Top 27 Apps Similar to Motomag

Moto 4.0.0
Suivez l'actualité du monde de la motoendirectgrâce à l'application Moto Revue. Les essais, le sport,lesactus...Tout y est.Follow the newsfromtheworld of live motorcycle through the application MotoRevue.Thetests, sports, news ... Everything is there.
Moto et Motards magazine 5.3.2
L’application Moto et Motards Magazine vous propose uneversionnumérique enrichie de l'édition papier du magazine Moto etMotardsMagazine. Moto et motards est un magazine d’essais moto a lafoisfun et sérieux. Reportages, tests, essais nouveautés,dossiers,comparatifs, émission Highside, retrouvez toute l’équipedes MIBchaque mois dans leur périple moto. Moto et Motards Magazinesurvotre tablette ou smartphone : une nouvelle expérience delectureavec des interactivités (sommaire dynamique, liensinternet...).Acceptez de recevoir les notifications push pour êtreinformé desexclus, des infos et de l’arrivée de la nouvelleparution de Motoet Motards Magazine. Achetez directement Moto etMotards Magazinedepuis l'application grâce à l'une de nos formules: Achat à laparution : 2,99 € Hors-série : 3,99 € Abonnement de 3mois : 7,99 €Abonnement d’un an : 27,99 € L’abonnement d’un donnedroit àl’ensemble des parutions. Une fois téléchargées, leséditionsrestent accessibles partout, même hors connexion. Lesabonnementsproposés sont : - Abonnement 6 mois: 7.99 € - Abonnement1 an:27.99 € - Votre paiement sera prélevé sur votre compte GooglePlayaprès votre confirmation d'achat. - Votre abonnement serarenouveléautomatiquement, à moins que vous ne désactiviez lafonction"renouvellement automatique" au plus tard 24h avant la finde votreabonnement depuis la rubrique "Votre compte". - Le caséchéant,votre compte sera débité au titre du renouvellement 24havant lafin de l'abonnement. - Après votre achat, vous pouvezdésactiverl'option de renouvellement automatique. Notre politiquedeconfidentialité et CGU sont disponibles à cette adresse:
Moto Revue Magazine 5.6.1
Born in 1913, Moto Revue is the oldest motorcycle magazine inEurope
Журнал «Тест-Драйв» Автомир 1.2015.03
Все самое свежее и актуальное измираавтомобилей на страницах бесплатного журнала «АвтомирТест-Драйв».Уникальные репортажи, подробные обзоры и красочныетест-драйвыведущих марок от настоящих профессионалов. Самыйпопулярный журналоб автомобилях теперь на ваших смартфонах ипланшетах! Новый номеркаждые две недели.В каждом выпуске вас ждут свежие материалы от наших экспертовиредакторов на множество автомобильных тем:✔ Тест-драйвы самых разных машин: бюджетные седаны илюксовыевнедорожники, спорткары и семейные авто✔ Подробные обзоры: особенности эксплуатации той или иноймоделиавтомобиля в суровых климатических условиях России инетолько✔ Инсайды и рекомендации: информация от официальных дилеровведущихмарок✔ Путешествия и экспедиции: красочные и увлекательные отчетыотпрофессионалов своего дела«Автомир Тест-Драйв» поможет вам определиться с выбором припокупкенового автомобиля, даст советы и рекомендации поэксплуатация вашеймашины и позволит вам быть в курсе всех последнихсобытийавтопрома. «Автомир Тест-Драйв» это уникальныйжурнал,рассказывающий про новые автомобили и который всегда свами.Наш журнал публикует только самые интересные и актуальныеобзоры.«Тест-Драйв» пристально следит за автомобильным рынком идержитруку на пульсе автоиндустрии. Если вы опытный водитель илитолькооткрываете для себя удивительный мир авто и мототехники –«АвтомирТест-Драйв» станет для вас идеальным проводником вгущуавтомобильных новинок и ключевых событий рынка, позволяяоткрыватьдля себя новые факты и инсайды в каждом номере.На страницах журнала вас ждут увлекательные тест-драйвывсехключевых марок мира: Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet,Chrysler,Citroen, Daewoo, Ford, Honda, Hyundai, Land Rover, Lexus,Mazda,Mitsubishi, Nissan, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, Skoda, Toyota,KIA имножество других. Наши опытные редакторы проводяттест-драйвыавтомобилей всех классов: от бюджетных до люксовых, отсемейныхавто до спорткаров и от типичных «женских» машиндовнедорожников.В каждом тест-драйве рассматриваются все ключевыепараметрыавтомобиля: его экстерьер и интерьер, внутренняя начинкамодели,комфортность для пассажира и водителя, а также множестводругихдеталей и нюансов, которые способен отметить тольконастоящийэксперт. По результатам каждого тест-драйваавтомобилюприсваивается общая итоговая оценка. Если вы выбираетесебе новуюмашину – наши обзоры помогут вам в этом!Для любителей путешествий в журнале есть специальная рубрика:яркиефото-отчеты позволят познакомиться из первых уст ссамымиудивительными уголками нашей страны и планеты. Путешествуйтеиоткрывайте новые места вместе с журналом «Тест-Драйв»!Подписывайтесь на наш интересный паблик ВКонтакте и нашустраницув Facebook: most recentandrelevant in the world of cars per page of the magazine "AutoworldTest Drive." Unique reports, detailed surveys and colorfultestdrives leading brands from real professionals. The mostpopularmagazine about cars now on your smartphones and tablets! Thenewissue every two weeks.Each issue offers fresh materials from our experts and editorsonthe road a lot:✔ Test drives a wide variety of machines: the budget sedansandluxury SUVs, sports cars and family cars✔ Comprehensive reviews: features of operation of a particularmodelcar in the harsh climatic conditions of Russia, and notonly✔ Inside and recommendations: information from the officialdealerof leading brands✔ Travel and Expedition: colorful and exciting reportsfromprofessionals in their field"Autoworld Test Drive" will help you make the right choicewhenbuying a new car, give advice and recommendations on theoperationof your vehicle and will allow you to keep abreast of thelatestdevelopments the automotive industry. "Autoworld Test Drive"is aunique magazine that tells about new cars and that is alwayswithyou.Our magazine publishes only the most interesting andrelevantreviews. "Test-Drive" is closely monitoring the car market,andkeeps abreast of the automotive industry. If you are anexperienceddriver or just to discover the wonderful world of carsandmotorcycles - "Autoworld Test Drive", the perfect guide inthethick of automotive novelties and key market events, allowingtodiscover new facts and insides in each room.The magazine offers a fascinating test drives of all the keybrandsin the world: Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler,Citroen,Daewoo, Ford, Honda, Hyundai, Land Rover, Lexus, Mazda,Mitsubishi,Nissan, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche , Skoda, Toyota, KIA andmanyothers. Our experienced editors conduct test drives cars ofallclasses: from budget to luxury, from family cars to sports carsandthe typical "female" cars to SUVs.Each test-drive covers all the key parameters of the car:itsexterior and interior, the inner filling model, comfort fordriverand passenger, as well as many other details and nuances thatareable to mention only a real expert. According to the resultsofeach test-drive the car assigned to the overall final grade. Ifyouchoose a new car - our reviews to help you in this!To enjoy the magazine has a special column: brightphoto-basedreports allow acquainted firsthand with the most amazingcorners ofour country and the planet. Travel and discover newplaces togetherwith the magazine "Test Drive"!Subscribe to our interesting Public VKontakte and our pageinFacebook:
Moto Revue Classic 5.6.1
Every two months, Moto Revue Classic ...
Moto Verte Magazine 5.6.1
Precursor to the wave of terrain in France, the Moto Vertemagazine... 6.16.1 Magazine
Big Bike Magazine 5.6.1
Big Bike Magazine, the essential mountain biking magazine!
Auto Journal
Your new application L'Auto-Journal has arrived!
Motorcycle Mojo Magazine 6.16.1
Guaranteed to be of interest to every motorcycle enthusiast.
Mediapart, journal indépendant 6.8
News journal in France and around the world -information,investigations and revelations
Auto Plus 3.7.7
Your new application Auto Plus has arrived!
Sport Auto 3.7.7
Your new Sport Auto Application is here!
MOTO.IT - News 1.3.5
CRM S.r.l. is the site dedicated to theworldofmotorcycling, the first daily information online motorcycleandoneof the most important markets for used bikes and newbikesinItaly.Every day, thanks to the contribution of some ofthemostprestigious names in the Italian motorcycle market,Moto.itoffersyou the latest news, insights and news on theindustry, so astoallow you to stay up to date on the world oftwowheels.Considerable space is devoted to the mostimportantindustryevents, competitions and internationalchampionships, fromMotoGPto Superbike, with the latest informationon schedule,standings,schedules and tests.On can also find thousands of listings for newandusedmotorcycles, scooters and scooter used and new,freelyavailablewith an easy interface that allows you to navigatebetweenthebrands and models available to choose what suits youbest.Eachlisting is accompanied by a detailed technicaldetails,includingphotos, useful contacts and all the informationyou mightneed inthe decision-making and purchasing.Please visit the Accessories section of the websiteyoufinallydiscover the latest in clothing and accessoriesformotorcycles,and access to the most attractive promotions andoffersto sell thebest brands.Read the latest news on the field and discover photos,videosandevidence of the bikes on the market and upcomingreleases,pleasevisit the forum to share your passion with otherlovers ofthe worldof two wheels, you are selling your bike intheclassifieds section,or search for online that suits you bestfromthousands of adsavailable: is your point of referenceforthe world ofmotorcycling.
Ultimate Motorcycle magazine Ultimate_Moto
Whether you're into sportbikes,cruisers,touring, customs, or adventure--on oroff-road--UltimateMotorcycling magazine has something for everymotorcycleenthusiast. Our passionate staff members are eachdedicated tobring you the very best on two wheels. Enjoy ourthoughtful reviewsand stunning photography on the latest machines,gear, andaccessories; as well as travel, lifestyle and humaninterestfeature stories too. Anything and everything to interestthetwo-wheel aficionado and adventurer is found within the pagesofUltimate Motorcycling.
Actualités 7.7
News and Info in France and around the world
Les Journaux en Français
Baris Efe
Read any newspaper from the France! National andregionalnewspapers!
Revista Moto 1.1
En esta APP podrás descargaredicionesgratuitas, ademas de tener la opción de suscripción paraobtenertodo el contenido o comprar ediciones individuales.In this APP youcandownload free editions, besides having the option to subscribeforall content or purchase individual editions.
MAXXESS 3.0.1-maxxess
The new implementation Maxxess
Fast News
Fast and lightweight mobile news feedreaderfor your country major newspapers! Supported countries areUSA, UK,Ireland, India, Canada, Australia, Malaysia and manymore.Choose, read and easily compare the most famous newspapers withyourmobile free of charge and in the fastest way possible. Alltheheadlines of major newspapers in the palm of your hand.If you want to stay up to date with what happens in your countryanduse as little time as possible, then this app is whatyouneed!Fast News is a RSS Feed Reader but unlike other feature richnewsreaders, it will bring you directly to the news without wastinganytime messing around with the user interface or news loading. Itisthe best app for the daily reader.This app is still in Beta state, please provide feedback!Fast News US version will show you the content of the publicrssfeeds from these major United States newspapers:* The New York Times* New York Daily News* USA Today* L.A. Times* Huffington Post* CNN* Washington Post* MSNBC* NPR* Reuters* NYPost* Newsday* Denver Post* Dallas Morning* ABC News* Fox News Latest* ESPN Sport News* The Daily Beast* Forbes* Salon* The Nation* Yahoo! News US* USA Reddit channel* Wall Street JournalFor UK:* Daily Mail* Daily Mirror* Daily Star* BBC UK* Daily Telegraph* Reuters UK* Daily Express* Daily Record* The Guardian* The Independent* The Herald* The Conversation* Sky News* Huffington Post UK* UnitedKingdom Reddit* #UK #NEWS TwitterFor India (various languages):* Dainik Jagran National* Dainik Bhaskar* Hindustan* Amar Ujala* Times Of India (TOI)* Jagran Post* Rajasthan Patrika* Mid-Day* Malayala Manorama* Prabhat Khabar* The Hindu* Deccan Chronicle* Mathrubhumi* Deccan Herald* NDTV News* Financial Chronicle* Lokmat* Dinakaran* RediffNews* Economic Times* Telegraph India* New Indian Express* Reddit India /r/india* #India #News TwitterFor Ireland:* Irish Examiner* Irish Daily Star* Irish Independent* Irish Central* Herald* RTÉ* BreakingNews.ieFor Canada (in English and French):* Toronto Star* The Globe and Mail* Le Journal de Montréal* La Presse* Montreal Gazette* The Vancouver Sun* The Toronto Sun* The Province* National Post* Calgary Herald* Winnipeg Free* Ottawa Citizen* Edmonton Journal* Chronicle HeraldFor Australia:* Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)* Herald Sun* Courier-Mail* Sydney Morning Herald (SMH)* The West Australian* The Age* The Advertiser (Adelaide)* The Conversation* The Australian* Perth Now* SBS World NewsFor Malaysia (In Malay, English and Chinese):* Borneo Post* The Sun Daily* Harian Metro* NewStraitsTimes* Free Malaysia Today* HarakahDaily* Oriental Daily* MalaysiaKini* Berita Harian* The Malaysian InsiderIf you want another newspaper to be included in the list,pleasesend us an email.Features:* Very fast and lightweight newsreader* Immediate and simple to use* Optimized for low bandwidth usage and high download speed* Easy to compare an article between different newspapers* Choose only the newspapers you want and change their order* Front page of the most important newspapers in your countrywithall the currents news and stories about politics crimesgossipsport government taxes crisis economics finances* Many countries supported: United States of America,UnitedKingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Malaysia, India,Germany,France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Mexico, Argentina,China,Taiwan, Belgium, Austria* Share the news with friends through mail, socialnetworks,Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or any other app youhaveinstalled.* The best for the daily readerDisclaimer: This app is not affiliated nor related with any ofthenewspapers cited here. The content the app shows comesfrompublicly available RSS feeds from the newspapers which retainsallcopyrights and thus the app is not to be held responsible foranyof the content displayed.
Le Gorafi - Actualités 4.0.5
Julien Vermet
The Gorafi, since 1826 all the conflicting information sources.
France Newspapers App | France 9.1
Read all France News at one Place from all France Newspapers
France Presse 4.1.2
News & Radio
Les Journaux en Français is the application you need to keepalwaysinformed.
MOTOR TREND Buyer's Guide
All-new car buyer’s guide, exclusive reviews of hot cars,andbreaking news
La Matinale du Monde
Le Monde
Make the news easier with the La Matinale du Monde app!
France Newspapers 1.6.3
France Newspapers gives you the chance to experience all thelatestnews from France and all around the world in a very compactwayfrom the comfort of your own phone or tablet.Includednewspapers/news sites in France Newspapers are: Le Figaro,LeMonde, L’Humanité, La Croix, Libération, Le Parisien, LaTribune,L’Express, Le Nouvel Observateur, France Soir, 20 minutes,Metro,Mediapart, Le Canard enchaîné, L’Alsace, Le Bien Public,LeDauphiné libéré, La Dépêche du Midi, L’Est Républicain, MidiLibre,La Nouvelle République, Ouest France, Le Progrès, LaProvence, LeRépublicain Lorrain, La Voix du Nord,,L’Expansion, LeJournal de Saône-et-Loire, Le Télégramme,, LyonCapitale, L’Union de Reims, Vosges matin, La Montagne,LaRépublique du Centre, L’Yonne Républicaine, L’Écho républicain,LeJournal de la Haute-Marne, Minute, Sud Ouest,Paris-Normandie,Nice-matin, Le journal online, Le BerryRépublicain, Le Populaire,Le Journal du Centre, Connexion, Le Mondediplomatique, CourrierInternational, Le Journal du Dimanche, LePoint, Boursorama,L’Internaute, France 24, Rue 89,,MYTF1News, Les Échos,L’Équipe,,,France Info, AgenceFrance-Presse, Google News France, Yahoo NewsFrance, Msn NewsFrance, France football,, RT enfrançais and more... *Favorites * Themes * Share news * Add/Deletenewspaper/news site *Online newspaper/news site list update * Opennewspaper/news sitein standard browser * Select newspaper/news siteto be loaded onapplication start * Show/Hide action bar on readmode * Show/Hidedrawer on application start Please, contact us ifyou have anysuggestion and ideas about how to make FranceNewspapers better, sowe can improve the application. Thank you forusing our app.french, france, news, newspapers, latest, breaking,world, sports
France News 1.1
SAVE Time!..Access Many France Newspapers, Magazines Using This1App!... **Bonus** - European News papers and EuropeanMagazines.France News paper Contents: =================== FranceDaily News=================== Le Figaro Le Monde L'Humanité LaCroixLibération Le Parisien La Tribune L'Express Le NouvelObservateurLe Canard enchaîné France Soir 20 minutes Les ÉchosMetro NewsL'Équipe Mediapart Charlie Hebdo L'Opinion CourrierInternationalCharente Libre =================== France NewsSites=================== L'Internaute France 24 Rue 89francetv.frMYTF1News ======================== France RegionalNews======================== L'Alsace Le Bien Public Le DauphinélibéréCorse-Matin La Dépêche du Midi L'Est Républicain Midi LibreLaNouvelle République du Centre-Ouest Ouest France Le ProgrèsLaProvence Le Républicain Lorrain Sud-Ouest La Voix L’Expansion Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire LeTélégrammeLes Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace Lyon Capitale L'Union deReims LaLiberté de l'Est La Montagne La République du CentreL'YonneRépublicaine Le Populaire L'Écho républicain Le Journal delaHaute-Marne Minute Ouest France Sud Oest Le Progrès deLyonParis-Normandie nice-matin Le journal on line de LeBerryRépublicain Le Journal du Centre 1jour1actu Connexion LeMondediplomatique Le Journal du Dimanche Marianne Le PointBoursorama=================== French Magazines ===================VogueParis Marie Claire Idees Paris Match Photo Maisons CoteOuestQuiltmania Le Nouvel Observateur Le Point MarianneTéléramaAmusement Europe Échecs French Studies L'HistoireL'Infirmière LesInrockuptibles Numéro Pariscope La Revue du vin deFrance Rock&Folk Science& Vie VSD Voici L'Auto-Journal MilKMagazine Sportauto Closer Côté Maison Elle Marie Claire Cuisine etVins de FranceL'Équipe Le Magazine Littéraire France-AmériqueFemmeActuelle=============== European News =============== New EuropeEuroWeekly News Politico EU Observer European Union Times EurActivEUbusiness Eurasia Review ===================== EuropeanMagazines===================== Fashion Vogue Hint Fashion HistoryBBCHistory Scottish Life German Life Car European Car EurotunerEuropeBusiness EUcommerz Sustain Europe European Travel HiddenEuropeEuromentravel