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Quotes of Confucius 0.0.1
"Quotes of Confucius" is an appthatbringstogether the most iconic quotations from Confucius* Life is really simple, but we insist onmakingitcomplicated.* The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reachyourfullpotential... these are the keys that will unlock the doortopersonalexcellence.
World's Greatest Philosophers 1.0
A list of famous philosophers, including theirbiography,philosophies and work.
Confucius Quotes 1.2
Learn quotes from thisimportant,influentialChinese philosopher. Use our in-app timer tohave a newquote popup on your screen everyday. Love a quote? Shareitdirectly fromour app
Confucius Say 1.0
Kong Qui, better known as Confucius, wasbornin551 B.C. in the Lu state of China (near present-day Qufu).Hedied in479 B.C.Confucius was :- an influential Chinese philosopher- a teacher and political figure- known for his popular aphorisms and for his modelsofsocialinteraction.- His teachings, preserved in the Analects, focusedoncreatingethical models of family and public interaction,andsettingeducational standards.- Confucianism later became the official imperialphilosophyofChina, and was extremely influential during the Han,Tang andSongdynasties.
Citations en français 2.33
- citations des grands hommes - collection de 20.000 citations -ungrand nombre d'auteurs - citation aléatoire - citations desgrandshommes en Français :Alexandre Dumas, Confucius, Victor Hugo,OscarWilde, Albert Einstein, Coluche, Pierre Desproges, LéonarddeVinci, Serge Gainsbourg, Jules Renard, Adolf Hitler,NapoléonBonaparte, Friedrich Nietzsche, Bouddha, Voltaire, MartinLutherKing, Pierre Dac, Charles de Gaulle, Jean Jaurès,GeorgesClemenceau, William Shakespeare, Philippe Geluck, CharlieChaplin,Nelson Mandela, Michel Audiard, Winston Churchill, PaulValéry,Sigmund Freud, Platon, Abraham Lincoln, Jacques Brel, AlbertCamus,Sénèque, Sacha Guitry, Charles Baudelaire, Groucho Marx,JacquesChirac, Woody Allen, Karl Marx, Pablo Picasso, Mère Teresa,ArthurRimbaud, Marc Aurèle, Paulo Coelho, Oxmo Puccino, FrédéricDard,Montesquieu, Emmanuel Kant, Frédéric Beigbeder,FrançoisMitterrand, Blaise Pascal, Salvador Dali, Boris Vian, Abbépierre,Andy Warhol, Roland Topor, Ernest Hemingway, MarcelProust,Alphonse Allais, Raymond Devos, Pythagore, Pierre Doris,françoisde la rochefoucauld, andré malraux, Francis Blanche, AlfreddeMusset, Charles Péguy, Franz Kafka, Benjamin Franklin, CocoChanel,Cicéron, Georges Brassens, Guy de Maupassant, PhilippeBouvard,Mark Twain, indira gandhi, Nicolas Sarkozy, Malcolm x,Lénine,Denis Diderot, Jean de la Fontaine, Molière, Romain Gary,YvesSaint Laurent, Brigitte Bardot , Arthur Schopenhauer, Marquisdesade, Guy Bedos, Amélie Nothomb, Bob Marley, PierrePerret,François Cavanna, Jacques Prévert, George Bernard Shaw,Edgar AllanPoe, jean rostand, Baruch Spinoza, Simone de Beauvoir,TristanBernard, Jean Cocteau, Anton Tchekhov, paul Eluard,GuillaumeApollinaire, Mohammed Ali, Georges Bernanos, ChristianDior, Henryde Montherlant, Massa Makan Diabaté, Mahomet, JosephStaline,Averroès, Georges Wolinski, François Rabelais, Rivarol,BernardWerber, Miguel de Cervantes, Ahmadou Kourouma, Jules César,LéopoldSédar Senghor, Le Corbusier, Jean Gabin, GustaveFlaubert,Françoise Dolto, Louis Jouvet, Milan Kundera, FidelCastro, RenéDescartes, Jim Morrison, Jacques Attali, épictète,Barack Obama,José Artur, françois mauriac, George Washington,Stendhal, RalphWaldo Emerson, Edith Piaf, Fabrice Luchini, JackNicholson, GibranKhalil Gibran, Pierre Corneille, Anna Gavalda,André Gide, PaulClaudel, Jacques Lacan, Zinedine Zidane, JacquesFerron, EmileZola, Joseph Goebbels, Hubert Reeves, Jacques Dutronc,FrançoiseGiroud, Leonardo DiCaprio, Soren Kierkegaard, FrançoiseSagan, Ottovon Bismarck, Marguerite Yourcenar, Norman Schwarzkopf,épicure,Laurent Ruquier, Aimé Césaire, Daniel Pennac, MarcelPagnol, TaharBen Jelloun, Marcel Bigeard, Bill Gates, JidduKrishnamurti, AyrtonSenna, Robin Williams, André Maurois, Nadine deRothschild, ArnoldSchwarzenegger, Albert Schweitzer, Isaac Newton,Zhang Xianliang,Eugène Cloutier, René Char, Henry Ford, ErnestRenan, Orson Welles,Mike Tyson, Claude Lelouch, Saint Matthieu,Louis Pasteur, LouisAragon, Frida Kahlo, Georges Courteline,Alphonse Karr, VaclavHavel, Dan Millman, Steve Mcqueen, EricCantona, Jésus de Nazareth,Jacques Bénigne bossuet, Steve Jobs,Euripide, Marc Levy, tacite,Joseph Joubert (moraliste), WaltDisney, Paul Léautaud
Confucius Says ... (Ad Version 1.0
Don Dario
Ad Supported Version of the Confucius SaysApp.Confucius (28 September 551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinesethinkerand social philosopher of the Spring and AutumnPeriod.The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal andgovernmentalmorality, correctness of social relationships, justiceandsincerity. These values gained prominence in China overotherdoctrines, such as Legalism (法家) or Taoism (道家) during theHanDynasty (206 BC – AD 220). Confucius' thoughts have beendevelopedinto a system of philosophy known as Confucianism(儒家).