Top 12 Apps Similar to SMS Ranger

OtrSMS - Encrypted SMS 1.2
Minti Studio
SMS interceptors can read whatever youwriteinyour SMS. But with this app, what they get is rubbishandnonsense.Some companies purchased corporate license. App name andiconcanbe customized. Drop us an email for details.The recipient must install this app beforereceivingencryptedSMS.OTR stands for Off-the-Record. It provides notonlystrongencryption, but also deniability. Using OtrSMS,userscancommunicate with their friends by sending SMS just likechattingina private environment. No one will be able tomonitortheconversation content.The operations are quite similar to normal SMSapplications,sousers will find it's very handy. The main differenceis thatusersneed to enter a password for a new OTR contact. Therecipientmustenter the same one. This password is just used tofacilitatekeyestablishment process.The encrypted text length will be average 1.3 to 1.4timestheoriginal text length.*Note: All the SMS sent before the new OTR contact'sresponsearesent in clear, without encryption. Although the UI isonlyinEnglish at the moment, it can send SMS in any language.Please drop us an email to [email protected] foranysuggestionsor inquiries. Thank you!
Infoping 3.26
Infoping - inform smart with Infoping
SMS to Email Forwarder 1.4
“SMS to Email forwarder” is an easy tosetupapplication which forwards SMS to Email. Incoming SMS messagesareforwarded using your G-mail account.SMS is forwarded as part of the message body together withthecontact number of the sender. The email subject includes theSMSsender name considering that the number is on the contactlist.User can setup multiple email recipient delimited by a“,”.Recipient email can be any email address.Features:1. Easy to setup.2. Forwards incoming SMS using Gmail account to anyemailaddress.3. Displays the sender name on the subject. Ex. “NewMessageReceived from ”.Note:This Sender name will only be included on the subject if thenumberis saved on your contacts.4. Sender contact number is included as part of themessagebody.5. Forwards SMS to any email address.6. Forwards SMS to multiple email addresses.Note:SMS to Email forwarder doesn’t work on phones with “GO SMS Pro”appinstalled. ”GO SMS Pro” tends to terminate the broadcastreceivercausing other broadcast receivers not to receivenotifications whenan SMS is received.
Call Interceptor: V-Extensions 3.1
* * * 15-DAY TRIAL * * *The App you are about to download has all the features ofthepaid-for App, just a 15-DAY limit to try before you buy.After the trial period the app costs $1.49 to activate.Call Interceptor: V-Extensions uses the touch-tone phonecallingcapabilities of Vonage Extensions to make calls using yourAndroidPhone. It provides you with an extensive set of rulesfordetermining which calls should be intercepted and routedthroughVonage Extensions and which Access Number should be used fortheintercepted call.The Interceptor is notified every time an outgoing call isaboutthe be placed and it determines if the call should beinterceptedand routed through Vonage Extensions. This means youplacecalls/dial numbers as you normally would.Calls that are routed through Vonage Extensions appear totherecipient as being from your Mobile Number.The call log of your phone is modified to show thenumberoriginally dialed not the Access Number number.You have the ability to select which Access Numbers are usedandcan even assign individual Access Numbers to each contact. ArandomAccess Number will be used from the list of chosen AccessNumberswhen one hasn't been assigned to the contact.
PingnCall 2.0.1
Ping'n'Call is a free smartphone basedservicethat enriches calling experience by allowing users to sendpurposeof the call before the call. Users can set status and moodmessageto indicate availability to receive the call. The servicealsosupports sending name and introduction, along with the purpose,incase incoming number does not exist under Contacts. Callhistorywith purpose is stored automatically and spares the usersfrom thecomplexity of leaving Voice Message.★ Bye-Bye Account/Login/Password/Charges/Buddies: Say NOtocreating accounts, logins and passwords. Once you and yourfriendsdownload Ping'n'Call, you can use it to send as many pingsas youwant, free of cost*.★ Bye-Bye Voice Mails: Access call history associated with thecallsin the form of incoming and outgoing pings. No need for userstoaccess voice mails for missed calls.★ No worries if receiver is not a Ping'n'Call user: In casereceiverdoes not have this app installed, purpose will be sent inthe formof SMS, followed by the call.★ Automatic address book sync: See your friends usingPing'n'Call,no more friend requests.★ Read Aloud: Don't bother to reach out to your phone tounderstandwho and why someone is calling. Ping'n'Call will read outthisinformation to you.★ No need to type: You can now speak the purpose of the call,whichwill be converted to text.★ Know who is calling: Users will receive the callerinformationbefore receiving the actual call. Remove all doubtsabout who iscalling.★ Availability: Status message informs users whether it is agoodtime to make a call.★ Default Dialer: Users can choose their default dialer to makeacall from their devices*When roaming, additional carrier data charges may apply.Pleasecontact your carrier for details.If you have any feedback or questions, please visit ourcommunitypages or email us:Email - [email protected] - -
LAG Solution
The ABlacklist is a Blacklist Application(CallBlocker) and SMS interceptor for Android based systems. Itallowsyou to make a contact list which incoming calls and messagesof thatlist can be blocked or accepted.----------------------------------------NOT CONTAINS ADVERTISEMENTS----------------------------------------Main Features• Reply a SMS to Blocked Calls• Intuitive and user friendly interface.• Easy to configure and use.• Block calls/messages of contacts in Blacklist.• Allow calls/messages of contacts in Whitelist.• Very easy to make a contact list to block or allow incomingcallsand messages.• Log for blocked calls and intercepted messages.• It can reply a SMS or Call for logged messages/calls.• It can block calls without identification.• Protect access to application with a password.• Notification of blocked/hidden calls/messages on AndroidStatusbar.• It can schedule the period when the Application will work.• SPAM filter for messages.The Google changed the Kitkat (Android 4.4) and higherversionsto not allow independent SMS Filters. In this case Irecommend:- A beautiful SMS app and SMS filter: "Go SMS" A great call blocker: "No Call Blocker"
Silent SMS
RG Lab
Text message (SMS) notification modeswithflexible adjustment.Firewall for incoming text messages.Silent text messages.Silent SMS.SMS filter.Silent mode.Short DescriptionFlexible filter setting for sender’s time period,keywordcombination, ring mode actions.This application is ideal for disabling incoming text messagesthatmay disturb you at night.Undesired text messages can be entirely blocked by using "Markasread" or "Delete" options.Text address senders can be filtered by one filter (withanexception list if needed).Full DescriptionMain feature of the app is the ability to assignnotificationmodes for incoming text messages (SMS) – with sound,silent, orvibrate. Incoming text message filter.Each filter has its own name, sender address , time periodforactive filter, keywords, logical connection betweenmultiplekeywords, notification mode, special options (all textsenders,delete, mark as read).Filter name – can be any string. By default, a namefromthe contact list is used if sender exists in the contactsSender address – can be an actual phone number or atextstring (for instance, company name)Time period – start time and end time (hour and minutes).a period during which the filter is allowed to react toincomingmessages.Keywords and connection between them – any word orphrasewhich may be in the incoming message. Operation –simplelogical AND, OR, XOR (Excluding OR). If keywords are filled,thefilter will react for messages with these words only. Ifkeywordsare empty, the filter will act for all messages fromthesender.Notification Mode – SILENT, NORMAL, VIBRATE.Option “All text sender” – Filter will react forallmessages where sender address is a text string instead ofastandard phone number. This is useful for SPAM filtering. Thistypeof filter should usually contain an exception list. In thislist,you can add text address senders that are important to you oryouprefer to setup personal filters for this sender.Option “Delete” – with this option, text messages willbedeleted silently without any notification if the filteracts.Option “Mark as read” – A text message will be marked asreadand viewed. This message will not be displayed in thenotificationbar.
Blacklist ABlacklist 2.9.9
LAG Solution
The Android BlackList (ABlacklist) isaBlacklist, Call Blocker/Call Filter and SMS interceptor forAndroidbased systems. It allows you to make a contact list whichincomingcalls and messages of that list can be blocked or accepted.Main Features• Reply a SMS to Blocked Calls• Intuitive and user friendly interface.• Easy to configure and use.• Block calls/messages of contacts in Blacklist.• Allow calls/messages of contacts in Whitelist.• Very easy to make a contact list to block or allow incomingcallsand messages.• Log for blocked calls and intercepted messages.• It can reply a SMS or Call for logged messages/calls.• It can block calls without identification.• Protect access to application with a password.• Notification of blocked/hidden calls/messages on AndroidStatusbar.• It can schedule the period when the Application will work.• SPAM filter for messages.The Google changed the Kitkat API (Android 4.4) and higherversionsto not allow independent app of SMS Filters. In this caseIrecommend to download:- A beautiful SMS app and SMS filter: "Go Sms" A great call blocker: NoCall Blocker
Beyond SMS ★HTC★ 1.2.3
Beyond SMS - The FIRST and the ONLY app on the Google PlayStorethatenables to send the Replaceable SMS and other specialtypes ofSMS(e.g Ping, Flash messages...) ★ Please install this apponly ifyouhave HTC or Pantech devices ★ *** ACKNOWLEDGMENT ***:This apponlyworks on a mobile device that supports the'sendRawPdu' APIfunctionin the firmware. So this app may not workon your device.Afterinstalling, you can check if this app works onyour device bygoingto the menu Ability Check. Currently ONLYsupport GSM (GPRS,EDGE),UMTS (HSDPA, HSUPA, HSPA, HSPA+) and LTEnetworks. Does NOTsupportCDMA (IS-95, 1xRTT, EV-DO, eHRPD)networks. Known Workingdevices:T-Mobile G1, Pantech Sky A820L, HTCDesire S (and may beall HTCdevices with stock firmware)NON-Working devices: SonyXperia U,Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, SamsungGalaxy Note II (and maybe all otherSamsung devices ?) Keyfeatures: - Support longmessages. - Supportalternate ReplyAddress. - Support selectionfor the message storageat the targetdevice. - Support Replaceablemessage. - Support Flashmessage. -Support 3 types of Pingmessage. - Support MessageWaitingIndication (Voicemail, Fax,Email and Other indication). -Globalnotification for the deliveryreports, even if this app isnotrunning. Description: 1. AlternateReply Address: With thisfeature,the recipient will reply to themessage by using theAlternate ReplyAddress instead of thesender's address. On sometarget devices (e.giPhone before iOS 6or Pantech Sky, PantechVega...), the messagewill be displayedwith this number. On almostother target devicesthis feature willbe ignored, so the recipientwon't see anydifference. 2. MessageStorage: - Default: the targetdevice willdecide where to storethe message. - Phone memorypreferred: thetarget device shall sendan acknowledgement to thesender when themessage has successfullyreceived and can be stored.The targetdevice shall normally storethe message in the phonememory bydefault, if that is possible,but otherwise the message maybestored elsewhere, e.g. in the SIMmemory. - SIM memorypreferred:the target device shall ensure thatthe message can bestored in theSIM memory before sending anacknowledgement to thesender. 3.Replaceable Message: With thisfeature, the old message(that hasbeen sent with this tool) willbe overwritten by the newone. Thesender can set the replacingcycle for each recipient. 4.FlashMessage: The target device shalldisplay the messageimmediately andsend an acknowledgement to thesender. The messageshall not beautomatically stored in the targetdevice, but user hasan option tosave it. On some phones (e.giPhone) the message will bedisplayedwithout the sender's addressand without the possibility tosave themessage. 5. Ping Message:With ping message, the sender cancheckwhether the recipient isavailable or not, without disturb themwithany call or SMS. Thetarget device shall not indicate anyvisualalert to the recipient.6. Message Waiting Indication (MWI):SpecialMessage Indication(Voicemail, Fax, Email or Otherindication) willbe sent to thetarget device. With this message thesender can letthe targetdevice think that there is a voicemail (orFax, orEmail). An icongets displayed at the target device. To cleartheicon at thetarget device, the sender should Deactivate it.Mosttarget devicessupport display Voicemail icon. Only some device(e.gNokia) willdisplay Fax, Email and Other indication icons.Shouldyou have anycomment or suggestion,pleasevisit:ỗtrợtiếng Việt:
No Message Interception Demo 2.0
Ovid Software
The Demo version for No Message Interception.An app jewell, who, very efficiently, ensures youofyourconstitutional right to privacy.Why to buy this app with a price less than a coffe cup?Istheresomething new, something special?1. What is new?Well, nothing is new under the sun. During the second worldwar,thegermans used The Enigma encoding system. I don't knowwhatalgorithmexactley they used but, i do know the effect:aninnocent, banalmessage for interceptors.This app does the same: it generates a recommendation foraplacewhere you can eat well, using a word or a sentence knownonlybyyou and the receiving person.2. What is special?To understand how this encoding method works, i tell youthat:Icreated this sophisticated encoding algorithm and yet,iCANNOTdecode your message, without knowing the keywordorkeysentence.First of all, the word or sentence which you use to encode isNOTAPASSWORD. What is the difference?There is a big one:A text protected with a password compares a input stringwithaspecific word or words, if they don't match theaccessisdenied.So, if i want to read your protected text, i just downloadoneof1000s of programms from Internet, which looks for thepasswordinthe encoded text (it has to be stored somewhere there,becausetheprotection module needs to compare with it) or, it uses alooptogenerate millions of characters combinations until oneofthemmatches the password and the access is granted.But IS NOT THE CASE with this app, which, I truly hope youintendtobuy right now. And below I tell you why:a.) The word or sentence that you use to encode is not storedinthetwo phones (sender and receiver) nor in therecommendationfordinner, lunch, whatever, it is stored only in yourbrains, so,itcannot be found by any program in the world.b.) The code is written with protection againstautomatictextinput.c.) If someone tries to decode with some other word(s)thanthesentence or word used when was encoded, the algorithmallowsalwaysto do that, but the result will be a garbageofunintelligiblestring of characters.d.) It does not use ASCII code or other standard computercodesforcharacters, nor uses fixed lengths for words or identicalcodeforthe same letter, so, trust me, it cannot be decoded withthoseoldfashioned methods.Finaly, two important notes:1. The app needs obviously the permission to use yourcontactlistand sending and reading messages. If the app stopped toworkwhenyou try to access contacts or to send or to read messages,thenitis because you did not give the permissions.2. When you write your message, use only characters fromUSkeyboard,the other ones will be ignored.
BomBom : Free SMS to all Phone 3.7.0
Unlimited SMS to all phones (no Appinstalledrequire).BomBom users can SMS, Text, Chatting, Call, send photo andvideoover Wifi or 3G for free.* Bom Direct SMS: Free SMS to all phones (include none BomBomusers)by Cellular network.* Bom Text : Free SMS to BomBom users.Free with no costs or hidden charge.
Ping HostMonitor 0.2.6
Ping HostMonitor is an Android appmonitoringthe status of network hosts, its services andcommunication links.It runs in the background and will alert youwith a notification ifany of your monitored system becomesunreachable.Contrary to many other “pingers” HostMonitor knows when a hostisnot supposed to be reachable, and also monitors thenetworkconnection of the Android telephone itself. This way falsealarmsare avoided and you can monitor a different set of hostsdependingof what network or VPN you and your Android device areconnectedto. At work you monitor your internal work machines, homeyoumonitor your Internet connection and so forth. The last knownstateof your hosts are remembered and when you reconnect to anewnetwork, monitoring is resumed with the new set of machines.Testmethods are fully configurable using tcp or udp probe packets(icmpnot supported as it requires root privileges). you find some problems in need of fixing, please mail usaboutit. Only writing a user review about it, does most often notsupplyus with enough information about the issue to be able tocorrectit.