武力自居,各地廣昭義軍,參與三國大小戰役!希望能用自己的雙手終結這場亂世…實現你的君王夢,亂世中大放異彩!全新三國策略類型,宏大戰鬥場面,新一代策略手遊巨作!★【百萬雄兵一指上手,手機上的策略對壘】★招募武將、募兵征糧、排兵列陣,雙手掌控戰役節奏,享受彈指間運籌帷幄的刺激感,統帥群雄建立屬於你的三國天下!★【輕鬆休閒無負擔,簡單操作好上手】★省去複雜的劇情任務,解放每日任務的束縛,只需在零碎時間動手便能掌控全局!★【諸侯決戰爭天下 名將對壘,強者爭鋒】★亂世英雄志在四方,心存天下!等待時機的有志之士紛紛起義…背負終結亂世的使命,與三國猛將騁馳戰場,迎戰敵軍一統三國。★【超強軍團社交,不只殺敵還能交友】★爾虞我詐是三國,城戰博弈間各國的戰術考量,絕對讓你愛不釋手!號召戰友組成軍團,打造最華麗專屬領地,醞釀謀略的合縱連橫,充滿策略的玩法,體驗真正的統御三國!【國家系統】 三方勢力僅能擇一,選其一就失去其二,你怎麼選擇?【國外爭霸戰】 加入國家的玩家,可與國內玩家爭奪該國王位!【軍團攻城戰】 天下崩分離析,各路諸侯割據!天下,是野心家們逐鹿的地方!【烽火狼煙】 可攻擊敵國玩家,戰勝後將獲得大量威望和獎勵,藉此提升官職!【群英戰】 不斷挑戰其他玩家,成為全天下最強的玩家!【三國爭霸戰】 為國家奮戰!對其他國家城池發起進攻,攻城掠地,拓展本國版圖。【跨服爭霸】與全服的諸多強者爭霸,一將功成萬骨枯,跨服“一戰成名”!★互動管道★官方網站:粉絲團:★貼心客服★個人線上客服:※依遊戲分級管理辦法,本遊戲為輔12級※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷Eastern HanDynasty,hurried retreat, Huang Jinzei marauding, a group of princeswill beto force itself, the country wide Zhao Yijun, the size ofthe threecountries involved in the battle! Hopes to use their handsend thischaos ...Achieve your dream king, troubled shine!Three new policy type, the grand battle scenes, a new generationofmobile games strategy masterpiece!★ [millions of soldier a means to get started, the policy onthephone confront] ★Recruit troops, recruiting requisitions, array of soldiers,handscontrol of the battle rhythm, enjoy the excitementfingertipsstrategist, commander of the Three warlords build yourownworld!★ [without the burden casual, simple good overhand] ★Eliminating the need for a complex story missions, theliberationof the shackles of daily tasks, just in time to startwork piecemealable to control the situation!★ [the world famous war lords must confront the strongCommander]★Faces troubled hero, feel the world! Waiting for anopportunityof people with lofty ideals have saddled the end oftroubled timesof the uprising ... mission, with three Reggie ChengChibattlefield, unified the three countries against the enemy.★ [super Legion social, not only the enemy but also tomakefriends] ★Intrigues are three inter-city warfare tactics GameStatesconsiderations, definitely let you put it down! Legioncomradescalled composition, to create the most gorgeousexclusiveterritory, brewing strategy of vertical and horizontal,full ofplay policy, governing the three countries to experiencereal![National systems] three forces can only choose one, chooseoneloses the other, how do you choose?Showdown [foreign] countries to join the players, domesticplayersto compete with the Kings place![Legion] siege warfare world collapse separate analysis,thebrightest relive! World, careerist who compete in theplace![] Flames smoke signals can attack enemy players will get a lotofprestige and reward prevailed, thereby enhance the office!War [Beat] continue to challenge other players and becomethestrongest player the whole world![Three] battle fighting for the country! Other countriesfortressesattack, conquer new territories and expand theirterritory.Inter-service hegemony [strong] with many full-service hegemony ofamillion marrow will be off the ground, cross-dress, "afamousbattle!"★ ★ interactive pipelineOfficial website: http: // http: //★ ★ attentive customer servicePersonal Online Customer Service:※ hierarchical management approach according to the game,thisgame is supplemented by 12※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging
五四三國誌-全新改版覺醒系統開放 4.0.0
奶嘴三國--登錄送呂布 1.6.0001
動作卡牌手遊《奶嘴三國》,穿越、開掛、戰三國!亂世天下,你主沉浮!【內容簡介】天下  萌將三國,爆笑穿越,登陸送呂布!高逼格,良心作!動作卡牌手遊巨制《奶嘴三國》首創三十六計策略大招、官階晉級、換將上陣技等全新玩法!更有盟軍、奶嘴爭霸賽、競技奪寶等多種PVE、PVP遊戲玩法。Q萌的畫面,炫酷的特效。指點如畫江山,逐鹿萬裏中原,一起三國吧,兄弟!【遊戲特色】※換將系統※全球獨創武將上陣奶嘴技大招,呂布力斬千軍,張飛千軍萬馬、諸葛亮五雷轟頂、黃忠萬箭齊發、華佗妙手回春,技能搭配千變萬化,策略PK,屌絲虐大神,不再是夢!※三十六計※瞞天過海、借刀殺人、圍魏救趙、趁火打劫等計策,超速回血!大範圍群攻!一指點擊,華麗大招即刻釋放,全方位控制戰局!你就是戰場之王!劉備、曹操、孫權,群雄俯首稱臣※官階玩法※功勳晉級,加官進爵,可增加攻擊、暴擊等全屬性加成!最V5穿越者非你莫屬!※自由羈絆※四大陣營+數百名將=上萬種羈絆自由搭配。搞姬?搞基?你說了算!※花式競技※奪寶、競技、奶嘴爭霸賽三大PVP競技玩法,揮斥方遒,酣戰三國!※過關斬將※貂蟬嫵媚,小喬誘惑;醒掌天下權,醉臥美人膝;銅雀臺、未央宮,你的後宮你做主!※三國戰役※過關斬將,大量金錢、鑽石、三十六計策略等寶物等你來擁有,金錢、美女等你來戰!
三國!這麼玩 1.3
《三國!這麼玩》不落一般三國遊戲的俗套,強烈特色的百人征戰場面,造型風格迥異的可愛武將們等你來蒐集,讓您在2015年重溫當年遊玩三國的感動!獨特的的即時技能連發系統,讓您在無盡的三國荒原說殺就殺!三國名將養成、擺兵步陣、真人語音元素、洗鍊裝備、跨服排行、強大軍團聯合爭霸、武將突破系統、跨服世界競技場、世界BOSS,讓策略遊戲不再單調!將你帶入一場前所未有的奢華遊戲體驗,讓你盡情享受每一場華麗的戰鬥。超強技能、韜略加成,超乎你的想像!◎火牛、伏兵、軍中、冰龍、堅壁五種技能隨你施放!◎20多種韜略隨你配置,增加軍團BUFF提升武將戰力!◎文韜武略,奇門遁甲,軍團韜略加成,提升你的武將,招喚出小萌撒豆兵來助陣!多項數值影響創造十萬種變化,戰局勝負難料!◎最多可同時上陣9位武將,武將萃取融合升星、武將帶兵數提升、兵種進階、裝備鍊化武器,並各自擁有獨特技能◎鍊化系統:可讓武將的武器、頭巾、衣服、配飾、篇書、坐騎提升洗鍊來增加戰力,並且新增洗鍊鎖功能~可保留橙色屬性!◎分久必合,合久必分,一城一地,方寸之爭!「聯盟爭霸戰」就是為了爭奪城池來獲得更多資源,玩家能夠對通過菁英地圖的城池進行攻打,佔領後可派武將駐守,並且隨著累計時間獲得爭霸點,快聯合你們的盟軍,在亂世中拿下一方屬於自己的領域吧。◎每週一0點選出戰力最強的七個聯盟為“本週聯盟七星”,第七到第一依次戰鬥,層層推進,當擊敗了前一聯盟後,才能繼續迎戰下一聯盟。◎擊敗三國梟雄,制霸爽感,讓你橫跨全伺服世界戰力排行,成為最強第一人!◎天下英雄,各顯神通!跨服競技場正式啟動!◎武將突破系統~讓你的紫將不在單單只是隻小兵~快來突破武將,創出屬於自己的陣容吧!◎世界BOSS新系統「天魔境」等你來挑戰!魔化孫權、魔化曹操、魔化劉備、魔化董卓皆有獨特的攻略方法~一同來挑戰!遊戲官網:粉絲團:客服中心: 一起遊戲:http://www.1767game.com1767App 粉絲團:
三國!這麼玩-神將降臨 1.5
《三國!這麼玩-神將降臨》不落一般三國遊戲的俗套,強烈特色的百人征戰場面,造型風格迥異的可愛武將們等你來蒐集,讓您在2016年重溫當年遊玩三國的感動!獨特的的即時技能連發系統,讓您在無盡的三國荒原說殺就殺!三國名將養成、擺兵步陣、真人語音元素、洗鍊裝備、跨服排行、強大軍團聯合爭霸、武將突破系統、跨服世界競技場、跨服軍團戰、世界BOSS,讓策略遊戲不再單調!將你帶入一場前所未有的奢華遊戲體驗,讓你盡情享受每一場華麗的戰鬥。超強技能、韜略加成,超乎你的想像!◎火牛、伏兵、軍中、冰龍、堅壁五種技能隨你施放!◎20多種韜略隨你配置,增加軍團BUFF提升武將戰力!◎文韜武略,奇門遁甲,軍團韜略加成,提升你的武將,招喚出小萌撒豆兵來助陣!多項數值影響創造十萬種變化,戰局勝負難料!◎最多可同時上陣9位武將,武將萃取融合升星、武將帶兵數提升、兵種進階、裝備鍊化武器,並各自擁有獨特技能◎鍊化系統:可讓武將的武器、頭巾、衣服、配飾、篇書、坐騎提升洗鍊來增加戰力,並且新增洗鍊鎖功能~可保留橙色屬性!◎分久必合,合久必分,一城一地,方寸之爭!「聯盟爭霸戰」就是為了爭奪城池來獲得更多資源,玩家能夠對通過菁英地圖的城池進行攻打,佔領後可派武將駐守,並且隨著累計時間獲得爭霸點,快聯合你們的盟軍,在亂世中拿下一方屬於自己的領域吧。◎每週一0點選出戰力最強的七個聯盟為“本週聯盟七星”,第七到第一依次戰鬥,層層推進,當擊敗了前一聯盟後,才能繼續迎戰下一聯盟。◎擊敗三國梟雄,制霸爽感,讓你橫跨全伺服世界戰力排行,成為最強第一人!◎天下英雄,各顯神通!跨服競技場正式啟動!◎武將突破系統~讓你的紫將不在單單只是隻小兵~橙將覺醒為神將!!!快來突破武將,創出屬於自己的陣容吧!◎世界BOSS新系統「天魔境」等你來挑戰!魔化孫權、魔化曹操、魔化劉備、魔化董卓皆有獨特的攻略方法~一同來挑戰!◎「南蠻入侵」全新玩法,南華仙人不忍中原正統被蠻賊佔據,便許下重賞,號召天下英雄一起對抗南蠻。◎「天下逐鹿」世界軍團跨服開戰,你代表的可不僅僅是自己,還有代表著自己軍團的榮耀!還等什麼?快來實戰PK吧!遊戲官網:粉絲團:客服中心: 一起遊戲:http://www.1767game.com1767App 粉絲團:
將神三國:主公我要! 1.1.47
2016年度現象級手遊《將神三國-主公我要》全球首發!!2016年最良心的三國手機遊戲之一!不充值也能玩的毫無壓力!【瘋狂福利】登陸遊戲免費送趙雲!免費送劉備!【特色一】Q版高清畫面,搭配柔體骨骼動畫萌動十足!《將神三國》將陸續推出上百種風格迥異的萌系武將形象,同時採用了全新的2D柔體骨骼動畫技術,全方位還原英雄戰鬥的激烈場面,甚至連臉上的表 情都會跟隨戰鬥而變化!【特色二】掌中微操、指尖大招!動作遊戲新玩法 !新穎的動作遊戲玩法,戰鬥過程中玩家可以手動釋放大招,談笑間壹招斃敵,給妳前所未有的戰鬥體 驗。【特色三】獨具特色的羈絆系統和合體技能,讓武將不在孤單!獨特的羈絆系統,面對茫然未知的旅程,總有另壹個人陪伴,打造全新武將團隊,共同踏上放肆冒險之路!【特色四】技能組合、技能打斷,高端策略戰鬥玩法!千種英雄技能組合,前排後排輕松秒殺,技能打斷高階玩法,頂級玩家操作取勝。【特色五】獨特的三國副本,等您來探秘!具有特色的三國挑戰,只為您開放,打造屬於自己的特色玩法!“我敢肯定的說,《將神三國-主公我要!》是玩過的最良心的三國遊戲之一! ” – 主公”很喜歡!太喜歡了!真好玩了!!!!!!“—曹操
三国志Online 2-著名历史战略游戏最新力作 1.3
著名历史战略游戏最新力作《三国志Online2》,百位名将霸气登场,率领大军真人对决,多变计谋由你施展,合纵连横远交近攻,考验你的策略本能,实现你的天下霸业!★★《三国志Online 2》游戏特色★★☆ 真人斗智‧呆板 AI 靠边站☆ 集结出征 ‧抢钱占地戏美人☆ 联盟激斗‧群策群力战天下☆ 排兵布阵‧自由变幻显神通☆ 后宫助战‧ 欲罢不能初体验★★《三国志Online 2》温馨提示★★游戏内提供简繁中体切换机制,可依个人习惯选择。建议使用系统为Android 2.3.7或以上版本,且内存在512M以上的手机,于WIFI模式下进行游戏。★★《三国志Online 2》粉丝团★★※依游戏软件分级管理办法,此软件为:辅导12岁级※本游戏为免费使用,游戏内另提供购买虚拟游戏币、物品等付费服务。请注意游戏时间,避免沉迷。
三国天武~本格戦略バトル~ 三国志ストラテジー 1.6.7
Worldwide 30 million download breakthrough! Even if you do notknowthe Three Kingdoms hooked! Full-scale strategy / strategybattlegame!
三國群雄志 2.1.1
大丈夫の野心策略,正統三國 再現光榮不做卡牌、不做RPG,只做最正統的SLG!2014/04/16,全台震撼!《三國·群雄志2014》正式開機!最純正血統策略遊戲!真行動版三國志!===遊戲介紹===✔ 故事背景:江州城揭竿起義,鬥智鬥勇鬥策略、運籌帷幄,最終一統再戰東洋✔ 遊戲畫面:2D;戰鬥場景:2D;世界地圖:2.5D✔ 千位歷史知名武將:三國志、三國演義、三國野史、日本戰國戰將同時登場✔ 特色玩法:城池經營、武將爭奪、外交內政、副將妻妾、域外爭鋒、五虎奪榜、三大BOSS✔ 遊戲售價:免費 粉絲團討論區官方網址問題回報[email protected] ===遊戲特徵===★《三國·群雄志2014》純正行動版"三國誌"•玩法:以智慧型手機作為隨身機台進行遊戲•目標:以攻略城池、一統三國為遊戲目的•戰略:城池經營、武將培養、外交內政、策略攻城 ★《三國·群雄志2014》最強大SLG行動版"城池經營"•武將調配:主公需要合理分配、調動武將去為你打理城池•城池升級:主公需要升級城池來提高城池工作效率、城池稅收•城池稅收:城池每隔一段時間可以進行稅收,主公可藉此獲得銅錢、糧草•城池防禦:受敵人侵擾後,城池防禦會下降,主公必須派遣武官修復城墻 ★《三國·群雄志2014》最強策略行動版"名將列傳"•三國演義:三國演義共四百多名武將文官•三國志:稱象曹沖、才女辛憲英等等正史人物,•三國野史:三國槍王-童淵、三國劍神-王越、史上唯一真正打敗戰神呂布的李進•日本戰國:第六天魔王織田信長、軍神上杉謙信、甲斐之虎武田信玄、鬼謀毛利元就等戰國名將將亂入全遊戲共千百多名武將,空前龐大的武將系統 ★《三國·群雄志2014》純正行動版"武將培養"•釀酒煉丹:武將成長方向全由主公把握•武器裝備:千百款武器、裝備、各式寶物隨主公選擇•副將妻妾:武將太多?!《三國·群雄志2014》開放配備副將、娶妻納妾功能,把多餘的武將配備給主將,可大幅提高主將實力 ★《三國·群雄志2014》純正行動版"外交內政"•外交計謀:招降、離間敵方武將,從內部削弱敵人•勢力內政:征人、經商、覓才、伐賊,十多項內政指令,只等主公你一聲令下!! 依遊戲分級管理辦法,本遊戲為輔12級。請合理安排時間,避免沉迷於遊戲 適配機型系統版本:Android2.3及以上CPU:1.5GB及以上RAM:1GB及以上注意事項:需保有200MB及以上記憶體空間Full ambitiousstrategyreal man, orthodox three glorious reproductionDo not do cards, not RPG, only the most orthodox SLG!2014/04/16, Taiwan shock! "Three Kingdoms 2014 · warlords,"theofficial start!Most pedigree strategy game! True mobile version of theThreeKingdoms!Game description === ===✔ Background story: jiangzhou City uprising, wits fightingstrategy,strategizing, and ultimately dominate the battlesJapan✔ Game screen: 2D; battle scenes: 2D; World Map: 2.5D✔ one thousand historical famous generals: Three Kingdoms,ThreeKingdoms, Three unofficial, Japanese Sengoku warrior in thesamevenue✔ characteristics of play: city management, the generalsfight,diplomatic affairs, lieutenant wives, extraterritorialCommander,Fab Five wins standings, three BOSS✔ Games Price: FreeFan group Website a problem [email protected] features === ===★ "Three Kingdoms 2014 · warlords" pure action version of"ThreeKingdoms"• Play: The smartphone as a portable game machine• Target: The Raiders city, dominate the three purposes forthegame• Strategy: city management, training generals, diplomaticaffairs,strategic siege★ "Three Kingdoms 2014 · warlords" the most powerful SLGactionversion of "city management"• generals deployment: lord need a reasonable allocation tomobilizethe generals to take care of your city• fortresses Upgrade: lord need to upgrade the city to improvetheefficiency of the city, city tax• city tax: city tax at regular intervals may be, the lordcouldobtain coins, forage• fortresses Defense: after harassment by the enemy,defensivefortresses fall, the lord must be dispatched to repair thewallsattache★ "Three Kingdoms 2014 · warlords" the strongest strategicactionversion of "famous biography"• Three Kingdoms: Three Kingdoms of more than 400civiliangenerals• Three Kingdoms: Cao Chong said the elephant, so talentedXinxianYing Culling figures,• Three unofficial: Three Double Tap - Tong Yuan, the threeJianShen - Wang Yue, the only real history to defeat Ares LeeJinBu• Japan's Warring States: the sixth day of the devil OdaNobunaga,Uesugi Kenshin Army of God, Tiger Kai Takeda Shingen,ghost seekingMori Motonari and other war-torn country into chaoschampionwillMore than a thousand full game of the generals, thegeneralsunprecedented huge system★ "Three Kingdoms 2014 · warlords" pure action versionof"generals training"• Brewers alchemy: the growth direction of the generals fullgraspof the lord• Weaponry: thousands of models of weapons, equipment, all kindsoftreasures with the lord choice• lieutenant wives:?! Generals too "Three Kingdoms 2014 ·warlords"open with a lieutenant, wife concubinage function, withthe excessto the commanding generals, can significantly increasethe strengthof the Lord★ "Three Kingdoms 2014 · warlords" pure action versionof"diplomatic affairs."• diplomatic strategy: surrender, alienate the enemy troops,weakenthe enemy from the inside• forces affairs: hiring, business, seek it, cutting a thief,adozen internal affairs command, just waiting for the orderyoulord!!By hierarchical management approach to the game, thegame,supplemented by 12.Please arrange a reasonable time, to avoid addicted to the gameAdapter modelsSystem version: Android2.3 and aboveCPU: 1.5GB and aboveRAM: 1GB and aboveNote: the need to maintain 200MB or more memory space
富甲三國:百萬骰子王 3.1.1
SNSplus, Inc.
《富甲三國:百萬骰子王》以傳統地產大亨型玩法結合完善的武將培養系統、領地建設以及多種戰鬥模式,豐富的遊戲方式絕對能帶給玩家嶄新感受,一機在手,隨時享受攻城掠地的樂趣。以骰子一決勝負,步步都是致勝關鍵。如果您在遊戲中有疑問,請不要猶豫,馬上聯繫我們為您解決。▶【粉絲團】▶【客服中心】▶【GAMAGIC手機平台】▶【官方網站】▶【巴哈姆特】▶【遊戲基地】▶【富甲三國-LINE帳號】rich3go-gamagic客服中心服務時間:每周一至每周日(全年無休) 10:00~24:00快邀請你的好友們一起玩《富甲三國:百萬骰子王》!
一國兩國三國誌 1.1.0
《一國兩國三國誌》是2015風靡全球華人界火紅手遊,集結超萌Q版英雄,還有超療癒寵物陪你遨遊江湖,任你組合配對!comeon!跟著甘寧老師動次動!擁有三國魂的你怎麼可以錯過!更多精彩活動請見遊戲內公告和粉絲團消息。機會有限,早玩早享受!粉絲專頁回報通道:[email protected]客服電話:0982499596客服Line:funapps【遊戲介紹】2015年全球華人萬眾期盼的經典巨作《一國兩國三國誌》。是一款3D休閒策略RPG遊戲,巧妙的集結經典三國猛將、氣質出眾古典美人以及專屬的草尼馬,供玩家們自由選擇上陣團隊,隨心所欲締造出自己的理想三國世界。在畫面呈現部分,研發團隊打造磅礡華麗的戰鬥畫面加上細膩場景的詮釋,化經典為傳奇,主公,江山缺你萬萬不可!【遊戲特色】3D震撼場景X重金打造新生代聲優!遊戲內使用3D場景,喚醒史詩級戰鬥的全新感受,流暢的將每一個細節表現的淋漓盡致,鮮豔而華美的畫面呈現,讓《一國兩國三國誌》帶領玩家闖蕩三國亂世。重金禮聘到多位超人氣配音老師配音,量身打造專屬的攻擊語音,凸顯每一位歷史名將的非凡特色,添加更多遊戲的樂趣!萌萌戰起來X超吸睛寵物助戰同盟!《一國兩國三國誌》擄獲眾多玩家芳心的最大特色,就是擁有各種超夢幻寵物神獸,吸睛程度完全破表!不只賣萌,更能有效提升戰鬥攻擊指數,出戰次數越多,指數便會跟隨上升,在征戰的路上自由選擇搭配寵物助陣,一寵在手,得心應手!華麗武技大絕施放X自由操控打斷攻擊!即時釋放絢爛招式!三國比拚無極限!在《一國兩國三國誌》中,玩家們可以手動點擊大招,隨心操作系統,只要掌握施放技能時機,就能瞬間阻斷對方攻擊!只有抓不到的時機,沒有打不過的BOSS!上陣武將任你配X戰術謀略為上策!光是點擊時機的掌握還不夠,武將的陣容組合,隨著不同的上陣搭配,創造出更強大的戰鬥數據,《一國兩國三國誌》考驗著主公的深思謀略,戰術與技能的最高深組合,成為三國中傳奇般的最終霸主!【系統建議】支援設備:三星、HTC、Sony、小米等品牌、機型作業系統:Android 2.3及以上內存配置:建議1G以上存儲空間:推薦預留500MB剩餘空間依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔12級:12歲以上之人始得使用。本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲物品等付費服務。粉絲專頁回報通道:[email protected]客服電話:0982499596客服Line:funapps"One country twocountriesof the Three Kingdoms" is a 2015 popular global Chinesecommunityfiery hand tour, assembled Super Meng Q version of thehero, as wellas super-healing pet to accompany you travel therivers and lakes,in any combination you pair! come on! Canningtimes followed theteacher move move! Has three soul how can youmiss! More excitingactivities, see in-game announcements and newsfans. Limitedopportunities to play early morning to enjoy!Fan page: Channel: [email protected] Service Phone: 0982499596Customer Service Line: funapps[Game Description]2015 The much anticipated Global Chinese classic masterpiece"onecountry, two countries of the Three Kingdoms." Strategy RPG isa 3Dcasual game, clever staging classic three Reggie,outstandingtemperament classical beauty and exclusive grass Nima,players arefree to choose to battle for the team, want to createtheir ownideal three countries in the world. Part of thescreenpresentation, research and development team to create 磅礡gorgeousscenes battle screen plus delicate interpretation of thelegendaryclassic, My lord, you must not lack country![Game Features]3D shocking scene heavily to build the new generation ofXseiyuu!3D scenes using the game, Wake epic battle a new experience,smoothperformance every detail of the head, bright and colorfulscreenrendering, so that "one country, two countries of theThreeKingdoms" player battles led by three troubled times. Evenhired ateacher to a number of popular dub dub, tailored exclusivevoiceattacks, highlighting the extraordinary features ofeveryhistorical name, and add more fun games!Meng Meng combat pet up X super suction eye assistinalliance!"One country two countries of the Three Kingdoms" capturedthehearts and minds of many players, the most significant featureisthat we have all kinds of super-fantastic pet animal, the degreeofeye completely break the suction table! Meng not sell,moreeffectively enhance the combat Total average, played moretimes,the index will follow the rise in the road expedition freedomofchoice to help with pet, a pet in hand, handy!Huali Wu X technology free to manipulate large castneverinterrupted the attack!Immediate release moves gorgeous! Three competition withoutlimits!In the "one country, two countries of the Three Kingdoms",theplayers can manually click the big strokes, heart operatingsystem,once you have the opportunity to cast skill, you caninstantlyblocking other attacks! Only grasp the opportunity, do notbeat theBOSS!Either you go into battle with the generals X tacticalstrategyfor the best!Just click on the occasion of the master is not enough, thegeneralslineup, with different battle with, to create a morepowerful combatdata, "one country, two countries of the ThreeKingdoms," a test ofthoughtful strategy lord, the maximum depth oftactics and skillscombination, became legendary in the final threeoverlord![System RecommendationsSupport Equipment: Samsung, HTC, Sony, millet and otherbrands,modelsOperating System: Android 2.3 and aboveMemory configuration: 1G above proposalStorage space: 500MB recommended to reserve free spaceAccording to Game Software Rating Regulations, thissoftwaresupplemented 12: people over the age of 12 may onlyuse.This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtual gameitemsand other paid services within the game.Fan page: Channel: [email protected] Service Phone: 0982499596Customer Service Line: funapps
DomiNations Asia
NEXON Company
Grow a flourishing civilization andjourneythrough all of human history as the leader of amightyNation!- BUILD a unique village of your own design.- LEAD loyal citizens from the dawn of antiquity to themodernera.- BATTLE cooperatively and competitively with players withplayersfrom across the world.- RAID competing Nations for all their good loot!FROM THE STONE AGE TO THE SPACE AGEIn DomiNations, lead a village of early hunters and gatherersontheir conquest through the ages from the dawn of civilizationtothe modern era. It’s up to you to design a small town and growitinto a thriving metropolis. Build historic Wonders of theWorld,including famous landmarks like the Pyramids of Egypt and theRomanColosseum. Tackle historic battle campaigns to collectimportantresources and upgrade your city as you advancethroughhistory!CHOOSE YOUR NATION AND LEAD AN ARMYTake charge of one of 8 fearsome Nations on its journeythroughtime. Choose from the Romans, British, Chinese, French,Germans,Japanese, Koreans and Greeks. Each Nation has a specialstrengthempowering you to build unique units who fight to advanceyourcity, like longbowmen, vandals, and the mighty samurai!DISCOVER NEW TECHNOLOGIESResearch new materials, invent advanced weaponry, and developtradeto grow a bustling economy. Through scientificdiscovery,strengthen your troops with better equipment, upgradeyourbuildings and town center with modern materials, and bolsteryourdefenses as you grow stronger. Legendary game designerBrianReynolds brings history to life in every era as keyadvancementsfrom each period in history will help you progress yourepiccivilization!FORM AN ALLIANCE AND WAGE WORLD WARPut your powerful Nation to the ultimate test in PvP combat andraidyour enemies’ cities for huge bunches of loot! Fight forcrucialresources, untold wealth, and total domination. Team upwith otherskilled rulers and forge an unstoppable Alliance.Unleash the fullforce of your armies to outwit and outlast youropponents in50-on-50 Alliance warfare to conquer the globe inWorld War. Triumphand take home the spoils of war!Privacy Policy: of Service:[DomiNations requires OS 4.0.4, CPU dual-core and RAM 2GB orhigherspecification for smooth play. Some devices under thespecificationof those might encounter some crash.][Google Permission Request]This game might request on those permissions listed in heretoaccess following features for stable gameplay experience.- Accessing photos, media, and files: Necessary fordownloadingadditional data and attaching in-game screenshot forCSThe access to these features will only be used for downloadandgameplay purposes.These are the necessary permissions that we need in order toprovideproper game installation/performance to our users. Pleasenote thatwe do NOT collect any personal information.If you have any questions, please contact us at ourCustomerSupport.Thank you.
手遊地帶:文明爭戰攻略 1.0.5
Age of History Lite 1.1546
Age of History Lite is turn-based strategy game aboutworlddomination.
三國有衝突-掠奪大亨 2.8.3
《三國有衝突》以中國風的畫面展現一個宏大的三國歷史背景.你將暢遊歷史篇章,在這個恢弘的世界中扮演君主,與神將、軍師、美人、甚至平民邂逅,開啟你征伐天下的野心之旅!你將是下一個野心梟雄曹操嗎?你將是下一個謀略天下的諸葛亮嘛?你將是下一個善用人才的劉備嗎?你將是下一個美豔無雙的貂蟬嗎?無所不能,成你所想!入駐《三國有衝突》,SHOW出你的三國戰略屬性!【神將養成系統】封將、特訓、試練等多元的培養方式,排兵佈陣,一騎當千你也行!【軍師特色系統】三軍增益BUFF,“攻無不克”說的就是三軍靈魂之軍師!【後宮美眷系統】三千佳麗,夜夜相陪,後宮“臨幸”還有獎勵拿唷!【攻城掠地】突破傳統,創新零距離的攻城體驗!軍功、玉石、甚至龍魂,等你來戰!【萬軍團戰】每日定時的大型多人線上副本,挑戰天下最高巔峰!攻城伐地、治水、華容道、主城建設等更多謀略體驗,貂蟬諸葛邀你一起玩!新服加開,火爆公測中!立即入駐《三國有衝突》,限時贈送軍師“諸葛亮”!※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。※本遊戲涉及輕微暴力,依商店分級法定為輔12級。※本遊戲免費使用,遊戲內部另外設有付費道具和項目。"Threestate-ownedconflict" In China the wind screen to show a grandhistoricalbackground of the Three Kingdoms. You will swim chapterin history,played the monarch in this grand world, and God will,militaryadvisor, beauty, and even civilian encounter, open yourworldconquest Ambition tour!You will be the next ambition Lawrence of Cao Cao it?You will be the world's next strategy Zhuge Liang incorrect?You will be the next use of personnel of Liu Bei it?You will be the next glamorous unparalleled Diao it?Omnipotent, as you think! Assigned to the "threestate-ownedconflict", SHOW out your three strategic property![God] will develop a systemMultiple training methods will seal, Gifted, Trials,etc.,formations, Ikkitousen you also OK![Strategist characteristics of the system]TRI gain BUFF, "conquering" the armed forces of the soul that isthemilitary advisor![Harem Meijuan System]Three thousand contestants, every night Xiangpei harem"graced"There are rewards to get yo![Encroaching]Traditional, innovative Zero siege experience! Medals, jade,andeven dragon soul, waiting for you to fight![Wan regiment war]Regular daily massively multiplayer online copy of the challengeofthe world highest peak!Siege Levitra, flood control, Huarong, the main citybuildingstrategy and more experience, Diao Zhuge invite you toplaywith!Add a new service to open, hot open beta! Now settled in the"threestate-owned conflict", limited gift strategist "Another"!※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.※ This game involves mild violence, according to thestatutoryclassification, supplemented by 12 stores.※ This game is free to use, within the game has paidadditionalitems and projects.
CivCrafter 3.6
Naquatic LLC
Craft an entire civilization with a single finger