Top 17 Apps Similar to Nurse Up (ita)

Strumenti Infermiere 0.1.11
The application contains tools for nursing.
Lesioni da Decubito LITE 4.0.0
Realizzata per fornire informazionisulWoundcare tramite illustrazione e trattamento delle lesionidapressioneovvero da decubito.L’utilizzo di questa applicazione è orientatoprincipalmenteainfermieri, medici, studenti, assistiti e care-viveredèsviluppata sulle ultime linee guida edevidenzescientifichedisponibili, prodotta e realizzata dal dott.MarcoRomitelli.E' in via di sviluppo una versione PROFESSIONAL concontenutipiùdettagliati, nomi commerciali di alcuni prodotti,foto,indicazionipiù precise alla medicazione, video e form diconsulenzaeinformazioni.Designed toprovidethecare Wound information through drawing and treatmentofpressuresores or decubitus.The use of this application is mainly geared tonurses,doctors,students, assisted and care-live and is developed onthelatestguidelines and available scientific evidence, producedandcreatedby Dr. Marco Romitelli.And 'developing a PROFESSIONAL version with moredetailedcontent,trade names of some products, photos, morepreciseinformation tothe medication, and video form advisoryandinformation.
Il Tuo Infermiere 0.0.1
L'Infermiere di Famiglia è l'unica applicazione che vi consenteditrovare un infermiere vicino casa vostra. Consente agliinfermieridi ricevere richieste da persone che cercanoassistenzainfermieristica nella loro zona. Se avete necessità dicure adomicilio con un semplice clic l'infermiere più vicino a voivicontatterà telefonicamente rispondendo alle vostre richiestenelpiù breve tempo possibile. Si eseguono tutte leprestazioniassistenziali e infermieristiche direttamente a casa delcliente:Prelievi del sangue, ECG, medicazioni semplici ecomplesse,cateterismo vescicale, fleboclisi, alimentazione consonda egestione delle stomie, iniezioni intramuscolari esottocute.Inoltre Il Tuo Infermiere si prende cura di te e ticonsiglia ilmiglior percorso terapeutico assistenziale, guidandotinellaricerca di badanti e fornendoti la migliore educazionesanitariaper te e la tua famiglia.
Easy ECG Mobile PRO 0.1027
ECG anywhere, anytime using Easy ECG Mobile PRO!
Electrocardiogram ECG Types 13.0
Learn to identify different types of electrocardiogram,idealforstudents. Include brief explanations of the graphs.
ECG pratico demo 2.85
“ECG pratico” è un applicazione creataperaiutare ad acquisire le nozioni dibasedell'elettrocardiografia;nozioni che tutti gli operatori sanitari dovrebberopossedere,specialmente quelli che operano nelle terapie intensivequali UTIC,Rianimazione, Sale operatorie, ecc.L’elettrocardiografia sicuramente non è una materia “facile”, maconun minimo di impegno si possono acquisire le informazioni dibaseper poter individuare una situazione critica ed allertareilcardiologo o chi di dovere. L’elettrocardiogramma è unesamesemplice, veloce, assolutamente indolore, di bassissimo costo,epuò decisamente salvare la vita di una persona. In Italia ogniannocirca 120.000 persone vengono colpite da infarto miocardico,diqueste, circa 25 mila muoiono prima di arrivare in ospedale.Ladiagnosi di infarto miocardico viene fatta prevalentementeconl’esecuzione dell’ECG.Con "ECG pratico" potete apprendere in maniera semplice iprincipibase dell'elettrocardiografia, potete calcolare lafrequenzacardiaca a partire dai millisecondi o dal numero diquadrati fradue RR, potete vedere diversi esempi di tracciati ecg,calcolarel'intervallo QT corretto, potete calcolare l'asse del QRSconfacilità oppure potete fare la vostra "diagnosi"semplicementerispondendo ad alcune semplici domande.Nota: L'app non elabora le foto scattate con la fotocameraocaricate dalla galleria per non pregiudicare la loroqualità.Caricare immagini di grosse dimensioni (>4 mpx) puòprovocare ilcrash dell'applicazione, specialmente in telefoni conpoca memoria.Quando scattate la foto, scegliete una risoluzioneinferiore a 4mpx, e scattate da una distanza ravvicinata.Versione "Demo"La versione “Demo” ha le stesse funzionalità di quellanormale,l’unico limite è nel numero di aperture (15)dell’applicazionestessa. Non ho voluto mettere il solito limitetemporale (nummassimo di giorni) perché a me stesso è capitato diaver installatoapp da provare per un certo periodo di tempo, ma permotivi dilavoro e impegni famigliari non ho potuto provarlesufficientementeprima della scadenza.Se avete apprezzato l'app, potete acquistare la versionecompleta( il suo ulteriore sviluppo.Il presente software NON DEVE assolutamente essere usato perporreuna qualsiasi diagnosi medica e/oinfermieristica, ma deve essere usato esclusivamente ascopodidattico.Prima di acquistare la versione completa, provate laversione“demo” del prodotto. Se dopo averla provata rimanetesoddisfatti,acquistate la versione completa e sostenete l’ulterioresviluppodell’applicazione.Per segnalazioni di errori, commenti e suggerimentiscrivetemi:[email protected] da"ECG practical" isanapplication designed to help you acquire the basicsofelectrocardiography;notions that all healthcare professionals should possess,especiallythose who work in intensive care units such as CCU, ICU,operatingrooms, etc..Electrocardiography is definitely not a matter "easy", but withaminimum of effort you can acquire the basic information to beableto detect a critical situation and alert the cardiologist ortheproper authorities. The electrocardiogram is a test simple,fast,painless, very low-cost, and can definitely save the life ofaperson. In Italy every year about 120,000 people are affectedbymyocardial infarction, of these, approximately 25 000 diebeforereaching the hospital. The diagnosis of myocardial infarctionismade mainly with the execution of the ECG.With "ECG practical" you can learn the basics in asimpleelectrocardiography, you can calculate your heart rate fromthemilliseconds or the number of squares between two RR, you canseeseveral examples of ECG tracings, calculate the correctedQTinterval, you can calculate the axis of the QRS with ease, oryoucan make your "diagnosis" simply by answering a fewsimplequestions.Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraor loaded from the gallery not to adversely affect theirquality.Load large images (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,especially in low-memory phones. When taking a picture,choose alower resolution 4-megapixel, and taken from a closedistance.Version "Demo"The version of "Demo" has the same features as the normal one,theonly limit is the number of openings (15) of the application. Ididnot want to put the usual time limit (num Maximum days) becauseIhappened to have the same app installed to try it for acertainperiod of time, but for reasons of work and familycommitments Icould not try them sufficiently before thedeadline.If you enjoyed the app, you can buy the fullversion( support its further development.This software absolutely MUST NOT be used to bring anymedicaldiagnosis and / ornursing, but must be used for educational purposes only.Before you buy the full version, try the "demo" version oftheproduct. If you remain satisfied after trying it, buy thefullversion and support the further development of theapplication.For bug reports, comments and suggestions pleaseemail:[email protected] by
Infermiere Libero Professionis 1.0
Mirko Rea
Infermiere Libero Professionistanonrappresentauna testata giornalistica in quanto vieneaggiornatosenza alcunaperiodicità. Non può pertanto considerarsiun prodottoeditoriale aisensi della legge n.62 del 2001. Gliautori, inoltre,non hannoalcuna responsabilità per quanto riguardai siti ai qualiè possibileaccedere tramite i collegamenti postiall’interno delsito stesso,forniti come semplice servizio a coloroche visitanoilportale.Nurse Freelancer isnotajournal as it is updated without any periodicity. Itcannottherefore be considered an editorial product under Law 62of2001.The authors also do not have any responsibility with regardtothesites to which you can access from links within thesite,offeredas simple service to those who visit the portal.
Farmaci in Pronto Soccorso 1.39
The most useful drugs in the emergency room, intensivecare,operating room and 118!
Codice Deontologico Infermiere 1.2
Finalmente potrete avere a portata di manoilnuovo codice deontologico degli infermieri del 2009. Oltreagliarticoli, troverete un breve accenno storico e un commentariopergli articoli più importanti.Eventually you willhaveto hand the new code of ethics for nurses in 2009. In additiontothe articles, you will find a brief mention historical andacommentary for the most important items.
Medical English - MosaLingua 11.9
Leran medical English to communicate with and take care ofpatients- MosaLingua
ECG Caliper Demo 1.56
[ITALIANO] - ENGLISH“Caliper” è un applicazione che può essere usata in duemodi:comesemplice righello per misurare con precisione distanzefraduepunti, o come regolo ECG per la corretta edesattamisurazionedelle onde e degli intervalli di unelettrocardiogramma.Poteteappoggiare il telefono direttamente sulvostro ECG edeffettuare lemisure, oppure potete caricare unelettrocardiogrammagiàmemorizzato nella galleria delle foto(pulsante “Galleria”),oppurepotete scattare una foto nuova(pulsante “Cattura”). Con ipulsanti“più” e “meno” potete ingrandiree diminuire la foto. Conilpulsante “Pulisci” potete cancellaretutte le foto caricateepulire lo schermo. Quando caricate un ecg,prima dipotereffettuare delle misurazioni, dovete fare lacalibrazioneiniziale,quindi dovete fare in modo che 4 quadratidell’ecgcorrispondano a800 ms (2 cm).La versione “Demo” ha le stesse funzionalità dellaversionecompleta,l’unico limite è nel numero diaperturedell’applicazionestessa.Se avete apprezzato l'app, potete acquistare laversionecompleta( suo ulteriore sviluppo.Nota: L'app non elabora le foto scattate con lafotocameraocaricate dalla galleria per non pregiudicare laloroqualità.Caricare immagini di grosse dimensioni (>4 mpx)puòprovocare ilcrash dell'applicazione, specialmente in telefoniconpoca memoria.Quando scattate la foto, scegliete unarisoluzioneinferiore a 4mpx, e scattate da una distanzaravvicinata.[ENGLISH] - ITALIANO"Caliper" is an application that can be used in two ways: asasimpleruler to accurately measure distances between two points,oras anECG ruler for the correct and accurate measurement ofwavesandintervals of an electrocardiogram. You can place yourphonedirectlyon your ECG and make measurements, or you canloadanelectrocardiogram already stored in the photogallery(button"Gallery"), or you can take a new photo (button"Capture").Withthe "plus" and "minus" buttons you can zoom in andzoom outthepicture. With the button "Clear" you can delete allphotos,andwipe the screen. When you load an ECG, beforemakingmeasurements,you have to do the initial calibration, so youneed tomake surethat the 4 ECG squares correspond to 800 ms (2cm).Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraorloaded from the gallery to not affect their quality.Loadinglargeimages (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,especially inphones with little memory. When taking aphoto,choose a lower than4-megapixel resolution, and shot from aclosedistance.The version of "Demo" has the same functionality asthefullversion, the only limit is the number of openingsoftheapplication.If you remain satisfied after trying this app, buy thefullversion( further development of the application.[ITALIAN] - ENGLISH"Caliper" is an application that can be used in two ways: asasimpleruler to accurately measure distances between two points,oras aruler ECG for the correct and accurate measurement ofthewaves andof the intervals of an electrocardiogram. You canplaceyour phonedirectly on your ECG and take measurements, or youcanload anelectrocardiogram already stored in the photogallerybutton("Gallery"), or you can take a new photo (button"Capture").With the"plus" and "minus" you can zoom in and zoom outthepicture. With thebutton "Clear" you can delete alluploadedphotos, and wipe thescreen. When you load an ECG, beforemakingmeasurements, you have todo the initial calibration, thenyou needto make sure that the ECG 4squares correspond to 800 ms(2cm).The version of "Demo" has the same functionality as thefullversion,the only limit is the number of openings oftheapplication.If you enjoyed the app, you can buy thefullversion( its further development.Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraorloaded from the gallery to not affect their quality.Loadlargeimages (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,especiallyin phones with little memory. When you click thephoto,choose alower resolution 4-megapixel, and taken from aclosedistance.[ENGLISH] - ITALIAN"Caliper" is an application That can be used in two ways: asasimpleruler to accurately measure distances between two points,oras anECG ruler for the correct and accurate measurement ofwavesandintervals of an electrocardiogram. You can place yourphoneDirectlyon your ECG and make measurements, or you canloadanelectrocardiogram Already stored in the photogallery(button"Gallery"), or you can take a new picture(button"Capture"). Withthe "plus" and "minus" buttons you can zoomin andzoom out thepicture. With the button "Clear" you can deleteallphotos, andwipe the screen. When you load an EKG, beforemakingmeasurements,you have to do the initial calibration, so youneed tomake sureThat Correspond to the 4 squares ECG 800 ms (2cm).Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraorloaded from the gallery to not Affect Their quality.Loadinglargeimages (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,Especially inphones with little memory. When taking aphoto,choose a lower than4-megapixel resolution, and shot from aclosedistance.The version of "Demo" has the same functionality asthefullversion, the only limit is the number of openingsoftheapplication. If you REMAIN satisfied after trying this app, buythefullversion( support the development of the application.
Infermiere tools 1.3
Sto cercando di creare una applicazioneutileaicolleghi, siamo solo all'inizio...Con i vostrisuggerimentipossiamomigliorarla.Al momento pubblico solo la versione base man mano sperodiriusciread aggiungere altre funzionalità utili.I'm trying tocreateauseful application to colleagues, we are only at thebeginning...With your suggestions we can improve it.When the public only the basic version as I hope to addmoreusefulfeatures.
Glasgow Coma Scale 3.8
Assessing the level of consciousness on a scale Glasgow coma in3clicks.
eGFR 1.0
ScyMed Inc.
The eGFR App includes the formulas and equations used inthedailyassessments of patients with kidney disease, AcuteKidneyInjuryand Chronic Kidney Disease. It incorporates more than20equations,dynamic tables, and innovative MultiCalx™ Masterpanelfor combinedcalculations, assuring convenience and accuracy.eGFRfacilitatesthe organization and processing of Patient's data.It isaphysician-friendly™ app, intuitive and very easy touse.Uniquereference, productivity and decision support tool.Provenandreliable data processing, for physicians, residents,medstudents,PAs and NPs... Developed by Board-certifiedphysicians.**See alsoMediCalc® 8, Medical Calculator System™,>450Equations &Scores.--------------------------------------------eGFR CONTENTS:GFRMaster Glomerular Filtration Rate (Cockcroft)GlomerularFiltrationRate (GFR-EPI creatinine) GlomerularFiltration Rate(GFR-EPIcystatin C) Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR-EPI creatinine- cystatinC) Albumin:Creatinine RatioProtein:Creatinine RatioGlomerularFiltration Rate (MDRD-4)Glomerular Filtration Rate(MDRD-6)Glomerular Filtration Rate(Schwartz) Chronic KidneyDiseaseClassification Anion Gap (Serum)Fractional Excretion ofNa+Fractional Excretion of Urea Body MassIndex Overweight &ObesityClassification Body Surface AreaBasal EnergyExpenditureConversion--------------------------------------------The eGFRFEATURES: (thebest and proven clinical data processing)*arithmetical processing* automatic unit conversion *multiple-unitentries * color-codednormal-abnormal outputs * normalvalues(ranges & limits) *automatic range-checks (limits) *intuitiveuser interface * easynavigation and info access * Searchbar withfilters * smart decimalrounding * Système Internationalnotation *tables of parameters *mobile & online * expandedequationviews * fully referenced *highly organizedandstandardized-------------------------------------------- eGFRispart ofScyMed® MediCalc®, the first and mostcomprehensiveMedicalCalculator System™ in the world, mobile &online formore than15 years... eGFR is also available in spanish,french anditalian.Other Medical Apps developed by ScyMedincludeMediCalc®,LiverCalc™, EKG-card™, H&P-card™, eH&P™,etc.(mobile &online).
eH&P™ 4.4
ScyMed Inc.
"custom History & Physical Exam™" ******* FREE for alimitedtime *******
MediCalc® 10.4
ScyMed Inc.
"The standard for clinical calculations and analytics inMedicine™".
MAG Medical Abbreviations 2.1.9
IPIX s.c.
MAG Medical Abbreviations is a free and easy to usedictionaryofmost popular English medical abbreviations andterms.Thiscomprehensive offline reference for commonly usedmedicalacronymsgives you easy access to thousands of medical termswiththeir fullmeanings, optionally expanded by most reliableon-lineresources(Wikipedia, acronym databases). We upgradebothabbreviations aswell as their descriptions regularly, makingsurethey are mostaccurate and up-to date. Our app lets youdiscovermedicalabbreviations and terms found in health recordsormedicaldocumentation, medical prescriptions, descriptionsofhealthconditions, treatments, diseases or surgeries.Discoverfullmeaning of English medical abbreviations like: CBC, Rx,Fx,EtOH,HDL, LDL, GOT, GPT, Ig, IgA, IgG, HBV, HCV, ACL, PCL,ECG,EEG,EKG. MAG Medical Abbreviations app not only brings youreliableandaccurate search function that gives you quickaccesstodescriptions of abbreviations found in our glossary, butitalsolets you find matching abbreviations for agivendescription.Decide whether to display search results forbothabbreviations anddescriptions or narrow them to abbreviationsonlyby switching thesearch option accordingly. The powerfulsearchfunction implementsyour device’s latest voice recognitionfeaturesand its languagesettings for user-friendly, localizedinterface(English, German,Spanish, French, Italian, Russian andPolish). Itsintuitiveinterface and no need for internet connectionor loginmakes it oneof a kind. If you are however unable to findwhat youare lookingfor, you may choose to be redirected on-line tomostreliablesources helping you complete your task. MAGMedicalAbbreviationsis a trusted guide of medical abbreviationsandmedical terms thatcan by useful for Doctors, MDs, Physicians,PAs,NPs, nurses,paramedics, chiropractors, medical schoolstudents,otherhealthcare professionals, those in clinical practiceoranyoneseeking medical knowledge. MAG Medical Abbreviations –ourtrustedand up-to-date comprehensive abbreviations glossary thatcanalsobe used as medical terms dictionary, includes entrieson:◦Allergology ◦ Anesthesiology ◦ Cardiology ◦ Dermatology◦Diabetics◦ Diagnostic Imaging ◦ Emergency Medicine ◦ FamilyandGeneralPractice ◦ Food Safety ◦ Gastroenterology ◦ Geriatrics◦InternalMedicine ◦ Internal Disorders ◦ Mental Health ◦Neurology◦Nutrition ◦ Obstetrics & Gynecology ◦ Oncology ◦Orthopedics◦Orthodontics ◦ Osteoporosis ◦ Pathology ◦ Pediatrics◦PreventativeMedicine ◦ Psychiatry ◦ Radiology ◦ Sports Injuries◦SportsMedicine ◦ Surgery ◦ Medical Research ◦ Public HealthThisapp isalso available on other platforms – for more infogoto