Top 3 Apps Similar to Weather - temperature

حالة الطقس اليومية 1.0.0
حالة الطقس اليومية تطبيق سهل بواجهةجذابةيمكنكمن معرفة درجات الحرارة لمدة 7 أيام بالمنطقة التيتتواجدفيها.حالة الطقس اليومية يمكنك من التحديد التلقائي للموقعباستعمالتقنيةGPS كما يمكنك من اختيار أي مدينة تريدها عبرالعالم.خصائص التطبيق• واجهة سهلة الاستعمال بألوان متناسقة• استعمال تقنية GPS لتحديد الموقع• إمكانية اختيار المدينة• تحديد درجات الحرارة الصغرى والكبرى خلال اليوم• معرف سرعة الرياح• معرف درجة الرطوبة• الاختيار بين Fو С• معرفة توقعات الحرارة الأسبوعيةThe case ofdailyweathereasy application attractive interface you can findoutthetemperature for 7 days in the region where it ispresent. The case of daily weather you can from theautomaticselectionof the site using GPS technology also enables youtochoose any cityyou want across the world.Application properties• The interface is easy to use consistent colors• Use GPS technology to determine the location• the possibility of choosing the city• Determine the temperature small and large during the day• wind speed ID• humidity ID• choice between F and С• Knowledge of weekly temperature forecasts
Weather Place Navigation (WPN) 1.0
Weather Place Navigation (WPN) App is the combination ofthreeApplications.
Sunshine Weather Deep Blue 1.1
Sunshine Weather App Deep Blue(Updated12/10/2015):Sunshine Deep Blue is a weather Android application. It issimple,quick, modern, minimal, and up to date with Google'scurrentMaterial Design and Android development standards. Thisversion ofthe application is the deep blue color theme.Supports 7" and 10" Android tablet sizes as well asAndroidsmartphones in multiple densities and resolution.Search locally or internationally by zip code, city, orcountry(including most abbreviations).Open Google Maps at your defined location.Share the weather from your location upon a click(ortwo...).**Important** - Use the settings button to change location,forweather conversions, and to turn notifications on and off.*** The settings/menu button will allow you tochangetemperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit. ***This application is written in conjunction withUdacity's:Developing Android Applications. This course is meant tocover allof the fundamentals and building blocks of AndroidDevelopment aswell as the use of java and xml. This course has arecommended timeperiod of 8-10 weeks.Those of you looking to familiarize yourself with all ofthefundamentals in Android Application Development, pleasevisitUdacity's course catalog at search for "Developing Android Apps". Designed andinstructedby software/mobile developers, designers, and engineers,all ofwhich are current employees at Google.May the weather be perfect for you!------- Version 1.1 Released - Fixed Known Bugs -------Fixed Open Weather Map API key bug on weather requestFixed Lollipop 5.0 bug - crash on startFixed syncing issues, no more lag timeSlight color change for Material Design------ Version 1.0 (Old Release)------I will be working on current bugs and perhaps a new featureortwo in the next version.Known bugs:***** Calculation/conversion problem on Landscape andPortraitmode for 7" tablet(Verizon Ellipsis 7).**** Landscape mode is not turning for Nexus 10 tablet onEmulator.I haven't tested on an actual Android device yet.*** Upon entering null or " " into location search field, acrashupon startup will follow. Please re-install to solveissue.* Google Map Location pulls up location south-east ofactuallocation in long, lat, which was pulled kill application and restart. If thatdoes not resolveissue, Please re-install to solve the issue.* Application syncs upon a frequent dynamic timer. Thissometimesmakes the application update a few moments after theinitialrequest. Previous data is stored in a local database andcalled uponthe application starting until a sync is available ormade.