Top 5 Apps Similar to Milano

Milano Connect 1.6
Milano Software On The Go!
fieramilano 1.2.2
Do you need information about Fiera Milanoonyour mobile? Download Fieramilano app right now (only forOSAndroid and smarthphone)With fieramilano app you can:* plan your journey to Fiera Milano and return, consideringthedifferent means of transport available and viewing your route onamap just setting the points of origin and destination;* listen to real time traffic news;* find information about traffic, accidents, weather andfreeparking lots in real time, located on a georeferencedmap;* know the services available in Fiera Milano andtheirlocation;* consult the official calendar which contains basicinformationabout upcoming events in Fiera Milano.
Vitruviocenter Milano 1.1
Formel srl
Sale riunioni, BusinessCenter,UfficioTemporaneo, facilmente raggiungibile grazie allasuaposizione apochi passi dalla stazione centrale di Milano.Vitruvio Center nasce dalla consapevolezza di offrirealmercatouna struttura ricettiva dotata di sale riunioni,ufficitemporanei,attrezzature e servizi di alta qualita' messiadisposizione diAziende ed Enti di Formazione.La nostra App da la possibilità di visualizzarelanostrastruttura e richiedere disponibilità e prezzi.Vitruviocenter è ubicato al 4° Piano di un modernostabilenellacentralissima Via Vitruvio a 100 metri dalla stazionecentralediMilano , la struttura è dotata di ampie finestre ediserviziaccessibili ai disabili, Ideale per medi/grandi incontriinunambiente confortevole e luminoso.Le sale possono essere utilizzate per svolgere corsidiformazioneo incontri aziendali.Siamo disponibili ad allestire la sala ottimizzando glispaziinbase alle vostre esigenze.La sale sono dotate di cablaggio strutturato perleconnessioniInternet e per effettuare videoconferenze.Il servizio comprende L'utenza elettrica etelefonica,laclimatizzazione dei locali, la pulizia delle sale edeiserviziigienici.DOTAZIONE DI BASE- Tavolo relatore- Lavagna a fogli mobili- Block notes e penna per partecipante- Videoproiettore- Connessione Internet WI-FI (Fastweb 100MB)Altri servizi ed attrezzature su richiesta.MeetingRooms,BusinessCenter, Temporary Office, easily accessible due toitslocationjust a few steps from Milan's central station.Vitruvius Center comes from the awareness to offer themarketastructure with meeting rooms, temporary offices,equipmentandservices of high quality 'made available tocompaniesandorganizations of Education.Our App gives the possibility to see our facilities andaskforavailability and prices.Vitruviocenter is located on the 4th floor of a modernbuildinginthe central Via Vitruvio 100 meters from Milan'scentralstation, thehotel has large windows anddisabled-accessiblefacilities, ideal formedium / large meetings ina comfortable andbright .The rooms can be used to conduct training orcompanymeetings.We are available to set up the room optimizing spaceaccordingtoyour needs.The rooms are equipped with structured wiringforInternetconnections and video conferencing.The service includes the electrical utility andtelephone,airconditioning of rooms, clean rooms and toilets.BASIC EQUIPMENT- Speaker table- Flip- Note pads and pen per participant- Overhead projector- Free Internet access (Fastweb 100MB)Services and equipment on request.
Német Munka 0.0.2
Kliefert e.K.
Német Meló, Német Munka:Képzettépületgépészetiés fémipari szakembereket keresünknémetországimunkára. Kiemelkedőkereseti lehetőséget kínálunk akövetkezőszakmákban: Fűtés- ésvízszerelő, Szaniteres,Csőszerelő,Légtechnikus, Villanyszerelő,Minősített hegesztő.Az applikáció segít egy jó munkahelyettalálniNémetországban,átlagon felüli fizetéssel.GermanyMontmeló,GermanyJob: Qualified building and metalworkingprofessionalslooking towork in Germany. Excellent earningpotential, we offerthefollowing professions: Heating and plumbing,Szaniteres,pipefitter, Air Technician, Electrician, a qualifiedwelder.The application will help a good place to find workinGermany,above-average salary.
Welding Environment inspection 1.0.29
This is one more unique app from Snappii, a leadingapp-developerinconstruction and inspection industries. With WeldingInspectionapp,you will always have a welding safety inspectionchecklistandreports of previously completed inspections rightatyourfingertips. In addition, you will have auser-friendlydigitalnotebook with contact information of thecompanies youhaveperformed welding safety inspections for. Makesure thatweldersadhere to safety guidelines and keep both weldersand userssafewith the convenience of your mobile device. Check itout andseefor yourself! Features: • detailed information aboutthecompanybeing inspected and the inspector, • separatePersonalProtectiveEquipment checklists for up to 12 welders, •separatePersonalProtective Equipment checklists for up to 12helpers, •checklistson WHMIS, standards, oxy/fuel Systems,electrical andabrasiveequipment, hand tools, and some otherguidelines, • theability tosign, save, retrieve, edit, and emailthe safetyinspection reportsin PDF format, • sync collected dataacrossmultiple devices. •local data storage, • online/offlineworkingmodes, • a communityforum All your inspection reports andotherentries will besecurely stored on your mobile device toberetrieved anytime,anywhere! This is one of the most convenientandthought-throughapps on the market! Check out the screenshotsandsee for yourself!What is more, you can try the numerous benefitsofWeldingInspection app with no charge or commitment! Benefits:•Increaseproductivity and efficiency • Improve data accuracy•Improvecustomer service and satisfaction • Lower costs andsavetime •Eliminate paperwork and go green If you are notsatisfiedwith ourpre-built form solution, you can upload your ownPDF formand 100%customize it to meet your specific businessneeds.Moreover, youcan: - upload any PDF form or document fromlocalstorage or clouddrives - add your own fields to existingformsincluding datetime,text, numeric, location, signature,picture,radio, checkbox - fillin your PDF forms - print forms -share formsvia email andmessages - upload forms to cloud drives -save andview generatedreports on your device • Upload screenshotsDon'tsettle for an appthat doesn't fit your business needs. Snappiiappsare 100%customizable, secure and seamlessly integrated intoyourback endsystems via the feature-rich Snappii Platform. Visitourofficialwebsite at Like us onFacebookat or follow usonTwitterat to get moreinformationabout ourupcoming apps. Check out our YouTubevideosat Follow us on ourblogat,you agree to the Terms of Useat Inaddition to using freeWeldingInspection app version you can getunlimited number offormsubmissions by subscribing via an optionalIn-App Purchaseandremove all ads by purchasing onetime fee.Subscribe fromyourdevice and access these services via mobileapp.In-AppSubscription Details: • Monthly UnlimitedFormSubmissionSubscription to get is $19.99 US dollars per month•AnnualUnlimited Form Submission Subscription to get is $199.99USdollarsper year • Payment will be charged to Accountatconfirmation ofpurchase • No cancellation of thecurrentsubscription is allowedduring active subscription period •Accountwill be charged forrenewal automatically