Top 5 Apps Similar to Monopoly Guide for All Players

Offline Monopoly - Ebook 1.0
R. Sternitzky
People are tired of selling SEOandothercommonly sold services to business owners but its hardbecauseyoudon't know what else to sell them. However, the problemwith youisthat you want to sell something people will buy, right?Offline businesses are lacking in the ability to stay uptodatewith clients and businesses. So many of them are losingoutonclients because they just can't seem to know what to dotogetclients coming back.Businesses have clients coming in all the time onaFriday,Saturday, and Sunday. Usually they don't even need tomarketforthose days because people just walk into theirrestaurant,store,or whatever the business is.How do they get marketing? They're stuck therewithlittlecustomers and just waiting until the weekend hits formorepeopleto come in.Oftentimes, business owners find themselves stuckbecausetheyknow there is a certain hour... certain day... and acertainpartof the day that just doesn't get any customers. This iswherethisamazing report comes into play.
Микроэкономика 2.1
Exam questions on the subject of "Microeconomics".
Предпринимательское право 2.1
Exam questions on the subject "Business Law".
Tokoh Penemu Dunia 1.0
Orang yang menciptakan penemuan baru,biasanyaalat teknik seperti alat atau metode mekanis, elektronik,ataupiranti lunak disebut Seorang penemu. Meskipun penemu bisajugaseorang ilmuwan, tapi biasanya penemu menemukan sesuatuberdasarkanberbagai pengetahuan dari ilmuwan lainnya, bereksperimendenganpenerapan praktis dan kombinasi berbagai pengetahuantersebut,serta dengan mengembangkan dan mengombinasi alat-alat yangada,untuk menciptakan alat baru yang bermanfaat.Sebuah sistem paten ditetapkan untuk menyemangati parapenemu,dengan cara memberikan monopoli dalam waktu terbatas untukpenemuanyang dinilai cukup baru. Belakangan ini dipandang bahwasistem inisering disalahgunakan, terutama di AS, dan sebagian orangmenuntutadanya perombakan, atau bahkan penghapusan sistem paten. DiAS, hakpaten berasal dari Konstitusi, jadi penemu akan terusmelindungipenemuannya dengan cara tersebut untuk waktu yanglama.Aplikasi "Tokoh Penemu Dunia" memuat informasi daftar Tokohyangmenciptakan alat baru yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupanmanusia.Informasi "Tokoh Penemu Dunia" dalam bentuk aplikasi Androidinisangat praktis.Fitur yang tersedia di dalam aplikasi "Tokoh PenemuDunia":- Gratis- Gambar Background Beragam Agar Tidak Bosan- Selalu UpdateDownload Sekarang Juga dan manfaatkan aplikasinya.Jangan lupa untuk Rate dan Review Aplikasi ini setelahandamainkan. Terima kasih.The person who createsanew invention, usually technical equipment such as tools ormethodsof mechanical, electronic, or software called An inventor.Althoughthe inventor can also be a scientist, but usually theinventordiscovered something based on various knowledge ofotherscientists, experimenting with practical applications andacombination of knowledge, as well as to develop andcombineexisting tools, to create a useful new tool.A patent system is set to encourage the inventors, by givingamonopoly for a limited time for discovery is considered quitenew.Lately seen that these systems are often misused, especially intheUS, and some people demanded a reshuffle, or even abolition ofthepatent system. In the US, patents derived from the Constitution,sothe inventors will continue to protect his invention in thiswayfor a long time.Applications "People of the World Discoverer"containsinformation about the list of leaders who create new toolsthat areuseful for human life.Information "Inventor People of the World" in the form ofAndroidapplications is very practical.Features available in the application "Prominent Inventor oftheWorld":- Free- Diverse Background Image To Not Bored- Always UpdateDownload NOW and take advantage of its application.Do not forget to rate and review this application after youplay.thanks.
Ярче - справочник 2.6
"Ярче"- бизнес информационный справочник города.В справочникеможнонайти нужную организацию и еёконтакты.Пользуясьфильтрами,узнавайте,какие организации работаютсейчас иликруглосуточно и каким способом можно оплатить покупку илиуслугу.Загружайте приложение и пользуйтесь справочником безподключения кинтернету. Вся информация доступна в режиме "offline".Вы можетезвонить на номера телефонов из справочника прямос телефона иузнавать любую интересующую вас информацию.Например-заказать таксиили столик в кафе. Информационная базаприложения будет обновлятьсяраз в неделю,чтобы жители и гостинашего города имели самую полнуюинформацию обо всех организациях.