Top 7 Apps Similar to Caller Name Announcer "profe"

call announcer in any language 1.1
This Caller name announcer helps youtomakeyour phone speak out the caller's name in yourdesiredlanguageswith different voices.To Set Custom Caller announcer in your desired language -Clickonthe set language button - choose custom - type your desiredtext-click set button.Features :no need to look at the phone to know the callers nameIt announces contacts name for both calls and sms.Different voices to choose from.
Caller Name Announcer 1.0
Liberio Apps
Caller Name Announcer speaks everythingwhilesome one is calling you or send you a message, youwillidentify itwith out looking to your smart phone.Caller Name Announcer even speaks when your battery is low.You can set minimum battery level from settings menu.Caller Name Announcer uses the built-in Androidtext-to-speechengineto speaks the incoming caller name or SMSsender name andcontents ofthe SMS.Speaks out the caller name clearly in between theringtonereducingits volume.Caller Name Announcer is highly applicable in a situation likeifyouare driving and the phone is in your pocket or some onesendsyou anSMS while your smart phone is in other room.Caller Name Speaker - Transform your android device intoapersonalassistant telling you who is calling.Caller Name Announcer will not work if your smart phone doesnothavetext-to-speech library but this is not a problem youcaneasilydownload it from Google play store.Caller Name Speaker is a Phone number or CallerNameTalkerapplication. Caller Name Speaker announces the name orthenumberof incoming call or SMS. Caller Name Speaker can alsoreadthecontent of SMS.Caller Name Announcer announces✍ Calling person name if exists in your contacts.✍ SMS sender name ( if exists in contacts ) and SMS contents.✍ If does not exist in contacts, call that unknown.Features:✔ Highly Customize your Caller Name Announcer.✔ Enable/disable speaking caller name.✔ Enable/disable incoming SMS sender name only.✔ Enable/disable incoming SMS sender name.✔ Set your Message before and after caller name manually.✔ Speaks message sender name.✔ Choosing delay time between announcements.✔ Turn off Announce while silent option is available.✔ Custom Volume Settings.✔ Caller Name Announcer is completely free download.✔ Notify on all incoming calls. By speaking caller name.✔ Battery Alarm : Notify you ondifferent-differentbatterylevels.✔ You can change volume, pitch and speech rate of audio.✔ Enable or Disable announcing caller name
Call and SMS Announcer 1.0
Mute Apps
Caller Name Announcer announces the nameoftheperson who is calling your number.Speaks out the caller name clearly in between theringtonereducingits volume.Caller Name Announcer is highly applicable in a situation likeifyouare driving and the phone is in your pocket or some onesendsyou anSMS while your smart phone is in other room.Caller Name Speaker - Transform your android device intoapersonalassistant telling you who is calling.Caller Name Speaker is a Phone number or CallerNameTalkerapplication. Caller Name Speaker announces the name orthenumberof incoming call or SMS. Caller Name Speaker can alsoreadthecontent of SMS.
Supervoces 1.0
Impacta Apps
En encontrarás alosmejoreslocutores en Español Neutro de América Latina paratodostusproyectos. Nuestro director y voz principal CamiloRodríguez,conmas de 20 años de experiencia en el medio, esta a lacabeza deestepoderoso emprendimiento que busca acercar a esasvocesmaravillosascon todo aquel que busque alta calidad ycontundenciapara susproductos de audio.Tenemos unos altos estándares para seleccionar anuestrostalentos,los cuales además de su maravillosa voz debentener más de10 añosde experiencia en campos como: Doblaje devoz,Comerciales,Tutoriales, Videos explicativos, audiolibros,Narraciones deDocumentales y Animados. Esto garantiza anuestrosclientes que vana contar con verdaderos profesionales de lavozpara la realizaciónde sus producciones.Solo debes ingresar a la plataforma, escuchas los demosdenuestrobanco de voces, escoges la que más te guste, llenaselformulario ote comunicas con nosotros y listo! en menos de 24horastendrás unaSupervoz profesional a tu disposición. AdemásnuestrosEstudios deGrabación cuentan con la última tecnologíaparaofrecerte unservicio completo. Que esperas? Comunícate connosotrosya!In Supervoces.comyouwillfind the best speakers in Neutral Latin American Spanishforallyour projects. Our director and voice Camilo Rodríguez,withover 20years experience in the middle, is at the head ofthispowerfulventure that seeks to bring those wonderful voiceswithall who seekhigh quality and forcefulness to theiraudioproducts.We have high standards for selecting our talents, whichinadditionto her wonderful voice must be over 10 years ofexperienceinfields such as: Dubbing voice, Commercial,Tutorials,How-tovideos, audio books, documentaries and animatedNarratives.Thisensures that our customers will have real voiceprofessionalstoperform their productions.You just have to enter the platform, listen to the demos ofourvoicebank, you choose the one you like, fill the formorcommunicate withus and go! in less than 24 hours you will haveaprofessionalSupervoz at your disposal. In addition ourrecordingstudios featurethe latest technology to offer a completeservice.What are youwaiting for? Contact us now!
Caller Name Ringtone Free 1.1
Caller Name Ringtone will speak out acallername while incoming call which is a great tool to identifywho iscalling you without looking at your mobile screen.As its name Caller Name Ringtone, you can activate this app sothatit will automatically read out the incoming caller name whenyouget any incoming call from your contacts. If you get any callfromunknown numbers then it will say that you’re getting a callfromUnknown number.Caller Name Ringtone will also read out all incoming SMSuponreceiving.Caller Name Ringtone has great features like Caller nameannouncerand SMS reader because of these features user can decidewhether ornot attending incoming call or not.Caller Name Ringtone is easy to use and free to download.
FullScreen CallerID And Voice 1.1
Download the new full screen caller idwithvoice.It comes with a caller name announcer which can read thecontact'sname along with your ringtone.You can choose among 9 different themesYou can set caller id for either incoming or outgoing calls orforbothFeatures:Caller Name Announcer9 Different ThemesSettings to use full screen caller id for desired contacts
ShoutMe: Caller Name Talker 1.0
Let your phone Shout the name of the personwhocalls you or send you a text !Are you busy & don`t want to pick up your phone call butwantto know who is calling you or who has messaged you ? In fact,ithappens with all of us that we are driving and the Phone is inourpocket, or in another room, but we still want to know who iscallingus without looking at our phone screen.ShoutMe: Caller Name Talker is the perfect solution, Itannouncesthe Incoming caller name and Message sender name whichhelps us toidentify the person.Caller Name Talker notifies about giant messaging serviceslike:- G-mail, What`s App, Face book, Nimbuzz, Viber, Tweeter andotherstoo. It can even read the text Msgs contents for you.=========================★ Multi Language Voice Support ★=========================Supported Languages are German (Germany), English(US/UK),English (India), Spanish (Spain), French (France),Japanese(Japan), Portuguese (Brazil), Korean (South Korea),Dutch(Netherlands), Russian (Russia), Thai (Thailand), Turkish(Turkey),Chinese (China, CN) and more. If your Language is not inour Applist you can download it from the App store.Caller Name Talker uses the built-in Androidtext-to-speechengine to speak the name of the person/number or Msgsender name.We prefer you to use Google Text to Speech Engine forbettercompatibility and performance of this App. If your mobile donothave a installed text-to-speech engine, we request you todownloadit from play store.Once downloaded successfully, Select the Voice Engine andchooseyour choice of language from Drop-down List or Downloadthelanguage of your choice from the store if does not exist intheDrop-down list after that you can use this app.==========================★ Features of Caller Name Talker ★==========================★ Shake your phone to stop announcement if you are inameeting.★ Turn on/off alerts, if phone is in the Silent Mode orVibrateMode.★ Important Battery Alerts which you can set for variousbatterylevels.★ Caller Name Announcer announces SMS sender name and SMScontentstoo.★ Options available to play the callername only, If name ofthecalling person exists in contacts list.★ Options to Set Language, Voice Speed and Voice Pitch.★ Fully customized alerts for Contacts, you can Muteannouncementfor a particular number and can change the name ofcalling personwhile getting a call without making changes tooriginally savedcontact name.★ Customized message can be added before and after the name ofthecalling person and also before and after the name ofSMSsender.CALL Example : - Hello Sir, Jessica is calling you!SMS Example : - You have a new message from Jessica and thecontentsof the Msg`s are blah blah.==============★ CONTACT US ★==============Let us know if you have any ! Queries? Feedback`s?Get Tech Support 24X7 and Contact us at [email protected] !==============★ DISCLAIMER ★==============This App is neither affiliated nor endorsed by Samsung&Android™ is a registered trademark of Google Inc.