Top 34 Apps Similar to DiabetoCompanion

ADA Standards of Care 5.1.0
American Diabetes Association Standards of care, ADARecommendationsTools
Haematology Counter 1.0.15
Haematology counter is a digital counter application.
Glucose Buddy Diabetes Tracker 5.36.8529
Azumio, Inc.
Track blood glucose, A1C, carbs, medication, exercise, and moreallin one app!
Beat Diabetes 10.10.7
70+ Tips, Diabetic Diet and Safe Food Suggestions to BeatDiabetesNaturally
Prevention TaskForce - USPSTF
USPSTF recommendations to assist clinicians in identifyingservicesfor patients
eGFR Calculators 2.3
From the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), thisapplicationallowsmedical professionals to estimate kidney functionusingfiveseparate eGFR calculators: -CKD-EPI Creatinine2009Equation(Preferred method) -MDRD Study Equation-Cockcroft-GaultFormula-CKD-EPI Cystatin and Creatinine 2012Equation -RevisedBedsideSchwartz Formula (For ages 1-17) Alsoincludes informationon:-Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) -Chronickidney disease(CKD)-Risks for CKD and kidney failure -How to test,evaluate, andslowprogression The National Kidney Foundation istheleadingorganization in the U.S. dedicated to theawareness,prevention,and treatment of kidney disease for hundredsofthousands ofhealthcare professionals, millions of patientsandtheir families,and tens of millions of Americans at risk.Bysupporting theNational Kidney Foundation, you directlyinfluenceand positivelyimpact the lives of those at risk for kidneydisease,those livingwith chronic kidney disease, and those who carefor andabout them.Learn more at 30 East 33rd StreetNewYork, NY 800-622-9010
Happy Bob 1.8.3
Harald AI Oy
Rewarding diabetes management | Authorized Dexcom Connected Partner
HealthTap for Doctors 23.11.1
Enhance your reputation, grow your practice, and help millionsfeelgood!
ASRA Coags 2.9
ASRA Coags provides quick access to the ASRAAnticoagulationGuidelines.
Avera Health Plans Visits
Get 24/7 access to urgent care providers with Avera HealthPlansVirtual Visits.
Medication Reminder & Tracker 9.6
Take, track & refill your pills with this easyreliablemedication reminder app!
Med App 4.14.5
Your hospital's one stop shop for protocols, guidelines andphonenumbers!
icompanion: understand your MS 1.9.0
Multiple sclerosis app with a low-effort symptom diary, and somuchmore!
Laboratory Values 1.2
* Languages Português, English Did you saw a laboratory testresultsand did not know what to think? Relaxe RELAB is anapplication thatcomes with the normal values for more than 200laboratory tests andalso comes with a commentary on all examswhich indicates the mainsituations, pathological or physiological,in that they can beincreased or decreased . Divided into "CBC","serum biochemistry andcoagulation", "urinalysis", "stool test","CSF (cerebrospinalfluid)," "pleural fluid", "ascites fluid" and"synovial fluide" theapplication was made thinking for helpprofessionals / students ofhealth are or even people in general tohave a light at the end ofthe tunnel in the test results. BloodCount: Hemoglobin / HematocritMCV MCH / MCHC RDW PlateletsLeukocyte Total Basophils EosinophilsNeutrophils LymphocytesMonocytes Serum Biochemistry &Coagulation: ACE ACTH Alaninetransaminase (ALT) Albumin AldolaseAldosterone AlkalinePhosphatase Alpha-fetoprotein AmylaseAntithrombin III Aspartatetransaminase (AST) Beta2-MicroglobulinBeta-HCG BicarbonateBilirubin Direct (BD) Bilirubin Indirec (BI)Bilirubin TotalBleeding Time BNP (brain natriuretic peptide) C1q C3C4 CA 125 CA15-3 CA 19-9 Calcitonin Calcium (Ca) CEA CeruloplasminCH50Chlorine Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL CholesterolTotalCholesterol VLDL CK-MB CK-MB mass Clotting Time Cobalamin(Vit.B12) Copper Total Cortisone (test) C-peptide C-ReactiveProtein(CRP) Creatine Kinase (CK) Creatinine D-dimer ErythropoietinESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) Ferritin FibrinDegradationProducts (PDF) Fibrinogen Folate Free ErythrocyteProtoporphyrin(FEP) G6PD (erythrocyte) Gammaglutamil transpeptidase(gamma-GT orGGT) Gastrin GH (suppression test) Globulin GlucoseFasting GlucosePostprandial Glycated Haemoglobin HaptoglobinHomocysteine LactateLDH Lead Lipase Magnesium MucoproteinsMyoglobin OsmolalityParathyroid Hormone (PTH) pCO2 pH PhosphoruspO2 Potassium (k)Prolactin Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) ProteinC ProteinElectrophoresis Protein S TAP PTT Resistance to ActivatedProtein C(factor V Leiden) Sodium (Na) Somatomedin C T3 T4 (Free)TBICTestosterone Thrombin Time Thyroglobulin Total ProteinTransferinSaturation Triglycerides (TG) Troponin TSH Urea UricAcidUrinalisys: Aspect Color Density pH Glucose Ketone BodiesProteinsLeukocyte esterase Nitrite Bilirubin UrobilinogenHemoglobin RBCsLeukocytes Cylinders Crystals Epithelial CellsBacteria 24 hoururine Isolated sample (spot urine) Urine 1h or 2hTitratableAcidity (24) Aminolevulínicos Acid (24h)5-hidroxiindoloacéticoacid (5-HIAA) (24h) Homovanillic Acid (24h)Uric Acid (24h)Vanillylmandelic Acid (24) Aldosterone (24) Aluminum(24) Arsenic24) Cadmium (24) Calcium (24) FractionatedCatecholamines (24) Lead(24) Chlorine (24) Copper (24) Creatinine(24) Chromium (24)Phosphorus (24) Hydroxyproline (24) Iodine (24)Magnesium (24)Manganese (24) Mercury (24) Total Metanephrines (24)Oxalate (24)Pyridinoline / deoxypyridinoline (24h) Potassium (24)Selenium (24)Serotonin (24) Sodium (24) Urea (24) Zinc (24) StoolTest: VolumeFats Coproporphyrins Urobilinogen Estercobilina pHOccult BloodLeukocytes Eosinophils Alpha-1 anti-trypsin Trypsin(activity) CSF:Pressure RBCs Leukocytes Total Protein Albumin IgGOligoclonalBands Myelin Basic Protein Glucose Chloride LactateLactate PleuralFluid: Color pH Glucose Cholesterol Proteins LDHAmylase ADA(adenosine deaminase) Interferon-gamma CellularityCytology SectionAscitic Fluid: Aspect Gradient Albumin SerumAscites CellularityCytology Section Synovial Fluid: ViscosityCellularity PolarizedMicroscopy Light Biopsy
Med reminder & pill tracker 2.3.0
Z-len Appz
Offline medication reminder to remember your meds, pills,refill& appointments
Phosphorus Foods Diet Guide 2.2
A nutrition diet guide of low phosphorus foods for healthy lifeandfitness.
WellStar Online Care
See a board-certified doctor on your schedule for $49.Noappointment necessary.
Paramedic Review Plus™ 3.1.1
Paramedic Review Plus™ provides the ultimate exampreparationexperience.
AgaMatrix Diabetes Manager 1.13
AgaMatrix Inc
Track blood glucose, insulin, carbs, and weight to help manageyourdiabetes.
InPen: Diabetes Management App
Looking for an easier way to manage multiple daily injections?
Pediatric calculator ICC & Ane 1.9
Usefull guide for Pediatric Intensive Care and Pediatric Anesthesia
Your Doctors - Online Doctor 3.1.26
Talk to a trusted 24/7 online doctor for advice, prescription,sicknote & more.
Medicalog for Families 2.05
Do you wish you could track your family's health?
Contraception 1.1
Decision support guidance at your fingertips to help youdocontraception well.
Type 2 Diabetes by Nourishly 1.2.6
Lifestyle change is hard. Nourishly will guide you and help youallthe way.
Easy Diabetes 2.0.1
Simple application to control the glucose diabetes mellitus type1and 2
EchoCalc 3.203
EchoCalc also includes a series of key echocardiographycalculatorscommonly used in clinical practice: - Indexing to BodySurface Area(BSA) or Height - LV/RV size & function, LV mass,aorticdimensions, atrial dimensions - Diastolic function assessmenttool- Comprehensive valve calculators and reference data -Prostheticaortic & mitral valves reference data and calculators-Flow-chart guides to both echo and clinical decision making-Stress echo guides to probability of angina and infusion guide-Z-scores for paediatrics - Mini-guides based on BSE Guidelines-Updated to the latest BSE reference data but also allowsswitchingto ASE/EACVI references The app is provided as a handyreferenceutility for cardiac sonographers and is not meant as aguide toechocardiography for patients. As such it does not providemedicaladvice. The BSE recommends that echo reports are onlyinterpretedby suitably trained healthcare professionals andpatients should bedirected to their referring healthcareprofessional for finalinterpretation of an echo report, beforemaking any medicaldecisions.
LiverCalc™ 2.5
ScyMed Inc.
The LiverCalc™ App includes most formulasandequations used in the daily assessments of patients withliverdisease, like cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver transplant, etc.Thisinnovative calculator allows the computation of 17 liverparametersin one single panel (from 25 inputs), assuringconvenience andaccuracy. The equations may also be computedindependently.LiverCalc™ facilitates the organization and processing ofPatient'sdata. It is a provider-friendly™ app, intuitive and veryeasy touse.Unique reference, productivity and decision support tool. Provenandreliable data processing, for physicians, residents, medstudents,PAs and NPs...Developed by Board-certified physicians.---------------------------------------------------------------------LiverCalc™ CONTENTS:Hepato Calc™ MasterChild-Turcotte-Pugh ClassificationModel for End-stage Liver Disease - UNOSMELD-Na, PELDSerum:Ascites Albumin RatioAST:ALT RatioDiscriminant FunctionGlomerular Filtration Rate (Cockcroft)Glomerular Filtration Rate (MDRD-4 & MDRD-6)Chronic Kidney Disease ClassificationAnion Gap (Serum)Fractional Excretion of Na+Fractional Excretion of UreaBUN : Creatinine (S) ratioBody Mass IndexOverweight & Obesity ClassificationBody Surface AreaBasal Energy ExpenditureConversion---------------------------------------------------------------------The LiverCalc™ FEATURES:(the best and proven clinical data processing)* arithmetical processing* automatic unit conversion* multiple-unit entries* color-coded normal-abnormal outputs* normal values (ranges & limits)* automatic range-checks (limits)* intuitive user interface* easy navigation and info access* smart decimal rounding* Système International notation* tables of parameters* mobile & online* expanded equation views* fully referenced* highly organized and standardized---------------------------------------------------------------------LiverCalc™ is part of ScyMed® MediCalc®, the first andmostcomprehensive Medical Calculator System™ in the world, onlineformore than 15 years...Other Medical Apps developed by ScyMed includeMediCalc®,EKG-card™, H&P-card™ ICU-card™, eH&P™, etc.(mobile &online).
Pill Reminder & Medication Tracker - DrugStars
Donate to charity for free simply by using our medicationreminder& tracker
Emergency Nurse Practitioner 2.0
The RCH Emergency Nurse Practitioner App is a guide forpaediatricspecialties.
iFORA Diabetes Manager 4.3.8
iFORA - Diabetes Manager app designed to make busy lives easiertomanage.
Nebraska Medicine 2.3.3
Manage your health all in one place with the Nebraska Medicine app.