Top 17 Apps Similar to Info Cosevi Curso teórico

Con esta App podrás obtener y refrescartusconocimientos sobre el Manual del Conductor antes de realizarlaprueba teórica para obtener la licencia de conducir enCostaRica.Consta de 40 preguntas y así como el examen oficial, su notamínimade aprobación es de 80.Algunas preguntas poseen imágenes para hacer más completoelaprendizaje.Se puede compartir a las distintas redes sociales.With this app you cangetand refresh your knowledge about Driver Manual before thetheorytest for driving license in Costa Rica.It consists of 40 questions and as the official examination,theirlowest approval rating is 80.Some questions have images to make more complete learning.You can share different social networks.
Quiziz: study for exams 1.2.21
Quiziz: the best app to study
Cosevi Manual del Conductor 2.0.0
Softwtech CR
Descarga el Manual del conductor version2016en formato pdf. Un único pago por mantenimiento ennuestrosservidores.Download thedriver'sManual 2016 version in pdf format. A single payment formaintenanceon our servers.
Prueba Teórica de manejo Costa 1.1
Go on Systems
Get your driver's license in Costa Rica in an easy andcomfortableway.
Examen de Manejo y Prueba Teór 2.8
Go on Systems
Study for the theory test from the Transportation Ministry ofElSalvador
Examen de manejo teorico cosev 1.0
Manual del conductor cosevi mopt,practicasdeexamenes teorico de cosevi.- No necesita internet.- Te mostrara diariamente un capitulo diferente- Te va a leer el contenido de cadacapitulo(puedesdesactivarlo)Matrícula de Pruebas Teóricas y PrácticasEste servicio le permite realizar la matrícula de pruebateóricay/opráctica para acreditar una licencia de conduciranivelnacional.Contamos con siete Departamentos Regionales, donde sebrindaelservicio de pruebas prácticas a las personas quelosoliciten:Clases de manejo en Costa Rica¡Pronto estará conduciendo!escuela de manejo educar costa rica con el curso teoricodemanejocosta rica y la escuela de manejo honda costa rica olaescuela demanejo del este costa ric, podras aprender a manejarencuestion dehoras a precios super economicos.Tenemos clases en :Clases de manejo practico en CartagoClases de manejo practico en San JoseClases de manejo practico en AlajuelaClases de manejo practico en HerediaClases de manejo practico en LimonClases de manejo practico en GuanacasteDriver ManualCOSEVImopt,practices COSEVI theoretical exams.- No internet needed.- You show a different chapter each day- I will read the contents of each chapter (you can disable)Enrollment Testing Theory and PracticeThis service allows you to enroll for theory test and /orpracticalto establish a driver's license at thenationallevel.We have seven regional departments, wherepracticaltestingservice to people who request it provides:Driving lessons in Costa RicaSoon you will be driving!driving school educate theoretical Costa Rica with CostaRicadrivingcourse and traffic school honda Costa Rica ordrivingschool eastcoast ric, can learn to drive in a matter ofhours atsuper cheapprices.We have classes in:Practical management classes at CarthagePractice management classes in San JosePractical management classes in AlajuelaPractical management classes in HerediaPractical management classes in LimonPractical management classes in Guanacaste
Student Agenda 2.5.17
Developed by students, with the goal ofbeingsimple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made tohelpstudents organize themselves and have, consequently,betterperformance in studies.The objective of using this app is to perform tasks withinthecombined deadlines, divide better the time between academicandpersonal life, conduct the day-to-day with more calmnessandless stress.On Student Agenda, important information about tests,homeworks,appointments and timetable will always be available onyoursmartphone to checks and new schedulings, wherever you are. Averyuseful feature are the reminders, that will help youdon'tforget important activities.These features are adequate for school, for college, foryourday-to-day... The goal is to make student life moreorganized,managing appointments that can't be forgotten.The app was developed to be simple and easy to use. To start,youcan simply add your subjects and then your timetable.Main features:• Simplicity and lightweightness;• Timetable;• Scheduling of events (exams, homeworks/tasks, activitiesandreturning books to the library);• Add photo to increase the description of events;• Notification schedule (reminder) for events;• Check events as "completed";• Events ordered by day, week and month;• Timetable of the day;• Timetable of the week;• Calendar;• Management of marks;• Timetable and events widgets;• Share events with your friends.If you have any problem or suggestion, please send [email protected] Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helpsyouidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list.Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID atanytime in the settings menu.Thank you!
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Educatina 1.6
Aprende gratis lo que quieras con más de3000videos sobre diferentes materias.Educatina te ofrece cientos de videos para que puedas aprenderdeforma fácil, rápida y entretenida las 24hs del día.Nuestros expertos en cada materia logran, con simplesvideos,enseñar los temas más complejos en solo unos minutos.Free Learn what youwantwith over 3000 videos about different subjects.Educatina offers hundreds of videos so you can learn an easy,fastand fun 24 hours a day.Our subject matter experts are able, with simple videos teachmorecomplex topics in a few minutes.
Tips for Study 1.1
Want to learn more effectivetechniquesstudy?Are you fed up of not knowing where you shouldstart? @ Hartdidnot have the results you expect? 30 Tips toconsider is your app30 Tips for Studying is a new free application, studyguidewillhelp you in your studies or your children whatever,applyingstudyskills tested by teachers and scientists.This application summarizes in a practical waythemaintechniques, study tips, habits, etc., that you oryourchildrenneed.Download now the app-guide to learn how to study for anexamandhow to study better overall. Study skills included in thisappwillteach you everything you need, from how to study for a testtohowto order you mentally and physically when studying.The application study shows 30 tips:- Technical pnemotécnicas- How to study correctly- As you must prepare your environment study- Technical work and study must be applied to achievethebestresults.and much more...30 Study Tips is an application whose contents can beappliedtoany level of study, GBS, Bachelor or university level.Without hesitation 30 Tips for Studying is anapplicationforwhich you yourself get the results you want inschool, learntostudy in an effective way without much effort andyou oryourchildren and usareis agradeceréis on an ongoingbasis.DOWNLOAD NOW !! This application
Study Guide 5.0.6
Do you need to improve your studies? Start here
Khan Academy 7.12.1
Khan Academy
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Aprenda a Manejar 1.1
Application guide and support those who begin their adventure atthewheel.
Quiziz Manejo Argentina 1.0.5
Quiziz: la aplicación que te ayuda a ganaresaimportante prueba.¿Estás planeando realizar el Examen Teórico de ManejodeArgentina?Quiziz Manejo es la herramienta ideal para repasar lasreglas,señales, leyes de tránsito y demás contenidos del ManualdelConductor de la ANSV.Estudiá con tecnología:¡No más papel!: con Quiziz podés estudiar cuando querás dondequerássin complicaciones, en tu celular. Es súper fácil deusar.Pensado para vos: Quiziz te permite personalizar tus prácticassegúntus preferencias. ¡Ah y siempre te dará una nota! Así sabráscuandoestés listo(a).Siempre actualizado: en Quiziz trabajamos para que podásestudiarcon la última versión de los contenidos de tuprueba.Siempre.Olvidate de ir dos o tres veces a hacer un examen. PreparateconQuiziz y ganalo a la primera. Lo mejor: es gratis. AdemásQuizizcuenta con una versión Premium que te permite prepararte aúnmejorcon las funciones de revisar respuestas, repetirpreguntasincorrectas y estudiar en el nivel avanzado. Podés activarlasfunciones Premium suscribiéndote en cualquier momento desdelaversión gratuita.¿Preguntas, comentarios? Escribinos a [email protected]á saber lo que querés decirnos :) También podésseguirnosen Facebook y Twitter, buscamos como @holapixlab.Quiziz es una aplicación de Pixlab, aplicaciones que te ayudan :)EnPixlab creemos que todo puede (y debe) ser más fácil si seutilizala tecnología para ayudar a las personas.Quiziz: theapplicationthat helps you win that important test.Are you planning to take the theoretical examArgentinaManagement?Quiziz Management is ideal for reviewing the rules, signs,trafficlaws and other contents of the ANSV Driver Manualtool.Study technology:!: No more paper with Quiziz you can study when you queráswherequerás uncomplicated on your cell. It's super easy touse.Designed for you: Quiziz lets you customize your practice toyourpreference. Oh and always give you a note! You'll know whenyou'reready (a).Always updated: in Quiziz work for prunings study with thelatestversion of the contents of your test. Always.Forget to go two or three times to take an exam. Get readywithQuiziz and Earn It the first time. The best: it's free. InadditionQuiziz has a premium version that allows you to prepareeven betterwith the functions of reviewing your answers, repeatincorrectquestions and study at the advanced level. You canactivate thePremium subscribing functions at any time from thefreeversion.Questions, comments? Please write to [email protected]. Wewouldlove to know what you want to tell us :) Also you can followus onFacebook and Twitter, we looked like @holapixlab.Quiziz PixLab is an application, applications that help you :)InPixLab believe that everything can (and should) be easier ifthetechnology to help people use.
Examen Universidad 3.1.1
*Sin publicidad, a excepción de un banner enlapantalla del menú principal*Resuelve ejercicios por materia o mide tus conocimientos enunexamen muestra similar en tiempo y preguntas que eloriginal.*Los ejercicios están enfocados al examen de ingreso alaUniversidad, por lo que puede utilizarse como herramientadeestudio para el examen de universidades como la UNAM, IPN yUAM,etc. O incluso exámenes a nivel preparatoria.*Mide tus conocimientos en un Duelo aleatorio o contusamigos.*Gran cantidad de ejercicios basados en exámenes anteriores delaUNAM.*Los exámenes muestra están divididos por áreadelconocimiento.*Las preguntas te indican cuál fue la respuesta correcta.*Las preguntas son aleatorias por lo que ningún examen seráelmismo.*Se agregan nuevas preguntas cada semana.*La aplicación se actualiza y mejora constantemente.-----Acerca de nosotros:Somos un grupo de estudiantes de la UNAM que nos dimos a la tareadedesarrollar este proyecto desde hace más de un año, con el findeser una herramienta de apoyo para aquellos estudiantes que esténporpresentar su examen de ingreso.* No ads, except forabanner on the main menu screen* Solve exercises matter or measure your knowledge in asampleexamination questions similar time as the original.* The exercises are focused on the entrance exam to theUniversity,so it can be used as a study tool for the examinationofuniversities such as UNAM, IPN and UAM, etc. Or even schoollevelexaminations.* Test your knowledge in a random duel or with your friends.* Lots of exercises based on previous exams UNAM.* The sample tests are divided by area of ​​knowledge.* Questions you indicate what was the right answer.* The questions are random so that no examination will bethesame.* New questions are added each week.* The application is updated and improved.-----About us:We are a group of students from the UNAM that we took on the taskofdeveloping this project for over a year, in order to be asupporttool for students who are to present their entranceexam.
English Conversation Practice 1.3.9
Practice having an English conversation to improve your English
OpoSapiens 100.01.05
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