Top 7 Apps Similar to KISA CHA NABII ADAM

Mawaidha ya Sh Rashid - audio 2
Mawaidha ya Sheikh Rashid Ashukery (audio)
Kisah Nabi Musa Interaktif
Educa Studio
Kabi kembali hadir untuk menemanianakanda menikmati cerita islami tentang Nabi Musa As. KisahMasaNabi Musa As merupakan aplikasi buku anak yang didesainkhususuntuk anak-anak dengan tampilan yang interaktif disertaidesainvisual menarik yang disukai anak-anak.RINGKASANNabi Musa lahir di Mesir dan pada saat itu, Mesir dipimpin olehRajaFiraun yang sangat kejam. Ketika masih bayi, Nabi Musadihanyutkandi sungai Nil oleh Ibunya. Hingga akhirnya, Nabi musaditemukan olehdayang istana dan diangkat anak oleh sang Ratu.Bagaimana kisahselanjutnya? Mengapa Nabi Musa dihanyutkan disungai Nil? Baca kisahlengkapnya hanya di KABI NABI MUSA.Ayo buruan download KABI™ MUSA a.s sekarang juga dan bacakisahnyasampai selesai ya..MODE CERITADi dalam aplikasi ini disediakan 2 mode yaitu Baca Sendiri danBacaOtomatis. Di dalam mode Baca Sendiri, anak-anak bisamembacasendiri dan berinteraksi di dalam setiap lembaran bukudenganinteraktif. Anak-anak juga bisa berlatih kemampuanmembaca.Sedangkan di dalam mode Baca Otomatis, anak-anakyang belumlancar membaca tetap bisa menikmati cerita dengan baikdisertaidengan narasi yang lengkap dan animasi yang otomatis.ANIMASI INTERAKTIFBeritahu anak untuk menyentuh bagian-bagian karakter di dalamsetiaphalaman. Maka animasi interaktif akan muncul disertai dengansoundeffect yang menarik.PERMAINAN EDUKATIFDi dalam aplikasi ini juga tersedia 4 permainan edukatifuntukbelajar:- Bermain Ular Mainan- Bermain Cari Api- Bermain Tebak Angka- Bermain Pasang BentukTENTANG KABI DAN EDUCA STUDIOKABI™ merupakan BRAND yang dimiliki Educa Studio untuk aplikasibukucerita anak interaktif. Materi yang diangkat khusus untukkisahislami dari AlQuran dari Nabi Adam sampai Nabi Muhammad,Fabelcerita hewan, Sahabat, Sejarah Perjuangan, Inspirasi MotivasidanMutiara Islam. Diharapkan, melalui aplikasi ini umat muslimdapatmengambil hikmah dan teladan yang tersembunyi sehinggamenjadipelajaran dan koreksi bersama. Aplikasi ini diproduksi olehEducaStudio™, pengembang aplikasi dan permainan edukasi. Semuailustrasidan gambar dalam aplikasi ini murni hanya sebagaiilustrasi saja.Agar anak-anak lebih mudah untuk memahami. Namuntentu saja, paraNabi, Rasul dan Sahabat tidak akan digambarkandalam bentukmanusia.PENTINGAplikasi ini dapat diunduh dan semua fitur dapat dimainkansecaragratis. Aplikasi ini juga menayangkan iklan. Jika andatertarikuntuk menghilangkan iklan tersebut, anda bisa melakukanpembeliandi dalam aplikasi.HUBUNGI KAMIKami juga terbuka terhadap masukan dan saran yang dapatmembantumeningkatkan kualitas produk-produk kami. Jika adafeedback, bisalangsung mengirimkannya ke#Email: [email protected] lebih lanjut mengenai Educa Studio:#Website: @educastudioSalam Hangat,Tim Educa StudioKabi again presenttoaccompany your child enjoy the story of Moses islami As. StoryTimeMusa As is a children's book app designed specifically forchildrenwith an interactive display with visually appealing designsthatappeal to kids.SummaryMoses was born in Egypt and at the time, led by the EgyptianPharaohwas very cruel. When I was a baby, Moses floated on theNile by hismother. Until finally, the Prophet Moses was found by alady palaceand was adopted by the Queen. So what happens next? WhyMosesfloated on the Nile? Read the full story only in KABINABIMUSA.Come game download KABI ™ MUSA U.S. right now and read the storytocompletion ya ..STORY MODEIn this application are provided two modes, namely Auto ReadAloneand Read. In the mode Read Alone , children can read on theirownand interact within each sheet with interactive book. Childrencanalso practice reading skills. While in the mode Read Auto,children who have not read fluently can still enjoy a goodstoryaccompanied with complete narration andanimationautomatically.INTERACTIVE ANIMATIONTell the child to touch the parts of the characters in eachpage.Interactive animations will then appear with an interestingsoundeffect.Game educativeIn this application are also available 4 educational gamesforlearning:- Playing Snake Toy- Play's Fire- Play Guess the Score- Playing Attach FormON KABI AND STUDIO EducaKABI ™ is owned BRAND Educa Studio's interactivechildren'sstorybook app. The material is appointed specifically fortheIslamic story of the Quran from the Prophet Adam toProphetMuhammad, Fabel animal stories, Friend, History of theStruggle,Motivation and Inspiration Islam Mutiara. Hopefully,through thisapplication Muslims can take the wisdom and example arehidden sothat it becomes a lesson and correction together. Thisapplicationis produced by Educa Studio ™, application developersandeducational games. All illustrations and drawings inthisapplication is purely for illustrative purposes only. Thatchildrenare easier to understand. But of course, the Prophets,Apostles andCompanions will not be represented in human form.ImportantThis application can be downloaded and all features can beplayedfor free. These applications also serve ads. If you areinterestedto get rid of these ads, you can make purchases insidetheapp.CONTACT USWe are also open to feedback and suggestions that can helpimprovethe quality of our products. If there is feedback, candirectlysend it to#email: [email protected] information about Educa Studio:#website: Http:// Https:// @educastudioWarm regards,Tim Educa Studio
Dr Bilal Philips video lecture 1.1
This App presents the officialYouTubechannelof the great Islamic Scholar, Shaykh AbuAmeenahBilalPhilips.Shaykh Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, born Dennis Bradley Philips,isaCanadian Muslim teacher, speaker, and author who lives inQatar.Heappears on Peace TV, which is a 24-hour IslamicsatelliteTVchannel.FEATURES:• Watch all videos of Sheikh Bilal Philips onyoursmartdevices.• Daily update of new videos.• Learn Islam from a great Islamic Scholar.• You don’t need any browser.• No username or password.• No login required.• Completely free for life.Dr Bilal Philips LecturesVery famous scholar Dr Bilal Philips lectures ondifferenttopics,some of them are:-> The True Message of Jesus Christ-> Parent Abuse and the Consequences of MigratingtotheWest-> The True Muslim Student-> Solution to the Crisis Faced by Muslim Youth-> ESSAY OF SHKUL ISLAM IBN TAYMIYA-> Re Incarnation & Exorcism-> Khutbah at Aspire Mosque-> The True Story of Dajjal->Boyfriend Girlfriend what is the solutionAnd many more topics plus updation with new lectures also.Note: Videos are in free domain and i use the proper apikeyofyoutube to use this videos.Thanks and remember me in your prayers.Dr. AbuAmeenahBilalPhilips was born in Kingston, Jamaica, & grew upinToronto,where he converted to Islam in 1972. Bilal Philipsentirelife hasbeen exemplified by his goal of seeking &conveyingIslamicknowledge in order to “Change the Muslim NationthroughIslamicEducation”In preparation for this goal, Bilal Philips first acquiredaBAfrom the College of Islamic Disciplines at the UniversityofMedina(1979), then an MA in Aqeedah (Islamic Theology) fromKingSaudUniversity in Riyadh (1987), & finally a PhDinIslamicTheology from the University of Wales (1997).Interestinglyenough,His PhD thesis was on “The Exorcist Traditionindr bilal philips 2016,dr bilal philips bangla,dr bilal philips debate,dr bilal philips dajjal,dr bilal philips homosexuality,dr bilal philips 2017,dr bilal philips shia,dr bilal philips don't be depressed,bilal philips emotional,bilal philips evolution,bilal philips español,bilal philips funny,bilal philips fiqh,bilal philips fanar,epic islamic lectures,lectures on islamicheart touching islamic lectures,islamic lectures in hindi,islamic lectures about hijab,lectures on islamic history in urdu,islamic lectures about jannah,islamic lectures in kiswahili,islamic lectures khalid yasin,latest islamic lectures,latest islamic lectures 2017,islamic lectures about love,islamic lectures about life,islamic marriage lectures,islamic lectures mufti menk,motivational islamic lectures,most popular islamic lectures,islamic lectures on music,new islamic lectures 2017,nigerian islamic lectures,islamic lectures zakir naik,islamic online university lectures,islamic lectures on patience,islamic lectures on marriage,islamic lectures on salah,best of islamic lectures,powerful islamic lectures,islamic lectures about parents,popular islamic lectures,pashto islamic lectures,islamic lectures yasir qadhi,islamic lectures on relationships,recent islamic lectures,islamic reminder lectures,short islamic lectures,islamic scholars lectures in urdu,islamic studies lectures,shia islamic lectures,somali islamic lectures,islamic scholars lectures,islamic sunni lectures,islamic lectures in tagalog,top islamic lectures,telugu islamic lectures,the best islamic lectures,islamic lectures in tamil,islamic lectures uk,islamic lectures videos,islamic lectures in yoruba,islamic lectures yusuf estesbilal philips short,bilal philips tawheed,bilal philips terrorism,bilal philips time,bilal philips tafseer,bilal philips türkçe,tauhid bilal philips,ustad bilal philips,bilal philips vs,bilal philips women,bilal philips who is your lord,bilal philips wahabi,bilal philips 2017,bilal philips 2017,sheikh bilal philips 2017
Kamusi Kuu ya Kiswahili 1.3
Kamusi Kuu Ya Kiswahili android applicationisa unique digital product of Longhorn Publishers Limitedinpartnership with BAKITA. The application has been integrated withavariety of functionalities and interactive content to ensuretheneeds of the end users are met. For instance, all words havebeencategorized under the eight(8) categories of Kiswahili. Groupssuchas methali, misemo and nahau have also been segregatedandcategorized separately to ensure maximum usage oftheproduct.
Mazoezi ya Kiswahili 0.30
... and numbers, and Swahili time,andquestions, and some vocabulary.Swahili courses teach grammar rules, e.g., negation indifferenttenses, the construction of numbers, swahili time,possessivepronouns, and questions. Knowing the rules is one thing,beingreally fluent in, e.g., Swahili negation issomethingdifferent.Mazoezi ya Kiswahili addresses the latter. Thatis,Mazoezi ya Kiswahili is for people who know the rulesandwant to practice their application.The principle of practicing with Mazoezi ya Kiswahiliisas follows: the app poses a task, say in the area of negation,bygiving the positive case, e.g. ninakula. The task istonegate this phrase. Once you made up your solution in yourmind,you press the Show button and Mazoezi yaKiswahilidisplays the correct negation, sili in thiscase. If thesolution you had in mind was right, go ahead andpressRight, otherwise press Wrong, and a new taskwill beposed. Telling Mazoezi ya Kiswahili whether you wererightor wrong allows the app to re-pose tasks on which you weren'trightagain; in addition it can keep statistics which may help youtounderstand which classes or tenses you do fine and whichclassesand tenses need more practice.Currently, tasks from the following areas are offered:• negation (all classes,tensesli/me/na/ta/e/ki/nge/ngali/hu)• numbers (ordinal, with nouns, cardinal)• Swahili time• possessive pronouns (all classes, angu/ako/ake/etu/enu/ao)• questions (nani, -a nani, -je, ..., -a ngapi)• vocabulary (over 1000 words, both directions supported)• locative (all classes, -ko/-po-/-mo)• object infix (all classes)Mazoezi ya Kiswahili is highly configurable to suityourneeds and learning level:• for each area, each class and case can individually beenabledor disabled; i.e. you may only practice negation for m/waclass intenses li/me/na/ta• for many areas there's a "cheat sheet" available showingtherules• for many areas there's a detailed statistics sheet• the translation shown in the top line can be disabled• statistics via Right/Wrong buttons canbedisabled• show correct answer after timeout instead of waitingforShow pressIf you spot any mistake, or if you've got suggestions fornewareas (I want to add at least amba- and friends some time inthefuture) don't hesitate to contact me via the mail addressgivenbelow.And - as all app developers, I guess - I appreciatepositiveratings and comments.Note: the app Mazoezi ya Kiswahili isexplicitlyprivacy friendly and resource friendly. Itdoesn'trequire any additional permissions, it doesn't spy onyourcontacts, and the app works fully offline, i.e. it doesn'tcollectany user data at all.PS: The Play Store statistics tells me that I have usersfromTanzania, Kenya, and Burundi - karibu Mazoezi yaKiswahili!Who are you, what are you using the app for...?;-)
Word Power Swahili Free 1.0.6
Hasan Habib
Word Power Swahili is suitable for tourist visitingSoutheastAfrica.
Kisah Nabi Ibrahim Interaktif
Educa Studio
Kabi kembali hadir untuk menemanianakanda menikmati cerita islami tentang Nabi Ibrahim As. KisahNabiIbrahim As merupakan aplikasi buku anak yang didesainkhususuntuk anak-anak dengan tampilan yang interaktif disertaidesainvisual menarik yang disukai anak-anak.RINGKASANNabi Ibrahim lahir di tengah-tengah masyarakat Babiloniayangmerupakan para penyembah berhala. Bagi mereka, Tuhan adalahRajamereka yang bernama Raja Namrudz serta patung-patungberhala.Bahkan, ayah Nabi Ibrahim adalah seorang pembuatberhalakepercayaan Raja. Nah, bagaimanakah kisah Nabi Ibrahimmenyadarkanmasyarakat Babilonia? Bisakah Nabi Ibrahim mengalahkanRaja Namrudzyang terkenal sangat kejam?Ayo buruan download KABI™ - KISAH NABI IBRAHIM a.ssekarangjuga.MODE CERITADi dalam aplikasi ini disediakan 2 mode yaitu Baca Sendiri danBacaOtomatis. Di dalam mode Baca Sendiri, anak-anak bisamembacasendiri dan berinteraksi di dalam setiap lembaran bukudenganinteraktif. Anak-anak juga bisa berlatih kemampuanmembaca.Sedangkan di dalam mode Baca Otomatis, anak-anakyang belumlancar membaca tetap bisa menikmati cerita dengan baikdisertaidengan narasi yang lengkap dan animasi yang otomatis.ANIMASI INTERAKTIFBeritahu anak untuk menyentuh bagian-bagian karakter di dalamsetiaphalaman. Maka animasi interaktif akan muncul disertai dengansoundeffect yang menarik.PERMAINAN EDUKATIFDi dalam aplikasi ini juga tersedia 4 permainan edukatifuntukbelajar:- Bermain Memadamkan Api- Bermain Tebak Gambar- Bermain Menghitung Benda- Bermain Mencari PerbedaanTENTANG KABI DAN EDUCA STUDIOKABI™ merupakan BRAND yang dimiliki Educa Studio untuk aplikasibukucerita anak interaktif. Materi yang diangkat khusus untukkisahislami dari AlQuran dari Nabi Adam sampai Nabi Muhammad,Fabelcerita hewan, Sahabat, Sejarah Perjuangan, Inspirasi MotivasidanMutiara Islam. Diharapkan, melalui aplikasi ini umat muslimdapatmengambil hikmah dan teladan yang tersembunyi sehinggamenjadipelajaran dan koreksi bersama. Aplikasi ini diproduksi olehEducaStudio™, pengembang aplikasi dan permainan edukasi. Semuailustrasidan gambar dalam aplikasi ini murni hanya sebagaiilustrasi saja.Agar anak-anak lebih mudah untuk memahami. Namuntentu saja, paraNabi, Rasul dan Sahabat tidak akan digambarkandalam bentukmanusia.PENTINGAplikasi ini dapat diunduh dan semua fitur dapat dimainkansecaragratis. Aplikasi ini juga menayangkan iklan. Jika andatertarikuntuk menghilangkan iklan tersebut, anda bisa melakukanpembeliandi dalam aplikasi.HUBUNGI KAMIKami juga terbuka terhadap masukan dan saran yang dapatmembantumeningkatkan kualitas produk-produk kami. Jika adafeedback, bisalangsung mengirimkannya ke#Email: [email protected] lebih lanjut mengenai Educa Studio:#Website: @educastudioSalam Hangat,Tim Educa StudioKabi again presenttoaccompany your child enjoy the story of Prophet IbrahimIslamic.The story of Prophet Ibrahim is a children's book appdesignedspecifically for children with an interactive display withvisuallyappealing designs that appeal to kids.SummaryAbraham was born in the midst of the people of Babylon who isapagan. For them, God is their king named King Nimrod and idols.Infact, Abraham's father was an idol maker Raja confidence. Well,howis the story of Prophet Ibrahim to make people aware ofBabylon?Can Abraham defeated King Nimrod notoriously cruel?Come game download KABI ™ - THE STORY OF PROPHET MODEIn this application are provided two modes, namely Auto ReadAloneand Read. In the mode Read Alone , children can read on theirownand interact within each sheet with interactive book. Childrencanalso practice reading skills. While in the mode Read Auto,children who have not read fluently can still enjoy a goodstoryaccompanied with complete narration andanimationautomatically.INTERACTIVE ANIMATIONTell the child to touch the parts of the characters in eachpage.Interactive animations will then appear with an interestingsoundeffect.Game educativeIn this application are also available 4 educational gamesforlearning:- Play Extinguish- Play Guess Image- Play Counting Benda- Playing for DifferenceON KABI AND STUDIO EducaKABI ™ is owned BRAND Educa Studio's interactivechildren'sstorybook app. The material is appointed specifically fortheIslamic story of the Quran from the Prophet Adam toProphetMuhammad, Fabel animal stories, Friend, History of theStruggle,Motivation and Inspiration Islam Mutiara. Hopefully,through thisapplication Muslims can take the wisdom and example arehidden sothat it becomes a lesson and correction together. Thisapplicationis produced by Educa Studio ™, application developersandeducational games. All illustrations and drawings inthisapplication is purely for illustrative purposes only. Thatchildrenare easier to understand. But of course, the Prophets,Apostles andCompanions will not be represented in human form.ImportantThis application can be downloaded and all features can beplayedfor free. These applications also serve ads. If you areinterestedto get rid of these ads, you can make purchases insidetheapp.CONTACT USWe are also open to feedback and suggestions that can helpimprovethe quality of our products. If there is feedback, candirectlysend it to#email: [email protected] information about Educa Studio:#website: Http:// Https:// @educastudioWarm regards,Tim Educa Studio