Top 2 Games Similar to Giraffe Jigsaw Puzzles

Cute Giraffe Escape V1.0.0.2
Cute Giraffe Escape is a point and click escape game developedbyaVmGames
Giraffe Game Puzzle 1.0
The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)isanAfrican even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallestliving terrestrial animal and the largestruminant. Its species name refers to its camel-like appearance and the patches of color on itsfur. Its chief distinguishing characteristics areits extremely long neck and legs, its horn-likeossicones, and its distinctive coat patterns. Itis classified under the family Giraffidae, alongwith its closest extant relative, the okapi. Thenine subspecies are distinguished by their coatpatterns.The giraffe's scattered range extends from Chadin the north to South Africa in the south, andfrom Niger in the west to Somalia in the east.Giraffes usually inhabit savannas, grasslands,and open woodlands. Their primary food source isacacia leaves, which they browse at heights mostother herbivores cannot reach. Giraffes arepreyed on by lions; their calves are alsotargeted by leopards, spotted hyenas, and wilddogs. Adult giraffes do not have strong socialbonds, though they do gather in looseaggregations if they happen to be moving in thesame general direction. Males establish socialhierarchies through "necking", which are combatbouts where the neck is used as a weapon.Dominant males gain mating access to females,which bear the sole responsibility for raisingthe young.The giraffe has intrigued various cultures, bothancient and modern, for its peculiar appearance,and has often been featured in paintings, books,and cartoons. It is classified by theInternational Union for Conservation of Nature asLeast Concern, but has been extirpated from manyparts of its former range, and some subspeciesare classified as Endangered. Nevertheless,giraffes are still found in numerous nationalparks and game reserves.This is a photo(number) puzzle which is called 15puzzle or sliding puzzle.Which is the puzzle game when you are putting ittogether over moving up&down, left&right on thephoto(number) square.Let's try to show it off all of the world atWorld Puzzle!!