Top 20 Apps Similar to 護眼相機

什麼!!你的照片內怎麼會有我的天命大小姐?什麼!!只要動動手指就可以在照片內添加可愛的落櫻女角!?落櫻散華抄專屬相機可愛登場!快點下載吧ヽ( ^∀^)ノ落櫻相機目前試上架中,我們會盡快修改問題,如有發生問題可以到落櫻散華抄粉絲團內與小編反應,我們將盡快為您處理! 【落櫻散華抄粉絲交流專區】:! ! How willmydestiny eldest your photo inside?What! ! As long as you can add fingertips falling Sakulalovelywoman in the photo in the corner! ?Sange copy falling Sakula exclusive debut camera cute! Hurrytodownload it ヽ (^ ∀ ^) NovatecThe camera is currently falling Sakula try shelves, wewillmodify the problem as soon as possible, if the problem canhappento falling Sakula Sange copy within fan groups react withsmallseries, we will deal with you as soon as possible![Falling Sakula Sange copy Fans AC Zone]:
Elegance Camera 1.2
E-Camera(Elegance Camera)A simple camera app, specially designed for the elderly.
123找財位-用相機找財位(風水師AR版) 1.13
Auto Snap Cam 1.07
Dougi Hsu
This app uses g-sensor to take pictures.StartAuto Snap and let your device maintain a posture(default:upright),it will auto take pictures. Also, you can use shortcuttostop/start Auto Snap or take pictures.Do not use for illegal purpose.Functions:Auto take picturesTake pictures by shortcutForce mute shutter sound (Preview mode)MUST KNOW: The device must have g-sensor for auto snap.Thisappis a camera app, so if you open another camera, it will not beuseduntil you close other camera app.tag: silent camera, snapshots, auto take pictures,camera,shortcut take picturesATTENTION: If you continuous mentain the same posture, itwillcontinuously take pictures, even in screen off.
Camera Mirror 1.1
A Front Facing Camera Is Needed To Use ThisApp"Camera Mirror"!Camera Mirror uses the front-facing camera to turn your phoneorcamera into a mirror.Mirror is the best solution to use as "Camera mirror" in yourphone.Try it now!features:-> Simple to use-> If you have tried some others mirrors that didn'tconvincedyou, you have to try Camera Mirror.-> Safe and Secure
ON 3D-CameraMeasure 7.0
ON 3D Camera Measure free
ZawaCamera 1.1.5
This app can be saved paste it into thephotoof the disclosure of onomatopoeia like "... Saba"the(onomatopoeia) to (stamp).You can (stamp) and paste the onomatopoeia When you touchthescreen. Please place your finger to move while you touch, youwantto paste (stamp).You can "change the stamp of onomatopoeia", "undo"images"(share) share of image", "Save Image As", "image rotation"fromthe menu button.Change in the stamp, "(large) · · · Saba", "(in) · · · Saba",youcan select a (small) "· Saba".
Candy Camera – Camera Selfie 1.0
★ It’s Selfie Time !!!!!!★ Let’s take Selfies !!!!!!✓ Candy Camera - selfie camera is the best applicationforphotoand selfie photo editor.✓ You can use any camera apps in it. there aremanyframes,stickers, and other effects editor.✓ If you are looking for a photo app with tons offilters,editorprofessional and easy to use photo, Candy Camera -Cameraselfie isone of them.✓ With beautiful filters you can take beautiful photos andselfiesinseconds anytime and anywhere!✓ Join people around the world taking selfies with CandyCamera-Camera selfie.✓ Do not miss Candy Camera - Camera selfie amazing features:★ Designed Selfie Camera & Photo Editor selfie★ Elegant filter effects in real time with HDR Mode★ Emoji & Sticker designed for selfies★ timer for a better preparation★ Support selfie Stick★ Mirror camera★ Use more than one filter in each photo. Take a picturewithafilter and add other filters later.Candy Camera – Camera Selfie will keep previous versionsofyourphotos to be afraid of makingmistakes or bad editing.★Taking pictures with the push the volume buttononthedevice.★ Get total control over sharpness, brightness,contract,gamma,white balance sepia hue,saturation, hue, color shade and many otheressentialphotographicsettings.★ Take candy selfies silent, instant or pictureanywhereyougo.★ Take several photos for a collage, choose frommanydifferentstyles and grids.★ Edit stickers or use makeup to look beautiful inallitsselfies, Candy Camera – CameraSelfie is the ultimate tool for selfies beauty!★ Candy Camera – Camera Selfie filters are displayed inrealtimewhile you take a selfie, so that you can always lookandfeelbeautiful with candy camera filters!★ Take selfies silently, snapshot or photo anywhere yougo,CandyCamera – Camera Selfie’s mode can be used for anyoccasion,never beembarrassed to take selfie, Your New Candy CameraisSilent!✓ Take pictures to a new level and have lots fun!✓ Give some magic to your photos! It is smashing funny!✓ Once you start to use Candy Camera - Camera selfieyouwillunderstand why people allover the world consider it the best camera app.✓ Create such beautiful pictures that melt in the viewer.✓ Candy Camera - Camera selfie allows to You to createYourBestMoments to Remember Every time!!!!!!✓ Share your selfie with the rest of our lovely community.✓For inquiries and comments please feel free to contact us✓ Please share the love and rate us ★★★★★ to motivate ustoaddmore very exceptional candy features.Thank You,
Eyes Protector Bluelight 2.3.151111
Helps your eyes to relax, making it easier for you to fallasleep.NOADS☆ Avoid Eye StrainBluelight from your smartphone or tablet causes strain on youreyesand keeps you from falling asleep at night.This app adjusts your screen color to reduce the blue lightandhelps your eyes to relax, making it easier for you tofallasleep.[Features]- Easy setting by one touch.- Adjust parameter for filter strength- Auto launch when first boot- Notification on status bar[Caution]* If you want to install an app from a third party store suchasAmazon. Please turn off the filter first toenableinstallation.* When capturing a screen (screenshot) turn off the filterfirst,otherwise it will apply to the captured screen as well.* If other screen adjustment apps such as controller of lux,screendarker, screen dimmer, night screen filter and more arerunning onyour smartphone or tablet, the screen may turn too darkto operateproperly. Please disable or uninstall other screen appsbeforeusing the bluelight filter.
Deelish Cam 1.6.4
You can take a photo looks professional qualitywithone-touch!![Deelish Cam] can change a great meal or cookingbyyourself totempting meal!! Additionally, If you use "SteamEffect",it wouldmake more tempting for the meal. You can add sucharestaurantname, a meal name and your rating after taking aphoto.Then youcan upload it to Twitter, Facebook or such a same SNStoshow yourfriends.
Advertising camera 1.4
Advertising cameraYou can quickly edit your product photos,Edit Layout -> camera -> Upload Internet -> sellyourproductAnd you can add QR CODE allow consumers to quickly link toyourpage,No need to use image editing software a onetypesettingtrouble1、Edit text2、Basic pattern edit3、QR CODE4、Import image5、Save sample6、Open sampleThe best resolved using a screen 1024 * 720 or more.FREE:
Drawing graffiti camera 1.0.4
This app can save you Oekaki graffitiandphotostaken with the camera.Please try graffiti by touching the screen. Also easytoenjoychildren and infants. It can be used as an intellectual.The thickness of the "pen" Changing the color of the pen","backbefore "," clear "image" (share) share of image "," SaveImageAs"," image rotation "from the menu button You can"change.
Bluelight Filter for Eye Care 0.12
Blue light filter for eye care! Blue Screen filter app fornightmode!
GreenEye(綠眼) 保護眼睛 現在開始 1.2
The WX
1.自訂色彩2.時間提醒功能立刻開始護眼!1. Custom color2. Time ReminderImmediately began to eye!
文藝相機 1.0
Phubbing Timer 1.8
This can help you see how much time isspentusing a mobile phone to avoid indulging in the mobile world,rebootor the screen display when the automatic timing, and tosetarbitrary position on the screen Oh
123增桃花-相機找桃花(風水師專家版) 1.00
 本APP是找風水師不外傳的太極桃花位,風水師常用的太極桃花位,每隔一段時間即會因"氣"而改變,並非是永遠都在某個方位,因此,對一些業餘人士,時常要用羅盤來找桃花位,是很大負擔,也讓一些初學者望而卻步, 拜科技所帶來的便利性,手機功能快速提升,一套簡單易用易學APP便應運而生,用手機來實現繁雜風水推算步驟,不用花費大筆金錢買羅盤,也不用隨身帶著羅經奔波南北,運用手機APP"123增花",即可在三分鐘內,找到專業風水師所用的桃花位,很適合現代人步調快速的節奏, 本APP為大數據風水大師系列之一,為運用古人智慧,再加上現代的大數據統計技術,應用在陽宅風水,歡迎各位用戶回饋實用後心得,以讓此大數據資料庫更加完善.意者請加LINEID:0934190378找財位:提供易上手量測工具,找出財位,幫你財源滾滾來定文昌:事半功倍,減輕小孩學業壓力,考公職金榜提名增桃花:增加異性緣,桃花朶朶開安床位:夫妻百年好合,陽宅助孕,求子得子量曜煞:量出屋外災禍元凶,確認門位是否正確測空亡:陽宅吉凶雷達掃描器,三分鐘內即可確定住宅(太極)吉凶尋九星:找出每年凶方和吉方,鑑往知來,以趨吉避凶安桌位:坐卦坐吉爻,抽爻換象,得財氣得健康斷動宅:公寓大樓吉凶,買房最佳參考工具找財位進階:吉凶對應易得病症和出生年次,防患未然卜易卦:運用易卦,先知未來適用對象:1.社交工具:桃花可增加人緣桃花,善加利用,會有意想不到的成果2.未婚人士:增加桃花,女生催花可提早遇到白馬王子和男生則可找到白雪公主3.巳婚人士:若對方有爛桃花,也可用此工具斷桃花4.風水從業人員:不用擔心自己一時推算錯誤,APP萬無一失,幫你找到桃花位使用方法:步驟一:站門前-站在門內向外看步驟二:測座向-使用內建八卦羅盤,定出座向,並輔以內建水平儀量測手機和地面是否平行,參看二個圓圈,調整手機左右高度,讓二個圓重疊,即能精確找到座向步驟三:找財位-使用紅色和黑色各代表吉位和凶位,只要照著顏色指示即可找到財位!!! 手機在操作時,要用直立方式不可用橫臥方式,所量得角度才會正確!!!設計精神:1.運用傳統八卦羅盤原理找到風水中吉凶方位,並且教你如何催動財位,趨吉避凶2.使用科技水平儀,減少人為誤差,並結合圖形介面和動畫,讓使用者能容易操作水平儀3.結合手機照相機和圖像功能,精確找到財位,不用去記東西南北的方向和八卦方位,APP會即時告知您,在指針指到吉位時,會貼心告知,該擺放什麼吉祥物,以提升行運,若遇到諸事不順時,也可用此APP檢視是否在凶位,擺了不該擺的東西4.操作方便可迅速找到財位新增功能:增加風水智識庫部分:河圖洛書.易經八卦.天干地支.五行生剋.紫白九星.財位催動等單元,另也增加陽宅最實用的單元:增桃花.安床位.量曜煞.測空亡.尋紫白.安桌位.斷動宅,卜易卦等,希望對陽宅風水有興趣同好多多指教免責聲明:本軟體建議的風水布局只作參考,最重要的還是個人要努力,風水只是做加分,本軟體並不擔保有關資料之任何不確或遺漏,而引致之任何損失或損害承擔任何責任
偷拍相機 1.0.0
vivanice XD
本身是實用計算器,但可以使用前置或後置鏡頭拍攝照片。不知不覺偷拍照片,也可轉換背景照片運作。Itself is apracticalcalculator, but you can use the front or rear camera totakepictures. Unconsciously candid photos, can also beconvertedbackground photo operational.
Telemeter - camera measure 1.3.6
Camera measure tool with 5 modes for planning your roomgardenoutdoor activity.
Cartoon Your Camera 4.3.0
"Cartoon Your Camera" lets you have funwithyour kids and friends.This camera app is a funny camera with realtime cartooneffectsphoto.Features:It includes cartoon,pencil,fish eye,sketch effects.Share your cool cartoon photo by email.Take photo silentlyIt's really a special cartoon camera app!