Top 16 Apps Similar to Detector mentiras Huella Broma

Detector Pensamiento Broma 4.0.0
Aplicación que tras pasarla cerca delacabezate adivina lo que estas pensando.Prueba varias veces, y la estadística hará el resto.Por supuesto es una broma, no es verdad que leaelpensamiento.Hay un analizador, y dependiendo del modo de presión,saleunresultado u otro.Diviértete pasándolo por la cabeza de tus amigos yfamiliares.¡¡¡ DISFRUTA !!!ES GRATIS.Applicationmomentafternear head guess what you're thinking.Repeatedly testing and statistics do the rest.Of course it's a joke, is not it true that read your mind.There is a parser, and depending on the pressure mode,goestodifferent results.Have fun passing through the minds of your friends andfamily.ENJOY !!!It's FREE.
Lie Detector Simulated
Polygraph Lie Detector is an applicationthatsimulates can detect lies through by examining thefollowingphysical changes in the body of the personbeinginterrogated:- Pulse- Skin Conductivity- RespirationJust hold your finger on the detector and speak or thinksomething.The App will give you the truth or lie!Disclaimer: This application is just a prank, a fun game and itisnot a real life lie detector (polygraph). This is forEntertainmentPurposes!
Finger Lie Detector prank App 1.4
With Finger Lie Detector you can nowDetectwhether your are honest or Lie. Lie Detector prank scansyourfinger print and returns the result in TRUE (honest) orfalse(Lie).Tap your finger on the Lie teller machine and holds forthecalculation. after the scanning process is complete it turns ontheappropriate LED i-e. True ( Green Led) or Lie (Red Led).Lie Detector Prank is just a prank app which will not tellyouwhether a person is telling truth or lies.It is just to make fun of your friends, kids or others bygettingthem to think you can detect if they are lying to you.Try out this free and unique lie detector prank for checking ifsomeone is cheating and making you fool by just scanninghisfingerprints on the lie detector machine.DisclaimerHello friends and family members! do not think if thisFingerprintLie Detector Prank is a relay lie teller machine. thisprank app isonly for entertainment purpose to play with yourfriends.make yourfriends fools with it. result simply Turn On thegreen or Redsignal depend on the calculation of your fingerprints.
Lie Detector Simulator For Fun 1.0
4 lie detector tools simulator in 1 app, a perfect prank game!
Lie Detector Prank 1.0
Fingerprint Lie Detector Prank is afungamewhich simulates a fingerprint scanner for detecting lies.Prankandmake fun of your friends, kids or others by getting themtothinkyou can detect if they are lying to you.Ask questions to your friends, place their fingeronthefingerprint scanner while answering your questions. Theappwilldisplay the preset answers.Check who is cheating you by telling lie using thisuniqueliedetector.Use this polygraph to fool your friends and getfun.Theapplication will detect truth or lie.HOW TO USE:1. Hold your thumb in the touch panel until thescannerprocessyour fingerprint.2. When the scan begins, Laser Xray will scan your finger todetectalie or truth.MEANINGPolygraph: A machine designed to detect and recordchangesinphysiological characteristics, such as a person'spulseandbreathing rates, used especially as a lie detector.Disclaimer: This application is just a fun prank and it isnotareal polygraph nor a real fingerprint scanner.
Lie Detector Test Prank 6.1
(joke app) Lie Detector simulates testing the truth.
Love Test Fingerprint Prank 10.0
You can calculate love score using 5 different love test &hasnew love meter
Lie Detector Prank 1.0
Lie detector is funny app to fool yourfriendsor family.True or False?Find out lies with LIE DETECTOR!This app is the ultimate spy tool for get fun withyourfriends.As a joke, check who is telling you the truth and who islying!Nobody will dare to lie to you anymore!Do you want to fool your friends and have fun? You will get a lotoffun with Lie Detector!HOW TO USE:- Place your finger on the scanner panel- Hold the finger while Lie Detector scans your fingerprint.- Xray laser beam will scan your finger x-ray- After scan, Lie detector will detect lie or truth.WARNING:This is a fake app for fun, it really can not detect the truth.
Lie Detector Simulator Prank 0.0.1
Truth or lie? True of false? Find outwiththislie detector simulator!An amazing prank application "Lie Detector SimulatorPrank".Ifyouare a prankster you would definitely lovethisapplication.Lie Detector Simulator Prank is a fun game whichsimulatesafingerprint scanner for detecting lies,and is made forthepeoplewho just want to play pranks on others and want to showoffthepower of their latest android device.It is a must have prank application still in its initialstages.Itis designed in such a way that one who is not aware ofandroidcannever get whether it is a prank application or real.Peoplewouldthink as if it is a real Lie Detector application.How TO USE:Just hold your finger on the detector and speak orthinksomething.The App will give you the truth or lie!Lie Detector Simulator Prank provides best andhighdefinitionimage qualities. Lie Detector Simulator iscompatiblewith almostevery android device. Its also tested onvarious androiddevicesi.e android tablets and android based mobilesphones. Alltheactions can be performed very easily withoutanyconfusion.Reliability is guaranteed of Lie detector test Prank.Liedetectorapp Prank is specially designed in a way that itwilldefinitelywork with all new devices and android versionstoo.Disclaimer:Lie Detector Simulator Prank is for entertainment purposesonly.Itdoes not a real life lie detector (polygraph). is notpossiblewithyour android device's screen and camera. The displayedresultsarerandom numbers. It is the best application forfoolingyourfriends.Do not forget to rate us and give your feedback ofyourexperienceto use Lie Detector Simulator Prank or if in case ofaproblem pleasewrite an email. We would love to resolve outyourproblem and we willtry our level best to make it better andmoreuser friendlyapplication. Your feedback will behighlyappreciated. Thank you.Enjoy Lie Detector Simulator Prank !
Voice Lie Detector Prank 2.1.02
Voice Lie Detector Prank - check who is telling the truth andwho'slying!
Camera Ghost Detector Prank 1.12.3
Remember this is for entertainmentpurposesonly!This is a game for have fun.Camera Ghost Detector is a new paranormal activity radargamewith camera ghost vision.It is the very first ghost detector to use the cameraonAndroid.The ghost around you will be displayed on the camera area.When the app detect a ghost move your smartphone slowly untilyousee it between the lines on the radar, then you will see theghost'srepresentation on your screen.Be careful the ghosts could be good but also evil.Enjoy scaring your family and friends too.It is perfect for Halloween!
Detector Mentiras Broma 3.0.0
Con detector mentiras broma podráspasargrandesmomentos con tus familiares y amigos , haz creer atusamigos quetienes un app que adivina si dices la verdad o porelcontrario estasmintiendo, nuestra aplicación simula unpoligrafo,pon la huella y enunos segundos sabrás si dices laverdad omientes.Podrás crear situaciones realmente graciosas, además haytruco,leeatentamente las instrucciones y podrás jugar aún más sicabe contunovia, amigos, novio, amigas y familiares.¿Quieres ser el rey de la fiesta?A que esperas, descarga ya, además es GRATIS.ADVERTENCIA: Aplicación realizada con finesdeentretenimiento.Todas las imagenes utilizadas son de derechos libres,sidetectaisalguna imagen que incumpliera esta reglapodeísescribirnos [email protected] risas, la diversión, estan garantizadas.Joke lie detectorcanspendgreat moments with family and friends, make yourfriendsbelieve youhave an app that guess if you say the truthorotherwise of theselying, our application simulates apolygraph,put the mark and withinseconds know if you tell thetruth orlie.You can create really funny situations, and there are stunt,readtheinstructions carefully and you can play even furtherwithyourgirlfriend, friends, boyfriend, friends and family.Want to be the king of the party?Are you waiting for, download free too.NOTE: Application made for entertainment purposes.All images used are free standing, if you detect any breachthisruleimage podeís write to [email protected], fun, are guaranteed.
Máquina Verdad Mentira Broma 4.0.0
Se trata del típico polígrafo,detectordementiras.El entrevistador te realiza una pregunta, y antes decontestarpulsasel botón RESPONDER, y dispones de 5 segundos pararesponderSI o NOpor el micrófono del dispositivo.¿Tu novio/a te está mintiendo?¿Su hijo/a falsifica las notas?¿Tus amigos te mienten?La Máquina de la Verdad utiliza un simple peroefectivoalgoritmoestadístico con variables ponderadas sobre elretardo enlacontestación, el volumen de la respuesta, laprobabilidad dementirdel ser humano, y otros parámetrosrelevantes.Diviértete y disfruta con tus amigos y familiares.DESCARGA YA ES GRATISThis isthetypicalpolygraph lie detector.The interviewer will ask them a question and answer beforeyoupressthe REPLY button, and have 5 seconds to answer YES or NOforthedevice's microphone.Your boyfriend / girlfriend is lying to you?Does your son / daughter fakes notes?Do your friends lie to you?The Truth Machine uses a simple buteffectivestatisticalalgorithm with weighted variables on the delayinreplying, thevolume of response, the probability of lyinghuman,and otherrelevant parameters.Enjoy and have fun with friends and family.DOWNLOAD IT'S FREE
Truth and Lie Detector Prank 1.4.6
Make your friends laugh with this amazing lie detector test prank!
Truth Lie Detector Joke 4.0.0
*** WARNING *** This is a joke.Want to know if your friends s are telling the truth orareyoulying?By applying Lie Detector Truth can find out if they tell thetruthornot.It's simple, just have to answer the question that you makethemandpress a button, and at the same moment the applicationwilltell ifthis lying and telling the truth.You can spend funny moments with friends and family. Feelfreetodownload this application, comment and share it.Thanks for download.
Lie Detector Simulator Prank 1.1
Suspect anyone?? This Lie detectorsimulatorisa fun game which simulates a fingerprint scanner fordetectinglies.Prank and make fun of your friends and relatives,kids orothers whois cheating you by getting them to think you candetectif they arelying to you using this unique lie detector.fingerprint lie detector is a free smart phoneprankandroidapplication. This is the brand new lie detectorpolygraphApp foryou.Frustrated by people who lie? You do get infuriated at liebutcan'tdo anything. But now tell these low life people thatyoucan't carryon this drama anymore! Yeah it’s over! Youwon'tbelieve but thebest fingerprint lie detector simulatorprankapplication has madeit very easy to figure out who istellingfalsehood! The lie caneasily be detected through the veryfamousfingerprint liedetector.Now Parents need not to worry to figure out whether theirchildislying and can bring them up in a better way which hadneverbeenpossible before the invention of this latestliedetectorsimulator!You can have fun with your friends by asking themrandomquestionswhile they placing their finger on the scannersection ofa screen,once they answer to the question their fingerwill bescanned andshow then whether they are true or false. he ishonestor aLiarLie Scanner is for entertainment purposes only, anddoesnotactually scan your finger print for real. It isthebestapplication for fooling your friends and kids, prankyourenemies.You can show off the power of your Android deviceswiththis liescanner applicationINSTRUCTIONS:- Place your finger in the scanner panel- Hold the finger while lie detector simulatorscansyourfingerprint.- X-ray laser beam will scan your finger to detect alieortruth- After scan, lie detector will detect lie or truth.- App will simulate detect true or false.DISCLAIMER:This application is just a prank, joke or simulate app andjustforfun purpose only, it is not a real life lie detector(polygraph)ora real fingerprint scanner test.Dont wait more. Download now to enjoy the awesomeliedetectorsimulator prank in the market.