Top 15 Games Similar to MMA Notícias

MMA Fighting 1.0
Do You Know What is MMAFightingStandFor?As the popularity of mixed martial arts (MMA) continuestogrowapace, new fans are being attracted all the time. WhileMMA(inparticular the UFC) has moved on dramatically from itsearlydaysof mis-matches and freakshow elements to becomealegitimate,widely respected and hugely popular sport noteverybodyfullyunderstands what it's all about.With that in mind here's a quick guide to all thequestionsmostcommonly asked about MMA & mma fightingschedule.1) Just what IS mixed martial arts?Mixed Martial Arts is the fastest growing sport in theworld.MMAencompasses disciplines from various martial artsandOlympicsports, such as boxing, kick-boxing, karate, jiu-jitsu,muaythai,tae kwon do, wrestling and judo & mma cagefighting.Rounds are five minutes in length and there aretypicallythreerounds in a contest, unless it’s a championship fight(oranon-title UFC main event), in which case, the contestlastsfiverounds.2) Mixed martial arts is the sport NOT the UFC andmmafightingnews:Mixed Martial Arts is the name of the sport. TheUltimateFightingChampionship (UFC) is the name of the premierorganisation.Akin tobasketball being the sport, but the NBA beingthe name mostpeopleassociate with it.The UFC has been the driving force behind thesportspopularityand they have done a great job of marketing theirbrand.However,we’ve all heard casual fans tell their friends thatthey‘trainUFC’, so next time you hear that, politely correctthem.3) Yes, there ARE rules. Many rules...A common misconception is that MMA has no rules, when in fact,ithasmany. The Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts is themostcommon ruleset used throughout the world. All stateathleticcommissions in theUnited States adopt the Unified Rules tohelpregulate the sport.The rules are thorough and include the size of thefightingarea,specifications about hand wrapping and information onjudgingandfouls, amongst many other things. They are an essentialreadforthose wanting to understand the sport.4) There are fouls tooIn the Unified Rules, there more than 25 foulsofficiallylisted.Some examples are; no head butting, no smalljointmanipulation andno unsportsmanlike conduct that causes aninjury toanopponent.If a foul is determined by the referee asintentionalandflagrant, he can disqualify the competitor.Typically, a foulwillresult in a point being deducted, which couldbe crucial in athreeround fight. A fouled fighter has up to fiveminutestorecuperate.5) MMA DOES have weight classesThe current weight classes in the UFC are:Flyweight up to 125 lbsBantamweight over 125 to 135 lbsFeatherweight over 135 to 145 lbsLightweight over 145 to 155 lbsWelterweight over 155 to 170 lbsMiddleweight over 170 to 185 lbsLight Heavyweight over 185 to 205 lbsHeavyweight over 205 to 265 lbs6) How is a fight scored?There are three judges sat cage side, each with adifferentviewpointof the contest. They evaluate MMA techniques,such aseffectivestriking, effective grappling, control of thefightingarea,effective aggressiveness and defense.They use the 10-Point Must System, the winner of the roundgets10points, the loser gets 9 or less, unless, in rareoccurrences,it’san even 10-10 round.7) The cage is actually for the safety of the athletesThe term ‘cage fighting’ is detestable, but the cage (referredtoas‘The Octagon’ in the UFC) is an essential part offightersafety. Inthe Australian state of Victoria, MMA events thatuse acage arebanned, when in fact, the cage is used to protecttheathletes,particularly when the wrestling aspect of the sportisinvolved.If You Like Our MMA Fighting App, Please rate it and shareitwithyour friends and it's completlly FREE!
Yovan Delourme MMA 1.0
Yovan Delourme, fondateurdel’enseigneFIGHT'NESS Gym et du centre de Formation ImpactSportTraining,enseigne les arts martiaux et sports de combatsdepuisplus de 20ans.Il a étudié les différentes disciplines martiales afind’êtreleplus complet dans sa pratique. Karaté, BoxeThailande,Grappling,JJB, Lutte…Il s’intéresse à toutes ces pratiques pour être un CoachdeMixedMartial Art le plus complet. Entrepreneur dans l'âme,ils'estinvestit dans la création du premier réseau de France deMMACenters(salles de musculation et d’arts martiaux). Son conceptetsaméthode pédagogique unique en font l’une des enseignes lesplusenvogues et une vraie référence nationale des salles deMixedMartialArts en France.Cette application vous permettra d’avoir des infossursonactualité, ses stages, ses vidéos d’entrainements et lesvillesoùdes Fight’Ness Gym viendront s’installerYovan Delourme,founderofthe brand FIGHT'NESS Gym and Training Center ImpactSportTraining,teaches martial arts and combat sports for over 20years.He studied different martial disciplines to be as completeinhispractice. Karate, Boxing Thailand, Grappling, BJJ,Wrestling...He is interested in all these practices to be a MixedMartialArtsCoach the most complete. An entrepreneur at heart, heisinvesting inthe creation of the first network France MMACenters(gyms andmartial arts). Its concept and unique teachingmethodmake it one ofthe most vogues signs and a true nationalreferencerooms MixedMartial Arts in France.This application will give you information on the latestnews,itscourses, its trainings videos and cities where Fight'NessGymwillsettle
MMA Addict 1.0
Vasya Petrov
Your #1 APP For MMA and UFC news!!!All the news & videos about the MMA in a single app.We cover all main MMA news sources, top blogs and YouTubechannelstobring a clean & effective news summary!Features include:* All the sources in one place! Get a full MMA newscoverage.* Videos from leading Youtube channels - all the MMAyoucanget!* Speak your mind - comment on any story easilyinsidetheapp!* Read later - save interesting stories easily and for free!Loved it? Let us know by rating us high and share itwithyourfriends!
MMA UK 2.1
Get the latest news from UFC and theMMAworlddirect to your phone.Download the free MMA UK app now!MMA UK is a Mixed Martial Arts media outletfeaturingnews,interviews, results, rumours, live play by plays,fightvideos,opinion articles and much more from the world ofMMA.
Storm Damage MMA
Storm Damage MMA - MixedMartialArtsProfessional Cage Fighting in Canberra.Cage Fighting action in a Grand Prix style format.The Eliminator Gauntlet sees multiple warriors dobattlemultipletimes throughout the night & continue to fightuntilonly oneremains undefeated & victorious!Other matches on our event nights include single boutsinbetweenthe eliminator bouts.Multiple Fighters - Fighting Multiple Times - All onthesamenight.THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
MMA FightCreed 4.1
FightCreed delivers the ultimate MMA and UFC news, events&mobile experience.
MMA Notícias 1.0.15
As últimas notícias sobre MMA e UFC nateladoseu celular. Mantenha-se sempre muito bem informado comnotíciasevídeos sobre MMA e UFC.O aplicativo mais rápido e prático!Saiba o que acontece no universo MMA e UFC, saiba asnotíciasenovidades que acontecem nos ringues e nos bastidores.Com o aplicativo MMA Notícias você irá visualizarnotíciasdediversas fontes, acessar o site da notícia direto noaplicativooucarregar apenas o texto (o carregamento de texto émuito leveeeconomiza sua internet).É possível ainda compartilhar as notícias com seusamigosecolegas por meio de redes sociais, SMS, e-mail eváriasoutrasopções de compartilhamento.Página de bate-papo onde é possível conversar com outrosfãsesaber mais sobre o que eles estão pensando.Integração com o Facebook para compartilhamento eparabate-papocom outros usuários.Notificação das últimas notícias para você nãoperdernenhumanovidade. A frequência de notificações podeseralteradafacilmente.Baixe agora o MMA Notícias e mantenha-se sempremuitobeminformado!The latest newsaboutMMAand UFC on your phone screen. Keep yourself well informedwithnewsand videos on MMA and UFC.The fastest application and practical!Find out what happens in MMA and UFC universe, know thenewsandnews that happen in the ring and backstage.With MMA News app you will see news from differentsources,accessthe website of straight news in the application orload onlythe text(the text load is very light and saves yourinternet).You can even share the news with your friendsandcolleaguesthrough social networks, SMS, e-mail and variousothersharingoptions.Chat page where you can chat with other fans and learnmoreaboutwhat they are thinking.Facebook integration for sharing and chat with other users.Notification of the latest news so you do not loseanythingnew.The frequency of notifications can be changedeasily.Download now MMA News and always keep well informed!
MMA News 1.0
target mobile
Top mma news sites and RSS feeds willkeepyouupdated in the world of the MMA. The feedsareupdatedautomatically and the app notifies when there isnewinformation toread.Features;- Rss Feeds and News sites- Search feeds or add feeds manually- Share functionality- Automatic or manual synchronization- Notifications (can be turned off)- Automatic and manual cleanup
MMA News Pro 2.5.2
All MMA news in one place!
MMA Rate 2.2
You can rate mma fights from 1 to 5andseeother users mark. Thanks to it you can watch only goodandexcitingfights avoiding spoilers.
MMA Quotes 1.0
“MMA Quotes” and sayings isfreeandroidapplication, collection of “Fighting Quotes”.Allcarefullyhand-picked from more than 1000 famous Fighterquotes,mmafighters, Striking, Grappling and other great mindswhosebrilliantwords inspired many human beings. They areinspiring,motivatingand they have the power quotes to provoke newthought,not havingthe most beautiful or the longest words, but theone thatmatchesour feelings when we read it.Keep this free application on your phone so that you canfind“BestMMA Quotes” anytime you have a few moments spare.I’vealwaysgained inspiration from “Fighter Quotes” and sayings,whichis whyI’ve decided to gather some of my favorite quotes intothisfreeandroid application.
MMA News 1.0
The latest Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)Newsfromthe sports most popular sources.Enjoy the latest fight News from the most popular sourcesofthesport.Your one stop shop for all fight and MMA news!News sources include:- Bleacher Report MMA- MMA News- MMA Junkie- MMA Weekly- Low Kick MMA- Craziest Sports FightsAnd much, much more!
iTrack MMA
Justin Hopper
Your best source for upcoming MMA events,newsand fighter information. Not only tracks the UFC events,butStrikeforce, WEC, DREAM, BFC and MFC. View upcoming eventswithbetting lines. View past events with winners and results. Hereis alist of other features:- Never forget another upcoming fight with the Add ToCalendarfeature, simply long-press on an event name.- See past events by scrolling up past the Future Eventsheaderin the events listing.- Click the News button at the bottom to switch to thenewssection, click the Events button to switch back to upcomingandpast events.- Offline mode, caches the previously fetched data so youcanview fights and news when you have no Internet connection (likeonmost planes).- Use your phone's menu key to quit the application,ensuringyour phone doesn't waste battery or processor power to keeptheapplication alive.Any questions, problems, or suggestions, please email me.
MMA Trainning 1.0
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★Try to build explosive power, burn fat, and improveyourenduranceand strength training!Even if you're not planning to step into the cage, youcanbecomea leaner, meaner, more awesome you by implementingMMAtraining.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
MMA Fighting 1.0
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★Have you asked yourself how the fighters know allthoseMMAtechniques?Do they take MMA fighting classes? If yes, then where?Learn how to take your MMA training to the next levelwithourvideos of the best MMA drills, techniques,submissions,wrestling,tips & tactics.MMA competition, as distinct from other fighting events, hasitsownunique set of protocols, rules and battle tactics. Initscurrentform it is one of the more technical and demandingsportsinexistence, as it requires from its fighters a tremendousamountofskill, stamina, heart and determination.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"