Top 1 Apps Similar to Clínica MAR&Gen Granada

Babypod 1.1.0
Babypod, the only device that hasdemonstratedto stimulate vocalization of babies before birth withmusic.With Babypod App you can download the lists of music thatcouldbetter stimulate your baby, based on research done byInstitutMarquès. In addition, you can record messages and enjoywelcomefree songs for you and your baby. What would you like totell toyour future family member?Music has many benefits that generate positive stimuli inthehuman brain. Stimulation of babies through music since theirfirstmonths of life has positive effects on brain development; ifso,why not give your baby the benefits of music from beforebirth?With Babypod, you start in the womb the first learningexperienceof your baby with music stimulation. Most babies respondto musicwith vocalization and communication movements.Babypod is scientifically proven, tested and approved byInstitutMarques, international center in Gynaecology, Obstetricsandassisted reproduction.This intimate device has been specially designed to ensureyourcomplete safety and the one of your baby by theGynaecologist’sexperts of Institut Marques.Take your Babypod to your scans and see how your baby reactstomusical stimuli.Music is life