Top 12 Apps Similar to Understand fractions

English irregular verbs [PMQ] 2.12
Having trouble learning irregular verbs in English? Ourappeasilyallows you to learn these difficult verbs. You will learnallthreeforms of each verb: present, past, and perfect (ex:go,went,gone). Our app has 118 irregular verbs divided into 8lessonswithreal world applications. You will hear the pronunciationofallverbs in all forms, see the written forms includingtheirphoneticscripts, and all verbs can also be seen in usefulsentenceswithhelpful pictures. You can also record yourself andhear yourvoiceplayed back in comparison with a native speaker. Atthe end ofeachlesson you can use our error evaluation to reviewyourmistakes.You will learn, have fun, and its easy access allowsyouto studyanytime and anywhere. Access to the first 30 words isfree.Therest are available at a low price.
Orthographe - Francais CM1&CM2
Take your child to the level required spelling for hiscollegeentrance.
Learn French Vocabulary - Kids 3.0.4
Enes Aydın
Welcome to "Chick - Learn French", a learning app for kids,beginners and starters from 2 to 8 years of age, through whichtheywill learn french in a fun, playful way. Download the app andenjoyits content! Topics ★ Alphabet ★ Numbers ★ Colors ★ Animals★Fruits ★ Foods ★ School ★ Home ★ Jobs ★ Shapes ★ Body ★ Vehicles★Weather ★ Verbs ★ Tools ★ Countries Games ★ Listen sound andchoosepicture ★ Look picture and choose right text ★ Find samepicture ★Using memory ★ Look picture and write Contact ★ Make acommentabout our application. ★ If you have any problems, pleaseemail us.
Mathematics - Examples 1.07
Math ( Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)
1000 Mots Pro / Apprendre à li 2.2.0
Learning to read containing the contents of GS 1000 words,CP-EC1and ELF.
Subjonctif - Study French Gram 3.0.0
Application-trainer for learning of usage of subjonctif infrenchgrammar
Mr. Vocabulary: French words 1.2.3
Adil Gounane
Mr vocabulary will help you enrich your french vocabularybylearning hundreds of words. The application will help you learnandacquire key skills in French language: vocabulary, spelling,whilehaving fun with a colorful environment and word games.Thisapplication will also help improve your pronunciation of words.Thechosen learning methodology is designed in a pedagogical waythatbegin with learning phase and end with evaluation phase(wordsgames), The good scores you get will allow you to unlockothercategories to be always motivated to learn more. Learningprogramsaddressed: • Vocabulary • Spelling • PronunciationTrainingobjectives: . Enrich the French vocabulary . Mastering thespellingof words learned . Improve pronunciation of words MainFeatures : -Word games - 100% free: No limit of content orfunctions,Everything is free. - No Internet connection required forlearning(offline) - Teaching with pronunciation of words (audio) -Forbeginners - Good images and sound quality - The applicationiscompatible with smartphones and tablets - Quickly learnFrenchlanguage words - For kids and adults
Learn French For Kids 2.55
Learn French For Kidsis an educational app for kids to learnfrencheffectively
1000 Mots CP-CE1 / Apprendre à lire 1.1.2
En complément aux méthodes de lecturetraditionnelles,l'applicationpermet aux enfants de courspréparatoire de manipulerà loisirsyllabes ou phonèmes afin d'êtrecapable de décoder laplupart desmots. Cet apprentissage se poursuitau CE1 par l'étudedes graphiescomplexes. Au CP, 46 phonèmes ougraphèmes du françaissont abordéssuivant une progression souple quipeut s'adapter auxdifférentsmanuels présents dans les classes. Lesexercices dedécomposition etrecomposition syllabique puisphonèmiqueconstituent un entrainementà la lecture et àl'écritureorthographique correcte des mots : unmême son peutavoirdifférentes graphies (o/au/eau), une mêmegraphie peut seprononcerdifféremment (c=[s], c=[k]), certainesassociations doiventêtreconnues (tr). Les 29 principalesdifficultés sont abordées auCE1 :différenciations (pr/br),inversions (ar), sons complexes(ié),règles implicites (m devant m,b, p). L'application vientutilementen complément des manuels delecture ou des méthodesutilisées dansles classes mais estutilisable également de façonautonome du faitde son aspectludique. Une même tablette permetd'inscrire troisutilisateurs. Laversion 1000 mots Pro, reprend lecontenu de cetteapplication ainsique des versions GS et FLE(Français Langueétrangère ouremédiation). La version gratuitepropose 35exercices. L'achatintégré donne accès à plus de 660exercices pour3,99 €. Ladocumentation complète est
Conjugation of French Verbs - 3.1
French Verbs Conjugation, practice 660 the most used FrenchVerbs,22 tenses
French Verbs LeBienParler Conj 1.28
Free French Verbs conjugation of more than 21,000 verbs oftheFrench language
Imagerie des pourquoi 5
To learn and play with the book "The imagery of why" Fleurus.