Top 12 Apps Similar to Frases x signos

CombinAstral 1.3
Encontrou uma pessoa eficouinteressada(o)?Quer saber se vocês dois combinam? Esteaplicativo ésua solução.Com o CombinAstral você ficará sabendo detodas ascombinaçõespossíveis do seu signo e se vale a penainvestirnesteromance.Found apersonwasinterested (o)? Wondering if you two combine? This appisyoursolution. With CombinAstral you will know allthepossiblecombinations of your sign and if it is worth investinginthisnovel.
Daily Horoscope Free 1.5
Free Horoscope is the best app for consulting your today’shoroscope
Daily Horoscope 2.1.3
With * Love Horoscope * you will knowalways,everywhere and totally free what the stars reveal about you.Inseveral sections you'll be able to see what the day has plannedforyou.This app offers you four different kinds of horoscopes.Updateddaily, absolutely free and perfectly tailored to your ownsign ofthe zodiac.* Daily Horoscope *Will it be a good day today? Will I experience somethingspecial?For what should I prepare myself?* Love Horoscope *Will I be meeting someone special today? Is anyone in lovewithme?Is everything fine in my relationship?* Work Horoscope *Will there be lots of work today? Will I be promoted? Will Ihavea productive day?* Health Horoscope *Will I feel fit today? Maybe I can expect a day ofwell-being!:)_________So many questions you ask yourself every day - this FREEappgives you all the answers! The horoscopes are created daily foryouby experienced and reputable astrologers, especially suited toyourstar sign!... and in case you should forget your horoscope once,LoveHoroscope also features a handy reminder. Completely freeofcharge.Have a look at what your own astrological sign reveals orwhat'sgoing on with your friends and family. Whether you'reLibra,Scorpio or Leo - you can easily switch back and forth betweenthezodiac signs.Connect to your Facebook account: This way you'll get yourownperfectly individualized horoscope! If you received ahoroscopethat makes you happy you can easily share it at any timewith yourFacebook friends.- With this great app you'll have the power of the stars inyourpocket! -Install it now and totally free on your mobile phone!
Horoscope 1.3
A horoscope gives you information aboutyourbasic personality, gifts, skills and challenges based ontheastrological Sun Sign that you were born under. A fullastrologicalNatal Chart reading incorporates all 10 planets andtheir differentmeanings into a very specific analysis of your lifeand currentcircumstances, while a horoscope reading looks just atone planet,the Sun. Your Sun Sign is determined by the day andmonth that youwere born and where the Sun was in the sky duringthat particulartime.Because the Sun takes roughly a month to travel through eachsignand there are 12 months and 12 signs, each one-month spanisassigned a different sign; however, no one entire monthisexclusive to one sign.Aries - Firstborn Aries takes center stage, most fittingly,atthe start of spring. From March 21st to April 19th, the ramrulessupreme. Spring is a time of new beginnings, and fresh starts;alltraits that Aries fully embodies.Taurus - From April 20th to May 20th, Taureans celebratetheirbirthday. Ruled by Venus, Taurus brilliantly reflects the newandsustained bounty of spring.Gemini - May 21st to June 20th is Gemini's time of the year.IfAries is too busy to stop and smell the roses, and Taurus istakinga leisurely stroll through the park, Gemini wants to talkabout allthose gorgeous flowers!Cancer - To the ancients, Cancer symbolized the summersolstice,and for them, the time of the year that represents thesoul's entryinto the human body. The official zodiac date for thissign is June21st to July 22nd.Leo - Leo's creativity reigns from July 23rd to August 23rd.Itmakes sense, therefore, that this summer baby rules the fifthhouseof the zodiac; the house of pleasure, romance andcreativity.Virgo - Born during the time of the harvest, Virgos excelatproduction. From August 24th to September 22nd, it's Virgo'sroleto show us what's valuable and what is not.Libra - The social winners of the zodiac, Libra rules the skyandcharts from September 23rd to October 22nd. It is in Libra, anditis during this part of the year, that the solitary figurediscoversthe other.Scorpio - Scorpio's guiding principle is "I probe" andfromOctober 23rd to November 21st, they do! This is the time oftheyear to look beneath the surface to see what's really there. Isitany coincidence then that Halloween falls underScorpio'sdomain?Sagittarius - If Halloween is a deep, dark andmysteriousholiday, it stands in direct contrast to the bountiful,joyous andoften boisterous Sagittarian ruled Thanksgiving.Sagittarius,therefore, is prominent from November 22nd to December21st.Capricorn - Capricorn, December 22 to January 19, finds joyinachieving honors for their contributions to the community, andit'sthrough leadership, vision and the setting of practical goalsthattheir accomplishments are realized. Is it any wonder then thatthissign ushers us through both Christmas (the act of givingandreceiving material goods) and New Year's (the setting of newgoalsfor a new year)?Aquarius - Innovative and forward thinking, Aquarius's timeofthe year is from January 20th to February 18th. It's interestingtonote that both Groundhog Day and Valentine's Day are ruledbyAquarius.Pisces - From February 19th to March 20th, our favoriteresidentfish rules the sky. Pisces tries hard not to focus on moneyorstatus symbols, but rather on eternal truths and theuniversalityof the human spirit.
Fun Facts About Zodiac Signs 2.0
Learn more about yourself and your friends.
Love horoscope 1.0
Castelao apps
Love horoscope is an app to see thelovecompatibility between two zodiac signs of horoscope.Are your compatible signs? That guy you like you like you?Myzodiac sign horoscope and yours will love?Check it out in the test of love through the lovecompatibilityhoroscopes.Set your sign and your name as well as the woman of yourdreamsand find out if you are made ​​for each other. AstralLovehoroscope signs will tell you the percentage of compatibility.Fasteasy and accurate test horósocpo love with love.
Anita Predictions® 1.8.07
Skill S.R.L.
Hello darling! Are you prepared to know more about your luckandfuture?
Üç Harf
Sign of the Sun taken within a monthof30degrees in the sky are determined by the way. Eachsignissymbolized by a month. When starting the cardinal signsoftheseasons, seasonal nature of shows constants, variableswillfinishthe season. Luniso of calendars that we use (Moon - Sun)and12calendar system they accept are 88 constellations in theskyisimportant for us in the sun, in the plane of the eclipticare12constellations that mark.Light-based study in astrology is concerned, because the sideoftheconstellations visible, fixed, single meanings of the starsareveryimportant in themselves. Therefore, rather than examineahoroscopeOphicius constellation Sagittarius, have importanteffectsin thefirst 10 degrees to qualify as a group ofstars,astrologydisciplines would be more accurate name.Aquarius Zodiac CharacteristicsAriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusFishesMounting the personal characteristics ofPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF BUSHMounting of the HEALTH
Numerology Calculator Readings 7.7.0
Learn Interesting Facts About Yourself - Daily Horoscope&Numerology Readings!
Love Horoscope Comapatibility 1.0
Love Horoscope Compatibility is afreeandroidapplication that predicts daily love compatibilitybetweentwopeople. To do so this app checks the compatibilitybetweentwozodiac signs.Discover what the stars say about love and seeifyourrelationship has a future, it is very easy and simple:* Choose your zodiac sign* Choose the zodiac sign of that special person* Then a percentage with your love compatibility for today,everydayyou will obtain a new result.Do not forget that you can also try more combinationswithotherzodiac signs:- FIRE SIGNS (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)- EARTH SIGNS (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)- AIR SIGNS (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius)- WATER SIGNS (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)The horoscope is the divination system of astrologymostcommonlyused, but it is a mystery. The transit of the planetVenusin yoursign influences thelove and your love compatibility with that special someone.Is there a person you really like, who is special to you?Would you like to know if you have chances to havearelationshipwith somebody?Want to check love compatibility with someone importantforyou?Friends, family, boyfriend or girlfriend.How does Venus transit of your sign?With this game you will leave doubts.
Love Horoscope match 6.5
Features daily horoscope for all signs,compatibility betweenthemand much more.
Zodiac Signs 1.1
Want you To Learn how to read anastrologychart?Astrology charts are used to help interpret a person's natureandmake predictions about his or her future.Learn how to read your astrological chart with thisapplicationvideo series featuring famed astrologer.In this application we will help you to learn step by step HowtoUnderstand Your Astrological Chart:1- Top 3 Aspects in Astrological Charts of Soul Mates2- How Astrology Works3- History of Astrology4- How to Read Your Horoscope5- 12 Zodiac Signs & What They Mean6- 12 Zodiac Houses & What They Mean7- Connection between Planets & Astrology8- How the Moon Affects Your Love Life9- How the Moon Affects Your Horoscope10- How the Moon Affects the 12 Zodiac Houses11- How Venus Affects Who & What You Love12- How Venus Affects the 12 Zodiac Houses13- How Mars Affects Your Drive & Energy14- How Mars Affects the 12 Zodiac Houses15- How Jupiter Affects Your Luck16- How Jupiter Affects the 12 Zodiac Houses17- Why Saturn Is Called the Lord of Karma18- How Saturn Affects the 12 Zodiac Signs19- How Saturn Affects the 12 Zodiac Houses20- How to Read the Astrological Aspects21- How to Read the Astrological Configurations22- What Is a Natal Chart in Astrology?23- Do You Have a Billionaire Natal Chart?24- What Your Natal Chart Says about Your Power25- What Your Natal Chart Says about Your Ambition26- What Your Natal Chart Says about Your Love Life27- What Your Natal Chart Says about Your Spending Habits28- What Your Natal Chart Says about Your Family29- What Your Natal Chart Says about Your Kids30- What Your Natal Chart Says about Your Health31- What Your Natal Chart Says about Your Career32- How the North Node Affects Your Destiny33- First Date Tips for Every Zodiac Sign34- Sun Sign Compatibility Tips35- How to Predict Compatibility with Your Astrological Chart36- What the Composite Chart Can Reveal about Relationships37- How Venus & Mars Affect Your Romances38- How Your Chart Predicts Love & Marriage39- How Astrology Can Improve Relationships40- Best Time to Start a Diet41- Best Time to Travel or Take a Vacation42- Best Time to Buy or Sell a Home43- What "Mercury in Retrograde" Means44- How the Saturn Return Affects YouDownload it for free! It's time to interpret it.*** If you like it, please support us by rating it★★★★★***** Leave us comments and suggestions **