Top 6 Apps Similar to Radio VVBlR Deutschland De FM

Sie sind live dabei mit Videos,Kurznachrichtenund Hintergründen zum aktuellenTagesgeschehen.Die Redaktionen der heute-Nachrichten und des heute-journalssindseit Jahrzehnten ein verlässlicher Begleiter durchdenNachrichtentag. Diese App vereint das Beste aus TV- undOnline-Newsdes ZDF: Kurznachrichten – teils mit Video - zeigen denaktuellenStand der Dinge, während die Hauptbeiträge die wichtigstenThemendes Tages sortieren, einordnen und bildstark erklären.Ständig verfügbare Livestreams erlauben den direkten ZugriffaufsZDF-Programm; die Hauptnachrichten-Sendungen werden darüberhinausbesonders einfach zur Verfügung gestellt. Mit „heute journalplus“präsentiert des ZDF außerdem ein besonderes Nachrichtenformat,dasZusatzinformationen zu den Sendungs-Themen nutzbar macht.Die heute-App steht zunächst als Phone-Variante zur Verfügung;einUpdate in wenigen Wochen umfasst dann auch die Tablets undbringtweitere Funktionen mit.Diese Version umfasst:KurznachrichtenVideo on Demand und Livestream„heute journal plus“ – das innovative NachrichtenformatBeiträge mit Teilen-FunktionenSwipe-Wechsel zwischen den BeiträgenBilderserienWetterEilmeldungen als Push-NachrichtenGeben Sie uns Ihr Feedback zur neuen heute-App: über „Kontakt“imHauptmenü ist das leicht möglich.Die heute-App ist wie alle ZDF-Onlineangebote kostenlos. FürdieNutzung außerhalb eines WLAN ist aber eine Flatrate sinnvoll,dasonst hohe Verbindungskosten anfallen können.It live with videos,textmessages and videos to the current events of the day.The editors of the daily news and the now-journals have fordecadesbeen a reliable companion through the news day. This appcombinesthe best of TV and online news of the ZDF: Short news -some withvideo - show the current state of affairs, while themaincontributions sort the most important issues of the day,classifyand powerful pictures explain.Always-live streams allow direct access onto the ZDF program;themain news broadcasts are also very easily available to users.With"heute journal plus" ZDF also presented a special messageformat,makes the additional information about the Broadcastthemesavailable.The app is available today as a first phone version available;anupdate in a few weeks then includes the tablets and bringsmorefunctionality with.This version includes:News in briefVideo on Demand and Live Stream"Heute journal plus" - the innovative news formatPosts with parts of functionsSwipe exchange between the contributionsPicture SeriesWeatherBreaking news as push messagesGive us your feedback on the new app today: on "Contact Us" inthemain menu which is easily possible.Today's app is like all ZDF online offers for free. But is aflatrate appropriate for use outside of a WiFi, otherwise you mayincurhigh charges.
BR24 – Nachrichten 3.5.0
News, information & background
Das DRadio 1.2.1
Das DRadio verwandelt Ihr Android-Gerät ineinRadio mit Zugriff auf die Programme undreichhaltigenPodcast-Angebote der drei deutschlandweiten SenderDeutschlandfunk,Deutschlandradio Kultur und DRadio Wissen. HörenSie die Sender inbester Stereo-Qualität wo immer Sie wollen undsurfen Siegleichzeitig ins Web.The DRadio turnsyourAndroid device into a radio with access to the programsandextensive podcast offerings of the three Germany-wideradiostations Germany, Germany Kultur and DRadio knowledge. Listentothe channel in top quality stereo wherever you want and surftheweb at the same time.
Radio Germany 1.2.1
Blue fox
Enjoy Free accesses to the radio broadcasts and internet musicfromGermany.
Dlf - Die Nachrichten 1.5.3
All news at a glance and in the live stream.
DLF to go 2.1
Why this app?Deutschlandfunk (DLF) offers a really large selection ofinterestingand profound reports on current (and also less current)topics. WhenI am in the car, I like to listen to the radio.Unfortunately, thereception is usually rather modest, secondly,just at the time whenI'm on the road, the opposite of what I callinteresting is running.Actually a pity - again a wasted hour time.What to do?'DLF to go' is exactly what you need. At the push of a buttonyouget exactly what interests you. After a one-time selection oftheinteresting rubrics, it costs you from now on exactly onebuttonprint, in order to download the five last posts. This iswhat you doat home, or wherever you have Wi-Fi access. On the way,you hear andinform yourself. Excellent! No more waste of time:-)What is the difference between 'DLF to go' and other apps?1. 'DLF to go' has NO advertising!2. 'DLF to go' is not a radio streaming app, such as DLF24. Whatisthe benefit of a radio stream if my data volume is limited to500MB/ month? In addition, I can only listen to the current livestreamand not the one 24 hours ago, which would have been so muchtome.3. 'DLF to go' is not a generic podcast-catching-app! I do nothaveto configure URLs, do not manually download and manage files,donot have to choose among many podcasts. The claim is: Onebutton!(Even the is actually too much ...)How 'DLF to go' works'DLF to go' consists of two tabs 'Playlist' and'Rubrikauswahl'.'Playlist' contains the mp3 files to be played.This is initiallyempty. Up to twelve categories can be selected inthe'Rubrikauswahl' tab. When you press the sync button - this istheone button press before you leave the house - the last fivemp3files will be downloaded and added to the playlist foreachselected section, if not already present on the device. Toensurethat the number of mp3 files does not grow steadily,synchronizingnot only downloads new files, but also deletes oldones.Thus, for the selected categories there are always exactly fivemp3files on the device.I wish you a lot of fun and am excited about suggestions!