Top 42 Apps Similar to Frases de vida

Frases de Indiretas 1.6.8
The best phrases for WhatsApp status and social sharing!
Frases y Estados para WhatsApp 1.0
Queres ser original, demostrar tuestadoanimoen whatsapp y/o Facebook. Frases para Twitter. Ahorapodes.Con un solo botón, ya estas compartiendo la foto enWhatsapp..noesperes para enviar amor a tus seres queridos!Envianos tu voto si te gusto nuestra aplicacióngratuita!!Masvotos.. mas contenido!! ★★★★★Algunas otras características denuestraaplicacióngratuita:- Comparte la foto & wallpaper que te guste atravesdeWhatsApp- Presiona sobre la opción "Set Wallpaper" y estrena entusmartphoneun nuevo wallpaper- Permite la descarga de la foto en excelente calidadparaarchivaren la memoria SD- Comparte la foto & wallpaper en tu muro de Facebook yGoogle+o enviasela por Facebook- Publica y comparti las fotos en Twitter- Envía la imagen por mensaje o por Email- Agrega la fotos que prefieras a tu Dropbox- Sube las imágenes que te gusten a Picasa- Agrega las fotos a InstagramFrases de amor que nunca viste.. comparte y demuestra tuamorconestas bellísimas frases Románticas en español!!No te olvides de votarnos!! Mas votos —> Mascontenido!Siemprenuevas frases!!Actualizamos semanalmente —> No hay necesidad queactualizeslaapp!Sobre uso de Internet:Esta aplicación requiere internet para poder cargarlasimágenescorrespondientes.Sobre los anuncios:Existen anuncios publicitarios en esta aplicación. LaaplicaciónesGRATUITA, y no promovemos ninguna version paga dentrode lamisma.La única forma de soportar esta app y los futurosdesarrollosescon el uso de publicidad no intrusiva. Porfavor,entiendaesto.ImagenesNo hosteamos, creamos o subimos ninguna imagen. Todaslasimágenesson gratuitas encontradas en internet, sin marca deagua, ydedominio publico. Si ud es dueño de alguna imagen o videoyquiereaplicar los derechos de propiedad, o que quitemoslaimagen/videode la app, enviones un email quenosencargaremosinmediatamente.Disclaimer:Todas las marcas mencionadas pertenecen a susrespectivosdueños.Marcas, nombres de productos, corporacionesycompaniesmencionadas, son marcas registradas de susrespectivosdueños, omarcas registradas de sus compañías.All trademarks mentioned belong to their owners, thirdpartybrands,product names, trade names, corporate names andcompanynamesmentioned may be trademarks of their respective ownersorregisteredtrademarksYou want tobeoriginal,show your mood on whatsapp status and / orFacebook.Phrases forTwitter. Now you can.With a single button, you are sharing the photo in WhatsApp..donot expect to send love to your loved ones!Send us your feedback if you liked our free app !! Morevotes..more content !! ★★★★★Some other features of our free application:- Share the photo & wallpaper you like through WhatsApp- Click on "Set Wallpaper" option on your smartphone andlaunchesanew wallpaper- Allows you to download the photo in excellent quality forSDmemoryfile- Share the photo & wallpaper on your Facebook wall andsenditby Google + or Facebook- Post and shared photos on Twitter- Send image by message or by Email- Adds photos to your Dropbox prefer- Add the images that you like to Picasa- Add photos to InstagramPhrases of love that never saw .. share and show yourlovewiththese beautiful romantic phrases in Spanish !!Do not forget to vote for us !! More votes ->morecontent!Always new phrases !!Weekly update -> No need that you update the app!On Internet use:This application requires internet to loadthecorrespondingimages.About the ads:There are advertisements in this application. Theapplicationisfree, and do not promote any version paid within it.The onlywayto support this app and future developments isusingnon-intrusiveadvertising. Please understand this.ImagesWe host not, we believe it or got any pictures. All imagesfoundonthe internet are free, no watermark, and the public domain.Ifyouown any image or video and want to apply property rights,orthatwe remove the image / video app, enviones an email thatwilltakecare immediately.Disclaimer:All trademarks belong to their respective owners.Brands,productnames, corporations and companies mentioned aretrademarksof theirrespective owners or registered trademarksoftheircompanies.All trademarks belong to Mentioned Their owners, thirdpartybrands,product names, trade names, corporate names andcompanynames May betrademarks Mentioned of Their respective ownersorregisteredtrademarks
☝Frases de Vida y Autoestima♥ 27.0.0
☑ La app más completa de frases y leccionesdevida. Podrás ver y compartir frases, lecciones,poemas.. de vidayencontrar esa motivación y animo necesario para disfrutar delavida al máximo. Empieza tu día con motivación conestasmaravillosas reflexiones y leccines de vida. Compartiendofrases eimágenes de la app conseguirás que la gente medite sobrelaimportancia de ser siempre positivo en nuestra actitud.Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de protección dedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en:☑ The morecompletesentences and life lessons app. You can see and sharequotes,lessons, poems .. life and find that motivation andencouragementneeded to enjoy life to the fullest. Start your daywith motivationwith these wonderful reflections and leccines life.Sharing phrasesand images of the app get people to meditate on theimportance ofbeing always positive in our attitude.To comply with the rules of the data protectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalize contentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyze traffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device information withpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. More detailsat:
Frases Bonitas 2.1
Si estas buscando una frase que tehagareflexionar sobre el trabajo el amor y la amistad aquílaencontraras, esperamos que alguna de ella te sea de utilidadparaenfrentar tu día con una sonrisa.If you are searching foraphrase that makes you reflect on the work the love andfriendshipyou find here, hopefully some of it will be useful toface your daywith a smile.
Frases Bonitas 1
Free Apps !
Frases, mensagens, pensamentos e frases curtas bonitas e lindasemPortuguês selecionadas para você. Se você acha bom nossoaplicativoe quer ajudar, por favor, deixe-nos uma avaliação e umaopinião.Será muito útil para que possamos oferecer melhoresatualizações !Muito obrigado ! Este aplicativo é 100 % GRATIS !!
Frases de la Vida 1.0
Esta aplicación Frases de laVida,contienemensajes que te harán pensar, valorar y amar laVida;algunas deellas no se conoce su autor y en otras se cita sunombre.Citas queal leerlas veremos reflejado en muchas de ellas,momentosysituaciones de nuestra vida expresadas con gran acierto,lascualespodemos utilizarlas para reforzar o transmitir a losseresque nosrodean.Están distribuidas de la siguiente manera:Reflexiones.- Palabras que te harán reflexionar para ver lavidadeotra forma.Frases bonitas.- Mensajes para animarte a seguir adelanteconánimo,esfuerzo y entrega.Frases célebres.- Pensamientos positivos y constructivosdefilósofosque ayudan a adoptar otra perspectiva en la vida yasíevitar la vozinterna, responsable de la baja autoestima.Todas ellas escritas en bonitas imágenes para compartirlosconlafamilia y amigos a través de las diferentes redes socialesousarloscomo fondo de pantalla o perfil.Una vez instaladanonecesita estarconectado al Internet.De antemano agradeceríamos que nos dejes uncomentariopositivopara continuar mejorando, así como tambiéncalificándolacon 5estrellas y pulsando en +1 en caso de que leshayagustado.Milgracias.Esperamos que disfrutes y aproveches de ellas.Seguro que esta contribución será de vuestro total agrado.Dios los bendiga siempre.NOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad que nosayudaparamantener los costos de programación.This ScrapsofLifeapplication contains messages that make you think,appreciateandlove life; some of which its author is not known andcitedothername. Quotes reading them see reflected in many ofthem,momentsand situations in our lives expressed with greatsuccess,which wecan use to reinforce or transmit beings aroundus. They are distributed as follows:Reflexiones.- words that will make you reflect to see lifeinanotherway.Posts bonitas.- phrases to encourage you to moveforwardwithcourage, effort and commitment.célebres.- phrases positive and constructive thoughtsofphilosopherswho help to take another perspective in life andavoidthe innervoice, responsible for the low self-esteem.All written in beautiful pictures to share with familyandfriendsthrough different social networks or use them aswallpaperorperfil.Una once installed does not need to be connectedtotheInternet.Please let us know beforehand leave a positive commenttocontinueto improve, as well as calling with 5 stars andclicking+1 if youhave them gustado.Mil thanks.We hope you enjoy and take advantage of them.Sure this contribution will be of your total satisfaction.God bless you always.NOTE: This application contains advertising that helps ustokeepthe costs of programming.
Quotes about life 171130
Quotes about life is an app that provides the best quotes toreflecton this wonderful journey called life. Life is wonderful soyou mustlearn how to get the best out of it and live happily,hence theimportance of these quotes about happiness. Thosereflection quoteswill help you through those moments where youneed to remember howimportant is to carry on trying to be alwayspositive and value whatwe have. This app is available in englishand can be used tomeditate and appreciate all the people you careabout, it includestons of quotes to think about. Your couple,friends or family willbe thankful for you to share some of theseimages and inspiringquotes. App features: - We have selected thebest positive quotesand created some exclusive designs with themost beautiful images soyou can visualize different life quotes toreflect on. - We havecreated different categories: quotations andfamous quotes, lifequotes, reflection quotes and beautiful quotesso you can choose thedesigns you want to see anytime. - Use thebuttons or arrows toscroll through different images. - We havecreated a rich editor soyou can add your own texts to yourfavorite designs. Choose Fontsize, color and location to customizeall the images according toyour preferences. - You can add yourfavorite designs to “Favorites”so you can find them in a mucheasier and faster way every time youuse the app. - Share thequotes or images of your choice throughyour preferred instantmessaging apps or by using any app from yourdevice, all you needis have it previously installed so you can useit properly. - Youcan also share these images via email with yourfamily, relativesor friends. - Next to life quotes, you can alsofind philosophicalquotes especially created to made you think abouthow wonderfullife is. - Also, if you want to, you can use some ofthis beautifulquotes to post them on your personal status at anysocial networkyou may like. If you are running out of good ideas,this app willdefinitely become your better option, whether youneedinspirational quotes, happiness quotes, motivational quotesjust toname a few. We hope this motivation app gives you morestrength tolive life like never before. We also hope you reallylike thisreflection life quotes app. If this is the case, we’dreallyappreciate it if you could rate it positively to help uskeepcreating and including more quotes about life.Legalnotice/Disclaimer: All the pictures included in this app havebeenexclusively created by designers for MuchoApps, therefore,thecommercial use of any image within the app is prohibitedwithoutthe prior consent of MuchoApps. Images from public domainhave beenused for the photomontages, as they are not identified inany waythat states the reserved exploitation of such. Any naturalor legalperson, who appears to be the owner of any imagescontainedtherein, may accredit it via email [email protected],committing ourselves to the immediate withdrawalof the image afterverification of the protected photo ownership.
Pretty Quotes 15.0
❝ Beautiful quotes is an application that offers you thousandsofincredible love quotes and pretty quotes that were selectedfromthe best phrases of all time.❞ You can CREATE, DOWNLOAD andSHAREall our exclusive cute quotes in all your socialnetworks.Absolutely FREE! Main Features of beautiful quotes: 🔥 YoucanCREATE your own funds with exclusive funds from your owngallery. 🔥You can SAVE YOUR favorite phrases on FAVORITES. 🔥 Youcan DOWNLOADlove quotes whenever you want. 🔥 You can EDIT yoursentences withdifferent formats. 🔥 You SHARE your favorite prettyquotes withother applications and people. 🌠 Available in 3languages: SPANISH,PORTUGUESE AND ENGLISH. 🌠 50+ collections offree extra phrases. 🌠30,000+ nice quotes with pretty wallpapers. 🌠100,000+ funds topersonalize your phone. 🌠 New pretty backgroundswith cute quotesabout love every day. 👑 It has a simple design. 👑It is easy to usejust the screen to see all the love quotes withimages. 👑 Requireslittle space in your memory. 👑 A quick navigationbetween nicequotes. Why do you prefer pretty quotes? Because it isa completeand unique application that focuses on providingday-to-daysentences of the best quality and design. In addition tofindingdifferent collections of the best phrases among them: cutelovequotes, pretty images and love quotes with images. In this way,theplans choose the most appropriate messages for each moment ormood.What does beautiful quotes offer you? Selected Phrases: Wehaveselected and created all kinds of quote of the day moreemotive, inwhich you will also find encouraging cute love quotes,life isbeautiful quotes and beautiful love quotes. Offering youmiles ofphrases with images that will make you think, reflect,motivate,fall in love, laugh, cry, it is all about finding the onethat bestsuits what you are looking for in each moment. Share themanytime:You SHARE all our quote of the day with whom you mostdesire,expressing everything you feel or how you feel to yourfriends,family, a couple or couple through your phone in allsocialnetworks. Unlimited downloads: You can DOWNLOAD and collectin yourgallery all your favorite phrases where we offer you morethan30,000 happy quotes with life quotes, plus 100,000 wallpaperstopersonalize your phone Phrase Maker: Our application ofstatusquotes we offer you an exclusive tool in your life CREATEyour ownfruits and thoughts with the best backgrounds that can befound inthe wallpapers section It's not cool! Favorites section:You canadd all the favorite I love you quotes to favorites, so youcanselect the ones you like the most quickly. Multilanguage: Enjoyallthe romantic quotes at any time and in the availablelanguages(SPANISH, PORTUGUESE and ENGLISH). With this applicationyou willfind the ideal phrase for every moment, you will findthousands ofincredible quotes wallpaper, images with quotes, lovequotes forhim, etc. If you like love quotes for her do not enjoy italone,share it with all your friends, acquaintances and family,leave usyour rating and also a comment as we can continue toimprove togive you a better experience in our App. Notes Site:Alert: Forsome phrases, images and assemblies of public domain havebeenused, since they are not identified in any way that indicatetheexistence of right of exploitation reserved on them. ✏️ ContactUs:[email protected]
Good Thoughts: Thought of the Day, Love, Positive 15.0
❝ Good thoughts is an application that offers you thousandsofincredible positive thoughts and thought of the day thatwereselected from the best phrases of all time.❞ You canCREATE,DOWNLOAD and SHARE all our exclusive reflection quotes inall yoursocial networks. Absolutely FREE! Main Features of goodthoughts: 🔥You can CREATE your own funds with exclusive funds fromyour owngallery. 🔥 You can SAVE YOUR favorite phrases on FAVORITES.🔥 Youcan DOWNLOAD positive thoughts whenever you want. 🔥 You canEDITyour sentences with different formats. 🔥 You SHARE yourfavoritethought of the day with other applications and people. 🌠Availablein 3 languages: SPANISH, PORTUGUESE AND ENGLISH. 🌠 50+collectionsof free extra phrases. 🌠 30,000+ thoughts in englishwith thoughtsimages. 🌠 100,000+ funds to personalize your phone. 🌠New thoughtson teachers with reflection quotes about love everyday. 👑 It has asimple design. 👑 It is easy to use just the screento see all thelove thoughts. 👑 Requires little space in yourmemory. 👑 A quicknavigation between thoughts in english. Why do youprefer goodthoughts? Because it is a complete and uniqueapplication thatfocuses on providing day-to-day sentences of thebest quality anddesign. In addition to finding differentcollections of the bestphrases among them: quick thoughts, thoughtwallpapers and lovethoughts. In this way, the plans choose the mostappropriatemessages for each moment or mood. What does thought ofthe dayoffer you? Selected Phrases: We have selected and createdall kindsof nice thoughts more emotive, in which you will alsofindencouraging quick thoughts, inspirational quotes andmotivationalquotes. Offering you miles of phrases with images thatwill makeyou think, reflect, motivate, fall in love, laugh, cry, itis allabout finding the one that best suits what you are lookingfor ineach moment. Share them anytime: You SHARE all our nicethoughtswith whom you most desire, expressing everything you feelor howyou feel to your friends, family, a couple or couple throughyourphone in all social networks. Unlimited downloads: You canDOWNLOADand collect in your gallery all your favorite phrases whereweoffer you more than 30,000 beautiful quotes with famousquotes,plus 100,000 wallpapers to personalize your phone PhraseMaker: Ourapplication of best quotes about life we offer you anexclusivetool in your life CREATE your own fruits and thoughts withthe bestbackgrounds that can be found in the wallpapers sectionIt's notcool! Favorites section: You can add all the favorite karmaquotesto favorites, so you can select the ones you like the mostquickly.Multilanguage: Enjoy all the inspirational quotes aboutlife at anytime and in the available languages (SPANISH, PORTUGUESEandENGLISH). With this application you will find the ideal phraseforevery moment, you will find thousands of incredibleinspirationalwords, inspiration quotes, emotional quotes, etc. Ifyou likeinspirational thoughts do not enjoy it alone, share it withallyour friends, acquaintances and family, leave us your ratingandalso a comment as we can continue to improve to give you abetterexperience in our App. Notes Site: Alert: For some phrases,imagesand assemblies of public domain have been used, since theyare notidentified in any way that indicate the existence of rightofexploitation reserved on them. ✏️ ContactUs:[email protected]
Wisdom Quotes 15.0
❝ Wisdom quotes is an application that offers you thousandsofincredible wisdom sayings and wise quotes that were selectedfromthe best phrases of all time.❞ You can CREATE, DOWNLOAD andSHAREall our exclusive wisdom sayings wisdom stories in all yoursocialnetworks. Absolutely FREE! Main Features of wisdom quotes: 🔥Youcan CREATE your own funds with exclusive funds from yourowngallery. 🔥 You can SAVE YOUR favorite phrases on FAVORITES. 🔥Youcan DOWNLOAD wisdom sayings whenever you want. 🔥 You can EDITyoursentences with different formats. 🔥 You SHARE your favoritewisequotes with other applications and people. 🌠 Available in3languages: SPANISH, PORTUGUESE AND ENGLISH. 🌠 50+ collectionsoffree extra phrases. 🌠 30,000+ wisdom stories with words ofwisdom.🌠 100,000+ funds to personalize your phone. 🌠 New wisesayings withdaily wisdom about love every day. 👑 It has a simpledesign. 👑 Itis easy to use just the screen to see all the spiritualwisdom. 👑Requires little space in your memory. 👑 A quick navigationbetweendaily wisdom. Why do you prefer wisdom quotes? Because it isacomplete and unique application that focuses onprovidingday-to-day sentences of the best quality and design. Inaddition tofinding different collections of the best phrases amongthem: dailywords of wisdom, wise words and spiritual wisdom. Inthis way, theplans choose the most appropriate messages for eachmoment or mood.What does wise quotes offer you? Selected Phrases:We have selectedand created all kinds of daily wisdom more emotive,in which youwill also find encouraging daily words of wisdom,intelligentquotes and intelligent words. Offering you miles ofphrases withimages that will make you think, reflect, motivate,fall in love,laugh, cry, it is all about finding the one that bestsuits whatyou are looking for in each moment. Share them anytime:You SHAREall our daily wisdom with whom you most desire,expressingeverything you feel or how you feel to your friends,family, acouple or couple through your phone in all socialnetworks.Unlimited downloads: You can DOWNLOAD and collect in yourgalleryall your favorite phrases where we offer you more than30,000intelligent jokes with wisdom quotes offline, plus100,000wallpapers to personalize your phone Phrase Maker: Ourapplicationof word of wisdom quotes we offer you an exclusive toolin yourlife CREATE your own fruits and thoughts with the bestbackgroundsthat can be found in the wallpapers section It's notcool!Favorites section: You can add all the favorite daily wisdomquotesto favorites, so you can select the ones you like the mostquickly.Multilanguage: Enjoy all the bible wisdom quotes at anytime and inthe available languages (SPANISH, PORTUGUESE andENGLISH). Withthis application you will find the ideal phrase forevery moment,you will find thousands of incredible wise quotes andsayings, wisequotes of wisdom, wise quotes app, etc. If you likewise man quotesdo not enjoy it alone, share it with all yourfriends,acquaintances and family, leave us your rating and also acommentas we can continue to improve to give you a betterexperience inour App. Notes Site: Alert: For some phrases, imagesand assembliesof public domain have been used, since they are notidentified inany way that indicate the existence of right ofexploitationreserved on them. ✏️ Contact Us:[email protected]
Frases lindas 1
The best collection of beautiful free Portuguese phrases for you!
Status para todos os casos 1.5.9
Please have different status options ready for WhatsApp,Facebook,etc.
Frases Con Imagenes Bonitas 2.0
Beautiful images with phrases containing a variety ofbeautifullegends of love.
Beautiful Quotes (Portuguese) 4.6.2
Beautiful Portuguese phrases accompanied by very nice photos. Enjoy
Frases para Refletir 1.3.4
Thought phrases ready to read and share on Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.
Frases poderosas 1.1.1
Create and schedule your success with these powerfulmotivationalphrases
Sarcastic Quotes 15.0
❝ Sarcastic quotes is an application that offers you thousandsofincredible sarcastic memes and sarcasm that were selected fromthebest phrases of all time.❞ You can CREATE, DOWNLOAD and SHAREallour exclusive funny sarcastic quotes in all your socialnetworks.Absolutely FREE! Main Features of sarcastic quotes: 🔥 YoucanCREATE your own funds with exclusive funds from your owngallery. 🔥You can SAVE YOUR favorite phrases on FAVORITES. 🔥 Youcan DOWNLOADsarcastic memes whenever you want. 🔥 You can EDIT yoursentenceswith different formats. 🔥 You SHARE your favorite sarcasmwithother applications and people. 🌠 Available in 3 languages:SPANISH,PORTUGUESE AND ENGLISH. 🌠 50+ collections of free extraphrases. 🌠30,000+ sarcastic jokes with funny images. 🌠 100,000+funds topersonalize your phone. 🌠 New sarcastic quotes and imageswithfunny sarcastic quotes about love every day. 👑 It has asimpledesign. 👑 It is easy to use just the screen to see all thefunnyquotes. 👑 Requires little space in your memory. 👑 Aquicknavigation between sarcastic jokes. Why do you prefersarcasticquotes? Because it is a complete and unique applicationthatfocuses on providing day-to-day sentences of the best qualityanddesign. In addition to finding different collections of thebestphrases among them: sarcastic wallpapers, sarcasm quotes andfunnyquotes. In this way, the plans choose the most appropriatemessagesfor each moment or mood. What does sarcasm offer you?SelectedPhrases: We have selected and created all kinds of funnymemes moreemotive, in which you will also find encouragingsarcasticwallpapers, sarcasm wallpapers and sarcasm jokes. Offeringyoumiles of phrases with images that will make you think,reflect,motivate, fall in love, laugh, cry, it is all about findingthe onethat best suits what you are looking for in each moment.Share themanytime: You SHARE all our funny memes with whom you mostdesire,expressing everything you feel or how you feel to yourfriends,family, a couple or couple through your phone in allsocialnetworks. Unlimited downloads: You can DOWNLOAD and collectin yourgallery all your favorite phrases where we offer you morethan30,000 sarcasm memes with double meaning questions, plus100,000wallpapers to personalize your phone Phrase Maker: Ourapplicationof double meaning images we offer you an exclusive toolin yourlife CREATE your own fruits and thoughts with the bestbackgroundsthat can be found in the wallpapers section It's notcool!Favorites section: You can add all the favorite doublemeaningjokes to favorites, so you can select the ones you like themostquickly. Multilanguage: Enjoy all the double meaning messagesatany time and in the available languages (SPANISH, PORTUGUESEandENGLISH). With this application you will find the ideal phraseforevery moment, you will find thousands of incredible ironyquotes,ironic quotes, dirty quotes, etc. If you like funny jokes donotenjoy it alone, share it with all your friends, acquaintancesandfamily, leave us your rating and also a comment as we cancontinueto improve to give you a better experience in our App.Notes Site:Alert: For some phrases, images and assemblies of publicdomainhave been used, since they are not identified in any waythatindicate the existence of right of exploitation reserved onthem.✏️ Contact Us: [email protected]
Frases para Fotos 11
Phrases and images according to how you feel or to illustrateyourown photo
Book Quotes 15.0
❝ Book quotes is an application that offers you thousandsofincredible inspirational quotes and life quotes that wereselectedfrom the best phrases of all time.❞ You can CREATE,DOWNLOAD andSHARE all our exclusive motivational quotes in all yoursocialnetworks. Absolutely FREE! Main Features of book quotes: 🔥You canCREATE your own funds with exclusive funds from your owngallery. 🔥You can SAVE YOUR favorite phrases on FAVORITES. 🔥 Youcan DOWNLOADinspirational quotes whenever you want. 🔥 You can EDITyoursentences with different formats. 🔥 You SHARE your favoritelifequotes with other applications and people. 🌠 Available in3languages: SPANISH, PORTUGUESE AND ENGLISH. 🌠 50+ collectionsoffree extra phrases. 🌠 30,000+ quotes about self with quotesbookfree. 🌠 100,000+ funds to personalize your phone. 🌠 New quotesbookwith motivational quotes about love every day. 👑 It has asimpledesign. 👑 It is easy to use just the screen to see alltheeducation quotes. 👑 Requires little space in your memory. 👑 Aquicknavigation between quotes about self. Why do you preferbookquotes? Because it is a complete and unique applicationthatfocuses on providing day-to-day sentences of the best qualityanddesign. In addition to finding different collections of thebestphrases among them: inspirational quotes about life, book ofquotesand education quotes. In this way, the plans choose themostappropriate messages for each moment or mood. What does lifequotesoffer you? Selected Phrases: We have selected and created allkindsof love quotes for her more emotive, in which you will alsofindencouraging inspirational quotes about life, quotes bookofflineand quotes book app. Offering you miles of phrases withimages thatwill make you think, reflect, motivate, fall in love,laugh, cry,it is all about finding the one that best suits what youarelooking for in each moment. Share them anytime: You SHARE allourlove quotes for her with whom you most desire,expressingeverything you feel or how you feel to your friends,family, acouple or couple through your phone in all socialnetworks.Unlimited downloads: You can DOWNLOAD and collect in yourgalleryall your favorite phrases where we offer you more than30,000inspirational love quotes with writers quotes, plus100,000wallpapers to personalize your phone Phrase Maker: Ourapplicationof famous quotes we offer you an exclusive tool in yourlife CREATEyour own fruits and thoughts with the best backgroundsthat can befound in the wallpapers section It's not cool! Favoritessection:You can add all the favorite literary quotes to favorites,so youcan select the ones you like the most quickly. Multilanguage:Enjoyall the book sentences at any time and in the availablelanguages(SPANISH, PORTUGUESE and ENGLISH). With this applicationyou willfind the ideal phrase for every moment, you will findthousands ofincredible book quotes about love, book quotes tumblr,book quotesby authors, etc. If you like book quotes about life donot enjoy italone, share it with all your friends, acquaintancesand family,leave us your rating and also a comment as we cancontinue toimprove to give you a better experience in our App.Notes Site:Alert: For some phrases, images and assemblies of publicdomainhave been used, since they are not identified in any waythatindicate the existence of right of exploitation reserved onthem.✏️ Contact Us: [email protected]
Frases Reflexão 4
Frases Reflexão é um aplicativo simples e leve quereúnealgumasfrases que farão você refletir e pensar maispositivamentesobrealgumas questões da vida. Todos temos diasdifíceis, masjamaisdeixe que um dia ruim faça você pensar que vocêtem uma vidaruim!Características: - Interface simples e leve -Compartilhe assuasfrases favoritas com seus amigos - Leia da ondevocê parou-Atualizações constantes, com inclusão de novas frases.
Frases e imágenes de reproche 1.9.1
En la vida desgraciadamente todo no es amor verdadero,niamistadessinceras. Existe mucha falsedad e hipocresía enlasrelaciones depareja así como en las de amistad. Para los quebuscanmensajespara la gente falsa, en esta aplicación laspodrásencontrarás porcategorías, incluso un poco de humor. Frasesparadesahogarse sisientes una pena por un falso amor o falsoamigo.Frases para hacerllegar a otra persona que te ha mentido yfallado,y así expresarletodo tu dolor y transmitirle lo quesientes. Estasfrases y muchasmás las puedes encontrar en la páginaweb
Reflexiones Y Pensamientos 2.0
This app is full of reflections and thoughts that will mark you.
Frases de Motivação 1.4.3
Motivational phrases to encourage you daily and make you go further
Frases de Reflexão 1.2
Para uma vida feliz e saudável você precisa ter seu momentodereflexão. Baixe agora mesmo essa coletânea de frases paravocêrefletir sobre sua vida, família, amigos e trabalho. Será umaboaexperiência para sua vida! "A sabedoria começa na reflexão.""Suatarefa é descobrir o seu trabalho e, então, com todo ocoração,dedicar-se a ele." "O amor é uma fonte inesgotável dereflexão,profunda como a eternidade, alta como o céu, vasta comoouniverso." "No fundo de um buraco ou de um poço,acontecedescobrir-se as estrelas." "O medo é um preconceito dosnervos. Eum preconceito, desfaz-se - basta a simples reflexão." "Odinheiroacabei por descobrir, era exactamente como o sexo: quandonão setem não se pensa noutra coisa, e quando se tem pensa-senoutrascoisas." "O remorso é a única dor da alma, que nem areflexão nem otempo atenuam." "Você pode descobrir mais a respeitode uma pessoanuma hora de jogo do que num ano de conversação." "Seas paixõesaconselham por vezes mais ousadamente do que a reflexão,issodeve-se a que elas dão mais força para executar." "Aceita-metalcomo eu sou. Só então poderemos descobrir-nos um ao outro.""Rarossão aqueles que decidem após madura reflexão; os outros andamaosabor das ondas e longe de se conduzirem deixam-se levarpelosprimeiros." "Cada homem deve descobrir o seu próprio caminho."
Life Quotes 2.2
In Life Quotes are the best quotes. All of them selected tobedisplayed properly on your Android device. The moststrikingadvantages of Life Quotes - It's completely free. - Fastchargingspeed. - Quick navigation. - You can share by SMS,multimediamessages, facebook, twitter, whatsapp, viber, line andmore. -Browse only slide (swipe) screen. To share you must use theupperright button and choose which program you want to share.Takeadvantage of this free application and share it with yourfriends.If you liked or did not qualify us forget comment.
Mensagens Bíblicas 1.2.0
Beautiful excerpts from the Holy Bible for you to read, useasstatus and share.
Imagens com Mensagens de Amor 7.7
Em imagens com mensagens de amor você encontrará umaexcelentecoleção com o melhor mensagens de amor em imagens, quevocê podecompartilhar com os amigos, a família eo amor de sua vida.Não hámelhor maneira de dizer que a pessoa que você quertransmitir, comuma imagem, selecione a frase que melhor se adaptaao que você quertransmitir no imagens de amor e use o botão decompartilhar.Características: ★ Grátis Você pode baixar aplicativogratuito. ★Velocidade Ele é totalmente otimizado para todas asaplicaçõesfuncionem sem problemas. ★ Navegação Tudo rápido éintuitivamenteposicionados de modo que você pode personalizar oaplicativo comovocê quer mais. ★ Compartilhar A função que vocêgosta, você podecompartilhar via SMS, mensagens multimídia,facebook, twitter,whatsapp, Viber, linha e mais redes sociais com otoque de umbotão. ★ Qualidade As imagens são selecionadas paraoferecer amelhor qualidade. ★ Idioma A aplicação é de 100% emportuguês,esqueça os aplicativos que estão em outras línguas do queo seu,você vai encontrar tudo aqui no seu idioma. ★ Baixar Vocêpodebaixar as imagens que você gosta simples, você só temquepressionar o botão. ★ Intuitiva A fim de mudar para ir deumaimagem para outra é apenas necessário deslizar o dedo vocêpodeacessar todos eles; tudo é posicionado de modo que o aplicativoéfácil de usar tudo que você tem a fazer é se divertir. ★CompatívelEsta aplicação é compatível com telefones e tablets(responsive);também trabalha com diferentes versões do Android,você não teráque se preocupar com nada, a aplicação irá se adaptarao seudispositivo para lhe dar a melhor experiência. ★ Ajuda adizer Àsvezes não encontramos as palavras adequadas para expressaro quequeremos transmitir palavras; Esta aplicação vai ajudá-loaencontrar a imagem, o texto adequado para que você possafazê-lo.Extras: ► Com esta aplicação, você pode compartilhar frasescom amensagem de que você gosta, como poderia ser: "mensagens deamorpara celular" o "mensagens de amor para namorado". ►Constantementeadicionando novas imagens e melhorias para oaplicativo, de vez emquando enviamos uma atualização, entãosinta-se livre paraatualizar e manter sempre a par com os melhores.► Esperamos quevocês gostem da aplicação, se há alguma coisa quevocê acha quepoderia ser melhorado, sinta-se livre para deixar umcomentário ouenvie um e-mail; e se você gostou de como elefunciona, você podequalificar-nos para que possamos semprecontinuar trabalhando paraoferecer o melhor.
Ringtones for Watsapp 2.3.7
Ringtones for Whatsapp is best notification ringtones forWatsapp.It's so easy to setting ringtones for Android phone andWatsappmessages. Ringtones are updated weekly with high quality andtheyare absolutely free. You can download to setup them forWatsappmessages, default ringtone, message ringtone, alarmringtone.Features: - Own more than 1000 free ringtones - Easilyfinding thehottest ringtones on top download, new ringtones andsearch trend -Download ringtones to Re-listening without internet -Fast app withlow memory and easily to use Thank you for your usingthis app.
Bom Dia,Tarde,Noite Mensagens 1.0.6
Encante seus amigos, amor e família com essas belas frases do diaadia, são diversas mensagens de saudações divido porcategorias.Compartilhe em seus chats e redes sociais, compatívelcom whatssap,facebook, messenger e email. Categoria Bom dia: - Bomdia Amor -Bom dia Família - Bom dia Diversas - Bom dia Religioso -Bom diaChats Categoria Boa Tarde - Boa Tarde Amor - Boa TardeFamília -Boa Tarde Diversas - Boa Tarde Religioso - Boa TardeChatsCategoria Boa Noite - Boa Noite Amor - Boa Noite Família -BoaNoite Diversas - Boa Noite Religioso - Boa Noite Chats Sãocentenasde mensagens disponíveis, como: "A cada dia que nasce, omeu amorpor você fica mais forte. Bom dia!" Boa Tarde “A fé em Deusnos fazcrer no incrível, ver o invisível e realizar o impossível.”"Estouindo dormir. Só me acorde se for pra me dar dinheiro. Boanoite."
Belas Mensagens 2.1.0
App oficial do Belas Mensagens, o maior sitedemensagens do Brasil.Instale agora em seu Android e tenha acesso a milharesdemensagens sobre os mais diversos assuntos para você se inspiraroucompartilhar com seus amigos.• Milhares de mensagens• Assuntos variados: amizade, amor, reflexão, fé e muito mais• Totalmente gratuito• Salve as imagens e compartilhe no Instagram,Whatsapp,FacebookO melhor app de mensagens para Android!Official app ofFineMessages, the most trusted messages Brazil.Install now on your Android, and get access to thousands ofpostson various topics to inspire you and share with yourfriends.• Thousands of messages• varied Affairs: friendship, love, reflection, faith andmore• Totally free• Save images and share on Instagram, Whatsapp, FacebookThe best messaging app for Android!
Frases Bonitas 1.1
Best nice phrases to amuse and entertain.
Imagens com Frases de Carinho 7.4
Em Imagens com Frases de Carinho você encontrará umaexcelentecoleção com o melhor frases de carinho em imagens, quevocê podecompartilhar com os amigos, a família eo amor de sua vida.Não hámelhor maneira de dizer que a pessoa que você quertransmitir, comuma imagem, selecione a frase que melhor se adaptaao que você quertransmitir no imagens de carinho e use o botão decompartilhar.Características: ★ Grátis Você pode baixar aplicativogratuito. ★Velocidade Ele é totalmente otimizado para todas asaplicaçõesfuncionem sem problemas. ★ Navegação Tudo rápido éintuitivamenteposicionados de modo que você pode personalizar oaplicativo comovocê quer mais. ★ Compartilhar A função que vocêgosta, você podecompartilhar via SMS, mensagens multimídia,facebook, twitter,whatsapp, Viber, linha e mais redes sociais com otoque de umbotão. ★ Qualidade As imagens são selecionadas paraoferecer amelhor qualidade. ★ Idioma A aplicação é de 100% emportuguês,esqueça os aplicativos que estão em outras línguas do queo seu,você vai encontrar tudo aqui no seu idioma. ★ Baixar Vocêpodebaixar as imagens que você gosta simples, você só temquepressionar o botão. ★ Intuitiva A fim de mudar para ir deumaimagem para outra é apenas necessário deslizar o dedo vocêpodeacessar todos eles; tudo é posicionado de modo que o aplicativoéfácil de usar tudo que você tem a fazer é se divertir. ★CompatívelEsta aplicação é compatível com telefones e tablets(responsive);também trabalha com diferentes versões do Android,você não teráque se preocupar com nada, a aplicação irá se adaptarao seudispositivo para lhe dar a melhor experiência. ★ Ajuda adizer Àsvezes não encontramos as palavras adequadas para expressaro quequeremos transmitir palavras; Esta aplicação vai ajudá-loaencontrar a imagem, o texto adequado para que você possafazê-lo.Extras: ► Com esta aplicação, você pode compartilhar frasescom amensagem de que você gosta, como poderia ser: "frases de amorecarinho" o "frases de carinho para namorado". ►Constantementeadicionando novas imagens e melhorias para oaplicativo, de vez emquando enviamos uma atualização, entãosinta-se livre paraatualizar e manter sempre a par com os melhores.► Esperamos quevocês gostem da aplicação, se há alguma coisa quevocê acha quepoderia ser melhorado, sinta-se livre para deixar umcomentário ouenvie um e-mail; e se você gostou de como elefunciona, você podequalificar-nos para que possamos semprecontinuar trabalhando paraoferecer o melhor.
Mensagens de Bom Dia e Cia. 7.8
AS2 Sistemas
Create and share cards to brighten the day. Listen beautifulonlinemessages.
A Frase Ideal 4.5.1
Cada momento merece uma frase especial, cada momento temAFraseIdeal. Aqui você encontra e ajuda a montar uma coleçãodefrases,ditados e pensamentos que ilustram os instantes especiaisdavida!Frases sobre amor, pensamentos positivos e engraçados,frasespararefletir e entreter-se. Mostre a todos o que estápensando!Escrevaa sua e compartilhe no Facebook e no Twitter!Frases emportuguês einglês! Sempre frases novas! Colecione asfrases queescrevem suavida!
Frases e Indiretas 1.0.5
Ready phrases To Amaze Who You Love.
Frases Motivacionales y Exito 1.0
Cada ejecución mostrará unahermosafrasemotivacional, palabras de éxito y aliento.Levanta el ánimo, obtén una frase que te inspireaseguiradelante, a desarrollarte personal y profesionalmente.Comparte tu frase y estado de ánimo con tus amigos einundatuentorno con palabras positivas y de superación.Has de tu día un mejor día!Each executionshowabeautiful motivational phrase, words of success andencouragement.Uplifting, get a phrase that inspires you to move on,todevelopyourself personally and professionally.Share your phrase and mood with friends and fillsyourenvironmentwith positive and overcoming words.You have your day a better day!
Frases e Pensamentos 1.0.7
Let your most joyful and happy day with beautiful phrasesandthoughts
Imagens Frases de Boa Noite 7.0
Em imagens com frases de boa noite você encontrará umaexcelentecoleção com o melhor frases de boa noite em imagens, quevocê podecompartilhar com os amigos, a família eo amor de sua vida.Não hámelhor maneira de dizer que a pessoa que você quertransmitir, comuma imagem, selecione a frase que melhor se adaptaao que você quertransmitir no imagens de boa noite e use o botão decompartilhar.Características: ★ Grátis Você pode baixar aplicativogratuito. ★Velocidade Ele é totalmente otimizado para todas asaplicaçõesfuncionem sem problemas. ★ Navegação Tudo rápido éintuitivamenteposicionados de modo que você pode personalizar oaplicativo comovocê quer mais. ★ Compartilhar A função que vocêgosta, você podecompartilhar via SMS, mensagens multimídia,facebook, twitter,whatsapp, Viber, linha e mais redes sociais com otoque de umbotão. ★ Qualidade As imagens são selecionadas paraoferecer amelhor qualidade. ★ Idioma A aplicação é de 100% emportuguês,esqueça os aplicativos que estão em outras línguas do queo seu,você vai encontrar tudo aqui no seu idioma. ★ Baixar Vocêpodebaixar as imagens que você gosta simples, você só temquepressionar o botão. ★ Intuitiva A fim de mudar para ir deumaimagem para outra é apenas necessário deslizar o dedo vocêpodeacessar todos eles; tudo é posicionado de modo que o aplicativoéfácil de usar tudo que você tem a fazer é se divertir. ★CompatívelEsta aplicação é compatível com telefones e tablets(responsive);também trabalha com diferentes versões do Android,você não teráque se preocupar com nada, a aplicação irá se adaptarao seudispositivo para lhe dar a melhor experiência. ★ Ajuda adizer Àsvezes não encontramos as palavras adequadas para expressaro quequeremos transmitir palavras; Esta aplicação vai ajudá-loaencontrar a imagem, o texto adequado para que você possafazê-lo.Extras: ► Com esta aplicação, você pode compartilhar frasescom amensagem de que você gosta, como poderia ser: "mensagem deboanoite" o "boa noite amor". ► Constantemente adicionandonovasimagens e melhorias para o aplicativo, de vez em quandoenviamosuma atualização, então sinta-se livre para atualizar emantersempre a par com os melhores. ► Esperamos que vocês gostemdaaplicação, se há alguma coisa que você acha que poderiasermelhorado, sinta-se livre para deixar um comentário ou envieume-mail; e se você gostou de como ele funciona, vocêpodequalificar-nos para que possamos sempre continuar trabalhandoparaoferecer o melhor.
Frases da Vida 1
Free !!
Encontre aqui as melhores frases da vida para se inspirarecompartilhar.
Imagenes con Frases Reflexion 39.3
En imagenes con frases de reflexion encontrarás unaexcelenterecopilación con las mejores frases de reflexion enimágenes, quepodrás compartir con tus amigos, familiares y con elamor de tuvida. No existe mejor forma de decirle a esa persona loque quierestransmitir, que con una imagen, elige la frase que másse adecúe alo que quieres transmitir en las imagenes de reflexion yutiliza elbotón de compartir. Características: ★ Gratis Esaplicación quepuedes descargar completamente gratis. ★ Velocidad Seha optimizadoal máximo todo para que la aplicación vaya fluida. ★NavegaciónRápida Todo está colocado de forma intuitiva para quepuedaspersonalizar la aplicación como más desees. ★ Compartir Lafunciónque más te gusta, puedes compartir mediante sms,mensajesmultimedia, facebook, twitter, whatsapp, viber, line ymucho másredes sociales, con solo presionar un botón. ★ Calidad Lasimágenesson seleccionadas para ofrecer la mejor calidad. ★ IdiomaLaaplicación se encuentra 100% en español, olvídate deesasaplicaciones que encuentras en idiomas diferentes al tuyo,aquítodo lo encontrarás en tu idioma. ★ Descargar Puedes descargarlaimágenes que más te gusten de forma sencilla, solo debespresionarel botón. ★ Intuitiva Para poder cambiar ir de una imagena otrasolo es necesario deslizar con el dedo y podrás acceder atodasellas; todo está colocado de tal forma que la aplicación seafácilse usar para que lo único que tengas que hacer es disfrutarla.★Compatible Esta aplicación es compatible con móviles ytabletas(responsivo); también funciona con diversas versiones deAndroid,no tendrás que preocuparte por nada, la aplicación seadaptará a tudispositivo para brindarte la mejor experiencia. ★ Teayuda aexpresarte A veces no encontramos las palabras adecuadasparaexpresar lo que deseamos transmitir; esta aplicación te ayudaráaencontrar la imagen, el texto adecuado para que puedashacerlo.Extras: ► Con esta aplicación podrás compartir frases quetengan elmensaje que más te gusta, como podría ser: "frases dereflexion deamor" o "frases de reflexion cortas". ► Constantementeagregamosnuevas imágenes y mejoras a la aplicación, cada ciertotiempoenviamos una actualización, así que no dudes en actualizarymantenerte siempre al tanto con lo mejor. ► Esperamos quelaaplicación te guste, si hay algo que crees que podría mejorar,nodudes en dejarnos un comentario o enviarnos un email; y si tehagustado como funciona puedes calificarnos y así podremosseguirtrabajando para ofrecerte siempre lo mejor.
Thought of the Day 15.0
❝ Thought of the day is an application that offers you thousandsofincredible positive thoughts and good thoughts that wereselectedfrom the best phrases of all time.❞ You can CREATE,DOWNLOAD andSHARE all our exclusive reflection quotes in all yoursocialnetworks. Absolutely FREE! Main Features of thought of theday: 🔥You can CREATE your own funds with exclusive funds from yourowngallery. 🔥 You can SAVE YOUR favorite phrases on FAVORITES. 🔥Youcan DOWNLOAD positive thoughts whenever you want. 🔥 You canEDITyour sentences with different formats. 🔥 You SHARE yourfavoritegood thoughts with other applications and people. 🌠Available in 3languages: SPANISH, PORTUGUESE AND ENGLISH. 🌠 50+collections offree extra phrases. 🌠 30,000+ thoughts in Englishwith thoughtsimages. 🌠 100,000+ funds to personalize your phone. 🌠New thoughtson teachers with reflection quotes about love everyday. 👑 It has asimple design. 👑 It is easy to use just the screento see all thelove thoughts. 👑 Requires little space in yourmemory. 👑 A quicknavigation between thoughts in English. Why do youprefer thoughtof the day? Because it is a complete and uniqueapplication thatfocuses on providing day-to-day sentences of thebest quality anddesign. In addition to finding differentcollections of the bestphrases among them: quick thoughts, thoughtwallpapers and lovethoughts. In this way, the plans choose the mostappropriatemessages for each moment or mood. What does goodthoughts offeryou? Selected Phrases: We have selected and createdall kinds ofnice thoughts more emotive, in which you will also findencouragingquick thoughts, inspirational quotes and motivationalquotes.Offering you miles of phrases with images that will make youthink,reflect, motivate, fall in love, laugh, cry, it is allaboutfinding the one that best suits what you are looking for ineachmoment. Share them anytime: You SHARE all our nice thoughtswithwhom you most desire, expressing everything you feel or howyoufeel to your friends, family, a couple or couple through yourphonein all social networks. Unlimited downloads: You can DOWNLOADandcollect in your gallery all your favorite phrases where weofferyou more than 30,000 beautiful quotes with famous quotes,plus100,000 wallpapers to personalize your phone Phrase Maker:Ourapplication of best quotes about life we offer you anexclusivetool in your life CREATE your own fruits and thoughts withthe bestbackgrounds that can be found in the wallpapers sectionIt's notcool! Favorites section: You can add all the favorite karmaquotesto favorites, so you can select the ones you like the mostquickly.Multilanguage: Enjoy all the inspirational quotes aboutlife at anytime and in the available languages (SPANISH, PORTUGUESEandENGLISH). With this application you will find the ideal phraseforevery moment, you will find thousands of incredibleinspirationalwords, inspiration quotes, emotional quotes, etc. Ifyou likeinspirational thoughts do not enjoy it alone, share it withallyour friends, acquaintances and family, leave us your ratingandalso a comment as we can continue to improve to give you abetterexperience in our App. Notes Site: Alert: For some phrases,imagesand assemblies of public domain have been used, since theyare notidentified in any way that indicate the existence of rightofexploitation reserved on them. ✏️ ContactUs:[email protected]
Flores con Frases 1.0
Ivan Moposita
Te presentamos en esta oportunidadunanuevaaplicación Frases con flores encontraras frases e imágenesdealtacalidad que forma las más hermosas postales listasparacompartiren tus grupos en redes sociales como facebook otwitter owhatsAppy correos electrónicos, Para enviar Frases conFlores deformaoriginal a todos tus amigos, amigas o a quien túquieras. Seelprimero en enviar Frases con Flores de forma originala tufamilia,novio, novia, o quien forma parte de ti, laaplicaciónestotalmente gratuita. Se original y sorprende a tuparejacongraciosos y lindos mensajes con frases y floresencualquiermomento no hace falta que sea una fecha especial, hazquesea SanValentín todos los días.Todas las imágenes de esta aplicación puedes ponerlas comofondodepantalla en teléfonos y Tablet que tengan android.Esperamos que esta aplicación sea de su agrado ypuedacalificarnoscon 5 estrellas + 1. Una vez instalada laaplicación nonecesitasestar conectado a internet para quefuncionecorrectamente.Que tengas un maravilloso día.DISFRUTA DE ESTA APLICACIÓNWe present this timeanewPhrases application with flowers you will findphrasesandhigh-quality images that form the most beautifulpostcards readytoshare in your groups on social networks likefacebook or twitterorWhatsApp and emails To send phrases withflowers form Originalallyour friends, friends or whoever you want.Be the first tophraseswith flowers original form to your family,boyfriend,girlfriend,or who is part of you, the application isfree. Beoriginal andsurprise your partner with funny and cutemessages withphrases andflowers at any time you do not need to be aspecial day,make itValentine every day.All images in this application can put them as wallpaper inphoneandtablet having android.We hope this application will enjoy it and can qualify us 5stars+1. Once the application does not need to be connectedtotheInternet to function properly installed.Have a wonderful day.ENJOY THIS APPLICATION