Top 4 Apps Similar to Discoteca Ozone

Муслим тақвими (намоз ва азон) 2.8.1
Al Khorazmee
Muslim takvimi - Namoz vaktlari dasturi. Muslim Takwim is thetimeof prayers.
iZone Controller 1.17
ASC Software
The iZone App enables you to control your air conditioningunitandyour zones from your android device via WiFi in thebuildingandvia 3G with iZone World Wide. Air conditioningunitscurrentlycompatible with iZone include Daikin, PanasonicandToshiba. Youwill require the following components to beinstalled,operationaland configured to enable the iZone App tofunctioncorrectly: • Acompatible iZone control system, such as theiZone310. • AnAirstream Home Automation module (Model number CHAM)• AWiFi modemThe iZone App enables control of the followingfunctionson yourair conditioning system: • System On / Off • ACunittemperatureset-point adjustment • AC unit modes • AC unit fanspeed• Zonecontrol including Open, Close and Climate Control (iffitted)•Airflow control • Favourite selection • Sleep timer•Scheduleactivation and deactivation
МАЛИНА – это всем известнаябонуснаяпрограмма.Все предельно просто. Вы совершаете своиповседневныепокупки влюбимых магазинах, а за это вам начисляютсябаллы. Зачембаллы? Длятого, чтобы порадовать себя вознаграждениямииз каталогаилиобменять на товары и услуги партнеров программы.Более 150 самых популярных онлайн-магазинов (Ozon,Утконос,ЛитРеси многие другие) в одном приложении. Теперь покупатьв сетине толькоудобно, но еще и выгодно!Адреса ближайших к вам заправок BP или ресторанов ILПатиоиПланета Суши легко найти и сразу же построить к ниммаршрут.Возможности:- самые актуальные акции и предложения отпартнеровПрограммыМАЛИНА,- все самое интересное от online-партнеров,- информация о балансе баллов, сгорании, покупках ивсехкартахвашего счета.RASPBERRY -everybodyknowsbonus program. All very simple. You're making youreverydaypurchasesat pet stores, and for that you get points. Whyscore? Inorder toplease yourself rewards from a catalog orexchange ofgoods andservices partner program.Over 150 most popular online stores (Ozon, platypus,LitResandmany more) in one application. Now buying online isnotonlyconvenient, but also profitable!Addresses near you BP gas stations or restaurants ILPatioandPlanet Sushi is easy to find and immediately build aroutetothem.Features:- The most current promotions and offers frompartnersProgramRASPBERRY,- All the fun of online-partners- Information about the balance points, combustion, purchasesandallmaps of your account.
LoMásDe Pamplona 1.11
La app “LoMásDe” es lo más de todas lasapps.Esla plataforma que se adapta a ti y que te permitirá estaral díadelo más, de tu ciudad.Con la app “LoMásDe” podrás vivirsensaciones,experimentar,compartir todo lo que tu ciudad te ofrece.Y todoesto, desde tupropio Smartphone. Eso es lo más.Tienes tu ciudad en tu mano, en tu bolsillo.La descarga de la app “LoMásDe” es gratuita, esrápida,esútil.Desde la app, de manera sencilla, fácil e intuitiva puedesaccederaocio, cupones descuentos de los comercios de tuciudad,calendariodel ciudad y, hasta podrás, como ciudadanodigitalavisar alayuntamiento del estado del material municipal(farolas,asfalto,fuentes…)LoMásDe es un conjunto de utilidades que como ciudadano tevaaresultar muy práctica.Busca, comparte, participa en tu ciudad.. es lo más, eslaappLoMásDe.Desde la app puedes:• Ir de compras y recibir ofertas.• Ver la oferta comercial y gastronómica (baresyrestaurantes)• Acceder a todas las promociones, ofertas y cuponesdescuentodelciudad• Solicitar reserva de mesa en un restaurante osolicitaralojamientoen un hotel• Teléfonos de interés y urgencias• Conocer la geolocalización de los negocios y llegar aellomediantenavegación• Consultar el calendario municipal• Recibir avisos de incidencias municipales (cortes deagua,apagonesde luz…)• Conocer la meteorología al momento.Al descargar e instalar esta app aceptas nuestrascondicionesdeservicio. Podrás recibir notificaciones push y, enelapartadoincidencia, tus observaciones y tu correoelectrónicoseránredirigidos al Ayuntamiento. Consulta la Políticadeprivacidad ylas Condiciones de servicio de LoMásDe.The app "LoMásDe"ismostof all apps. It is the platform that suits you and allowyoutokeep abreast of the most, in your city.With the app "LoMásDe" you can live feelings,experience,sharewhat your city has to offer. And all this from yourownSmartphone.That's the most.You have your city in your hand, in your pocket.Download the app "LoMásDe" is free, it is fast, it is useful.From the app, simple, easy and intuitive way youcanaccessentertainment, coupons discount stores in your city,calendarcityand to be able, as a digital citizen alert the councilofstatemunicipal equipment (lamps, asphalt, sources ...)LoMásDe is a set of utilities that as a citizen willbeverypractical.Search, share, participates in your city .. is the most,istheapp LoMásDe.From the app you can:• Shopping and receive offers.• View the commercial and gastronomic offer(barsandrestaurants)• Access to all promotions, offers and discount coupons city• Request table reservation in a restaurant orhotelaccommodationrequest• Phone numbers of interest and emergency• Know the geolocation of business and get there bynavigation• Consult the municipal calendar• Receive notices of municipal issues (water shortages,poweroutages...)• Know the weather at the time.By downloading and installing this app you agree to ourtermsofservice. You can receive push notifications and intheincidencesection, your comments and your email will be forwardedtothe CityCouncil. See Privacy Policy and Terms ofServiceLoMásDe.