Top 24 Apps Similar to McDonald's Baltics

McDonald’s Polska 2.0.1056
Witaj w mobilnym świecieMcDonald’sPolska!McDonald’s jest teraz na wyciągnięcie Twojego… palca! Skorzystajzoficjalnej aplikacji i dowiedz się, co na Ciebie czeka!Najnowsze promocje, dostępność kuponów rabatowych imożliwośćznalezienia najbliższej restauracji to tylko częśćfunkcjonalnościstworzonych specjalnie z myślą o Tobie.Pobierz i bądź na bieżąco!W aplikacji znajdziesz:Lokalizator restauracji McDonald’s w Polsce– Znajdź restaurację w Twojej okolicy i zobacz jej lokalizacjęnamapie– Wyznacz trasę do dowolnej restauracji– Filtruj restauracje: 24/7, McDrive, McCafé, Gym&Fun,ofertaśniadaniowa– Otrzymuj powiadomienia o restauracjach w Twoim pobliżuPromocje– Bądź na bieżąco ze wszystkimi promocjami McDonald’s Polskadziękiinformacjom, którewyślemy do Ciebie– Aktywuj najnowsze kupony rabatowe bezkoniecznościdrukowaniaOferta– Poznaj wszystkie produkty McDonald’s z ofertyśniadaniowej,klasycznej - a także z McCafé– Twórz własne listy zakupowe, klikając jedynie ikonę „+”.Takpowstanie Twoje Menu,którym możesz podzielić się ze znajomymi– Konfiguruj swoje ulubione McZestawy, HappyMeal® lub 2 for UJakich uprawnień wymaga nasza aplikacja podczas instalacji?– uprawnienia lokalizacyjne (GPS) - używamy ich, by wskazać drogędonajbliższej restauracji McDonald’s w Twojej okolicy– zapis/odczyt z karty SD - by nie obciążać transmisjidanychprzechowujemy wiele rzeczy na karcie SD. Chcemy by aplikacjajaknajmniej obciążała Twój internet– dlaczego sprawdzamy połączenia sieciowe? Abyś zawsze miałświeżeinformacje o naszych produktach i kuponach (choć aplikacjadziałarównież w trybie offline)McDonald’s Polska – Oficjalna Strona’s Polska – Kontakt Aplikacji McDonald’s Polska to themobileworld McDonald's Poland!McDonald's is now at your ... your finger! Use theofficialapplication and find out what awaits you!The latest promotions, the availability of coupons andthepossibility of finding the nearest restaurant is only part ofthefunctionality created specifically with you in mind.Download and stay updated!In the application you will find:Locator McDonald's restaurants in Poland- Find a restaurant in your area and see its location onthemap- Get directions to any restaurant- Filter restaurants 24/7, McDrive, McCafe, Gym & Fun,breakfastofferings- Receive notifications about restaurants in your vicinitySpecials- Stay up to date with all the promotions McDonald's Polandthanksto the information thatwe will send to you- Activate the latest discount coupons without printingOffer- Discover all the products of McDonald's offer breakfast classic-as well as McCafe- Create your own shopping list by clicking only "+" icon.Thuscreation of your menu,  you can share with your friends- Configure your favorite McZestawy, HappyMeal® or 2 for UWhat rights requires our application during installation?- Powers of location (GPS) - use them to show the way to thenearestMcDonald's restaurants in your area- Read / write to the SD card - not to burden the data we storealot of things on the SD card. We want the application theleastburdened your internet- Why check network connections? You always have freshinformationabout our products and coupons (although the applicationalso worksoffline)McDonald's Poland - Official's Poland - Contact of Application McDonald's Poland
McDonald's UK 5.0.7
Welcome to the official McDonald's UK mobile app. Features include:Restaurant finder. Search for your nearest open UK McDonald's . Get directions toanyMcDonald's in the UK . See opening times and facilities .Filter bydrive-thru, 24 hour, baby changing and morePromotions. Browse the latest UK offers and promotionsMenu. View the full McDonald's UK menu. See nutrition information on all our products . Learn moreaboutour ingredients . Check our allergies guideMy meal. Create your own meal combinations. Discover the combined nutritional information behindyourfavourite mealsMcDonald's Restaurants Web Site >'s UK Support >
McDonald's - Mobil Yemek Sipar
McDonald's menülerine ulaşmanın en hızlı yolu.Sipariş ver,keyfinyerine gelsin!
McDonald's Bonn 2.4
The new official McDonald's Bonn app! With coupons andgreatcoupons.
McDelivery PH v4.0.57-20230711-20230711_182556
The new McDelivery App is here to satisfy your cravings with justafew taps.​
McDonald's Sverige 6.0.2
Välkommen in till McDonald’sSverigesofficiella app! Här har vi samlat våra bästa erbjudanden,matnyttiginformation, en rad användbara tjänster och mängder avannatskoj.

Vad är väl en riktig bra app utan grymma erbjudandenellerrabatterade priser? Här finner du alltid något nytt ochspännandedå vi fyller på lite titt som tätt. Dina erbjudandenanvänder duenkelt i kiosken eller i kassan.Samla stämplar med Kaffekortet! Du får alltid den femtekoppengratis när du köper nymalet och ekologiskt kaffe hos oss.Detfiffiga är att kortet alltid finns i din app.Och vad vore McDonald’s utan vår mat? Givetvis kan du se helavårmeny i appen. Från våra klassiska hamburgare som Big MacochMcFeast till frukost, sallader eller Cheeseburgare. Alltvierbjuder på McDonald’s, hittar du här!Håll koll på vad maten som du äter innehåller med vår närings-ochallergiguide. Vi listar alla allergener och ingredienser så attdutryggt kan njuta av maten. Här hittar du som glutenallergikerellerlaktosintolerant snabbt vilka produkter du bör undvika ochäven hurmycket kalorier maten innehåller.Vad händer på McDonald’s? I vår app hittar du alltid desenastenyheterna. Allt från tävlingar och spel till nyheter påmenyn och ivår butik Bigmacshop.seHär hittar du även enkelt din närmsta restaurang. Oavsett vardubefinner dig! Sök på enkelt på vår karta och se våraöppettidereller fakta om våra restauranger.Welcome toMcDonald'sSweden's official app! Here are our best offers,usefulinformation, a range of useful services and lots of otherfunthings.What is a real good app but cruel offers or discounted prices?Hereyou will always find something new and exciting when we fillalittle look that closely. Your offers simply use the kiosk oratthe box office.Collect stamps Coffee card! You always get the fifth cup forfreewhen you purchase freshly ground organic coffee with us. Theneatthing is that the card is always in your app.And what would be McDonald's, but our food? Of course you canseethe whole of our menu in the app. From our classic burgers suchasBig Macs and McFeast for breakfast, salads andcheeseburgers.Everything we offer at McDonald's, you will findhere!Keep track of what food you eat contains our nutritional andallergyguide. We list all allergens and ingredients so that youcan safelyenjoy the food. Here, you will find that gluten freeorlactose-intolerant quickly which products you should avoid andevenhow many calories the food contains.What happens at McDonald's? In our app you will always findthelatest news. Everything from contests and games to news on themenuand in our store Bigmacshop.seYou will also find easy your nearest restaurant. No matter whereyouare! Search easily on our map and see our opening hours orfactsabout our restaurants.
McDo+ 5.18.0
McDo+ : New Official Application
BURGER KING® App 7.8.0
Exclusive deals, mobile ordering & find your nearestBK®restaurant anytime
מקדונלד'ס McDonald's Israel 7.0.6
משלמים באפליקציה, צוברים McCoins ומשלמים פחות בקנייה הבאה!
McDonald's Suomi 4.0.11
McDonald’s Suomi -mobiiliapplikaatiostalöydätrahanarvoisia mobiilietuja! McDonald’s-tilin avulla saatkäyttöösisekä ravintoloiden että yhteistyökumppaneidemme tarjoamatvaihtuvatedut.McDonald's Suomi -mobiiliapplikaatio löytää helposti sinualähelläsijaitsevat ravintolat. Löydät myös ravintoloidonaukioloajat,yhteystiedot ja mikäli ravintolalla on autokaista taimahdollisuussynttäreiden järjestämiseen.Tarjolla on lisäksi monipuolisesti tietoa tuotteistamme sekäniidenravintotiedoista ja allergisoivista aineista. Tuoteosiostalöydätkunkin tuotteen annoskoon sekä yksittäistenraaka-aineidenainesosatiedot.McDonald'sFinland-mobiiliapplikaatiosta you will find valuablemobilebenefits! McDonald's account to get access to therestaurants, aswell as that of our partners offer the benefits ofchange.McDonald's Finland-mobiiliapplikaatio you can easily find thenearbyrestaurants. You will also find ravintoloidon opening hours,contactdetails, and if the restaurant has a car lane or thepossibility oforganizing the birthday party.It also offers a wide range of information about our productsandtheir nutritional information and allergenic substances.Thesection you will find the product for each product, as well asthesize of the dose of the individual raw materials,ingredientinformation.
Wendy’s 10.2.6
Get Rewards, Easy Ordering & Exclusive Offers
McDonald's Norge 3.1.1
Velkommen til McDonald’s Norges offisielleapp!Her har vi samlet de beste tilbudene våre, informasjon omproduktenevåre og en rekke nyttige tjenester og massevis av annenmoro.Hva er vel en skikkelig god app uten kule tilbud? Her samler viallekupongene dine, så du lett kan finne dem igjen før besøketditt. IMine tilbud finner du alltid noe nytt og spennende, sidenvi stadigvekk fyller på.Få hver femte kaffe gratis! Om du registrerer hver kaffe dukjøperhos oss. Og husk: hos oss er kaffen alltid nykvernet,økologisk ogmed fersk norsk Tine melk.Og hva ville vel McDonald’s vært uten maten? Du får selvfølgeligsehele menyen vår i appen. Fra de klassiske hamburgerne våre somBigMac og McFeast til frokost, salater, smoothies og kaffe. Herfinnerdu alt vi tilbyr på McDonald’s!Få kontroll på hva maten du spiser inneholder med nærings-ogallergiguiden vår. Vi lister opp alle allergener og ingrediensersådu trygt kan nyte maten. Du som er glutenallergikerellerlaktoseintolerant finner raskt ut hvilke produkter du børunngå. Vioppgir også kallori innhold og næringsinformasjonher.Hva skjer på McDonald’s? I appen vår finner du alltid desistenyhetene. Alt fra konkurranser og spill til nye produkterpåmenyen.Du kan også enkelt finne nærmeste restaurant. Uansett hvor duer!Søk i kartet vårt, og se åpningstider eller fakta omrestaurantenevåre.Welcome toMcDonald'sOfficial app! Here we have compiled the best dealsours,information on our products and a range of useful services andlotsof other fun.What would a really good app without ball offer? Here we collectallyour coupons, so you can easily find them again before yourvisit.In My offers you always find something new and exciting,since weconstantly prime.Get every fifth coffee free! If you sign every coffee you buywithus. And remember: with us are coffee always freshly groundorganicand fresh Norwegian Tine milk.And what would well McDonald's been without food? You'll ofcoursesee the entire menu our app. From the classic hamburgers oursthatBig Mac and McFeast for breakfast, salads, smoothies andcoffee.Here you will find everything we offer at McDonald's!Take control of what food you eat contains with food and allergyourguide. We list all allergens and ingredients so you can safelyenjoythe food. You who are gluten allergy or lactose intolerantquicklylearn which products you should avoid. We will also kalloricontentand nutritional information here.What happens at McDonald's? In our app you will always findthelatest news. Everything from contests and games to new productsonthe menu.You can also easily find the nearest restaurant. No matter whereyouare! Search our map and see hours or facts aboutourrestaurants.
Subway® 30.2.0
Eating fresh just got a whole lot better with the new Subway app.
McDonald's McDelivery China 0.9.16
This app is published by McDonald’sDeliveryservice for customers in China to place orders viaAndroiddevices.Online ordering service is available in the followingcities:Shanghai , Beijing , Tianjin, Guangzhou , Shenzhen,Foshan,Dongguan , Zhongshan, Shantou , Huizhou, Shenyang ,Dalian,Hangzhou , Ningbo , Nanjing, Wuhan , Xi'an, Chengdu , Fuzhou,Xiamen, Quanzhou , Jinjiang, Shishi.Contact Us:Website:
SONIC Drive-In - Order Online 4.39.0
Earn rewards when you order online for delivery or pickup fromSonicDrive-In.
7-Eleven: Rewards & Shopping 4.0.10
Enjoy Exclusive Deals, Rewards, Gas Benefits, and 24/7FoodDelivery!
Taco Bell Fast Food & Delivery 8.31.0
Download the official Taco Bell® app. Your taste budswillofficially thank you.
Dead Rushing 1.1
The Undead are rising and it is up to you to stop them and savetheworld! Run, punch, shoot and jump your way throughvariedenvironments with zombies and collect zombie heads to obtainnewplayer upgrades! Game features : • Fast arcade game-play •Easypick-up and play controls • Large campaign with story across5stages • Normal zombies, special zombies and boss zombies •Randomlevel generation • Player power-up system • Three difficultylevels• Varied and high-quality SFX and music • HID controllersupportfor Android 4.2.1+, tested with PS3 controllers Permissions: Thepermissions - Internet, Network State and WIFI State are onlyusedfor the initial APK file expansion download. Tabletssupported.Full SD support (install to SD). Please send any feedbackorproblems to - Email : [email protected]
(공식) 맥도날드 맥딜리버리 배달 3.2.59 (KR58)
New McDelivery App finally released! Faster and easierMcDonald'sofficial delivery app, McDonald's My favorite McDonald'smenudelivered right away!
Delivery Club – доставка еды 4.26.0
Проголодались?▼Delivery Club – самое быстрое и удобное приложениедлязаказа еды, где есть:– Широкий выбор блюд и кухонь;– Все ваши любимые кафе и рестораны;– Доставка еды на дом и в офис.С помощью Delivery Club Вы можете сделать заказ всеговнесколько касаний.Почему Delivery Club это лучшее приложение для доставки еды?🍕 Здесь Вы можете найти блюда на любой вкус: пицца, суши,роллы,салаты, пироги, шашлык, десерты, бургеры и многоедругое;🍓 Никаких наценок и переплат. Заказ еды осуществляется по ценамменюресторанов;🍔 Эксклюзивные акции от ресторанов;🍉 Множество специальных предложений и акций;🍣 За каждый заказ начисляются бонусные баллы, которые вдальнейшемможно использовать, обменяв их на еду за баллы;🍝 Оплата банковскими картами прямо из приложения;🍟 Приложение сохраняет историю всех заказов.Преимущества приложения Delivery Club:🍰 Наличие экспресс доставки за 45 минут в пределахсадовогокольца;🍜 Вкусная еда всего в несколько кликов. Никаких звонковиутомительных ожиданий! Можно без регистрации.🍦 Не нашли свой любимый ресторан? Напишите нам, и мыобязательнодобавим его в список.🍱 Фотографии блюд и актуальное меню, а так же более 40 тысячотзывово ресторанах и система рейтингов — всё, чтобы сделатьправильныйвыбор.🍴 Дружелюбные сотрудники кол-центра всегда будут рады помочь.В нашем приложении Вы сможете найти более 4000 ресторанов,включаяТануки, Папа Джонс, Якитория, T.G.I. Friday's, БургерКинг,Шоколадница, Чайхона, Му-Му, Урюк, Faрш, Две Палочки, ИльПатио,Пироговый дворик, Хинкальная, Штолле и многие другие.Обратная связь:Ваши предложения или замечания Вы можете направить наадрес[email protected]Официальный сайт:Вы можете подписаться на наши страницы:VK ( ( (@delivery_club).Hungry?▼ Delivery Club - the fastest and most user-friendlyapplicationfor ordering food, where there is:- A wide range of dishes and cuisines;- All your favorite cafes and restaurants;- Food delivery to your home or office.Use the Delivery Club You can order just a few touches.Why Delivery Club is the best application for the deliveryoffood?🍕 Here you can find dishes to suit all tastes: pizza, sushi,rolls,salads, pies, kebabs, desserts, burgers and much more;🍓 No extra charges and overpayments. Ordering food is carried outonthe menu priced restaurants;🍔 Exclusive promotions from restaurants;🍉 lot of special offers and promotions;🍣 For every order reward points, which can then be used toexchangethem for food for points;🍝 credit card payments directly from the application;🍟 app keeps a history of all the orders.Benefits of the application Delivery Club :🍰 presence of express delivery in 45 minutes within theGardenRing;🍜 Delicious food in just a few clicks. No phone calls, andtediousexpectations! Without registering.🍦 Did not find your favorite restaurant? Write to us and we willaddit to the list.🍱 photos of dishes and the current menu, as well as more than40thousand reviews on restaurants and rating system - all to maketheright choice.🍴 Friendly staff at the call center will always be happytohelp.In our application, you can find more than 4,000restaurants,including Tanuki, Papa John's, Yakitoria, T.G.I.Friday's, BurgerKing, Chocolate, Chayhona, Mu-Mu, apricot, Farsh,two sticks, IlPatio, Pirogov yard, tavern, Stolle and manyothers.Feedback:Your suggestions or comments you can send to [email protected] website: can subscribe to our page:VK ( ( (@delivery_club).
Closest McDonalds 0.0.1
Finding the McDonald's closest to you is now easier thanever.Theapp lists out all the McDonald's stores closest to you.Getthestore location on a map which can then give you directionstogetthere. The Closest McDonald's app needs location servicestobeturned on as well a working connection to the internet to work.
KFC Poland 7.27.2
It is always worth having KFC at your fingertips!
Super Star® Rewards 2.9.12
The new revamped Super Star® Rewards,formerlyHappy Star Rewards has been completely overhauled. SuperStar®Rewards now features a streamlined check-in process thatallows youto check-in to any Carl's Jr. or Hardee's across thecountry. Eachcheck-in earns you points that you can redeem on thespot forCarl's Jr./Hardee's products or you can save your pointsfor a highvalue Carl's Jr./Hardee's reward.Updated Features:• Carl's Jr./Hardee's Menu has been optimized• Store locator has been updated and refreshed• A new point system and rewards section.• Manage and edit your profile.
Biglion – это скидки до 90%
BIGLION — это возможность пользоватьсясамымиразными услугами и путешествовать по всему миру смаксимальнойвыгодой для себя - со скидками от 50% до 90%!Приложение Биглион для Android позволяет:- просматривать текущие акции в вашем городе и участвоватьвобсуждении акций;- покупать купоны непосредственно с телефона с помощьюбанковскойкарты, через терминалы, салоны связи либо со счетамобильногооператора;- просматривать перечень купленных купонов;- погашать купоны непосредственно с телефона (о необходимостипечатикупона уточняйте у партнера).Ежедневно на сайте появляются уникальные акции на услугисалоновкрасоты, фитнес-клубов, кафе и ресторанов, развлекательныхцентров,образовательных, медицинских и других учреждений, соскидками от50% до 90%, а также на отдых и увлекательные поездки вразделах«Отели» и «Туры» со скидками от 30% до 50%!Как работает BIGLION.Купон – это сертификат на получение услуг или приобретениетоваров.Вы покупаете купон на сайте, распечатываете и затемпредъявляетепри получении услуги или товара.Каждая акция имеет ограниченный срок действия, в течение которогоупользователей сайта Biglion есть уникальнаявозможностьвоспользоваться тем или иным предложением.В разделе «Рестораны и кафе» представлены уникальные предложенияотлучших заведений в режиме реального времени. Рестораны,ночныеклубы, бары, службы доставки предлагают самые «вкусные»скидки от50% до 90%!Покупайте купоны на скидки в Москве, Петербурге,Екатеринбурге,Новосибирске, Перми, Челябинске, Казани, НижнемНовгороде,Волгограде, Самаре, Ростове-на-Дону, Твери, Красноярске,Омске,Уфе, Краснодаре, Воронеже, Саратове, Сочи, Тольятти,Тюмени,Калининграде, Владивостоке, Барнауле, Иркутске, Хабаровске,Пензе,Ульяновске, Ярославле, Липецке, Архангельске, Астрахани,Белгороде,Иваново, Калуге, Кемерово, Кирове, Новокузнецке,Оренбурге, Рязани,Ставрополе, Набережных Челнах, Томске, Владимире,Волжском,Магнитогорске, Петрозаводске и Чебоксарах.Biglion - it isanopportunity to enjoy a variety of services, and travel aroundtheworld with the maximum benefit for themselves - withdiscountsranging from 50% to 90%!Biglion app for Android allows you to:- to view the current action in your city and participate inthediscussion of the shares;- buy coupons directly from the phone by credit card, throughtheterminals, mobile shops or from a mobile operator account;- to view a list of purchased coupons;- redeem coupons directly from your phone (the need to printthecoupon check with a partner).Every day on the site appear unique action on services ofbeautysalons, fitness clubs, cafes and restaurants,entertainmentcenters, educational, medical and other institutions,withdiscounts from 50% to 90%, as well as to rest and exciting tripinthe "Hotels" and "tours" with discounts from 30% to 50%!How does BIGLION.Coupon - a certificate for a service or purchase of goods. You buyavoucher online, print out and then bring to pick up the serviceorproduct.Each share has a limited duration during which at Biglion usersofthe site have a unique opportunity to take advantage of oneoranother proposal.In the "Restaurants and Cafes" section provides unique offersfromthe best institutions in real time. Restaurants, nightclubs,bars,and delivery services offer the most "delicious" discountsfrom 50%to 90%!Buy discount coupons in Moscow, St. Petersburg,Yekaterinburg,Novosibirsk, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, NizhnyNovgorod, Volgograd,Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Tver, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk,Ufa, Krasnodar,Voronezh, Saratov, Sochi, Togliatti, TyumenKaliningrad VladivostokBarnaul Irkutske, Khabarovsk, PenzaUlyanovsk Yaroslavl LipetskArkhangelsk Astrakhan Belgorod, Ivanova,Kaluga, Kemerovo,Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Orenburg Ryazan StavropolNaberezhniyeChelny, Tomsk, Vladimir, Volzhsky , Magnitogorsk,Petrozavodsk andCheboksary .