Top 17 Apps Similar to Emissor Gratuito de NFC-e

MarketUP Comandas 2.3.2
MarketUP Comandas Totalmente grátis!! Ideal paraBares,Restaurantes,Lanchonetes, Food Truck, salões de beleza edemaisnegócios queoperam baseados na lógica de comandas. Oaplicativooferece asseguintes funcionalidades: - Integração com oERP e PDVMarketUP -Senhas individuais para cada garçom/atendente -Mapa demesasdisponíveis ou ocupadas e seu respectivo consumo-Personalize ascategorias e produtos com alta rotatividadetornandoa navegaçãoágil. - Facilidade e eficiência na geração deum novopedido - Enviodireto do pedido para impressoras na cozinhaou bar- Possibilidadede adicionar observações para seus pedidos-Transferência parcial oucompleta de itens anotados namesa/comanda- Inclua motivos paratransferência de mesa/comanda -Fechamento decomanda de formainstantânea, basta selecionar a mesa;- Tempo queo cliente solicitouum produto - Informe quantas pessoasestãoconsumindo na mesaAproveite essas e mais funcionalidadesdoaplicativo e dê um UP emseu negócio. #OMELHOREGRATIS
Business Model Canvas & SWOT 1.7.0
Mob Business
Build better Business Models Canvas. The BusinessModelCanvascombines the speed of a napkin sketch with the smartsofaspreadsheet. It enables you to map, test, and iterateyourbusinessideas – fast. With the Business Model Toolbox you willbeable to:- Sketch your business model using thepracticalmethodology fromthe best-selling book, Business ModelGeneration. -Test theprofitability of your ideas with a quickreport andbreakdowns byoffer, customer segments, and costs. The appis basedon theBusiness Model Canvas, a widely practicedvisualtemplatepre-formatted with the nine blocks of a businessmodel(customersegments, value propositions, channels,customerrelationships,revenue streams, key resources, keyactivities, keypartners, coststructure). This application aims tohelp allentrepreneurs andStartups to organize and build theirbusinessmodel using thefamous Canvas. With simple layout andusability,navigationthroughout the application can be found inbuttonsActionBar, topof the screen. You can build your modelautomaticallyand ModelCanvas share via email, facebook and save onyour memorycard!
NFC TagWriter by NXP 4.8.9
Real data storage, Bluetooth pairing via Tap to launch;launchapplications
NFC Smart Tags 1.0
Manav Singhal
NFC Smart Tags enables the users to youreadand write the RFID, NDEF, Mifare Tags and other NFC compatibletagsby storing URL, SMS, phone numbers for an immediate callrequest ,smart posters or even create business cards. One can makeany NFCTag his business card and share it with the friends. Theappsupports vCard version 3.0 specifications.The app offers a number of features -1) Read TagAs soon as the app is launched, one can scan the NFC tagsbytouching it to the handset. One can also view the TagTypeInformation by clicking at the top right corner of thescreen.2) Write TagOne can write the tags by clicking the 'Write Tags' menu andthenselecting appropriate category. Enter the Tag Content andclick'Write' and then touch the tag to handset.These are different categories of data, you can write:• Contact Number• Absolute URL• Text/Plain• URI• Business Card (vCard 3.0)• Smart Poster3) View Previous Scanned TagsThe app also maintains the history of last 5 scanned tags.For further information, please feel free to contact at [email protected]
NFC Developer 2.1.1
Create and write NFC messages using your mobile andcomputertogether in an effective workflow.Supports all kinds of NDEF Records and data types (NDEF is thethenative NFC data format in Android):- URI Records- Text Records- Mime Records- External Type Records including Android Application Records- Handover Records- and moreGetting started:From your computer, open the online NDEF editor at or get theEclipseplugin at file-based editor.Once your NFC message is composed, the editorautomagicallygenerates a binary QR code - scanned by this app. Thensimply touchup an NFC tag to write - couldn't be more simple.Additional features:- Auto-detect and preview of various data types- Load/save to file, email as attachment- Writing tags as read-only- Reading tags and beams- NFC Intent broadcasts- Pretty printing previews of XML and JSON- Remembers tags. Simply swipe to traverse!- Beam supportAlso see examples and full demo apps.Please note that the auto-detection of binary payload is noexactscience. But if you are working with XML or JSON formatsyou'll loveit! :-)Non-NFC devicesThese devices are supported through the use of broadcastintent(like the FakeTagsActivity Android example).┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓Please supplement any negative review of this app withadescription of the problem(s),if not improving the application is not possible.┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛Bonus: The Eclipse Plugin site also hosts a downloadableversionof this app which accesses and renders contents in URIrecords(requires the internet permission).MAINTAINERS WANTED. Please email me.
Dashclock NFC Extension 0.7
Dashclock NFC Extension is an extension fortheDashclock Widget that displays information about yourdevice'snear-field communication status.This extension is free to use when used alone but whenusedsimultaneously with other extensions made by this developer,asmall one-time purchase is required to unlock them all.This application is entirely open-source. If you'd like tohavenew features or additional languages/locales please raise anissueticket at extension requires the requires the Dashclock WidgetbyRomanNurik:
Easy Wallet 悠遊付 3.0.77_release_654
Easy Wallet-You Wallet's e-wallet with exclusive beep ride andnewelectronic payment applications
nfc card time tracker machine 1.0.10
This app allows you to manage the movements of your (staff/student/ child / kid) from any location in the world. All youneedis aninternet connection and a smart phone. It requiresnospecializedhardware and just needs any run of the mill smartphoneor tabletwith Android Using this app will allow you to: •View‘clock in’ and‘clock out’ times of your staff / student / child/kid • Automateyour staff time sheets • Recognise and reward staff/student /child / kid • Discipline staff / student / child / kid•Measurestaff productivity The NFCsmartphone features one or RFID / NFC cards(TMoney / debit card /credit card, student ID, employee ID, GolfZonecard, NFC cards,NFC tags, cards, and porch access this featureinAccess Card) -User: face or RFID / NFC cards (T Money / debitcard/ credit card,student ID, employee ID, Golf Zone card, NFCcards,NFC tags,cards, and porch access this feature in AccessCard)Note>however. specific device Galaxy s4, Galaxy Note 3 maynotsupportall the tags and cards. These tags can be used topurchaseorNTAG203 nfc card or transportation card (2$) in the openmarketata convenience store or not have a minute card is deserved.APPisan attendance check Attendance feature by default,andprovidesservice that allows you to use the card and justusingyoursmartphone(smartpad, tablet). 1 Team selection -work,school,preschool / children Jim, school, event / exhibition/education /conference / seminar 2 Scroll and services rightafterregistrationa rfid(nfc) card or certification 3 user (stafforstudents oraboriginal or visitors) to register (If you ownthetraffic cardregistration for convenience) 4 userscompleteAttendanceAttendance Click button Put the card! (If no cardiscompleteauthentication attendance photos) - Employeeattendancemanagementwithin the company - In stores Alba Attendance- Travel /roadwarriors frequent staff attendance management -StudentsAttendanceManagement - Attendance of students. - Nursery/KindergartenAttendance - Attendance notice to parents - Suchasevents /exhibition / education / conference / seminar / church/religiousgatherings Registration and Attendance /AttendanceManagement -Additional auxiliary Manager / modify /deletefunctions - CityManager authenticates the user list /attendanceImport fromanother phone - Employee / Student / Register/ modify /deletefunctions - Employee / Student / Member LookupFunction -Work(seats) check function - Work (seats) check function- Awayfromthe office (seat) check function - Entry / red cardcheckfunction- Check out feature - Leave early check-ins -Checkfunctionreturns - Keep checking - Photo check-ins -Attendancemanagerlookup function - Employees, Alba, students,aboriginal,since noregistration restrictions - Attendancemanagement,attendancemanagement, time management, time andattendance, Albamanagement,staff management, aboriginal management,membershipmanagement,teacher management Beep! Check if work itself!Beep!Check if workitself! When no card is replaced withcameras,certification!NFC-enabled smartphone with pleasure oncemore!Smartphone usedoubled in a variety of fun features!Serviceimprovements at anytime and any inconvenience [email protected]
NFC tag reader/writer 2.2
You can read the text of a NFC tag or write text to it!
Microsoft Tag, QR & NFC Reader 5.6.4
Microsoft Tag
The Microsoft Tag app lets youinstantlyconnect to a whole new world of information andentertainment. Thislatest version now reads Microsoft Tag barcodesand QR Codes aswell as NFC touchpoints for those with NFC-enableddevices. No needto type long URLs or text short codes, simply scana 2D barcode ortap a touchpoint wherever you see one. Tagrecognition technologiestransform traditional marketing, such asprint advertising,billboards, packaging and LCD displays, into livelinks thatimmediately access info, videos and other materialsonline... notyping required.
NFC Keyboard Software 1.0
Service for connecting to an NFCkeyboard(TK-FNS040BK).
Samsung Mobile Print 4.08.033
HP Inc.
With Samsung Mobile Print, you can directly print toSamsungPrinters.
DG NFC Automation 7.73
«Time Recording» Automation with NFC Tags
NFC Tracking Lite 1.4
Tracking system with NFC tags.Easy to use, fast and low cost.To use the system to create an account on
NFC Monkey 0.9.1
NFC Monkey is a simple multitool whichincludesthe following functions:- system settings Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / Display- profile settings- start any App- create NFC vCards- copy NFC-Tags- text to Speech- open any website- call- SMS- e-mail- airplane mode (below Android 4.2)- restart und power down (root)
Pague Fácil Código de Barras v11
IMPORTANTE: LEIA ATÉ O FINAL E SIGA TODOOTUTORIALPague Fácil com Código de Barras é uma ferramenta parafacilitaro pagamento de boletos de cobrança e contas de consumotais comoágua, luz, telefone, etc.Transforma o seu smart phone em um leitor de código de barrasnopadrão Febraban e calcula a linha digitável, transmite paraumprograma em seu PC Windows Desktop, que fará a digitação porvocêno site do seu banco.Tanto o PC como o smart phone devem estar conectados àInternet,não é necessário estar na mesma rede e será precisoatender algumascondições para que o resultado seja alcançado.Leia com atenção as instruções a seguir.Em primeiro lugar instale o aplicativo Barcode Scanner daZXingTeam através do link a seguir:ós a instalação teste a leitura com alguns boletos e contasdeconsumo, se a leitura for tranquila e sempre retornar 44 ou47caracteres numéricos como texto/ITF pode seguir ospróximospassos.Os testes com o Lg Nexus 5, Moto G e Samsung Prime 5foramexcelentes, inclusive lendo diretamente de monitores de vídeo.Aqualidade da câmera de vídeo e o auto focus da mesma sãomuitoimportante, tenha uma boa luminosidade no ambiente paraefetuar aleitura.Instale este aplicativo "Pague Fácil com Código de Barras" noseusmartphone.Faça o download do programa para Windows desktop através dolinka seguir: salve a onde desejar, o melhor é salvar na área detrabalhodesktop, pois o programa não tem instalador e assim vocênãoprecisará criar o atalho para o programa.Este programa está livre de vírus e tem 29Kb, nehum históricodeleitura ou informações do seu computador e/ou smartphone éguardadopelos programas.Se achar necessário, você mesmo pode fazer uma varredura on-linenoexecutável através do link: os aplicativos (android e desktop) e informe o e-mailqueaparece na tela do seu smart phone no programa desktop.Clique no botão Ler e Enviar Código de Barras p/ PC e efetuealeitura, o código de barras lido e a linha digitável apareceramnatela do seu smart phone.Tudo dando certo, deixe o word ou o bloco de notas aberto paraoprograma fazer a digitação de teste e clique no botão Pegar CB eeminstantes a linha digitável será digitado no programaimediatamenteaberto anteriormente.Agora é só entrar na conta do seu banco e pagar as contas,nuncase esqueça de posicionar o cursor no campo de digitação docódigode barras.Esta ferramenta de produtividade não funcionará a contentoparatodos, pois depende muito da qualidade da câmera de vídeo,favornão negativar se não for possível ler o código de barras com oseuaparelho.Vídeo tutorial de exemplo:úvidas poderão ser esclarecidas através do e-mail [email protected] você ficar satisfeito com esta ferramenta faça umaavaliaçãoaqui e informe a marca e modelo do smart phoneutilizado.Obrigado.IMPORTANT: READ TOTHEFINAL AND FOLLOW ALL TUTORIALPay with Easy Barcode is a tool to facilitate thepaymentcollection slips and utility bills such as water,electricity,telephone, etc.Turns your smart phone into a barcode reader at Febrabanpatternand calculates the typeful line, transmits to a program onyour PCWindows Desktop, which will make typing for you at yourbank'swebsite.Both the PC as the smart phone must be connected to theInternet,it is not necessary to be on the same network and youmust meetcertain conditions so that the result is achieved.Carefully read the following instructions.First install the application Barcode Scanner from ZXingTeamthrough the following link: installation test reading with some slips andutilitybills, if the reading is quiet and always return 44 or 47numericcharacters as text / ITF can follow the next steps.The tests with the Lg Nexus 5, Moto G and Samsung Prime 5wereexcellent, including reading directly from video monitors.Thequality of the video camera and auto focus are just veryimportantto have a good light in the environment to make thereading.Install this "Pay with Easy Barcode" application onyoursmartphone.Download the Windows desktop program through thefollowinglink: save where you want, it is best to save thedesktopworkspace, because the program has no installer and so youdo notneed to create the shortcut to the program.This program is virus-free and has 29Kb, nehum reading historyorinformation on your computer and / or smartphone is saved bytheprograms.If you think necessary, you can even do an online scantheexecutable through the link: apps (android and desktop) and enter the e-mail thatappearson the screen of your smart phone in the desktopprogram.Click the Scan and Send Barcode p / PC button and makereading,read barcode and typeful line appeared on the screen ofyour smartphone.All going well, let the Word or Notepad to open the programtothe test typing and click the Get CB button and within momentsthetypeful line will be entered into the program immediatelyopenedearlier.Now just enter the account of your bank and pay bills,neverforget to position the cursor in the input field ofthebarcode.This productivity tool will not work satisfactorily foreveryone,it depends a lot of video camera quality, please do notbe negativeif you can not read the barcode with your phone.Video tutorial example: will be answered by e-mail [email protected] you are satisfied with this tool make an assessment hereandenter the make and model of smart phone use. Thanks.
ACR 1281 USB NFC Reader Utils 1.0.2
Utility app for the ACR 1281 NFC Reader. Configuresvarioussettings.