Top 6 Apps Similar to Find Fominaya

WiFiPerf 1.4
WiFiPerf is a bandwidth performancemeasurementapp and is available for Android, iOS and Mac OS X. Theapp canoperate as a client and/or server.Use WiFiPerf to test speed of WiFi network as experienced bytabletor mobile device.Compatibility: WiFiPerf is compatible with iPerf 3.0.1ornewer.
Aruba Meridian 9.2.0
Preview your Meridian-powered app before it’s published to thePlayStore.
Aruba Utilities 166
Aruba Utilities includes a number oftoolsuseful for characterizing and troubleshooting wireless LANsfromAruba Networks. Some tools work with any WLAN, others areclientsfor Aruba’s AirWave management system, Analytics &LocationEngine (ALE) and Mobility Controllers.Support is through email to the developer, or via theArubaCommunity site user guide is available Utilities includes:• A Wi-Fi Monitor showing the Wi-Fi environment, includingthecurrent access point, dynamic signal strength andRSSImeasurements, other access points audible to the deviceandhandover events.• A Telnet/SSH client that works with Aruba mobilitycontrollers,allowing network configuration and monitoring from amobileplatform.• An AirWave client that downloads the floorplan image andAPdetails from the network’s AirWave WLAN management system.Seewhere APs are located relative to your position, and touch APiconsfor details of current loading, channels and power.• The AirWave client also offers a locally-generatedestimatedheatmap and a site survey function that links actualcoveragemeasurements to locations on the floorplan.• Device information (Wi-Fi, IP, DHCP, cellular status) isdisplayedalong with an implementation of the Airwave ManagementClient (AMC)that reports device information and scanned APs toyour AirWave WLANmanagement system.• A Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) scanner reports nearby iBeaconsandother BLE devices with UUID, index values and signalstrengthmeasurements.• Android versions of iPerf, Ping, DNS and mDNS offer networktestfunctionality.• Measurements are written to a plain-text log file and variouscsvreport files that can be emailed for use later.Aruba Utilities was developed by the CTO Group in Aruba Networksasa testbed for our research into WLAN measurement andoptimizationtechniques. It will be of interest to network engineerswithmulti-AP WLANS, especially Aruba Networks WLANs.
Activate Go 12
Activate Go is an installer’s Android appthatcompletes the automatic configuration of an Aruba Access Pointinthe Activate system.Touch the ‘login’ area at the top of the screen to entertheinstaller’s Activate credentials. This will give access to thesamedata seen on the Activate web page.First enter the serial number or MAC address of the AP, eitherbybarcode scanning (this uses a separate app, you will be taken totheapp store and prompted to download if it isn’t present) orkeyboardentry.When a valid serial number or MAC is entered, pressing thebuttonwill query the Activate database. If the lookup is successful(theAP is known to Activate and is assigned to theinstaller’sorganization) the app will bring up a new page withcurrent detailsof the AP.Touching anywhere on the screen allows the installer to change4fields in the AP Activate record:- The AP name (mandatory field)- The AP folder (mandatory field, from a pull-down list of thelistof folders Activate allows this AP to be allocated to, notthedefault folder)- The AP long name (optional field)- The AP description (optional field)If the Android device has a good (non-zero)latitude/longitudefrom GPS, that location is automatically added tothe APdescription field. A further lookup attempts to find thestreetaddress associated with that location (not 100% accurate!)and thisaddress is added if available (location information can bedeletedmanually).When the button is pressed, the new data updates the AP’sActivaterecord. A message shows the status returned from Activate,withsome additional information in the case of failure.Field checking:- Serial Number 9 alpha-numeric characters (app convertstoupper-case)- MAC 12 hex characters, or 17 hex characters with “:”separators(app converts to upper-case)- AP name max 50 characters, no spaces- AP long name max 50 characters- AP description max 120 characters
AP Installer 19
This app captures details of a Wireless LAN AccessPointinstallation
AirO 22
AirO is a troubleshooting tool for owners of Wi-Fi capableAndroiddevices.