Top 19 Apps Similar to Menstrual Cycle Calendar

Period Tracker 1.2.32
Track your periods, calculate menstrual cycle, get notifications.
My Menstrual Diary 3.4.5
** Over 3,000,000 downloads worldwide **
Period Tracker & Ovulation 7.1.8
Living Better
Ovulation tracker, period calendar and menstral cycle trackeryoucan rely on!
Menstruation Fertility Pro Lte 3.0.9
This app keep track of your menstrual cycles and topredictmenstruation periods
Pregnancy Tracker 1.4.2
Pregnant? Just track your pregnancy using this pregnancy app!
Woman Calendar 2.1
This is reliable and easy-to-use women’s calendar. It calculatesthedays within the menstrual cycle with high and low chancesofconception, thus helping avoid unwanted pregnancies or, ontheopposite, conceive a child. A lightweight and intuitiveinterfaceof the program uses colors to mark each day of the cycle.TheWomen’s Calendar is an indispensable aide for any woman, anditsmobile version will be immensely helpful for active andmobileladies. The Women’s Calendar offers PIM functionality: allowsusersto take notes, set reminders about important events related toyourbody, days that are most suitable for measuring thebasaltemperature, body weight or taking vitamins. You can leavecommentsfor any particular day and then view them in the generallistwithout missing a single one. This program will help youimplementthe practice of natural contraception. You will see dayswith ahigh chance of conception, ovulation days and periods inaconvenient and colorful ovulation calendar.
Pregnancy Due Date Calculator 1.96
Pregnancy Due Date Calculator, Due Date Countdown,PregnancyCalendar & Tracker
Woman Log & Ovulation Tracker 2.0.1
Menstrual calendar, ovulation calculator, fertility diary,pregnancyplanning
Period Tracker Bloom 4.3
A reliable and easy-to-use app, accurately tracking periodsandovulation.
Pregnancy Calendar 2.4.7
Pregnancy Calendar helps to know how your pregnancy proceeds.
WomanLog Pro Calendar 6.8.8
Women's calendar. It's what every woman needs!
Get Pregnant 2.5
If you're trying to conceive it cansometimestake a while before you are pregnant. To increase thechance ofbecoming pregnant you can try to determine your fertileperiod.Having intercourse in the fertile period can considerablyincreasethe chance of becoming pregnant.You can determine your fertile period in a few simple steps, up to6months in advance. If you are already pregnant you can usethecalculator to determine your expected delivery date.The calculations are based on the fact that ovulation takes place14days before menstruation. No indication can be given formenstrualcycles exceeding 35 days and less than 21 days.Select the first day of your last menstruation, the averagedurationof your menstrual cycle and then click on"Calculate".Included tips for a girl or boy.New functions:Call DoctorYou can call your doctor from the app. When you press theCallDoctor button, you will be directly taken to thedialingscreen.Caller IDGet Pregnant has free caller ID. It identifies callers for you-even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID results areshownafter calls and also allow you to save the contact detailsdirectlyto your address-book.Also when you call your doctor and cannot reach him or her,CallerID will suggest up to 3 alternative doctors in the samegeographicregion. So in case you urgently need to speak to a doctoranalternative will be at hand with Caller ID.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences inthesettings menu any time.
EHR / EMR Health records 2.5
Electronic patient records app organizes doctorappointments,storesdocuments and test results, sets reminders fortakingmedication.Now it is possible in any place and at any time:1.Have at hand allmedical analysis, hospital reports,clinicaldiagnosis. You canalways monitor the indices dynamics ingraph. 2.Create events:doctor appointment, fever, influenza,bloodpressure, pulse,contraceptive pill. 3. Create reminders fordrugintake, tablets,injections. It has the opportunity to remindyouof taking severalmedicine simultaneously. 4. Use calorie andbmicalculator. EMR letyou calculate such indices as dailycalorieintake, ideal bodyweight, ratio of waist and hips. 5.Usefertility calendar and trackthe cycles of menstruation.Menstrualcalendar let you calculatepregnancy, menstrual cycle,ovulationand fertile days. Be healthyand keep well, and EHR appwill helpyou with it.
Menstrual Calendar Premium
This the Premium version of MenstrualCalendar,with no feature limits and no ads.IMPORTANT : BACKUP DATA IN MENSTRUAL CALENDAR FREE BEFOREINSTALL(this is available in the "Settings" menu). You'll be abletoimport data from free to premium.
Menstrual Calendar 2.6.4
Menstrual calendar is a free Period, and ovulation tracker
Woman diary, Menstrual cycle 1.0.3
Woman diary, Menstrual cycle, the easiestwaytotrack your menstrual cycle.Woman diary, Menstrual cycle, the easiest way to get the babyboyorgirl.You want to know today is a day of conception or safe daysforsexualintercourse?You really want to be notified the menstrual cycle,safetydays,ovulation, fertilization or days to prepareaction?You want to log to track each sign change in thedate:menstruation,ovulation, fertilization, safe days forsexualintercourse, etc. andyou can note everything happened duringtakesplace during themenstruation, ovulation, and safe day.We bring you "Woman diary, Menstrual cycle" app than youcandothings as: intercourse for conception, safe sex totheeasiest.Woman diary, Menstrual cycle is a nice and easy - to-useapplication helps women (man) keep track offertile,periods,cycle, ovulation, and safe sex. Whether you areconcernedaboutconceiving, birth control, get baby, contraception,regularityofperiod cycles then this app can help you.'Woman diary, Menstrual cycle' app that helps users totrackthecycle, menstruation, ovulation, fertility, on safe sex,date sexofconception , mood, spirit, body weight, height, get baby,etc.Helps you achieve all issues in gender relations.'Woman diary, Menstrual cycle' app will help you controlsuchascycle tracker, woman diary, and menstrual cycle,periodcalendar,ovulation calendar, fertility tracker, periodtracker,mood trackerand can be generalized as "womancalendar".'Woman diary, Menstrual cycle' Feature: * Beautiful Interface Design* Easy to use and multilingual, free use.• Schedule time tracking for girls and young women, even menareageof majority, adults.* Time tracking, scheduling safe relationship, safesexdate,expected date of safe sex.• Schedule ovulation, conception date intercourse,ovulationtohaving a baby.* Displays important information daily diary totrackdetailedmenstrual cycle.* Note logs by date/daily: Allows you to save the informationonadaily blood flow, symptoms, mood,temperature,dailymenstruation.* Adjust marked the first day of the menstrual cycle, the lastdayofthe menstrual cycle, the level of more or less blood.• Schedule showing the first day of the week: MondayorSunday.* Backup and restore the data on your system, delete andresetthesystem.* Set a password for the app if you need privacy.* Estimated date of menstruation when approaching day.* Setting: change the subject, change the cycle length, thelengthofthe menstrual cycle, symptoms and mood* Adjust the predicted period of time in the Settings* Show beautiful graphs.The "Woman diary, Menstrual cycle" application is usefultousers(free), allows users to calculate: fertility,,ovulation,conception sex date, date of the baby, woman diary,cycletracker,menstrual cycle, ovulation calendar.Besides, this app allow you proactively establishcycles,writedaily diary calendar, and proactively configuretheapplication:re-set app, setting password for login, backupandrestore data,setting note, setting date of week, easy toinstallapplicationsand the use of the application.Finally, we summarize the features of the app:fertility,period,ovulation, women check, cycle, pregnancy,pregnant,health.Download app free today! Thanks you for download anduse“Lovecycle & ovulation tracker”.
Ovia: Fertility, Cycle, Health 6.3.0
Ovia Health
Period, ovulation & fertility, & menopause trackerwithmenstrual cycle calendar
Period Tracker Deluxe
Period Tracker is the easiest way to trackyourperiods!* Press a button at the start of your period every month.PeriodTracker logs your dates and calculates the average of yourpast 3months' menstrual cycles to predict the start date of yournextperiod.* View your current and future period dates, ovulation andfertiledays, your moods and your symptoms in a simplemonth-viewcalendar.* Decorate your phone with an icon that looks great on yourhomescreen and that's discreet. It reads simply "P Tracker."Period Tracker is FILLED WITH FEATURES.* Take daily notes of moods, symptoms, and intimacy.* Easily view the number of days until next period or number ofdayslate.* Know when you're fertile with flowers that show on yourhomescreenduring your predicted ovulation and eight day"fertilewindow."* Track advanced fertility features such as cervical mucusandpositions.* Add a widget to your home screen to show a countdown to yournextperiod
* View your data with charts.
* Turn on pregnancy modetocount down to your baby's due date.
* Personalize your appwithyour choice of skins.Please email comments and suggestions to [email protected]: Period Tracker period and fertility forecasts may notbeaccurate and should not be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy.Toforecast ovulation Period Tracker calculates 14 days beforetheprojected start date of one's next period. Forecastaccuracydepends on a number of factors including how regular one'scyclelength is, when one actually ovulates during the cycle, andhowmany periods have been logged in the app. Anxiety, stress,diet,nutrition, exercise, environment, medications, age andotherfactors can also affect one's cycle from month to month.By downloading this app you agree to the End User LicenseAgreementat .
Period Calendar Pro
Period Calendar Pro, helps to track and predict your period,cycleand ovulation