Top 11 Apps Similar to Manualidades y reciclaje 1

Recycled Crafts for decorating 0.0.9
ThIn the application "recycled crafts" andfindyourself making all sorts of easy crafts used cardboard, tinandused all kinds of crafts with recycled material as:• Home Decoration• Decoration of bathrooms• Crafts Gift• Crafts with plastic bottles• Recycling Crafts• Crafts with paperRecycling protects the environment from pollution. Recycleyourtrash helps us all.This is the best app for recycled crafts and she candecorateyour home in a cheap and novel way. Unleash yourimagination andindulge yourself in the world of recycling in thedecor.If you like the app you can share with your friends byWhatsapp.Note: the videos are obtained from youtube
Easy crafts 1.0
Fast tutorial
You predstavlyaetsya application that can teach you how todoeverything with their hands! Here you can find only the bestideasfor needlework and crafts! You only need to download andinstallthe application and you will be able to follow the simplestep bystep instructions and interesting needlework! You willbecome morecreative, you will develop a sense of taste, andartistic view ofthe world. Choosing our application, you will notgo wrong!You will learn how to easily make handmade items!- Simplicity of schemes suitable for all age categories;- You will have the ability to do everything with theirhands;- Training takes place quickly and easily, you will seeforyourself
Manualidades paso a paso facil 1.2
Picasso Apps
Entre las ideas de decoración, no solamentenosacompañan esos detalles que compramos sino que las manualidadesquepodremos hacer cómodamente en nuestra casa, siempreseránbienvenidas. Ellas nos permiten hacer una decoración muchomáspersonalizada, con ideas llenas de imaginación y con materialesqueserán muy sencillos de encontrar. Así que, uniendo todosestospuntos, nos dará como resultado una app como ésta. Se tratadegrandes ideas de manualidades paso a paso para que puedashacertodo tipo de detalles. Desde los jarrones más elegantes, hastalosmarcos o espejos más decorativos. Ideas básicas y otras quetansolo irás descubriendo gracias a esta app. Porque cada díatendrásun nuevo invento que hacer en tu hogar que querrás mostrar atodostus invitados. Seguro que si piensas en esta manualidad quetegustaría tener, estará en nuestra lista. Tan solo tienes queestaratento y no perderte nada de todo lo que aquí teiremosdescubriendo. ¿Estás preparado para ello?.Among decoratingideas,not only with us but those details we buy the crafts we candocomfortably in our home are always welcome. They allow us to makeamuch more personalized decor with ideas full of imaginationandwith materials that are very easy to find. So, it uniting allthesepoints, we will result in an app like this. It is of greatcraftideas step by step so you can do all sorts of details. Fromelegantvases, even more decorative frames or mirrors. Basic ideasandothers will discover only through this app. Because every dayhavea new invention to do in your home you will want to show allyourguests. Sure, if you think about this craft you could want, beonour list. You just have to be attentive and do not miss anythingofwhat you'll discover here. Are you ready for this?.
Birthday decorations 15.0.0
Hello friends !!I invite you to download our new applications of decorationswithballoons since this current apps soon disappear !!In this application you will find photo galleries ofvarioustheme parties to decorate your birthday party . By clickingthefirst photograph of each decoration decoration in the videoisplayed.
Great ideas for crafting 3.0
Smart Choise
You are waiting for exciting crafts that you can doyourself,your own hands! Is not it wonderful to do everythingyourself, havefun and use artifacts that are useful in everydaylife? Yes, ourapp will teach you many things that will help you ineveryday life.After all crafts - it's a great tool for that tolearn how to doeverything myself. And besides, it's a great hobbythat you will bevery interesting! So start to learn this fun andfascinating hobbywith us! We can teach you many things that will beuseful toabsolutely everyone. Start creating decorations for thehouse,toolbox, beautiful jewelry, and a variety of toys withourapp!We will teach you how to do crafts for step bystepinstructions:- Best video tutorials on crafts;- Photo guide on the development of jewelry;- Learn how to be able to even the child;- The most interesting kinds and types of needlework!
Wire Crafts 0.0.9
his application will show you how to makeveryuseful crafts for gifts or to decorate your home such as:• Crafts for kids.• Crafts for Christmas.• Fashion Jewelry (rings, bracelets, necklaces, ...).• tree to hang your jewelry.• Beads.You can recycle things they no longer were using and makingnewthings more useful or precious stones as you want.There are engagement rings but you'll have fun and in thedecorationof children yourself doing all these crafts.In this application you will find the best Youtube videos ofcraftwire, recycled crafts and many other manualiades.If you like the app you can share with your friendsbyWhatsapp.
Interesting crafts 2 1.0
Fast tutorial
The world that we are creating with their hands, carries a pieceofour warmth, love and care. It's so nice, doingsomethinginteresting, give it to your friends, acquaintances andrelatives,while all others will be pleasantly surprised. Craftshave longbeen an inherent part of every family, because how wasthecraftsman depended comfort of his home. In today's world,noteveryone is a lot of time to do needlework. We have collectedallsorts of secrets and tips on how to with minimal effort possibletomake home a work of art, to surprise everyone around you, to makeagift or to decorate your own home.Application "Interesting ideas needlework" was created justforyou, if you want:- Learn needlework with our help;- Easily and quickly without any special effort;- Do not stand on the spot - to develop together withtheapplication "Interesting idea"
Manualidades 5.0.0
¿No sabes que regalar? No te preocupes!EnestaApp encontrarás todo tipo de ideasoriginales,románticas,ingeniosas para hacer y regalar a quienquieras! Através de lasdiferentes categorías puedes encontrar lamanualidadque encajemejor con tus necesidades, como por ejemplodarle untoque nuevo atu casa con manualidades decorativas, así comopara tupareja, paraniños o manualidades navideñas. No esperesmás!You do not knowwhattogive? Do not worry! In this app you will find allkindsoforiginal, romantic, clever ideas to make and give towhoeveryouwant! Through the different categories you can find thecraftthatbest fits your needs, such as providing a new home toyourcraftdecorative touch as well as your partner, childorChristmascrafts. Do not wait more!
DeLola Manualidades 1.1
Quieres hacer una fofucha, tenerideas,aprender trucos??Date un paseo por mi web!!!You want to makeaFofucha, have ideas, learn tips ??Take a stroll through my website !!!
Learn to Draw 0.0.3
Learning to Draw is an application thatgivesyou a world totally free tutorials to make your owndibujos.Estaapp contains different tutorials so that you become amaster ofpencil step by step. It explains how to draw:• Drawings of animals• Drawings of Flowers• Children's Drawings• Cartoons Simpsons• Car Drawings• Drawings Minion• Drawings of Mickey Mouse• Drawings draon ball z• And more images to drawWith this application you will learn how to draw Expat really,andget rid of games you only have to draw pictures to print.Remember that learning to draw is completely free and youcanshare for Whatsapp and Facebook with your friends. You willalsoreceive monthly new free tutorials.
Instructions crafts 1.0
How long do you need it to repair what that thing? I thinkyouwill be easier to go to the store and buy a new one! But donotworry, because we will teach you not only how to fix, but howmakesuch a thing from scratch! You will be able to do so, as hadnoidea! Decorate your own hands his dacha and a playground.Engagedin manual labor, kids bring fine motor skills,interest,imagination and highly artistic taste. Making crafts withtheirhands is an exciting experience not only for children but forallages. You will become a true master of interesting crafts.Thereare plenty of options for handicrafts you can do with yourhandsfrom a variety of things - old, worthless and useless atfirstsight.create things yourself, and do not spend any more money!- You can create new things out of old;- You will have the ability to do everything with theirhands;- Be original in their gifts;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber