Top 17 Apps Similar to McDonald's Hrvatska

McDonald’s Deutschland
The official McDonald's app: coupons, vouchers,promotions,products, services
McDonald’s Polska 2.0.1056
Witaj w mobilnym świecieMcDonald’sPolska!McDonald’s jest teraz na wyciągnięcie Twojego… palca! Skorzystajzoficjalnej aplikacji i dowiedz się, co na Ciebie czeka!Najnowsze promocje, dostępność kuponów rabatowych imożliwośćznalezienia najbliższej restauracji to tylko częśćfunkcjonalnościstworzonych specjalnie z myślą o Tobie.Pobierz i bądź na bieżąco!W aplikacji znajdziesz:Lokalizator restauracji McDonald’s w Polsce– Znajdź restaurację w Twojej okolicy i zobacz jej lokalizacjęnamapie– Wyznacz trasę do dowolnej restauracji– Filtruj restauracje: 24/7, McDrive, McCafé, Gym&Fun,ofertaśniadaniowa– Otrzymuj powiadomienia o restauracjach w Twoim pobliżuPromocje– Bądź na bieżąco ze wszystkimi promocjami McDonald’s Polskadziękiinformacjom, którewyślemy do Ciebie– Aktywuj najnowsze kupony rabatowe bezkoniecznościdrukowaniaOferta– Poznaj wszystkie produkty McDonald’s z ofertyśniadaniowej,klasycznej - a także z McCafé– Twórz własne listy zakupowe, klikając jedynie ikonę „+”.Takpowstanie Twoje Menu,którym możesz podzielić się ze znajomymi– Konfiguruj swoje ulubione McZestawy, HappyMeal® lub 2 for UJakich uprawnień wymaga nasza aplikacja podczas instalacji?– uprawnienia lokalizacyjne (GPS) - używamy ich, by wskazać drogędonajbliższej restauracji McDonald’s w Twojej okolicy– zapis/odczyt z karty SD - by nie obciążać transmisjidanychprzechowujemy wiele rzeczy na karcie SD. Chcemy by aplikacjajaknajmniej obciążała Twój internet– dlaczego sprawdzamy połączenia sieciowe? Abyś zawsze miałświeżeinformacje o naszych produktach i kuponach (choć aplikacjadziałarównież w trybie offline)McDonald’s Polska – Oficjalna Strona’s Polska – Kontakt Aplikacji McDonald’s Polska to themobileworld McDonald's Poland!McDonald's is now at your ... your finger! Use theofficialapplication and find out what awaits you!The latest promotions, the availability of coupons andthepossibility of finding the nearest restaurant is only part ofthefunctionality created specifically with you in mind.Download and stay updated!In the application you will find:Locator McDonald's restaurants in Poland- Find a restaurant in your area and see its location onthemap- Get directions to any restaurant- Filter restaurants 24/7, McDrive, McCafe, Gym & Fun,breakfastofferings- Receive notifications about restaurants in your vicinitySpecials- Stay up to date with all the promotions McDonald's Polandthanksto the information thatwe will send to you- Activate the latest discount coupons without printingOffer- Discover all the products of McDonald's offer breakfast classic-as well as McCafe- Create your own shopping list by clicking only "+" icon.Thuscreation of your menu,  you can share with your friends- Configure your favorite McZestawy, HappyMeal® or 2 for UWhat rights requires our application during installation?- Powers of location (GPS) - use them to show the way to thenearestMcDonald's restaurants in your area- Read / write to the SD card - not to burden the data we storealot of things on the SD card. We want the application theleastburdened your internet- Why check network connections? You always have freshinformationabout our products and coupons (although the applicationalso worksoffline)McDonald's Poland - Official's Poland - Contact of Application McDonald's Poland
McDonald's UK 5.0.7
Welcome to the official McDonald's UK mobile app. Features include:Restaurant finder. Search for your nearest open UK McDonald's . Get directions toanyMcDonald's in the UK . See opening times and facilities .Filter bydrive-thru, 24 hour, baby changing and morePromotions. Browse the latest UK offers and promotionsMenu. View the full McDonald's UK menu. See nutrition information on all our products . Learn moreaboutour ingredients . Check our allergies guideMy meal. Create your own meal combinations. Discover the combined nutritional information behindyourfavourite mealsMcDonald's Restaurants Web Site >'s UK Support >
McDonald's Bonn 2.4
The new official McDonald's Bonn app! With coupons andgreatcoupons.
McDonald's Gutscheine App Bonn 3.1
Behabo Apps
McDonald's coupons and information is always in your pocket it.
McDonald's - Mobil Yemek Sipar
McDonald's menülerine ulaşmanın en hızlı yolu.Sipariş ver,keyfinyerine gelsin!
McDonald’s India Food Delivery 11.3.2
McDelivery - Download Food Delivery App for Ordering Food OnlineinSouth & West
McDonald's Baltics 1.3.2
An awesome app for the best exclusive dealsinLithuania, Latvia, Estonia!Download and register, and you’ll get delicious food and newsoffersevery week. It’s as easy as bringing the app to anearbyparticipating McDonald’s.Awesome Features:- Get exclusive offers and redeem them right from the app- Find your nearest McDonald’s restaurant locationLegal Stuff:Must be 13+. Prices and participation may vary. Offersavailableonly at participating restaurants. ©2016 McDonald’s
McDelivery PH v4.0.57-20230711-20230711_182556
The new McDelivery App is here to satisfy your cravings with justafew taps.​
McDonald's Sverige 6.0.2
Välkommen in till McDonald’sSverigesofficiella app! Här har vi samlat våra bästa erbjudanden,matnyttiginformation, en rad användbara tjänster och mängder avannatskoj.

Vad är väl en riktig bra app utan grymma erbjudandenellerrabatterade priser? Här finner du alltid något nytt ochspännandedå vi fyller på lite titt som tätt. Dina erbjudandenanvänder duenkelt i kiosken eller i kassan.Samla stämplar med Kaffekortet! Du får alltid den femtekoppengratis när du köper nymalet och ekologiskt kaffe hos oss.Detfiffiga är att kortet alltid finns i din app.Och vad vore McDonald’s utan vår mat? Givetvis kan du se helavårmeny i appen. Från våra klassiska hamburgare som Big MacochMcFeast till frukost, sallader eller Cheeseburgare. Alltvierbjuder på McDonald’s, hittar du här!Håll koll på vad maten som du äter innehåller med vår närings-ochallergiguide. Vi listar alla allergener och ingredienser så attdutryggt kan njuta av maten. Här hittar du som glutenallergikerellerlaktosintolerant snabbt vilka produkter du bör undvika ochäven hurmycket kalorier maten innehåller.Vad händer på McDonald’s? I vår app hittar du alltid desenastenyheterna. Allt från tävlingar och spel till nyheter påmenyn och ivår butik Bigmacshop.seHär hittar du även enkelt din närmsta restaurang. Oavsett vardubefinner dig! Sök på enkelt på vår karta och se våraöppettidereller fakta om våra restauranger.Welcome toMcDonald'sSweden's official app! Here are our best offers,usefulinformation, a range of useful services and lots of otherfunthings.What is a real good app but cruel offers or discounted prices?Hereyou will always find something new and exciting when we fillalittle look that closely. Your offers simply use the kiosk oratthe box office.Collect stamps Coffee card! You always get the fifth cup forfreewhen you purchase freshly ground organic coffee with us. Theneatthing is that the card is always in your app.And what would be McDonald's, but our food? Of course you canseethe whole of our menu in the app. From our classic burgers suchasBig Macs and McFeast for breakfast, salads andcheeseburgers.Everything we offer at McDonald's, you will findhere!Keep track of what food you eat contains our nutritional andallergyguide. We list all allergens and ingredients so that youcan safelyenjoy the food. Here, you will find that gluten freeorlactose-intolerant quickly which products you should avoid andevenhow many calories the food contains.What happens at McDonald's? In our app you will always findthelatest news. Everything from contests and games to news on themenuand in our store Bigmacshop.seYou will also find easy your nearest restaurant. No matter whereyouare! Search easily on our map and see our opening hours orfactsabout our restaurants.
Quick Mac 1.1.2
Quick Mac – die neue gratis App von McDonald’s Österreich ist da!Jetzt bestellst und bezahlst du bei McDonald’s ganzeinfachmittels deinem Android Gerät: mit Quick Mac, deinerpersönlichenBestell-App!- Finde das nächstgelegene McDonald's Restaurant- Wähle aus allen Produkten deine Favoriten aus- Bestelle und bezahle noch von unterwegs- Hol deine Bestellung direkt im ausgewählten Restaurant abLade dir jetzt die neue Quick Mac App von McDonald'sÖsterreichherunter und genieße viele Vorteile! Der schnellste Wegzu deinemBurger!Schnelle RestaurantauswahlWähle dein Restaurant mittels Karte oder Liste aus. Dort findestduauch alle Informationen zu ÖffnungszeitenundRestaurantausstattung.Einfache ProduktauswahlBestelle alle im Restaurant verfügbaren Produkte mittels QuickMac.Ob Einzelprodukte oder ganze Menükombinationen, ob Frühstück,Lunchoder Abendessen – deine Bestellung ist schnell undeinfachzusammengestellt. Dank der ebenfallsenthaltenenProduktinformationen und Nährwerte bist du immer bestensüber deinEssen informiert.Gutscheine und BonusaktionenNutze unsere neue App und komm in den Vorteil zahlreicherexklusiverAktionen - speziell für Quick Mac User!SchaltePush-Benachrichtigungen in der App frei und wir informierendichimmer über aktuelle Gutscheine und Bonusprogramme.Zum hier essen oder zum MitnehmenGenieße dein mobil bestelltes McMenü gleich im Restaurant, nimmeseingepackt mit nach Hause oder hol es beim Vorbeifahren imMcDriveab!Verschiedene ZahlungsvariantenBezahle mit Quick Mac ganz wie es dir passt, ob mit paybox,PayPaloder Kreditkarte – wähle deine bevorzugte Zahlungsvariantefüreinen unkomplizierten Bezahlvorgang.Deine FavoritenDefiniere dein Lieblingsrestaurant und deine Lieblingsprodukte,umnoch schneller zu deinem Lieblings-McMenü oder deinem Burgerzukommen.BestellhistorieMit Quick Mac hast du immer den Überblick über deinevergangenenBestellungen.BewertungDeine Meinung ist uns wichtig! Bewerte unsere Services und gibunsFeedback, um deinen Besuch bei uns noch angenehmer gestaltenzukönnen. Für persönliche Rückmeldungen hast du auch dieMöglichkeit,uns direkt auf E-Mail an [email protected]. Wir freuen uns auf deine Fragen und Anregungen!Quick Mac wünscht guten Appetit!Keywords:McDonald’s, McDonalds, Quick, Mac, Mc, Mäc, BigMac, Pommes,Burger,Snack, Restaurant, bestellen, essen, GutscheineQuick Mac-the new free app from McDonald's Austria is here!Now you are ordering and paying easy at McDonald's meansyourAndroid device: with Quick Mac, your personal order App!- Find the nearest McDonald's Restaurant- Choose from all your favorite products from- Order and pay still on the move- Go get your order directly from the selected restaurantDownload them now the new Quick Mac App of McDonald'sAustriadown and enjoy many benefits! The fastest way to yourburger!Fast Restaurant selectionChoose from your restaurant by map or list. There you will findallinformation about opening times and restaurant facilities.Easy product selectionOrder all available in the restaurant products using QuickMac.Whether single items or entire menu combinations,whetherbreakfast, lunch or dinner - your order is quick andeasyassembled. Thanks to the product information and nutritionalvalues​​also contained you are always well informed about yourfood.Vouchers and bonus promotionsUse our new app and come in the advantage of manyexclusivepromotions - especially for Mac users Quick! Turn offpushnotifications in the app free and we always inform youaboutcurrent coupons and loyalty programs.To eat here or take awayEnjoy your mobile appointed McMenü equal in the restaurant, takeitwrapped up to take home or get it in passing in McDrive from!Various payment optionsPay with Quick Mac entirely as it suits you, whether withpaybox,PayPal or Credit Card - select your preferred payment optionfor asimple payment process.See my favoritesDefine your favorite restaurant and your favorite products togeteven faster to your favorite McMenü or your burger.Order historyWith Quick Mac you always keep track of your past orders.AssessmentYour opinion is important to us! Rate our services and giveusFeedback to make your visit with us more enjoyable can.Forpersonal feedback you also have the possibility to writeusdirectly on orviae-mail to [email protected] forward to your questions and suggestions!Quick Mac wants good appetite!Keywords:McDonald's, McDonald's, Quick, Mac, Mc, Mäc, Big Mac,fries,burgers, snack, restaurant, order, eat, vouchers
BURGER KING® App 7.8.0
Exclusive deals, mobile ordering & find your nearestBK®restaurant anytime
McDo+ 5.28.0
McDo+ : New Official Application
McDonald's Danmark 3.1.3
I app’en finder du også vores bedstetilbud,oplysninger om næringsindhold i vores produkter, en rækkenyttigetjenester og mange andre sjove ting.Men hvad er en rigtig god app uden fantastiske tilbudellerrabatter? Her samler vi alle dine kuponer, så du nemt kanfindedem, før du besøger os. Under Mine tilbud kan du altid findenogetnyt og spændende fra os.Og hvad ville McDonald's være uden vores mad? Selvfølgelig kan dusehele vores menu i appen. Fra vores klassiske burgere som BigMacs ogMcFeast til morgenmad, salater og cheeseburgere. Alt hvadMcDonald'skan byde på, finder du her!Med vores allergi- og næringstabel kan du holde styr på, hvaddet,du spiser indeholder. Vi giver dig en oversigt over alleallergenerog ingredienser, så du trygt kan nyde maden. Hvis du ergluten-eller laktoseallergiker, kan du hurtigt se, hvilke produkterdu børundgå, og endda hvor mange kalorier maden indeholder.Hvad sker der på McDonald's? I vores app kan du altid se desenestenyheder. Alt fra konkurrencer og spil som Big MacBingo,Sommerchancen og Julekalenderen til nyheder på menuen.Du kan også nemt finde den nærmeste restaurant. Uanset hvor duer!Søg på vores kort, og se vores åbningstider eller fakta omvoresrestauranter.In the app you willalsofind our best offers, information about nutritional content ofourproducts, a number of useful services and many otherfunthings. But what is a great app without any great deals or discounts?Herewe gather all of your coupons so you can easily find thembeforeyou visit us. Under My offer you can always find somethingnew andexciting from us. And what would McDonald's be without our food? Sure, you can seeourentire menu in the app. From our classic burgers such as BigMacsand McFeast for breakfast, salads and cheeseburgers. AllMcDonald'scan offer, you will find here! With our allergy and nutrition table, you can keep track of whatyoueat contains. We give you an overview of all allergensandingredients so you can safely enjoy the food. If you are glutenorlaktoseallergiker, you can quickly see which products youshouldavoid, and even how many calories the food contains. What happens at McDonald's? In our app you can always see thelatestnews. Everything from contests and games like Big Mac Bingo,Sommerchance and Christmas calendar for news on the menu. You can also easily find the nearest restaurant. No matter whereyouare! Search our map and see our opening hours or facts aboutourrestaurants.
Wendy’s 10.2.6
Get Rewards, Easy Ordering & Exclusive Offers
Subway® 30.2.0
Eating fresh just got a whole lot better with the new Subway app.
מקדונלד'ס McDonald's Israel 7.0.6
משלמים באפליקציה, צוברים McCoins ומשלמים פחות בקנייה הבאה!