Top 19 Apps Similar to Metro Trans

Angkutan Umum Subang 1.0
Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasipendukungdalammenentukan tarif trayek baru angkutan umum di daerahSubang,dimanaperhitungan jaraknya menggunakan metode SLOC(Spherical LawOfCosinus), aplikasi ini diharapkan bisa membantupihakDinasPerhubungan Kota Subang untuk menentukan tarif trayekyangbaru.aplikasi ini tidak hanya di tujukan untuk DinasPerhubungansajakarena menu perhitungan ini bisa di gunakan jugaolehpenggunaandroid untuk memeriksa harga angkutan umum, selainituaplikasiini juga menampilkan informasi tentang Angkutan UmumdidaerahSubang.
Angkot Tracer - Sensor (Alfa) 1.0
LSKK Group
Apliaski Sensor Angkot - Prototipe(Molina),aplikasi sederhana sebagai sensor angkot dikususkan untukakuisisidata angkot (Lokasi Geografis, Kondisi visual didalamAngkot(Molina)), aplikasi ini dipasang di Smart Phone dandisimpandidalam angkot atau angkutan umum lainnya lebih tepatnya di(lokasiyang paling pas untuk foto seluruh isi angkutan umumtersebut),berfungsi untuk akuisisi data kondisi angkutan umumyangbersangkutan.Petunjuk dasar :Button "Jalan" akan membuat aplikasi sensor ini mengirimsecaraperiodik 1pesan/10det geolocation terakhir mobil ke surverdanperiodik 1pesan/60det gambar kondisi didalam molina (Image)danmembuat status keberadaan mobil menjadi sedang "jalan"Button "Garasi" dan "Terminal" digunakan ketika mobil masukkegarasi atau terminal. Update status keberadaan mobil.Secaralangsung menghentikan proses periodik pengiriman pesanjuga.Apliaski Sensorpublictransportation - Prototype (Molina), a simple application asasensor public transportation dikususkan for data acquisitionofpublic transportation (Geographic location, condition visuallyinpublic transportation (Molina)), the application is installedonSmart Phone and stored in public transportation or otherpublictransportation more precisely in ( the most fitting locationforthe photo of the entire public transport), serves fordataacquisition public transport is concerned.Basic instructions:Button "Road" will make the application of this sensorperiodicallysend 1pesan / 10det geolocation last car to surver andperiodic1pesan / 60det drawing condition in molina (Image) and makeastatus where the car became moderate "path"Button "Garage" and "Terminal" is used when the car intothegarage or terminal. Update your presence status car. Directlystopthe process of periodically sending a message as well.
Please follow usTwitter : @mreunionlabs and our officialFB: :*Live train position is down, will be up when PT. KAI enableditagain*Komutta is a comutter guide for the people who live orvisitingjakarta and wants to travel using public transportation.Komuttaprovides:- TransJakarta/Busway corridors, route and map.- Busway Route search from start to destination. It will provideyouwith the route, where the start shelter is, when to changecorridor,and when to get off at your destination shelter. You cantrack yourmovement by opening the route in google map while youtravel, tomake sure you didn't get lost.- Komutta also provide the nearest shelter/station (withdistance)from your position. It also shows the location usinggooglemaps.- Transjakarta info, fee, operational time, APTB, BKTB,feeder,etc- KRL route and map- KRL information and what fee you must pay to travel from starttodestination station- Taxi phone number, never again store it in your contact- Angkot number, location and route for Metromini, Kopaja,Patas,Patas AC, Mayasari, Mikrolet, KWK, Airport Bus- For frequent/power user we provide favorite menu. Where youcanstore your most frequent route for busway, train taxi andangkot.And access it immediately.- Share your search result to a friend using email- Shelter information with CCTV View if supported- support localization for Indonesian language (Bahasa)Komutta adalah petunjuk bagi komuter dan pengunjung Jakartayangingin berkeliling jakarta dengan menggunakan transportasiumum.Dengan Komutta anda bisa melihat :- Koridor, Rute dan Peta Transjakarta- Pencarian rute dari shelter asal ke tujuan. Ini akanmemberikaninformasi rute, lokasi shelter awal di peta, kapan haruspindahkoridor, kapan harus turun dan berhenti di shelter tujuan.Agartidak tersesat anda dapat melihat posisi anda dan melacak ruteyanganda tempuh dengan tampilan google maps yang kamiberikan.- Komutta juga memberikan informasi(beserta jarak)shelter/stasiunterdekat dari posisi anda, beserta lokasinya dipeta- Informasi operasi, biaya dan armada transjakarta, APTB,BKTB,Feeder stasiun- Rute dan Peta KRL- Info KRL dan berapa biaya yang harus di bayar dari stasiun asalketujuan- No telepon taksi, blue bird, silverbird, ekspress dll- Rute, nomor dan peta lokasi angkot, kopaja, metromini,mikrolet,kwk, Patas, Patas AC, Mayasari bakti, Damri Bandara- Bagi pengguna rutin, kami menyediakan fitur favorit, dimanaruteyg sering dipergunakan, baik Transjakarta, KRL, Taksi danAngkotdapat disimpan dan di akses langsung dari menu favorit- Pengguna juga bisa berbagi rute di komutta ke penggunalainmelalui email- Selain itu komutta juga menyediakan informasi keadaanshelter& stasiun (CCTV jika mendukung)- Aplikasi ini mendukung dua bahasa, Indonesia dan Inggris
manaHalte 1.3
Find Nearest Transjakarta Shelter inJakartaincheap and easy way
TransJakarta Busway Navigation 1.0.5
Search possible halte route for TransJakarta mencari rutehalteTrans Jakarta
Trans 2.3.4
Application to assist you in usingTransJakartaand CommuterLineFeatures:☆ Realtime Tracking TransJakartaSee and track every TransJakarta’s position in realtime, henceyoucan estimate their arrival time at your nearest shelter.Moreover you can access their ultimate detail information suchasvelocity and identity number.☆ CommuterLine SchedulesThis new feature allows you to access CommuterLine's schedulebyselecting the station and schedule button.☆ Instant CommuterLine Schedule InformationsThis feature helps you to get the next train schedulewithoutleaving map view.☆ Route SearchSearch your route from particular CommuterLine station tocertainTransJakarta shelter and vice-verse.
Busway Transjakarta 1.1
Busway Transjakarta is an application that would help younavigatethe capital city of Jakarta, Indonesia, using a buswaysystem(Transjakarta). It would required you to do some walking(ifneeded) to reach the closest Busway Station from yourCURRENTlocation to your destination. You can type in the name ofbuildingor name of area or the street name (as long as within thecitylimit of Jakarta) and the apps would try it best to give youtheshortest route to your destination (by choosing the fewestnumberof busway stations).
BuSpot TransJakarta 1.0
BuSpot merupakan aplikasiberbasiscrowdsourcing yang melibatkan kontribusi user untuktransportasiumum TransJakarta. buSpot memudahkan penggunatransportasi umumTransJakarta dalam menemukan rute bus danmemberikan informasimengenai estimasi waktu dan jarak yang harusditempuh oleh busuntuk mencapai suatu halte. Selain itu, buSpotjuga memberikaninformasi mengenai fasilitas-fasilitas umum sepertiATM dan minimart terdekat dengan halte.Fitur:1. Mudahnya pencarian rute dengan mengetikkan nama halteataumemilih halte pada peta secara point-to-point2. Rute perjalanan yang ditampilkan pada peta3. Estimasi waktu dan lama perjalanan4. Detail informasi halte, seperti ATM dan minimarket terdekat.buSpot memberikan informasi estimasi waktu perjalanan bussecarareal-time
Qlue Transit 1.3.0
Qlue Transit allows you to recognizecrowdedterminals before you go on public transport, see realtimetrackingand direct you effectively and effeciently to yourdestination.Share crowded terminals while helping others and get reward!Try Qlue Transit as it will save your dayQlue Transit supports Smart Transportation
TransJakarta 1.0
English :Purpose of this Application Created:1. Allows users to search busway route closesttothedestination2. Knowing the whole route busway in jakarta3. Facilitate rapid busway route search throughandoirdapplicationthat is connected directly to the websiteTransjakartabuswayIndonesia :Tujuan Aplikasi ini Dibuat:1. Memudahkan pengguna busway mencari rute terdekatketempattujuan2. Mengetahui seluruh rute busway di jakarta3. Memudahkan pencarian rute busway secara cepatmelaluiaplikasiandoird yang terhubung secara langsung kewebsitebuswaytransjakarta
Busway Mania 2 6
TransJakarta Route Map, with shortest path and Nearestshelterfinder
Apaja 2.1
Apaja is a mobile application to help youusingpublic transportation in Jakarta. Don't know which bus totake?Don't know where the bus goes? Are you wondering if the busstationswill be crowded? Looking for the cheapest way to reachyourdestination?Now with Apaja, no problem anymore. It will help you easily togoanywhere in Jakarta.You can check further detail in our website: www.
myTRIP 1.8.2
myTRIP is the first groundpublictransportationin Indonesia, created to supportgovernmentinitiative to reducetraffic congestion in major citiesinIndonesia. With the ease of theusers to order taxies andotherpublic transportation, it expected toreduce the personalvehicleusages.
Cari Halte (offline) 1.1
Deskripsi CariHalte (offline)CariHalte adalah aplikasi yang membantu andamencarihalteTransjakarta terdekat dari posisi anda dan bisadicapaidenganjalan kaki.Setelah menemukan halte yang paling dekat, aplikasi inijugaakanmemberikan rute jalan kaki menuju halte terdekattersebut.Aplikasi ini tidak menggunakan akses internet untukmencarihalteterdekat, semua data yang digunakan disimpan Offlinediaplikasi,sehingga mempercepat proses pencarian.Feedback yang membangun sangat [email protected] Jalan Jalan.DescriptionCariHalte(offline)CariHalte is an application that helps you searchforTransJakartabus stop nearest your position and can be reachedbyfoot.After finding the closest bus stop, this app will alsogivethefoot to the nearest bus stop.This application does not use the internet access tofindthenearest bus stop, all the data stored Offline usedinapplications,thus speeding up the search process.Constructive feedback so we wait in tata.fajar @ gmail.comFarewell Street.
OSM TransJakarta Busway
Busway Transjakarta is an applicationthatwouldhelp you navigate the capital city of Jakarta,Indonesia,using abusway system (Transjakarta). It would requiredyou to dosomewalking (if needed) to reach the closest BuswayStation fromyourCURRENT location to your destination. You can typein the nameofbuilding or name of area or the street name (as longas withinthecity limit of Jakarta) and the apps would try it bestto giveyou theshortest route to your destination (by choosing thefewestnumber ofbusway stations). It uses OpenStreetMaps - OfflinemapsofJakarta
Busway Mania 1.0
Transjakarta Map with shortpath suggestion. Still inearylydevelopment process
NaikApa 1.3
Aplikasi yang membantu kamu untukbepergiandengan angkutan umum seperti bus, kereta, TransJakarta,dan angkot.Saat ini data yang tersedia hanya untuk area DKI Jakarta.
KIRI Smart Public Transport 2.6.3
KIRI Smart Public Transport is a simple app to navigatethecityusing public transport. Currently, the app supportsthefollowingmode of transportation: - Transjakarta in Jakarta -AngkotinBandung - XTrans between Jakarta and Bandung Sourcecodeavailableat
INDOGPS Vehicle Tracker
Tracknet Asia
INDOGPS Vehicle Tracker HD App for business or personal user(PhoneVersion)