Top 8 Apps Similar to Principality of Monaco map

Mappy – Plan, Itinéraire, GPS
Mappy S.A.
Pour aller au boulot, chez vos amis, fairedushopping, partir en week-end… Mappy vous accompagne sur tousvostrajets !Au quotidien, vous êtes plutôt…- Métro / boulot / dodo ?- Vélo / shopping / apéro / resto ?- Trottinette / école / yoga / disco ?Quel que soit votre rythme ou vos habitudes, Mappy s’occupe detout:- Comparaison de tous les modes de transport : voiture,transportsen commun, taxi, Autolib’, Uber, train, BlaBlaCar,autocar, vélo,vélo libre service, piéton ;- Trafic temps réel : infos trafic ultra-précises actualiséestoutesles 2 minutes = itinéraires + temps de parcours garantis!- Service sur-mesure : Ferrari ou trottinette ? Diesel ou essence?Baskets ou talons ? On s’adapte à vos habitudes dedéplacement;- Vues 360° (strite viou maison) ;- Guidage GPS ;- Plus de 5 millions de lieux et commerces référencés :hôtels,restaurants, parking, stations-service, mode,fleuristes…----- AU SUJET DU GPS ------- Remarque n°1 : c’est encore en bêta.- Remarque n°2 : contrairement à l’ancienne applicationMappyGPSFree, le nouveau guidage GPS vous offre le trafic tempsréel etnécessite une connexion au réseau.---------------------------Vous aussi, vous avez quelque chose à nous dire ou à nous suggérer?N’hésitez pas à nous contacter par e-mail :[email protected] si vous avez des questions, pensez à lire notre FAQ: application est faite avec beaucoup d’amour et d’humouràBoulogne-Billancourt !Nos partenaires :PagesJaunes,, Balladins, Best Western, BonsPlansVacances Camping, B&B Hôtels,,Fasthotel,LaFourchette, Mc Donald’sAutolib’, Vélib’, BlaBlaCar, DriiveMe, Parc Zoologique deParis,, UberCentury 21, Darty, E.Leclerc, SFR, Auchan, Lidl, Canal+, LesMétauxPrécieuxRéseaux de transports en commun : STIF, RATP, SNCF, Bibus, Lemet’,SIBRA, TBC, Transgironde, DIVIA, TAG, TCL, RTM, Soléa, STAN,TAN,Lignes d’Azur, TANGO, TAO, STAR , CTS, TISSEO, CITURA, STL,CTRL,Setram, LIARéseau vélo JC Decaux : vélo’v, Vélib’, VéloCité, levélo,VélôToulouse, Cy’clic, Vélam, bicloo, velOstan’lib,Vél02,CristolibTo go to work,withfriends, shopping, going on weekend ... Mappy accompany you onallyour trips!In everyday life, you are rather ...- Metro / work / sleep?- Bike / shopping / cocktail / restaurant?- Scooter / school / yoga / disco?Whatever your pace or your habits, Mappy takes careofeverything:- Comparison of all modes of transport: car, public transport,taxi,Autolib 'Uber, train BlaBlaCar, bus, bike, self-servicebicycle,pedestrian;- Real-time traffic: highly accurate traffic informationupdatedevery 2 minutes = + routes guaranteed time course!- tailor-made service: Ferrari or scooter? Diesel orpetrol?Sneakers or heels? It suits your travel habits;- Views 360 ° (Strite viou house);- GPS guidance;- More than 5 million places and shops referenced:hotels,restaurants, parking, gas stations, fashion, florists...----- ABOUT GPS ------- Note 1: This is still in beta.- Note 2: unlike the old application Mappy GPSFree, the newGPSguide offers you real-time traffic and requires anetworkconnection.---------------------------You too have something to say or to suggest? Do not hesitatetocontact us by e-mail: [email protected] you have questions, consider reading ourFAQ: This application is made with love and humorinBoulogne-Billancourt!Our partners :PagesJaunes, Balladins, Best Western, HolidaytipsCamping, B & B Hotels,, Fasthotel,LaFourchette,McDonald'sAutolib 'Vélib' BlaBlaCar, DriiveMe, Zoological Park ofParis,, UberCentury 21, Darty, E.Leclerc, SFR, Auchan, Lidl, Canal +,ThePrecious MetalsNetworks of transport: STIF, RATP, SNCF, Bibus, puts the'SIBRA,TBC, Transgironde, DIVIA, TAG, TCL, RTM, Soléa, STAN, TAN,LinesRiviera, TANGO, TAO STAR CTS , TISSEO, CITURA, STL, CTRL,Setram,LIABicycle Network JC Decaux: vélo'v, Velib, VéloCité,biking,VélôToulouse, Cy'clic, Velam, bicloo, VélOstan'Lib,Vél02,Cristolib
Mappy GPS Free
Mappy S.A.
Un vrai GPS gratuit et disponible partout!Trafic en temps réel, zones de danger, carte embarquée,retrouveztoutes les fonctionnalités essentielles d’un GPS, et mêmeplus,pour naviguer en toute tranquillité sur les routes. Vouscherchez,vous trouvez, vous y allez!Ce que nos utilisateurs disent de nous :Très bien Bonne application de Mappy GPS Free. Fluide, voirlavitesse, limite de vitesse, etc. Je m’en sers trèstrèsrégulièrement et bien pratiqueAppli PARFAITE!!!! La meilleure appli GPS que j'ai vu.Superpratique, complète, et simple d'utilisation. Bravo. Chapeau!!!Etsurtout, merci! !Simple d'utilisation. Menu épuré et clair. Je le recommandevivementaux personnes comme moi qui n avons pas de forfaitinternetillimité.Votre destinationQue vous vous rendiez chez un ami, dans un restaurant, ouretourniezchez vous, mappyGPS vous amène à destination.Entrez une adresse, ou bien le nom d’un de vos contacts, devosfavoris, ou encore des coordonnées GPS, et vous êtes prêtàpartir.Votre historique de navigation est facilement accessible dès lapagede recherche, comme deux raccourcis Maison / Travail sont làpourfaciliter vos déplacements quotidiens.Vous cherchez à vous rendre dans un commerce, unrestaurant,MappyGPS vous accompagne également. Grâce à larecherchePagesJaunes et aux millions de professionnels répertoriés,que vousen connaissiez le nom, ou que vous en cherchiez juste un,nousavons la réponse pour vous!Votre itinérairemappyGPS calcule les itinéraires les plus rapides pour arriveràvotre destination et vous propose jusqu’à trois alternatives.Cesitinéraires intègrent les conditions trafic en temps réel,pourvous permettre de sélectionner au mieux votre trajet.Des options sont aussi à votre disposition pour personnaliservotreroute : vous pouvez sélectionner le mode piéton ou voiture,avec ousans autoroutes, péages ou ferry.Lorsque vous planifiez votre trajet, il vous est aussi possibledecalculer un itinéraire depuis un point de départ autre quevotreposition. Vous visualisez ainsi complètement votre route, soitsurla carte, soit en mode démonstration.La navigationmappyGPS vous guidera avec le son et l’image, grâce ànosdifférentes voix proposées (celle de Camille est trèspopulaire),mais aussi avec le guidage visuel en 2D ou 3D.Tout est là pour que vous conduisiez sereinement :l’applicationvous indique les zones de danger, le trafic en tempsréel et vouspropose une route alternative lorsque les conditionschangent. Ellevous indique aussi la vitesse en cours, et vousalerte lorsque vousdépassez la vitesse maximale autorisée, votreheure d’arrivée oubien le temps de parcours restant, ou encore lenombre dekilomètres restant.Lors de la navigation, des panneaux de signalisation des routessontaffichés en temps réel pour rendre la lecture des instructionsplusfacile. La vue en 3D des bâtiments et des lieux remarquableestintégrée pour vous donner une meilleure représentation devotreenvironnement.La carteLa carte proposée dans mappyGPS intègre les données les plus àjourproposées sur le marché. Elles sont mises à jour régulièrementpourvous donner la meilleure expérience de navigation. Pouruneexpérience complète et de qualité, il est nécessaire devousfournir un niveau de détail important. Pour atteindre ce niveaudequalité, la carte est téléchargée directement sur votretéléphone,et pèse environs 450 Mo (carte de France uniquement).*************MappyGPS free est compatible avec les tablettes équipées depuceGPS.Vous pouvez installer tout ou une partie d’un pack de carte,autantde fois que vous le souhaitez, sur un même téléphone.L'utilisation continue du GPS en arrière-plan peutréduirel'autonomie de la batterie de façon importante.Vous avez une suggestion, un problème ? Contactez nousdirectementdepuis la rubrique FAQ dans l’application, ou envoyeznous un emailà [email protected] true GPS freeandavailable everywhere! Real-time traffic, danger zones, embeddedmapyou will find all the essential features of a GPS, and more,tonavigate safely on the roads. You seek, you find, you go!What our users say about us:Very good application of Mappy GPS Free. Fluid, see speed,speedlimit, etc. I use it very regularly and very convenientApp PERFECT !!!! The best GPS app I've seen. Superconvenient,complete and easy to use. Bravo. Hat !!! And mostimportantly,thank you! !Easy to use. Clean and clear menu. I highly recommend it topeoplelike me who have no n Flatrate.Your destinationWhether you are heading to a friend's, in a restaurant, or gobackhome, MappyGPS take you to destination.Enter an address, or the name of one of your contacts, favorite,orGPS coordinates, and you're ready to go.Your browsing history is easily accessible from the searchpage,such as two shortcuts Home / Work are there to facilitateyourdaily commute.Looking to go to a trade, restaurant, MappyGPS also withyou.Through research and PagesJaunes million professionals listed,youknow its name, or looking in just one, we have the answerforyou!Your itineraryMappyGPS calculates the fastest route to get to your destinationandoffers up to three alternatives. These routes incorporatereal-timetraffic conditions to allow you to select the most ofyourtrip.Options are also available to customize your route: You canselectthe pedestrian or car mode, with or without highways, tollsorferry.When planning your trip, it is also possible for you to calculatearoute from a starting point other than your position. Viewingandcompletely your way, either on the map or indemonstrationmode.NavigationMappyGPS guide you with sound and image, with our variousproposedvoice (Camille is very popular), but also with visualguidance in2D or 3D.Everything is there for you to drive calmly: theapplicationindicates the danger zones, traffic in real time andoffers analternative route when conditions change. It also tellsyou thecurrent speed, and alerts you when you exceed the speedlimit,arrival time or the time remaining distance, or theremainingnumber of kilometers.During navigation, road signs are displayed in real time tomakereading the instructions easier. The 3D view of buildingsandremarkable places is built to give you a better representationofyour environment.The mapMap proposed in MappyGPS integrates the most current dataavailableon the market. They are updated regularly to give you thebestbrowsing experience. For a complete experience and quality, itisnecessary to provide a high level of detail. To achieve thislevelof quality, the card is downloaded directly to your phone,andweighs around 450 MB (map of France only).*************MappyGPS free is compatible with tablets equipped withGPSchip.You can install all or a portion of a map pack, as many times asyouwish on the same phone.Continued use of GPS running in the background can reducebatterylife significantly.Have a suggestion, a problem? Contact us directly from the FAQsinthe application, or send us an email to [email protected]
ViaMichelin GPS Route Planner 12.4.3
Route planning, maps: find all the experience and know-howofViaMichelin!
MICHELIN Navigation 4.8.0
MICHELIN Navigation is a free,non-subscriptionapplication that includes GPS and a communityalert option, as wellas real-time traffic information.Take advantage of real-time traffic information to planyourtrips– Locate free-moving and congested routes throughgreen-orange-redcolour coded maps, as well as road closures and alltrafficinformation.– Choose a route to avoid time-wasting traffic jams!With MICHELIN Navigation, stay calm and safe with a GPSnavigationsystem offering simplified ergonomics:– All Michelin route options: Michelin recommended,shortest,discovery route…as well as journey costs with tollfeesincluded– Schematic and uncluttered presentation of directions– Simple and non-intrusive voice guidance– Hazard areas and real-time traffic incidents (trafficjams,roadworks, slow moving traffic, information on trafficconditionsand flow on roads, motorways and ring roads,includingclosures…)– Speed limits on continuous display with visualspeedingalerts– Free GPS with maximum readability– Application with low battery ConsumptionStay in the know in real-time, even on familiar routes, withthecommunity alert optionThe Alert mode is a location tracking system enhanced toreceivealerts while you focus on your driving:– Uncluttered presentation– Over 30,000 speed cameras in Europe– Speed limits continuously displayed– Visual alerts when speed limits are exceededTake advantage of alerts shared by other drivers to avoidanysurprises!– And you, too, can share traffic and incident updates onyourroute: hazard zones, speed cameras, traffic jams, roadworks,accidentsTogether, the road becomes safer.Let’s take the best route together…Note: traffic information available for Europe and England(trafficfor London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds,Northampton...)MICHELIN Mobility Apps
Take the smart road with the MICHELIN App Collection

Discover a package of free interconnected applicationsthatenable you to better monitor and manage your journeys:

-Maintain your tyres and your vehicle:
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Campercontact motorhome camper 7.1.18
With Campercontact, you will always find a motorhome site thatsuitsyou.
CarMap Monaco 1.0
Ezd Tech
Guide interactif pour découvrir laPrincipautéde Monaco en réalité augmentée.Le guide devrait être 'utilisé avec votre CardMap reçu àl'hôtelou parmi du logos CardMap dispersés sur tout le territoirede laprincipauté; cherchez-le dans les musées, les points d'intérêtetles arrêts de bus.Interactive guidetodiscover the Principality of Monaco in augmented reality.The guide should be 'used with your CardMap received at thehotelor one of the logos CardMap scattered throughout theterritory ofthe Principality; look it up in museums, points ofinterest and busstops.
Map of Belgium 1.24
GPS navigator with offline mapsforBelgium.This is a free app that doesn't need an internet connection forthemaps.You can search addresses or points of interest.It's easy to get routing to your destination.You can get a list of points of interest fortourists,accommodation, parking, restaurants, bars, clubs,cinemas,theatres, auto services, shops, parks, schools, hospitals,sportareas.The application has detailed maps of major cities inBelgium:Anvers, Gand, Charleroi, Bruxelles, Liege, Bruges, Namur,Louvain,Mons and others.This application is based on Osmand project under the GNUGPLv3license and uses high quality data from OSM.
Traveloka Book Flight & Hotel 3.36.1
*1st Winner of “One to Watch” at BrandZ™ Top50Most Valuable Indonesian Brands in 2016**Top Sky Agent - Red Diamond Award, Bangkok & CentralThailand,2015 by Thai AirAsia**1st Winner of Top Brand Award 2015 & 2016 for FlightTicket& Hotel Booking Service**Official partner of IATA (International AirTransportAssociation)**Covered by international press: Financial Times, Tech inAsia,tnooz, e27**Indonesia's No. 1 Cheap Flight & Hotel BookingServiceaccording to comScore**Garuda Indonesia's Best Performing GOS Agent 2014*More than 12,000,000 people have secured cheap flight ticketsandgood value hotels with the free Traveloka App. Pay for yourflighttickets and hotel bookings through secure, various paymentmethodsincluding credit cards, bank transfers, andover-the-counterpayments across Southeast Asia. Receive youre-tickets or hotelvouchers instantly in your inbox. This is travelmade easy.WHY USE TRAVELOKA FLIGHT & HOTEL APP?HONEST PRICE: NO BOOKING FEES, NO HIDDEN CHARGESOur travel application offers you the cheapest flights andlowestprices of hotel rooms — no booking fees, no hiddenchargesinvolved. All prices shown already include applicable taxesandsurcharges. Price you see = price you pay.ONE-TAP MULTI-AIRLINES PAIRINGFly worldwide in one single tap. Our free travel appcombinesmultiple airlines for different legs of your journey, andensureyou reach your destination at the cheapest pricepossible.GET YOUR E-TICKET/HOTEL VOUCHER IN 1 MINUTE OR LESSAuto-fill your booking form with our Travelers Pickerfeature,complete your payment in one single tap with My Cards, andreceiveyour flight ticket or hotel voucher in your inbox in lessthan 1minute. Register or log in to enjoy these in-appfeatures.WIDE SELECTION OF AIRLINES AND HOTELSFind cheap flight tickets to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,Vietnam,The Philippines or anywhere else in the world from ourwideselection of low-cost and full-service airlines: AirAsia,GarudaIndonesia, Malaysia Airlines, Singapore Airlines, CebuPacific, andmany more.For hotel booking, get awesome hotel deals from cheap to5-starluxury hotels in major destinations including Singapore,Malaysia,Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines: Hilton, Red Planet Hotel,FragranceHotel, Marriott, Best Western, etc.PAPERLESS E-TICKETS/HOTEL VOUCHERSForget printing your tickets. Our free travel app stores allyourflight tickets and hotel vouchers in your account, makingitaccessible on multiple devices — even withoutinternetconnection.SMART COMBO — UP TO 40% SAVINGS ON INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTSWith our free travel app, book round-trip cheap ticketswithselected airlines marked with “Smart Combo” today and save upto40% on your international travel!NUMEROUS APP-ONLY DEALSTraveloka offers app-only deals and notifies you when cheapflightand hotel special promotions are available. Also findreal-timediscounts on hotels near you with this hotel app. Nevermiss anydeals again with our handy flight & hotel app!24-HOUR MULTI-LINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICEOur Customer Service team speaks English, Indonesian, Malay,Thaiand Vietnamese — and are available 24 hours every day toaddressyour questions. Reach us by phone, email or live chat,fromanywhere in the world.PERMISSIONSThis app requires your permission to the following:YOUR CAMERA [WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]To upload your payment proofs quickly when you make payments byBankTransferYOUR LOCATION [ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION]To help you find the perfect hotels nearbyYOUR EMAIL ADDRESS [GET_ACCOUNTS]To automatically suggest your email address during bookingsorregistrationYOUR PHONE NUMBER [RECEIVE_SMS]To automatically read the verification code sent to yourphoneduring registration (this speeds up the registrationprocess)