Top 19 Apps Similar to The Filipino Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur Success Quotes 1.2
First For Fun
The best set of quotes to getanyentrepreneurfired up and going!Thinking strategies adopted by many famous successfulpeople,allrevealed here.Speed your way through to success. Don't fall behind others.Becoming an Entrepreneur? This set of professionalquoteswillguide you through the journey successfully, as it had formeand myorganisation.This app comprises 3 topics:- Think Successfully- Want and Desire- Self-questionnaireYour new way of thinking can help you make moremoney,generaterevenue, be rich and successful.This app features:- Swipe left and right to scroll through quotes- Click for random quote- Save your favorite quotes- Uplifting and motivating soundtracksEntrepreneur Speedy Quotes is also available ontheAppleAppStore.
Entrepreneur Time Tracker 1
Fun Durian Fred
As an entrepreneur, time is themostvaluablething and we must track it so that we know we arenotwasting timeon the unnecessary stuff.With the help of this app, you are able to track your timeforthe5 most important task you need to do on daily basis and baseonthedaily, monthly, yearly tracking, you will know how muchtimeyou havespent on the important task and further improve it sothatyourbusiness is in the right track to grow.Who need this app?1. Entrepreneur- As we know, entrepreneur is the busiest person where heneedtomultitask a lot of stuff, however, he might lose track ofwhatheis doing if he do not track his time properly, with thehelpofthis app, entrepreneur can now track the time for what heisdoingso that he can control to spend time on which item baseonthepriority2. Lazy person- A lazy person will always find excuse not to do the thingheissupposed to do, with the help of this app, the lazy personcannowtrack how many seconds or minutes he is doing importantthingandhow many minutes he is wasting time, by looking atthestatistic,it will remind him that he is wasting a lot of timeandhe need toget back on track. This app will motivate the lazypersonto workharder as the lazy person will want to break his ownrecordofhardworkingBenefit of this app1. Motivate you to work harder2. Help you focus on your work while you tracking your time3. Keep statistic so that you can look backandimproveyourself4. Grow your business, as you work harder, yourbusinesswillgrow
Inc. Magazine 6.0.0
Inc. Magazine
Inc. chronicles the fascinating worldofentrepreneurship, providing business owners with the news,advice,and inspiration they need to lead their growing companies.In eachissue you can expect: - Features: Inc.'s features provide adiversemix of stories that take an in-depth look at the struggleswithinentrepreneurial companies and the lessons they reveal. Inc.'smostpopular issue, the annual Inc. 500, ranks the fastestgrowingprivate companies in America. - Launch: Providesreal-worldexamples and stories and looks at the people behind thedecisions,giving readers a mix of practical advice, insight, andinspiration.- Columns: ASME-nominated columnist Norm Brodsky,37signals' JasonFried and Meg Cadoux Hirshber offer inside adviceto entrepreneurs,from those who truly knows the ups and downs ofthe entrepreneuriallife. - Elevator Pitch: Inc. takes readersinside a major decisionpoint by looking at a business at acrossroads, with a panel ofexperts weighing in with advice on thecompany's direction andprospects. - The Way I Work: Givesentrepreneurs the chance to telltheir inspiring and oftensurprising stories of business success.And Inc.'s inspiration andadvice expands well beyond its pages.Take in the business leader'stake on the ever- happening businessworld at, stay in theknow with your favorite Inc.newsletters, or network, learn andcelebrate at Inc. conferencesand events.
RED - Podcast For Influencers 2.2.16
RED Podcast
THIS IS THE PODCAST FOR INFLUENCERS.If you're a blogger, podcaster, speaker, marketer,non-fictionauthor, or entrepreneur, RED Podcast will help youspread yourmessage and make people care it.RED Podcast shows you how to make a name for yourself.This is the most convenient way to access RED Podcast on yourphone.With this app, you're always connected to the latestepisodes of theshow.This app contains the following additional features:* Streaming access to play RED Podcast episodes from anywhere* Always updated with the latest episodes of RED - RealEntrepreneurDevelopment as well as an archived back catalog* Playback resume (when interrupted by a call orotherdistraction)* Access to exclusive RED Podcast extras like PDFs, wallpapers,andbonus content* Quick access to all contact methods for RED Podcast likeemail,web, Facebook, and TwitterThank you for purchasing this app and supporting RED Podcast!Please note, not all episodes have exclusive extras.
Crazy About Startups is an innovative platform forexistingandaspiring entrepreneurs. Crazy About Startups creates acommunityofall crazy entrepreneurs who eat, sleep, breathe anddreamaboutstartups. The Crazy About Startups mobile app givesyouupdatesfrom the world of startups and entrepreneurship. Itfeaturesreallife case studies on entrepreneurs and startup news.Italsofeatures a know how section , which aims tohelpentrepreneursthrough the startup journey. The startupresourcessection featurestips on business planning, startupfunding,entrepreneurship basicsand on how to manage a startup.
JLD Interviews Entrepreneurs On Fire 2.4.88
This is the most convenient way to access Entrepreneurs OnFireonyour phone. With this app you are always connected tothelatestepisodes and the show. You can also star yourfavoriteepisodes andsave them to a list so you can easily enjoythem overand over!This app is complete access to Entrepreneurs OnFire andif you'reprepared to IGNITE, you won't want to be withoutit! Thisappcontains the following additional features: * Streamingaccesstoplay episodes from anywhere * Always updated withthelatestepisodes- and an archived back catalog * Playbackresume(wheninterrupted by a call or other distraction) * Accesstoexclusiveextras like PDFs, wallpapers, and bonus content *Quickaccess toall the contact methods for the show like call,email,web,Facebook, and Twitter
The Power of Ideas 1.0
The Power of Ideas App has been createdtoprovide the entrepreneur community with a readyreckoner,comprising a resource directory, inspiring entrepreneurialstoriesand news updates.Key Sections:* My Start-up Story – Previous participants of The Power ofIdeasshare their entrepreneurial stories* Resource Directory – A business directory containingcontactdetails of the investor community, entrepreneurshipdevelopmentcells, incubators and more.* News Updates – Latest news from the start-up world deliveredbyETThis App is:* Free to download* App runs on Android 2.2 and above.
Blueprint Entrepreneur Mag 2.0.1
Jamie Cheng
You’re sick of all the entrepreneurialsuccessstories right?You want the real story because you’re a smart entrepreneur.You want the real story of struggle and actual stepsthesesuccessful entrepreneurs have actually used to succeed!You don’t need to be motivated with the big dollar figuresorlifestyle promises. You’re smart and want to know the actualhardwork, struggles and detailed thought put into thesebusinesses.Think all the successful entrepreneurs are differentthanyou?They ALL put in the work! Whether they realise it or not.Seewhich entrepreneurs are working from 5am everyday, worked twojobs,failed for years, invested tens of thousands before they gotareturn, and how every single person invested significant timeandstill had major doubts!If you want the details and epic actionable content to helpyousucceed as an entrepreneur. You came to the right place.We can show you the hard work, struggles and realactionableinformation entrepreneurs have used to grow theirbusiness.We can do this because we research, interview and dig deepintowhat entrepreneurs like Andrew Warner, Steve Kamb, Ann Rea,FrancoVarriano and Ramsay Taplin are great at. We spend 10-20+hours eachtime to create a valuable written step by step actionableguidethat you are motivated and trust to implement in yourbusiness.You get to understand the struggles all these successfulpeoplewent through. Then we show you the hard work theseentrepreneursput in to be successful.+ How to Guest Blog For Results with Ramsay Taplin(BlogTyrant)+ How to Build an Online Community with Steve Kamb(NerdFitness)+ Becoming A Successful Artist with Ann Rea (ArtistsWhoTHRIVE)+ How to Gain Initial Traction For Your Startup withFrancoVarriano ( And MUCH MORE!Are you ready to take action and grow your business?DownloadBlueprint Entrepreneur now.Please note that we cannot reply to comments or questions leftinthe reviews. If you need help, please send an [email protected]
500 Franquicias Entrepreneur 13
¿Quieres saber cuáles son lasmejoresfranquicias de México? La revista Entrepreneur te ofrece suapp defranquicias, con la que podrás:- Consultar el directorio de franquicias más completo deMéxico,con más de 1,000 marcas para emprender.- Conocer el monto de inversión inicial y el tiempo estimado deROIde franquicias del giro de negocio que buscas.- Enviar solicitud de más información a la franquicia detuinterés.- Acceder a las noticias más leídas por los emprendedoresdenegocios en México.Descarga la app 500 Franquicias Entrepreneur, aprovechasufuncional buscador y comparte con nosotros qué te parece.Want to know what thebestfranchises in Mexico? Entrepreneur magazine offers itsfranchiseapp, which allows you to:- Browse the most complete directory of franchises inMexico,with over 1,000 brands to engage.- Knowing the amount of initial investment and the estimated timeofrotation ROI franchise business you seek.- Send request for more information to the franchise ofyourinterest.- Access the most read stories by business entrepreneursinMexico.Download the app Entrepreneur Franchise 500, Functionalleveragesits search and share with us what you think.
Motivation for Entrepreneurs 1.1
If you want to run your own business, you've reached the rightapp.This guide provides tips and motivational phrases with musicandimages . It is an attractive tool to support you in the wayofentrepreneurship. Discover your potential and what you want todo.Find motivation to undertake new steps, new businesses, newlife.You will have the wisdom of great thinkers, scientistsandentrepreneurs that will guide you to become an entrepreneur.
Startup Business Planner 1.1.7
Startup Business planner application enableyouto prepare the cost estimation for new business plan orstartupventure. Use it to get the brief information on theprocessesrequired for company registration and cost associated witheachprocess. It give the clear clear idea on the processinvolved,associated financial capital cost and assets to set-upthebusiness.The app considers almost all the steps needed to start withnewstart-up and the costs associated with each execution ofprocess.This helps you to get the information on financial costs atanypoint, be it infrastructure requirements, staff hiring orbusinessmarketing. All major corporate processes are coveredlikeregistrations fees, set up costs, legal and account feesandrunning costs.Furthermore the main expenses are divided intooperationalselections that includes installation, accounting andlegalprofessionals fees, the vehicles and equipment lease costsandrunning cost, advertising and promotions, staff salaries,employeehealth insurance, ongoing office rent, bank and lenderfees.User can use it for the approximated quotation for any kindofindustry (Manufacture, Auto mobile, IT, Retail, smallscaleindustry or any start up project which may or may not berequiremanpower, equipments and office space). You can set theapproximatetime required in months for the business to generatefirst revenueafter all operating expenses. Considering these entirefactors itprovide you the approx money needed to build and run thenewbusiness successfully. The detailed reports with all inputs canbedownloaded any time in CSV format for references. You cancreateand download the live estimations at any point of time andcomparethem for different scenarios. The reset option blank allfields andenable the user to start with new plan.Key functions and features✔ Step by Step cost calculation for the set-up andinstallation,legal and accounting fees.✔ Consider the time needed to make the start up profitable.✔ Helps you to identify and missing categories and costs whichcancost you a lot in future.✔ Identify the major costs with interactive visualization.✔ Optimized for tablet and higher resolution devices.✔ Displays currencies as per the device locale.✔ Gives the summary along with amount required on start up✔ Graphical view with summary and details to getbetterinsight.✔ Interactive and easy to use sliders to adjust values anddisplaysthe results in easy to visualize in chart or graphformat.✔ Allow to choose and easily switching the values usingslidercontrols.✔ Rate and share options.✔ Compact and easy to use design.✔ Organized lists for cost models at various stages.✔ Covers almost all the generic costs required to establishabusiness.✔ Download options for detailed business plan costs.✔ Reset option to restart from scratch to create uniqueplans.✔ Step by step costs and timeliness from planning to startingyourbusiness to first revenue.✔ Country selection and support for many world currencies.
Entrepreneur USA 2.0
We here at EntrepreneurUSA are allaboutgettingall creative minds to share their ideas with eachother.This isbefore during or after you start your business orventure.The ideais to get feedback from others on ways toimprove,develop, or getsupport from other great and futureentrepreneurssuch as yourself.Please enjoy the app and be sure toassistothers.To all entrepreneurs, this app is exactly what you need. Haveagreatidea? How would you like to have some peer assistance tohelpyouactually achieve this goal? Or maybe ideas on how tobettertheexisting idea. Maybe this is where a greatbusinesspartnershipwill begin and you will see your businessgrow.
Emprendimiento 1.1
¿Buscas Emprender? ¿Quieres iniciar conalgúnEmprendimiento? ¿Quieres iniciar tu propio negocio paso apaso?Hola soy Mel Entrepreneur y sucede que el camino delemprendedor NOes sencillo, tiene muchas curvas y hay momentos en loque eseufórico o devastador, tendrás muchos errores y ademástendrás quehacer muchos sacrificios, otras personas siempre estaránahí paradecirte que es una mala idea o que no puedes hacerlo,quizás que nisiquiera deberías intentarlo; pero ¿Qué crees? quesolamente¡depende de ti! de que tomes la decisión que vas a serexitoso y espor ello que en esta aplicación se muestran losrecursos paraEmprender e iniciar con tu propio negocio, ¡solo da tuprimer pasoahora! y el resto del camino irá apareciendo a medida dequecamines con esta aplicación.Looking undertake?Youwant to start with some Entrepreneurship? Want to start yourownbusiness step by step? Hi I'm Mel Entrepreneur and it happensthatthe path of the entrepreneur is not easy, has many curves andthereare times when it is euphoric or devastating, have manymistakesand you'll have to make many sacrifices, others will alwaysbethere to tell you that is a bad idea or that you can not dothat,maybe you should not even try; but what do you think? only uptoyou! You make the decision that you're going to be successfulandthat is why in this application resources to undertake andstartyour own business is, given only your first step now! and therestof the way will appear as you walk with this application.
Entrepreneurial Quotes 1.0.2
Quotes to Inspire Success in Your Life and Business - FREE APP
Swapcard. Real-Life Networking 4.70.0
Ideal for business people, entrepreneursandbusiness developers who want to succeed.Swapcard facilitates your meetings during professional andbusinessevents. With Swapcard, each event you attend will enableyou tomultiply enhanced targeted contact opportunities withqualityprofessionals.---NETWORKING EVENT· Matchmaking on events: the App suggests those people withcommoninterest that you should meet. This is generated thankstounrivalled matchmaking algorithms. Ahead of any event,Swapcardoffers you organising optimised meetings' agenda which willbenefityour company. Think about previous events you attendedwithoutbeing able to meet those you wanted to, with the App, thiswill nothappen anymore !· Chat: Suggesting people is not enough. Enjoy a chat to createafirst conversation with your encounters. Above all, do not stayonthis chat, go and meet them all!· Oh and we almost forgot: Access the list ofparticipants,exhibitors, speakers and program.---SCANNING BUSINESS CARDS· Scan card: free and unlimited scan is a great way to never loseanopportunity again. Our fast and accurate scan will read allyourbusiness cards to create a contact. Gone are the longeveningsentering contacts in your CRM. Drink a coffeeinstead.· Enrich your contacts: having a contact is good, knowingeverythingabout them is better. We automatically enrich yourprofiles withpublic data. Photo, interests, skills … .· Share your profile: During a meeting, share your profilebye-mail, sms and even with social networks. The person who willhavethe chance to receive your contact information will be able toaddyou to his address book. You will be surprised how easyitis...---YOUR OPPORTUNITIES TO THE END· Tags and notes: After a meeting, assign a tag to your contacttofind it more easily. Add a note to remind you of a conversationoran important detail ...· Export of the contact: A relationship take everything aremeaningand enter your address book. Simply export your contacts foryoursmartphone, an Excel file and even your CRM. Your contactwillnever be lost again. Another winning opportunity!Sharing teams: Who is in contact with whom? A question toooftenasked. Your contacts are shared on your Swapcard team.Timesaving.
LimeRoad Seller App
Create your online store with theLimeRoadSeller App in just a minute. This is your chance to and sell your products to millions of customersacrossIndia. With so many apps flooding in the online space likeSnapdealSeller App, Flipkart Seller App, Amazon Seller App, PaytmSellerApp and others, Limeroad has come up with a user-friendlyandinnovative app- Limeroad Seller App. Upload yourproducts/catalog,customize your store, share with your customers(via Facebook,Whatsapp, E-mail, SMS, Pinterest, Instagram &more) and manageyour orders – all from your mobile phone. Zeroinvestment. Your ownstore. Live!FEATURES:- Create your online store 100% Free! Nothing hidden.- Upload Unlimited Products. Just take a photo- One Click to Share with your customers. It’s like tellingeveryoneabout the products in a single click. See the orderspouringin.- Get notified when order comes- Manage Order Anytime, Anywhere on phone- Weekly Reports of Store Performance- We’ll add more features everyday for you.What people are saying on playstore:-Diya Sahgal *****This is so easy and helpful! I’ve been wanting to take mycollectiononline for so long, but didn’t know where to start.Great app.Abhishek Sharma ****I can share new arrivals with my customer baseeveryday!Awesome!Abhineet Sonkar *****Fast, easy and efficient. This App is a must have for anygrowingentrepreneur.Chetna Bhaskar ****I’ve uploaded and shared my first collection. The response isgreat!I can do my day job and sell my products. It’s sosimple.
Shapr – Meaningful Networking 4.9.11
Shapr is a personalized, mindful way of networking. Basedonyourinterests and experience, we provide a daily doseofinspiring,like-minded people to meet nearby in your area.Whetheryou’reseeking friends or employees, each swipe is a newopportunityand anew discovery. Shapr has been featured in Forbes,ProductHunt,Techcrunch, Inc, Venture Beat & Fast Company.Inspire.Webelieve in serendipity. Personally and professionally,webelievethat connecting inspiring people creates ameaningful,fulfillingand healthy co-existence. Personalize. Createyourprofile andshare your bio, work history, industry andeducation.State yourinterests and professional goals, or simplyshareinformation fromyour CV or LinkedIn. Swipe. Swipeanonymouslythrough pictures andbios for 1 minute a day and openyour networkto a world ofopportunities. Choose “Pass” or “Meet” tosearch forinspiringpeople. Shapr gets smarter with each swipe andcurates 10- 15daily suggestions based on tagged interests,locationandprofessional experience. Network. We take the ‘work’outofnetworking and provide the opportunity to grow asaprofessionaland as an individual. Somewhat like “businessdating,”our app letsyou contact and meet otherprofessionals,co-founders,entrepreneurs and mentors at yourconvenience. Connect.Shapr letsyou know when an interest is mutual,that way you canstartchatting right away with your new connections- withouttheawkwardness of a request to connect. Feel free to breaktheicewith our built-in introductions or set up a call orvideochat.Engage. Have an open mind, curious attitude and eagernesstohelpothers learn and succeed. Share aspirations, bond withpeople,andembark on new journeys. Discover. Discoverentrepreneurs,founders,professionals, mentors, artists, among othercountlesstalented andinspiring individuals around you andthroughout theworld. *Don’tforget that big ideas come from smallencounters.Start shapingyour life today!*
Koran Bolden 5.61.3
Vrello Apps
If you aspire to become theultimateentrepreneur, brand yourself as the #1 expert in yourindustry orgain national media coverage, the Koran Bolden MobileMentoring Apppresented by Wells Fargo is just what you're lookingfor. Thisexclusive social media app for entrepreneurs was createdandtailored for special individuals who see life as a glass halffullwhen others around you do not. You are not alone, and we canproveit with this mobile app created specifically foryoungentrepreneurs like you!You can take advantage of everything Koran Bolden has to offerbydownloading the app and creating a unique user profile tonetworkwith fellow like minded entrepreneurs around the world.Then, watchand listen to exclusive music, podcasts and videos thatare updatedweekly and reveal mind blowing business strategies thatyourcompetitors don't want you to see. It's just that simple.Koran Bolden: About the App CreatorKoran Bolden is a national youth motivational speaker,millenniallife coach & entrepreneur, who advocates forstudents tograduate from school by using the arts,entrepreneurship andtechnology as outlets to make healthy lifechoices.Bolden is mostly known for his advocacy on social changeandincreasing graduation rates through mentoring,entrepreneurship,and creating more positive media messages foryouth, which inspiredhim to leave corporate America to open aleadership-focusedrecording studio called Street Dreamz in 2010with his wifeLaPortcia. Street Dreamz Recording Studio and PartyCenter became asafe house and exciting alternative for young,aspiring musiciansto build their self-esteem through writingpositive lyrics,challenging and restricting kids from recordingsongs containingprofanity. This strict "No Profanity" pledge soongained attentionfrom parents, schools boards, government officials,corporations,and local news media outlets, which did severalfeature stories onBolden's mission.Koran's vision for social change has been validated byhimimpacting over 100,000
Micro-Entrepreneur 2.0
L'application est dédié aux autoetmicro-entrepreneurs désirant s'informer sur lesdifférentesdémarches à faire pour commencer ou approfondir cestatut.L'application met à disposition l'accès à un forum comportantdenombreuses informations ainsi qu'un accès à un groupe FB de plusde4000 membres qui se feront un plaisir de vous renseigner etderépondre à vos questions.Vous trouverez également des PDF mis à jour selon lesévolutionsdu statut, une mine d'or pour les micro et autoentrepreneurs.Un changement ou une information importante sur le statutdemicro-entrepreneur? vous recevrez une notification PUSHsonoregérée par Eric et Eddy vous informant de la situation.The applicationisdedicated to auto and micro-entrepreneurs wishing to learnaboutthe various steps to do to begin or improve that status.The application provides access to a forum with manyinformationand access to a FB group of more than 4,000 members whowill behappy to assist you and answer your questions.You will also find PDF updated according to changes inthestatus, a gold mine for micro entrepreneurs and self.A change or important information aboutmicro-entrepreneurstatus? you will receive an audible notificationPUSH managed byEric and Eddy informing you of the situation.