Top 13 Apps Similar to KONAMI ver. for MKB

Jede Android
This guide includes information onthecurrentprospects of PES CLUB MANAGER.PES CLUB MANAGER very suitable for playing football manager,witha3D display and 2D.You will play with great graphics and a similar arrangementwithareal manager.share tips and tricks to play PES CLUB MANAGER, scout players,HowtoManage an Effective Players.Attacking Area, Defensive Style, Pressuring, TacticalOption,SetPiece Settings and Formation.Serves only as a guide to the knowledge ofexperienceandinformation free of charge.This guide is not intended to infringe on thecopyrightsofKONAMI.  Good luck
YugiDuel: YuGiOh LP Calc Free
Logick LLC
The most straight-forward YuGiOh LP apponAndroid! Easy interface, custom background, 4-player support,coin,dice, and lifepoint change log!MADE BY A YUGIOH JUDGEThis app was made by an official KDE Yugioh Judge (and duelist)whoknows what is needed in a good LP calculator app, so itwasdesigned to promote simplicity and ease-of-use duringduels.Includes everything you need to speed up the BattlePhase,eliminate math errors, and quickly resolve effects that usecoinsor dice.AUTOSAVE LPYugiDuel autosaves after every LP change in case somethingcausesthe app to crash or restart. Don't settle for a cheap LPcalculatorapp that might crash and lose your duel progress!Download YugiDuelnow and your lifepoint totals will always be safe,even in theevent of a crash or app restart!EASY TO USEEach duelist has a dedicated set of plus and minus buttons thatarein the most common denominations for lifepoint changes. Eachseriesof button presses is considered a single transaction for LPLogpurposes (Ex. +1000 +1000 +500 = +2500 in the LP Log, just likeitwould be written in a notepad). LP bars visualize thelifepointstotals to give you a quick glimpse of who is winningtheduel.FEATURES• Support for up to 4 duelists!• Customize duelist names and starting LPs• Set your own background image• Dedicated buttons for common LP amounts• Half button, Custom button, Undo feature• LP totals autosave after each change• Coin flip and Dice roll (up to 3 dice)• LP Log keeps track of lifepoints changes during duel tosimulatethe traditional LP notepad• Option to disable screen sleepKeep your mind on the duel and let YugiDuel LP Calculator keepupwith the lifepoints!Feedback is welcome and very much appreciated. I read everymessageI get from a user.Email: [email protected]: @LogickLLCFacebook: Logick LLCP.S. My app, Yugipedia Deck Builder, is available forAndroid/iOS!The card list is completely up-to-date and it's goingto stay thatway! Building Yugioh decks has never been soconvenient! Everyduelist needs a deck building app. DownloadYugipedia today!*I’m not affiliated with Konami or Yu-Gi-Oh!*Yu-Gi-Oh!, and all related materials copyright © 1996-2015KazukiTakahashi. Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, and all relatedmaterialscopyright © Konami Corporation.
Guía Pro 2015 1.0.0
- Guía NO OFICIAL para jugar al Pro 2015paratu consola. Con controles, tipos de pase, jugadas enataque,consejos de estrategia, jugar con el portero o jugadasindividuales(uno contra uno) y juego en equipo. Todo lo quenecesitas para serun crack en el Pro 2015.AVISO LEGAL:Esta aplicación NO ES OFICIAL, ni utiliza logotipos oimágenescon derechos de autor. Todo lo relativo al juego espropiedadintelectual de la empresa Konami.- UNOFFICIAL GuidePro2015 to play for your console. With controls, swap rates, playsonoffense, strategy tips, play with the goalkeeper orindividualmoves (one to one) and team play. Everything you need tobe a crackin the Pro 2015.LEGAL NOTICE:This application is NOT OFFICIAL, or use logos orcopyrightedimages. Everything about the game is the intellectualproperty ofthe company Konami.
Team Selector for PES 2017 1
Team Selector for Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 allows you to pickteamsat random, with or without using additional filters. PlayingProEvolution Soccer 2017 with friends? Use this selector to createaneven playing field with a fair selection of teams based onteamsstar rating and/or team type. Starting a new Pro EvolutionSoccer2017 League or Cup? Use this selector to pick a team to playas.Starting a new Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 Master League? Usethisselector to pick a team to play as. Uses default database namesandreal club names. Date correct as of 15th September 2016.FiltersInclude: Randomise selection within teams star ratings.Randomiseselection within team types, with All Teams, Club Teams,Men'sNational Teams filters available. Team Selector for ProEvolutionSoccer 2017 is an unofficial app and has no affiliationwith anyfootball organisations/clubs or Konami and the ProEvolution Soccer2017 game. This application is a tool to be usedalongside thegame.
YugiDuel: YuGiOh LP Calculator 1.8.2
Logick LLC
YuGiOh LP calculator with 4-player support, coin, dice, log,andcustomization.
8K Calculator For Life Points 1.11
Minimalistic and professional lookingappusedto calculate the score, health points, or life points ofyouandyour opponent. You can use this app to keep track of thescoreforboth duelists. This allows you and your opponent todetermineawinner without having to resort to using your memory.Features:-A running history of the scores. This will allow youtoundocalculations, or explain how the score got to its currentstate-just in case a mistake was made.-Two modes, dual calculator or single calculator.-Options to align the app to the left or right.-Professional looking app feels and looks solid.-No adds.This application has no affiliation with Konami ortheYu-Gi-OhTCG in any way.
Wishlist for YuGiOh! Pro
Save your Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, check prices and have them alwaysoffline
POPLAB ~Pop'n Plainly Book~ 8.44
kakakaka Eng.
This app can acquire pop'n music data from eAMUSEMENT and havenicefunctions.
【機密指定】当たる占い◆宮廷術 大野裕子 1.0.0
【危険】この占いを人にはバラしてはいけません。軍事機密・発禁級のタブーもえぐり当てる永久機密指定占。歴代皇帝も現代政治家もすがり、国を動かし依存した「宮廷術」が今、人気鑑定師「大野裕子」の手によって現代によみがえります。当たり過ぎて危険なまでにバシバシ見抜く。極秘レベルの当たる占いをあなたの目でお確かめください。人には言えないことまでお話しします。この結果…受け止める覚悟はおありですか?※※※幻の的中占い【宮廷術】と、人気鑑定師【大野裕子】※※※■■■幻の的中占い【宮廷術】■■■「宮廷術」は中国元代~明代~清代にわたる王朝時代において、皇帝を守護し国家を繁栄へと導くために作られた秘術です。皇帝に愛され、王朝時代を守護してきたこの秘術は、王朝時代の終焉と共に「国をも覆す禁断の秘術」として恐れられ、歴史の闇に一度は葬り去られました。しかし現代になり、鑑定師「大野裕子」がこの宮廷術と東洋五行運命学の要素を掛け合わせ、独自の「宮廷術」として甦らせたのです。全ての人には、この世に生まれ落ちた年・月・日・時の干支(星)・授けられた名前など、その人独自の特性が備わっています。「宮廷術」はあなたの出生に秘められた人生のバイオリズム・長所・運命の全てを把握し、厳しい現実を乗り切り、幸福な将来へと導くお手伝いをさせて頂きます。◆宮廷盤とは「宮廷盤」には、「あなたの人生全て」が集約されていると言っても過言ではありません。あなたの人生の根源宿命を表す「紫禁宮」を中心に、それぞれの宮に鎮座した「宮廷珠」があなたの性質・宿命を明らかにします。紫禁宮:根本性質文王宮:精神的性質勾陣宮:対外性質朱雀宮:目上に対する対外性質白虎宮:目上に対する根本性質玄武宮:肉親に対する対外性質青龍宮:肉親に対する根本性質三台宮:自分に対する客観意識玉女宮:自分に対する内的意識◆宮廷命録とは「宮廷命録」は、あなたが今後十年間、どのような運命を辿るのかを表した年録です。一年ごとに、あなたの運命を象徴する言葉が記録されています。春逐鳥聲開:芽吹き・心機一転・意欲・粘り強さ・段階的な行動萬物生光輝:自然体・素直・潔さ・細かな着眼点・ゆったりとした速度麗日發光華:状況判断に優れる・巧妙な駆け引き・機転・目先の利益雨収花竹涼:冒険心・好奇心旺盛・純粋・没頭・負けん気・情熱窓下有清風:活力に溢れる・傷付きやすい・二面性・新鮮味を好む游魚動緑荷:謙虚・完璧主義・頼られ好き・忍耐・秩序を好む松潭月色涼:楽天的・自由主義・自己の確立・悠然・カリスマ性鶴聲秋更高:落ち着きと底意地の共存・慎重・控えめ・駆け引き菊花寒更香:ロマン主義・長期的展望・感受性の高さ・用心深さ丹楓葉落寒:真面目さ・根性・責任・柔軟性・世話焼き・努力を好む素雪暁凝花:絶妙な距離感・仲間意識・世の流れに乗る・客観的掃雪開松逕:変化・直感的・広い行動範囲・臨機応変・常に行動■■■人気鑑定師【大野裕子】■■■大学在学中にミスユニバース近畿地区代表からスカウトされ、プロのモデルとしての活動を開始。以降、雑誌・CM・スチールなどのレギュラー出演をはじめ、美容についてのトークショー、雑誌などの媒体を選ばず幅広く活躍中。キャリアは30年に及ぶ。また、見られることのプロとして培った感性と長年学んだ東洋五術運命学を元に独自の占い「宮廷術」を展開。宿命を知り、厳しい現実を乗り越えるための具体的な方法を生理と心理の両面へのアプローチにより導きだし提案している。鑑定士歴は15年を超え、その模様はテレビや雑誌でも多数紹介の実績があり、OLからミセスまで女性を中心に高い支持を受けている。【WEB】marie claire「占い玉手箱」Dream City「姓名占いeikouの宮廷術」【雑誌】Frau「運命鑑定人名鑑」女性セブン「GOGO美人(マルビ)研究所」~占いは心のエステ家庭画報婦人画報クロワッサンクロワッサンPremiumミセスのスタイルブック【HP】◆◇◆見ても後悔しないとお約束ができる方のみご覧下さい。◆◇◆無料占いは4メニュー。見ても後悔しないと約束できる方のみご覧下さい。今からお告げするのは本当の事。人には言えない裏の裏までお伝えします。さあ、あなたが事実を知る日が来ました。●※危険※人にはバラすな!国家機密指定占≪今日あなたに起こる全現実≫特別録●軍事機密/タブーも解禁◆漏洩禁止の的中占「あなたという人間」才・性格・使命●※依存注意※裏の裏まで残さず暴く(秘)開示占【あの人の性格/才覚/使命】●▲閲覧キケン:結果漏洩絶対NG▲発禁級の的中占/あなたの根源×宿命この結果、誰にも言わないと約束してください。あなたの心内のみに秘めておいて頂けるならば事実をお話しいたします。容赦なく現実を炙り出しお伝えしますが、知ることに対して恐れがあるかた、そして秘密を秘密にできる自信が無い方はどうかお引き取り下さい。◆◇◆最後まで秘密を突き通せる方のみご覧下さい。◆◇◆特別鑑定は18メニュー。秘密を秘密にしておくためにはそれ相応の苦しみも伴うでしょう。ただ、あなたが本気で自身の願いを叶えたいのならば見るべきでしょう。今からあなただけに本当の事をお伝えします。怖いかもしれませんがどうか、現実に目を傾けて下さい。現実の受け止め方と未知の可能性を最大限に引き出してくれるのが「宮廷術」です。これからの人生に「意義」ある現実と、秘訣をお伝えし、あなたがあなたらしい人生を進むことができるように。心を込めて鑑定します。【有料メニューの注意事項】※一度ご購入された有料メニューでも、「異なる端末でアプリをインストールした場合」や、「一度アプリをアンインストールしてから再度インストールし直した場合」には再購入が必要となります。ご了承くださいますよう、お願い致します。
TBT AIOMit dieser APP findet ihr sämtliche News im bereich Yu-gi-oh!Vom offiziellen Konami Blog bis zu MKM.Alle deutschen Yugitube- Channels.Bitte um feedback und wünsche bei den bewertungen.Im nächsten Update:- Quick-Map (Yugioh-Locations und Events)- und Vieles mehr....TBT AIOWith this app you will find all the news in thefieldYu-gi-oh!From official Konami blog to MKM.All German Yugitube- channels.Ask for feedback and wishes in the ratings.In the next update:- Quick Map (Yugioh venues and events)- and much more....
jubeatViewer 1.0.4
유비트뷰어(jubeatViewer)는 스마트폰에 최적화된 유비트정보검색프로그램입니다.이제 편리한 인터페이스에서 당신이 원하는 정보를 빠르게 찾아보세요.──────────────★ jubeatViewer, 이래서 더욱 편리합니다.1. 텍스트 채보 제공- 텍스트로 작성된 채보 데이터를 통해 마디별 패턴 위치를 게임센터 등 외부 환경에서도 빠르게 확인할 수있습니다.2. 외부 동영상 검색- 유튜브를 통해 외부의 채보영상/핸드클랩/플레이 영상 등의 검색결과를 한 곳에 모아줍니다.3. 편리한 한국어 검색 기능(추가중)- 유저들이 편하게 곡을 찾을 수 있는 데이터베이스를 구축하여, 한국어로 곡 제목을 입력해도 쉽게 곡을 찾을수있습니다.(ex : 극동밤새, 에반스 ... )4. 핫튠즈 시스템- 어플리케이션과 실제 게임에서 인기 있는 곡을 모은 핫 튠즈 시스템으로 빠른 접근이 가능해지고, 라이트유저에게는곡추천을 도와줍니다.──────────────Produced by 엑세이(xae) 팀엑세이 팀 트위터 (* 이 어플리케이션 내 콘텐츠 저작권은 각 저작권자에게 있습니다.* 'jubeat'는 코나미 디지털 엔터테인먼트의 등록상표입니다.U-bit viewer(u)smartphoneoptimized bit jubeatViewer informationretrievalprogram.Now in easy-to-use interface you want information quickly find.─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─★ jubeatViewer, why is more convenient.1 Text Transcription offers Transcription data written in text in theexternalenvironment,such as word position specific patterns forgamecenter can quicklydetermine the2 External video search Transcription Video / external hand clap / playvideothroughYouTube search shows the results together in oneplace.3 A convenient search function (add) Korean People find a song that you can comfortably buildadatabase,you can enter the title of the song in Korean songseasilyyou canfind. Far East overnight, Evans (ex: ...)4 Hot tyunjeu system Becoming available - a collection of popular songsintheapplication and the actual game fast approachinghottyunjeusystem, light users song recommendations for help.─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─Produced by Ek Shay (xae) teamEk Shay team Twitter (* Within the application content copyrighttheirrespectiveowners.* 'Jubeat' is a registered trademark ofKonamiDigitalEntertainment.
淫夢検定 3.5
淫夢検定アプリであなたの淫夢力を計ります。まだハッテン途上ですので、新機能等は随時追加予定です。基本の淫夢検定から、日々の学習に使えるデイリーワーク、限界を目指すエンドレスINMがあります。検定結果はツイートで自慢して、どうぞ。最新バージョン(3.3)は全200問を収納。バージョンアップにて追加して行きます。[ ご案内 ]・音声が再生されますのでご注意ください・機種の関係かどうかは定かではありませんが、設問の度に音量がリセットされるとの報告があります。公共の場で起動する際はご注意くださいI will measure theforceof 淫夢 your 淫夢 test app.Because it is still developing, new features, etc. is going toaddat any time.From 淫夢 test of basic, there daily work that can be usedforday-to-day learning, is endless INM, which aims to limit.With pride in the tweet, I take the test result.Storing all 200 questions latest version (3.3).I will continue to add up in the version.[Information]- Please keep in mind because the voice is played· It is not clear whether the relationship of the model, butthereare reports of volume to be reset every time the question.Pleasebe careful when you start in public places
Citations en français 2.33
- citations des grands hommes - collection de 20.000 citations -ungrand nombre d'auteurs - citation aléatoire - citations desgrandshommes en Français :Alexandre Dumas, Confucius, Victor Hugo,OscarWilde, Albert Einstein, Coluche, Pierre Desproges, LéonarddeVinci, Serge Gainsbourg, Jules Renard, Adolf Hitler,NapoléonBonaparte, Friedrich Nietzsche, Bouddha, Voltaire, MartinLutherKing, Pierre Dac, Charles de Gaulle, Jean Jaurès,GeorgesClemenceau, William Shakespeare, Philippe Geluck, CharlieChaplin,Nelson Mandela, Michel Audiard, Winston Churchill, PaulValéry,Sigmund Freud, Platon, Abraham Lincoln, Jacques Brel, AlbertCamus,Sénèque, Sacha Guitry, Charles Baudelaire, Groucho Marx,JacquesChirac, Woody Allen, Karl Marx, Pablo Picasso, Mère Teresa,ArthurRimbaud, Marc Aurèle, Paulo Coelho, Oxmo Puccino, FrédéricDard,Montesquieu, Emmanuel Kant, Frédéric Beigbeder,FrançoisMitterrand, Blaise Pascal, Salvador Dali, Boris Vian, Abbépierre,Andy Warhol, Roland Topor, Ernest Hemingway, MarcelProust,Alphonse Allais, Raymond Devos, Pythagore, Pierre Doris,françoisde la rochefoucauld, andré malraux, Francis Blanche, AlfreddeMusset, Charles Péguy, Franz Kafka, Benjamin Franklin, CocoChanel,Cicéron, Georges Brassens, Guy de Maupassant, PhilippeBouvard,Mark Twain, indira gandhi, Nicolas Sarkozy, Malcolm x,Lénine,Denis Diderot, Jean de la Fontaine, Molière, Romain Gary,YvesSaint Laurent, Brigitte Bardot , Arthur Schopenhauer, Marquisdesade, Guy Bedos, Amélie Nothomb, Bob Marley, PierrePerret,François Cavanna, Jacques Prévert, George Bernard Shaw,Edgar AllanPoe, jean rostand, Baruch Spinoza, Simone de Beauvoir,TristanBernard, Jean Cocteau, Anton Tchekhov, paul Eluard,GuillaumeApollinaire, Mohammed Ali, Georges Bernanos, ChristianDior, Henryde Montherlant, Massa Makan Diabaté, Mahomet, JosephStaline,Averroès, Georges Wolinski, François Rabelais, Rivarol,BernardWerber, Miguel de Cervantes, Ahmadou Kourouma, Jules César,LéopoldSédar Senghor, Le Corbusier, Jean Gabin, GustaveFlaubert,Françoise Dolto, Louis Jouvet, Milan Kundera, FidelCastro, RenéDescartes, Jim Morrison, Jacques Attali, épictète,Barack Obama,José Artur, françois mauriac, George Washington,Stendhal, RalphWaldo Emerson, Edith Piaf, Fabrice Luchini, JackNicholson, GibranKhalil Gibran, Pierre Corneille, Anna Gavalda,André Gide, PaulClaudel, Jacques Lacan, Zinedine Zidane, JacquesFerron, EmileZola, Joseph Goebbels, Hubert Reeves, Jacques Dutronc,FrançoiseGiroud, Leonardo DiCaprio, Soren Kierkegaard, FrançoiseSagan, Ottovon Bismarck, Marguerite Yourcenar, Norman Schwarzkopf,épicure,Laurent Ruquier, Aimé Césaire, Daniel Pennac, MarcelPagnol, TaharBen Jelloun, Marcel Bigeard, Bill Gates, JidduKrishnamurti, AyrtonSenna, Robin Williams, André Maurois, Nadine deRothschild, ArnoldSchwarzenegger, Albert Schweitzer, Isaac Newton,Zhang Xianliang,Eugène Cloutier, René Char, Henry Ford, ErnestRenan, Orson Welles,Mike Tyson, Claude Lelouch, Saint Matthieu,Louis Pasteur, LouisAragon, Frida Kahlo, Georges Courteline,Alphonse Karr, VaclavHavel, Dan Millman, Steve Mcqueen, EricCantona, Jésus de Nazareth,Jacques Bénigne bossuet, Steve Jobs,Euripide, Marc Levy, tacite,Joseph Joubert (moraliste), WaltDisney, Paul Léautaud