Top 5 Games Similar to Backgammon orient

Backgammon Free 0.0.1
Description:Backgammon (Persian: تخته نرد‎ Takhte-Nard,Persianpronunciation:[tæxte-nærd]) is one of the oldest boardgames fortwo players. Theplaying pieces are moved according to theroll ofdice, and a playerwins by removing all of his pieces fromtheboard before hisopponent. There are many variants ofbackgammon,most of which sharecommon traits. Backgammon is amember of thetables family, one ofthe oldest classes of boardgames in theworld.Although luck is involved and factors into theoutcome,strategyplays a more important role in the long run. Witheach rollof thedice, players must choose from numerous options formovingtheircheckers and anticipate possible counter-moves bytheopponent.Players may raise the stakes during the game. Thereisanestablished repertoire of common tactics and occurrences.Like chess, backgammon has been studied with greatinterestbycomputer scientists.
随意五子棋 2.1
五子棋是东亚人很喜欢玩的小游戏,日本、韩国、中国人尤为喜欢,本游戏会占用内存很小,把很多五子棋游戏的不必要的功能都砍掉,让用户真正做到没有压力游戏,打发很短的无聊碎片时间!BackgammonEastAsianpeople like to play games, Japanese, Korean, Chinesepeopleareparticularly fond of this game will take up very littlememory,weput a lot of unnecessary features backgammon gamesarecut,allowing users to truly no pressure game, It sent averyshortfragments of time bored!
Pip Counter for Backgammon 2.2
Thank you for visiting this site. Pip Counter for Backgammon isatraining tool for backgammon. Race positions arerandomlygenerated, and you can time the duration for pip count.Just tapthe screen and an original position generation algorithmcreatesevery kind of running game situations, covering from shortrace tolong race. Tap the screen again, and the pip count for eachplayeris displayed with the time you consumed in counting the pips,witha cube actions answer. The answer of cube action is generatedbasedon Keith count, which is highly accurate way to handle cubeactionin race positions. You can also change the direction of theplayersor show the guidance number to support your pip countingfromcustomization menu. Train your pip count skill and makeyourbackgammon ability to higher level!! Please also seeCubeTrainerfor backgammon, which is focused on cubeaction. Roll for Backgammon, which is focused on the lastrollposition.
Cube Action Training for Backgammon 1.5
This is a training application for backgammon, focused oncubeaction. Cube action problems are shown for every phase of thegame.You can check the answer by simply tapping the display. Ifyoumaster these problems, you'll be free from huge blunders.Pleasealso see Last Roll for Backgammon, which is focused on thelastrollposition. Counter for Backgammon, which is focused on pipcoutingskill. also new application for training response movewithdoubles.
五子棋游戏 3.1.0
超级对战五子棋,自适应绝大多数android机型,融入更多的游戏元素,努力哦~五子棋的玩法想必大家都很熟悉了,想办法把自己的棋子在横、竖、斜任意一个方向上连续排满5个就算赢。不过电脑也不会让你那么容易得逞的,有些小技巧在玩的过程中就能学会的,开始玩吧!界面优雅,老少咸宜。SuperBattlebackgammon,the vast majority of android adaptive modelsincorporatemoreelements of the game, trying oh ~Play backgammon surely we are all familiar with, I try toputtheirpieces in horizontal, vertical, diagonaleitherdirectioncontinuously filled five even win. However, thecomputerwill notlet you get away so easily, and some tips onplaying thecoursewill be able to learn and start playing!Elegantinterface,suitable for all ages.