Top 4 Apps Similar to MiCalendarioFemenino

Intimus Calendário Menstrual 1.1
O Calendário Menstrual é umaplicativodiferente. Ele é a versão moderna do calendário defolhinha, muitomais prático, fácil e eficiente. Ele organiza asinformações sobreseu ciclo menstrual, faz uma previsão da suapróxima menstruação edo seu período fértil. Nele, você também fazuma atualização diáriado seu humor e sintomas do seu períodomenstrual, como cólica efluxo. Você pergunta: tá, e o que mais? OCalendário Menstrualainda tem uma área só de alertas para vocênunca mais se perder nahora de tomar pílula, de comprar seuabsorvente ou de ir aoginecologista. E pra você não ficar na dúvidade qual Intimus é omelhor pra você, temos uma vitrine com os nossosprodutos. É sóescolher.Mas como a gente adora um papo, digamos, mais leve, também temdicasde beleza, comportamento e saúde.Gostou, né? A gente também. Por isso, queremos muito quevocêaproveite ao máximo o Calendário Intimus para facilitar a suavidae fazer do seu período menstrual uma fase menos complicada emaisdivertida.Baixe aqui e aproveite.The Menstrual Calendarisa different application. It is the modern version of theleafletschedule, more practical, easy and efficient. It organizestheinformation about your menstrual cycle, makes a prediction ofyournext period and your fertile period. In it, you also make adailyupdate on your mood and symptoms of your period, as colic andflow.You ask, yeah, and what else? The Menstrual Calendar still hasanarea only alerts you to never get lost in time to take pill,buyingyour absorbent or go to the gynecologist. And for you not tobe indoubt which Intimus is the best for you, we have a showcasewithour products. Take your pick.But as we love a chat, say, lighter, also has beauty tips,behaviorand health.Like, right? We too. So we want you to make the very most ofIntimusCalendar to make your life easier and make your menstrualperiod aless complicated and more fun stage.Download here and enjoy.
Jasmin 1.1
Jasmin, the brand of Tosama, representsanapplication that should not be missing on a smartphone of theREALJasmine :)With it, you can create your menstrual calendar, monitoryourfertile days and calculate the estimated date of birth AND readashort horoscope. You can also create your to-do list, takephotosand share them with your friends. Have we have forgottensomething?Ah, yes, you can also find descriptions of allJasminproducts.The application is currently in beta version, but we promise tomakethe final version available as soon as possible.
Period Tracker 1.0.3
Tara Studio
Use this tool to calculate when yourperiodwillstart. It’s great for planning arounddoctor’sappointments,vacations, parties and other special events.[Features]>> Period Tracker is the SIMPLEST period tracking appandnow,it's CUTER than ever.>> Take daily notes of moods, symptoms, and intimacy.>> Easily view the number of days until next periodornumberof days late.>> Select personal period and ovulation defaults.>> Track your weight, temperature and moods[Disclaimer]>> Period Tracker period and fertility forecasts maynotbeaccurate and should not be used topreventunwantedpregnancy.>> To forecast ovulation Period Tracker calculates14daysbefore the projected start date of one's nextperiod.Forecastaccuracy depends on a number of factors includinghowregular one'scycle length is, when one actually ovulates duringthecycle, andhow many periods have been logged in the app.Anxiety,stress,diet, nutrition, exercise, environment, medications,age andotherfactors can also affect one's cycle from month tomonth.>> The only fail-safe method to prevent unwantedpregnanciesisabstinence from sexual intercourse. If one chooses toengage insex,we strongly recommend understanding the risks andbirthcontroloptions to mitigate those risks.
Ovulation Tracker Newbie Guide 2.09
Ovulation TrackerCalendar time is the simplest interval and applicationsisalakhwangachen track calculator for girls totrackovulationfertility is my calculatorand I am a professional quality cycle that you can realizeahighrate date that is today or where pregnancy is safe, as wellasthesecret of your milk.You can check the chances of pregnancy every day. Want toknowwhento expect the next time or not. Trying to getpregnant?,then you're in the right place to get the diaryperiod.Applicationand is not caught off guard by your periodagain.Period Tracker keeps track of your time and also be abletopredictyour future. If you are trying to conceive,to monitoring signs of ovulation to increasechancesofpregnancy.You can use it to keep track of the time period forirregularperiodsand ovulation and fertility calculator.Keep track of the duration of menstrual cycle symptomsoffertilitydrugs for emotions and concerns of you whereveryouare!Calculate the time diary and keep track of learning fromyourinputsand make better forecasts for future periods andfertilitythroughthe window from time to time,you will be relaxed about tracking your time andpredicttheovulation and your fertility.