Top 23 Apps Similar to Dating in Russia

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"В индустрии развлечений самой удачнойидеейбыло разделение людей на два пола."Янина ИпохорскаяLUXES - элитные знакомства, для людей, которые знают чегохотятот жизни и от противоположного пола.Наше приложение основано на двух базовых принципах:1) Быстрота (СКОРОСТЬ?) – 60 минут- «Соблазнить за 60 секунд» – когда люди знают чего хотят,имхватает одного взгляда на фотографию, чтобы возникложеланиевстречи;- в приложении зарегистрированы люди с твердыми намеренияминайтибыструю и приятную встречу;- мы не даем переписываться больше 60 минут – скорее переходитеотслов к делу;- вы видите только пользователей онлайн, не тратьте время на«неживые» анкеты, встречайтесь здесь и сейчас;2) АНОНИМНОСТЬ – 100%- никаких привязок к соц.сетям, ваши знакомые и друзья неузнают,что вы зарегистрированы в LUXES;- мы не используем геопозиционирование, никто не узнаетвашегореального местоположения, ваши соседи не найдут вас рядомнакарте;- мы не восстанавливаем утраченный пароль – никто кроме васнеувидит вашу переписку, даже если знает вашу почту;- мы удаляем вашу заявку по прошествии 60 минут, чтобы никтоневидел вашу анкету , когда вам это не нужно;- мы удаляем переписку по прошествии 60 минут, от ваших сообщенийнеостанется и следа;- мы не используем пуш-уведомления, чтобы не выдатьокружающимпользование приложением;"In theentertainmentindustry, the most successful idea was to split peopleinto twosexes."Yanina IpohorskayaLUXES - elite dating service, for people who know what theywantfrom life and the opposite sex.Our application is based on two basic principles:  1) Speed ​​(SPEED) - 60 minutes- "Seduce in 60 seconds" - when people know what they want,theylack one look at the photo, to the desire to meet;- Annex registered people with the intention to find a quickandpleasant meeting;- We do not give in touch for more than 60 minutes - rathermovefrom words to deeds;- You will only see users online, do not waste time, "notliving"profiles, meet here and now;2) Anonymous - 100%- No bindings to the social networks, your friends, and friendsdonot know that you are logged in LUXES;- We do not use geolocation, no one will know your realposition,your neighbors will not find you next on the map;- We do not restore a lost password - no one except you will notseeyour conversation, even if you know your mail;- We delete your application after 60 minutes, so that no onesawyour profile, when you do not need it;- We remove the correspondence after 60 minutes, there will benotrace of your messages;- We do not use push notifications, so as not to give others theuseof the application;
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Privet Mobile
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Знакомства с новыми друзьями всвоемгороде.Бесплатно.Подборка лучших сайтов, есть мобильные версии.Приложение не имеет отношения к данным сайтам.------------Общение рядом и в городах: Абай, Акколь, Аксай,Аксу,Актау,Актюбинск, Алга, Алма-Ата, Аральск, Аркалык, Арыс,Астана,Атбасар,Атырау, Аягоз, Байконур, Балхаш, Булаево,Державинск,Жезказган,Житикара, Джетысай, Ерейментау, Есик, Есиль,Жанаозен,Жанатас,Жаркент, Жем, Зайсан, Зыряновск, Казалинск,Кандыагаш,Капчагай,Караганда, Каражал, Каратау, Каркаралинск,Каскелен,Кентау,Кызылорда, Кокшетау, Кульсары, Курчатов,Костанай,Ленгер,Лисаковск, Макинск, Мамлютка, Павлодар,Петропавловск,Приозёрск,Риддер, Рудный, Сарань, Сарканд, Сарыагаш,Сатпаев,Семипалатинск,Сергеевка, Серебрянск, Степногорск, Степняк,Тайынша,Талгар,Талдыкорган, Тараз, Текели, Темир, Темиртау,Туркестан,Уральск,Усть-Каменогорск, Учарал, Уштобе, Форт-Шевченко,Хромтау,Чардара,Чарск, Челкар, Шымкент, Шахтинск, Шемонаиха,Шу,Щучинск,Экибастуз, Эмба и др.Meet new friendsinyourcity. Is free.A selection of the best sites have mobile versions.This application does not relate to these sites.------------Community nearby and in the cities of Abay, Akkol,Aksay,Aksu,Aktau, Aktobe, Alga, Almaty, Aralsk, Arkalyk, Aris,AstanaAtbasar,Atyrau, Ayagoz, Baikonur, Balkhash,Bulaevo,Derzhavinsk,Zhezkazgan, Zhitikara, Dzhetysai, Yereimentau,Esik,Yesil,Zhanaozen, Zhanatas, Zharkent, Gemme, ZaisanZyryanovsk,Kazalinsk,Kandyagash, Kapchagai, Karaganda, Karazhal,Karatau,Karkaralinsk,Kaskelen, Kentau, Kyzylorda, Kokshetau,Kulsary,Kurchatov,Kostanay, Lenger, Lisakovsk Makinsk,Mamlyutka,Pavlodar,Petropavlovsk, Priozersk, Ridder, Rudny, Saran,Sarkand,Saryagash,Satpayev, Semipalatinsk, Sergeyevka,Serebryansk,Stepnogorsk,Stepnyak, Taiynsha, Talgar, Taldykorgan,Taraz, Tekeli,Temir,Temirtau, Turkestan, Uralsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk,Ucharal,Ushtobe,Fort-Shevchenko, Khromtau, Chardara, Charsk,Chelkar,Shymkent,Shakhtinsk, Shemonaikha Shu, Schuchinsk,Ekibastuz, Emba,andothers.
ParkSeason – афиша города 0.8.3
ParkSeason – online-ресурс про тренды активного и здоровогообразажизни в большом городе, а также крупнейший проект о паркахиобщественных пространствах в России, странах СНГ иВосточнойЕвропы. Афиша событий, места отдыха, новости и обзоры, ЗОЖи спорт,семья и дети, справочник-гид и даже знакомства по интересам(akaParkFace – знакомства рядом). Найди компанию длясовместногопосещения мероприятий (концерты, фестивали, экскурсии,квесты),прогулки с детьми или романтического свидания. Также вприложениибаза данных по лучшим местам для проведения досуга – кафеирестораны, катки и пляжи, лодочные станции и горнолыжныесклоны,музеи и выставки. География проекта: Москва,Санкт-Петербург,Казань, Сочи, Екатеринбург, Самара, Краснодар,Волгоград, НижнийНовгород, Калининград, Минск, Алматы. В мобильномприложениипредставлены такие парки и общественные пространства, какЗарядье,Красная площадь, парк Победы на Поклонной горе, Сокольники,паркГорького, ВДНХ, сад Эрмитаж, усадьбы Царицыно иКоломенское,музей-заповедник Петергоф, Новая Голландия, паркаттракционов«Диво-остров», парк 300-летия Санкт-Петербурга, горныйвсесезонныйкурорт «Роза Хутор», Скайпарк, Сочи Парк, КазанскаяРивьера имногие другие территории. Наши достижения: - Самоеполезноеприложение для москвичей по версии журнала Elle. - Самоеполезноеприложение для родителей по версии журнала Time Out. -ТОП-200самых перспективных высокотехнологичных проектов в мире поверсииэкспертной комиссии Web Summit – 2017 (Лиссабон, Португалия).-Рекомендованное приложение от журнала Cosmopolitan. -Лучшееприложение для знакомств по интересам в Москве по версиигазеты«Комсомольская правда». - Официальная поддержкаДепартаментакультуры города Москвы, Мосгорпарка, городскихадминистраций врегионах России и Беларуси. - Успешная реализацияпрограммлояльности с дирекциями парка Горького, парка Сокольники,садаЭрмитаж и Таганского парка.
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Знакомства с новыми друзьями всвоемгороде.Бесплатно.Подборка лучших сайтов, есть мобильные версии.Приложение не имеет отношения к данным сайтам.------------Meet new friendsinyourcity. Is free.A selection of the best sites have mobile versions.This application does not relate to these sites.------------
Dating Tips 1.0
If you are on your first date or ifyouhavebeen dating and are looking for some of the best datingtipsthatwill keep you up with your dating thing then considerthesedatingtips which are very useful and handy at all times.This app will help you to prepare before dating, the bestwaystokeep a conversation going finding the best dating tips.It includes information along with a variety of helpfultipsandresources available based upon the most recentstudies,research,reports, articles, findings, products andservicesavailable, sothat you can learn more about DatingandRelationships.Dating Tips - First Date Tips Application. Read Dating TipsforMen,Dating Tips for Women, Dating Tips for Singles, DatingTipsforGirls, Dating Tips for Boys, Dating Tips and AdviceforTeenagersand for all age groups.This app gives you dating tips to get you inastrongrelationship.Get now the best dating and flirting tips and tricks!It's free and very easy to use!FEATURES:• Dating Rules• Things Never Say on First Date• Social Dating• Top 10 Dating Tips• Dating Ideas• Great Places to Date
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Daily Horoscope | Fatum
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Swip – Casual dating 8.03
Swip LTD
Swip is the App that shows you thepeoplewhoare looking for casual dating! Whether you're on thecoffeeshop,on a night out, see who is passing you by and reach out!How?- Discover nearby people on the App- If you like someone, then push "Send a Chat Request"buttonandchat request will be sent to this person- If he or she respond to you, then you can start chatting!That's all! It's as simple as that. Casual dating couldbeeasierthat you think! What are you waiting for? =)
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Joyride GmbH
The dating app for cool people looking for Singles. Chat, Flirtandfind love!
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Swipe to find love and pure connections. Chat with friendsfromlocal to global.
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Onnea dating descriptionFind your date, soulmate, love and friend through Onnea.This dating app is a simple to way to find someone near you.If both click like on each others then you can decidewheretomeet and start dating.In settings you decide how near your date should live.Also in settings you decide if you seek a woman or a man.Try this simple way of dating. A new way to meet someoneOnnea dating• Free mobile dating• Anonymous dating• No sex ads• Easy steps of finding a soulmate & date• Quickly browse and connect with nearby women & men..• Let someone know you’re into them with a single swipe.• Improve your matches by answering questions about yourself.You can search dates from very near to very far distance,thatiswhy onnea is the best dating app in the world.
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Знакомства с новыми друзьями всвоемгороде.Бесплатно.Подборка лучших сайтов, есть мобильные версии.Приложение не имеет отношения к данным сайтам.------------Общение рядом и в городах: Минск, Борисов,Солигорск,Молодечно,Жодино, Слуцк, Вилейка, Дзержинск, МарьинаГорка,Столбцы,Смолевичи, Заславль, Несвиж, Фаниполь, Березино,Любань,СтарыеДороги, Клецк, Логойск, Воложин, Червень, Копыль,Узда,Крупки,Мядель, Витебск, Орша, Новополоцк, Полоцк,Поставы,Глубокое,Лепель, Новолукомль, Городок, Барань, Толочин,Браслав,Чашники,Миоры, Дубровно, Сенно, Верхнедвинск, Докшицы,Дисна,Могилёв,Бобруйск, Горки, Осиповичи, Кричев, Быхов,Климовичи,Шклов,Костюковичи, Мстиславль, Чаусы, Кировск,Чериков,Славгород,Кличев, Гомель, Мозырь, Жлобин, Светлогорск,Речица,Калинковичи,Рогачёв, Добруш, Житковичи, Хойники,Петриков,Ельск,Буда-Кошелёво, Наровля, Ветка, Чечерск, Василевичи,Туров,Брест,Барановичи, Пинск, Кобрин, Берёза, Лунинец,Ивацевичи,Пружаны,Иваново, Дрогичин, Ганцевичи, Жабинка,Микашевичи,Белоозёрск,Столин, Малорита, Ляховичи, Каменец,Давид-Городок,Высокое,Коссово, Гродно, Лида, Слоним, Волковыск,Сморгонь,Новогрудок,Мосты, Щучин, Ошмяны, Скидель, Берёзовка,Островец,Ивье, Дятлово,Свислочь и др.Meet new friendsinyourcity. Is free.A selection of the best sites have mobile versions.This application does not relate to these sites.------------Community nearby and in the cities of Minsk,Borisov,Soligorsk,Molodechno, Zhodino, Slutsk, Vilejka, Dzerzhinsk,MarinaGorka,columns Smolevichi, Zaslavl, Shults, Fanipol,Berezino,Luban, OldRoad, Kleck, Logoisk, Volozhin, Cherven, Kopyl,Uzda,grits,Myadel, Vitebsk, Orsha, Novopolotsk, Polotsk,Postavy,Glubokoe,Lepel, Novolukoml, town, Baran, Tolochin,Braslav,Chashniki,Miory, Dubrovno, Senno, Verhnedvinsk, Dokshitsy,Disney,Mogilev,Bobruisk, Gorki, Osipovichi, Krichev, Bykhov,Klimovichi,Shklov,Kostyukovichi, Mstislavl, Chausy, Kirovsk,Cherikov,Slavgorod,Klichev, Gomel, Mozyr, Zhlobin,Svetlogorsk,Rechitsa,Kalinkovichi, Rogachev, Dobrush, Zhitkovichi,Khoiniki,Petrikov,Yelsk, Buda-Kašaliova, Narovlya, Branch,Chechersk,Vasilevichi,Desk, Brest, Baranovichi, Pinsk, Kobrin,Bereza,Luninets,Ivatsevichi, Pruzhany, Ivanovo, DrogichinGantsevichi,Zhabinka,Mikashevichi, Belaazyorsk, Stolin, MaloritaLiakhovich,Kamenetz,David-town, high, Kosovo, Grodno, Lida, Slonim,Volkovysk,Smorgon,Novogrudok, Bridges, Szczuczyn, Ašmiany,Skidel,Berezovka,Ostrowiec, Ivie, Dyatlovo, Svisloch andothers.
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Beesize - #1 BBW Dating 1.4
Are you a plus size fellow? Do youlikeplussize men or women? Are you looking for chubby guys orcurvy,hugeboobs women?Welcome to “Beesize - #1 BBW Dating”, a uniqueapp,especiallydesigned Android app to help you find a plus sizefriendforfriendship or dating. This app has proved just like a lifelineforplus size people, curvy women, BBW and SSBBW. Now theydon’thaveto blame on their weight and huge boobs for not gettinggooddates.All you have to do is, download Beesize on your deviceand itwilltake care the rest for you.As the world’s first app of its kind, Beesize hopestosimplifythe way lagers woman and big guys meet. We want everyonetobeauthentic. It is always pretty hard to carry the selfidentityinthe jam-packed market of identity less public and it isevenharderto be comfortable and to find love on classical way, ifoneis achubby girl or a big guy.It's allow BBW, and the extremely user friendlyinterfaceallowsthe user to register, upload their pictures followedby anoffer toexplore the community and find the right choice.Stop reading all this and wasting your time, justdownloadBeesizeon your device. Oh you want to know more about ourapp?Here you gothen!Important Functions:- Start Match- Use Start Match to match your profile with other members.- Near Me- Use Near Me geo location system to find BBW,SSBBW, curvywomenwithhuge boobs or men near your location.How to use Beesize:Sign up with your email or facebook account, make aprofileandyou’re ready to find huge boobs women or chubby boyfriendaroundyou.Features:► Universal app, to install on any Androiddeviceincludingtabs► Simple and user friendly graphics► A chance to chubby people to get a friend or some SSBBWdate► Share to social media and invite option avialableBeesize is equally useful for plus size men and women. Ifyouarea guy who likes BBW, SSBBW or curvy women with hugeboobs,Beesizeis the right place. If you’re a curvy women a BBW orSSBBWandlooking for a chubby man, you can find it here. Ourappbringstogether over 120 millions larger women and people whoarelookingforward to find their ideal chubby partner and arealwayssearchingthrough their smart phone.Take Beesize dating to the next level with aPremiumaccess:- see all users nearby without restriction- upload more profile pictures- report to user- report to photo- remove all ads- active functionality : "Who watched me ?"- access to explore locations modePremium access duration :1 month package : 2.99$Payment will be charged to your Google PlayStoreAccountatconfirmation of purchase.Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hourspriortothe end of the current 1 month period.Subscriptionautomaticallyrenews unless auto-renew is turned off atleast24-hours before theend of the current period. Subscriptionisrenewed for the sameperiodsubscribed. may be turned off by going to theuser'sGooglePlayStore Account Settings after purchase. Nocancellation ofthecurrent subscription is allowed during theactivesubscriptionperiod.WARNING : Bessize is a dating app for BBW and largeplusfriends.Bessize’s community doesn't approve sexual pictures,ourmemberscould report you. According to Beesize, users canreportthe abusesand violations of other users, which will ensurethatthe appremains a safe environment where BBW and large peoplecancome tomeet and mingle. Please check our Terms of services.It’s a must have app on your android device if youlovehugeboobs, curvy women, BBW or SSBBW. Have fun!Don’t forget to leave us rating and review to let us knowwhatyouthink about Beesize - #1 BBW Dating. We always want tocontinuetodeliver some of the best and most fun apps foryourAndroiddevices. Your feedback plays an important role in us tobeable toachieve this goal.
Russian Dating: Meet Singles 7.13.1
Russian Dating Network, Meet new people, Make friend and Hangoutwith Russians
Encore: Single Parents Dating 7.13.1
Find Love as a Single Parent, Connect and Chat with LocalSingleMoms and Dads
Ukraine Social Meet Ukrainians 7.13.1
Online Dating Chat app for Ukrainians to Network, Meet upwithSingles worldwide
VOO Dating App - Free Match 2.1
VOO will be gone soon. Download LOVOO tokeepplaying the Match game!Not getting enough from Match? Then VOO is perfect for you. Ratethephotos of others, chat with your matches and meet newpeople.#voohooWhat VOO offers you:• Log in via Facebook, your LOVOO account or email address• Connect with others easily and for free• Upload great photos of yourself• Vote in Match with a swipe left or right• Find out how you go down with othersDETAILS- Your VOO score reveals how many people have voted for you.Uploadcool pictures to get even more likes.- Rate the photos of others by swiping left or right inMatch.- The “Verified” status guarantees that your chat partnerisauthenticated, so you are always on the safe side.- Got any questions? Our support team will happily answer them.Justsend a message to [email protected]
Dating Confidence 1.0
Dating with confidence means you are atyourbest when you meet new people and you will get the best out oftheexperience. You want to make the right first impression andcarrythat forward as you form a new relationship. This recordingwillhelp you to make that first contact with a positive andopenattitude and to be more assertive about what you expect fromyourprospective new partner. Contains proven hypnotherapyandmotivational techniques to promote confidence and to calmdatinganxiety.Each track in this app is a combination of words spoken bycertifiedhypnotherapist David Ridgeway D.Hypn., M.N.C.H. andsoothing,uplifting "binaural" music.
Woo - Free Dating App 3.12.9
Woo connects you to interesting Desipeopleeveryday based on your interests and lifestyle. We’ve createdover1 million matches just this year! Whether you're looking forcasualdating or your special someone, our "Verified Profiles"ensure thatyou don't get unnecessary matches or haggled bycreepers.Here’s how it works:1. Woo recommends profiles to you based on your locationandinterests2. Anonymously like or dislike profile by swiping left orright,it’s simple!3. If you mutually like each other, it’s a match! A privatechatroom will open between you and your match.· Use TagSearch to find people with common interests, or ifyoureally like someone send a Crush to direct message thembeforeyou’ve even matched!· WooPlus: See who’s visited you, liked you, revisit theprofilesyou skipped, and get unlimited likes.· Woo Globe: Swipe anywhere in the world; search bylocation,ethnicity, and religion.· Boost: Be the first person, each person in your area sees assoonas they open the app. Get a week’s worth of visibility in1hour!As always, if you have any questions or feedback we welcome [email protected] can always continue to use Woo free of charge. Woo Plus,whichunlocks a few extra features, it is an auto-renewingsubscription.If you decide to purchase Woo Plus, payment will becharged to yourPlaystore account, and your account will be chargedfor renewalwithin 24 hours prior to the end of the current period(dependingon the pack purchased – for a one month subscription thiswillimply a renewal charge 24 hours within the end of onemonth).Auto-renewal may be turned off at any time by going toyoursettings in the iTunes Store after purchase. The current WooPlussubscription price starts at $12.99 USD per month formonthlyauto-renewal, $29.99 for auto-renewal once every 3 monthsand$39.99 for auto-renewal once every 6 months. Prices are inUSdollars, may vary in countries other than the US, and aresubjectto change without notice. No cancellation of currentsubscriptionsis allowed during the active subscription period. Ifyou decide notto purchase Woo Plus, you can simply continue usingWoo forfree.Privacy and Terms: note - We may require READ_PHONE_STATE (read phone statusandidentity) permission on your phone in order to help you payusingyour mobile carrier – should you choose so.