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Creflo Dollar Sermons 2.0
1 John 1:3 New InternationalVersion(NIV)3 We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that youalsomay have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with theFatherand with his Son, Jesus Christ.Creflo Augustus Dollar, Jr. (born January 28, 1962) is anAmericantelevangelist, pastor, and the founder of thenon-denominationalWorld Changers Church International based inCollege Park, Georgia,a suburb of Atlanta. Dollar also heads theCreflo DollarMinisterial Association (formerly called InternationalCovenantMinistries), Creflo Dollar Ministries, and ArrowRecords.He was born to Creflo Dollar, Sr. (1936-1993) and Mrs. EmmaDollar,attended local schools and was reared in a BaptistChurch.In 1984, Dollar received a Bachelor of Science degree ineducationfrom West Georgia College in Carrollton.Dollar began developing World Changers Ministries ChristianCenterin 1986. He held the church's first worship service inthecafeteria of an elementary school in College Park, witheightpeople in attendance. He later renamed the ministry asWorldChangers Church International (WCCI), and the congregationmovedfrom the cafeteria to a dedicated chapel. Four services wereheldeach Sunday, and Creflo added a weekly radio broadcast. OnDecember24, 1995, WCCI moved into its present location, the8,500-seatfacility known as the World Dome. The church has saidthat thenearly $18 million World Dome was built without any bankfinancing.As of 2007, the congregation reported having around30,000 members,and $69 million in revenue (gross cash collections)for 2006.In June 2012 Dollar was arrested in an alleged attack onhisdaughter, in accordance with the Fayette County, Georgia,Sheriff'sOffice. The charges were dropped in January 2013 after heattendedanger management classes. Fayette County Police Departmentreleaseddetails of a 911 call.In October 2012, Creflo Dollar Ministries leased LoewsParadiseTheater in The Bronx for a new church location in NewYork.Dollar also speaks at conferences and is an author, writingabouthis gospel of wealth and involved in televangelism.Dollar and his wife, Taffi, have five children and liveinAtlanta
Creflo Dollar Free App 1.0
Creflo Dollar is anAmericantelevangelist,pastor, and the founder of thenon-denominationalWorld ChangersChurch International based inCollege Park, Georgia,a suburb ofAtlanta.