Top 18 Apps Similar to Telolet Bus Dangdut Dan Gokil

Telolet Bus Mania 2016 1.3
Buat suara Klakson Telolet denganperangkatandroid anda, aplikasi ini mensimulasikan seolah-olah andamenekanklakson pada bus telolet.Bel telolet langsung berada di handphone mu. Daripada harusdipinggir jalanfitur :-Kualitas suara sangat jernih-Banyak macam jenis bel-Bisa membangunkan orang tidurBel ini sangat cocok untuk penggemar bus Simulator, ETS,Truck,Balapan, Kereta api, dan Otomotif..Juga mengakomodir Sumber Selamat, Sumber Kencono, SugengRahayu,Bejeu, Santoso, SCH-721, Rosalia Indah, Sindoro, Jaya,TransJakarta, SHD Agam Tunggal Jaya, Truck, Lorena dll.Jangan lupa sebarkan ke teman-temanmu.Slahkan tulis ya di kolom komentar dan jangan lupa kalo andasukatolong bintang 5 yaCreate a hornsoundTelolet with your android device, the app simulates as if youhitthe horn on the bus telolet.Bel telolet directly in your mobile phone. Instead ofhavingroadsidefeatures:The quality is very clear voice-Many Kinds of bell-Can Waking people sleepingThis bell is suitable for bus enthusiasts Simulator, ETS,Truck,Race, Trains, and Automotive ..Congratulations also accommodate Source, Source Kencono,SugengRahayu, Bejeu, Santoso, SCH-721, Rosalia Indah, Sindoro,Jaya,Trans Jakarta, SHD Agam Tunggal Jaya, Truck, Lorena etc.Do not forget to pass it on to your friends.Slahkan write yes in the comments and do not forget if youlikeplease 5 yes
Telolet Dangdut Bus Mania 2016 1.0
Buat suara Klakson Teloletdenganperangkatandroid anda, aplikasi ini mensimulasikanseolah-olah andamenekanklakson pada bus telolet.Bel telolet langsung berada di handphone mu. Daripadaharusdipinggir jalanfitur :-Kualitas suara sangat jernih-Banyak macam jenis bel-Bisa membangunkan orang tidurBel Ini juga udah di tambah dengan telolet dangdut yangselamainianda cari , nantikan update app ini selanjutnya yaa..Pantauterusdeveloper dari semarang ini.Bel ini sangat cocok untuk penggemar bus Simulator,ETS,Truck,Balapan, Kereta api, dan Otomotif..Juga mengakomodir Sumber Selamat, Sumber Kencono,SugengRahayu,Bejeu, Santoso, SCH-721, Rosalia Indah, Sindoro,Jaya,TransJakarta, SHD Agam Tunggal Jaya, Truck, Lorena dll.Jangan lupa sebarkan ke teman-temanmu.Slahkan tulis ya di kolom komentar dan jangan lupa kaloandasukatolong bintang 5 yaCreate a hornsoundTeloletwith your android device, the app simulates as if youhitthe horn onthe bus telolet.Bel telolet directly in your mobile phone. Insteadofhavingroadsidefeatures:The quality is very clear voice-Many Kinds of bell-Can Waking people sleepingBel It is also already in the added telolet dangdutyou'vebeenlooking for, look forward to the next update of this appyaa..Stay tuned developer of this Semarang.This bell is suitable for bus enthusiasts Simulator,ETS,Truck,Race, Trains, and Automotive ..Congratulations also accommodate Source, SourceKencono,SugengRahayu, Bejeu, Santoso, SCH-721, Rosalia Indah,Sindoro,Jaya,Trans Jakarta, SHD Agam Tunggal Jaya, Truck, Lorenaetc.Do not forget to pass it on to your friends.Slahkan write yes in the comments and do not forget ifyoulikeplease 5 yes
Telolet Dangut Bus Unik 2016 1.0
Malia Danu
Buat suara Klakson Teloletdenganperangkatandroid anda, aplikasi ini mensimulasikanseolah-olah andamenekanklakson pada bus telolet.Bel telolet langsung berada di handphone mu. Daripadaharusdipinggir jalanfitur :-Kualitas suara sangat jernih-Banyak macam jenis bel-Bisa membangunkan orang tidurBel ini sangat cocok untuk penggemar bus Simulator,ETS,Truck,Balapan, Kereta api, dan Otomotif..Juga mengakomodir Sumber Selamat, Sumber Kencono,SugengRahayu,Bejeu, Santoso, SCH-721, Rosalia Indah, Sindoro,Jaya,TransJakarta, SHD Agam Tunggal Jaya, Truck, Lorena dll.Sekarang Di aplikasi ini tersedia Telolet Busdangdutdariberbagai macam bus dan beberapa telolet Unik dari macammacamBusYang kerenJangan lupa sebarkan ke teman-temanmu.Slahkan tulis ya di kolom komentar dan jangan lupa kaloandasukatolong bintang 5 yaCreate a hornsoundTeloletwith your android device, the app simulates as if youhitthe horn onthe bus telolet.Bel telolet directly in your mobile phone. Insteadofhavingroadsidefeatures:The quality is very clear voice-Many Kinds of bell-Can Waking people sleepingThis bell is suitable for bus enthusiasts Simulator,ETS,Truck,Race, Trains, and Automotive ..Congratulations also accommodate Source, SourceKencono,SugengRahayu, Bejeu, Santoso, SCH-721, Rosalia Indah,Sindoro,Jaya,Trans Jakarta, SHD Agam Tunggal Jaya, Truck, Lorenaetc.In this application now available Telolet Bus dangdutfromvariousbus and some telolet Unique Miscellaneous BusCoolstuffDo not forget to pass it on to your friends.Slahkan write yes in the comments and do not forget ifyoulikeplease 5 yes
Telolet Dangdut & SCH Bus BMC 1.0
Ini dia Aplikasi Telolet Dangdut danSCHBusPenggemar Bus mania comunityBuat suara KlaksonTeloletdenganperangkat android anda, aplikasi inimensimulasikanseolah-olahanda menekan klakson pada bustelolet.Bel telolet langsung berada di handphone mu. Daripadaharusdipinggir jalanfitur :-Kualitas suara sangat jernih-Banyak macam jenis bel-Bisa membangunkan orang tidurBel ini sangat cocok untuk penggemar bus Simulator,ETS,Truck,Balapan, Kereta api, dan Otomotif..Juga mengakomodir Sumber Selamat, Sumber Kencono,SugengRahayu,Bejeu, Santoso, SCH-721, Rosalia Indah, Sindoro,Jaya,TransJakarta, SHD Agam Tunggal Jaya, Truck, Lorena dll.Sekarang Di aplikasi ini tersedia Telolet Busdangdutdariberbagai macam bus dan beberapa telolet Unik dari macammacamBusYang kerenJangan lupa sebarkan ke teman-temanmu.Slahkan tulis ya di kolom komentar dan jangan lupa kaloandasukatolong bintang 5 yaThis heTeloletDangdutApplications and SCH Bus Listening Bus maniacomunityBuatTelolethorn sound with your android device, the appsimulates as ifyouhit the horn on the bus telolet.Bel telolet directly in your mobile phone. Insteadofhavingroadsidefeatures:The quality is very clear voice-Many Kinds of bell-Can Waking people sleepingThis bell is suitable for bus enthusiasts Simulator,ETS,Truck,Race, Trains, and Automotive ..Congratulations also accommodate Source, SourceKencono,SugengRahayu, Bejeu, Santoso, SCH-721, Rosalia Indah,Sindoro,Jaya,Trans Jakarta, SHD Agam Tunggal Jaya, Truck, Lorenaetc.In this application now available Telolet Bus dangdutfromvariousbus and some telolet Unique Miscellaneous BusCoolstuffDo not forget to pass it on to your friends.Slahkan write yes in the comments and do not forget ifyoulikeplease 5 yes
Telolet Bus Terbaru 1.1
Telolet Bus Terbaru merupakan sebuahaplikasigeratis untuk anda pencinta bus mania. Dengan menggunakanaplikasiini, ada dapat mendengarkan telolet-telolet bus yang unikdan lucu.Selain itu, anda juga memanfaatkannya sebagai alaram danringtonehp kamu. Bel ini sangat cocok untuk penggemar bussimulator, keretaapi dan otomotif.Fitur:1. Memiliki Suara sangat jernih2. Terdapat banyak jenis suara telolet3. Grafik beresolusi tingiSatu lagi, aplikasi ini tadak membutuhkan koneksiinternet(Offline).Download yuk telolet mu.
Telolet Bismania 1.1
Telolet bismania merupakan aplikasi terbarudangeratis bagi pencinta dan pemburu suara klakson/horn bus yangunik.Dengan mendownload aplikasi ini, anda bisa menggunakannyasebagairingtone hp dan juga sebagai alarm.Bel ini sangat cocok buat penggemar bus simulator, truk fuso,kertaapi dan otomotif.Fitur:~ Offline Mode (Tidak terkoneksi internet)~ Suara yang jenih~ Grapik yang tajamThanks telah download aplikasi telolet bismania ini,semogabermanfaat.Telolet Bismaniathelatest applications and geratis for lovers and hunters soundthehorn / horn unique bus. By downloading this application, youcanuse it as a ringtone hp as well as alarm.This bell is perfect for fans of the bus simulator, truckFuso,kerta fire and automotive.features:~ Offline Mode (not connected to the Internet)~ Sound jenih~ Graphical sharpThanks telolet Bismania have downloaded this application, maybeuseful.
Telolet Bus Mania Top 2016 1.0
Malia Danu
Buat suara Klakson Teloletdenganperangkatandroid anda, aplikasi ini mensimulasikanseolah-olah andamenekanklakson pada bus telolet.Bel telolet langsung berada di handphone mu. Daripadaharusdipinggir jalanfitur :-Kualitas suara sangat jernih-Banyak macam jenis bel-Bisa membangunkan orang tidurPemberitahuan :Minta doanya kawan , app ini masih dalam tahappengembangan.Jadiuntuk kedepan nya app ini akan selalu updatedengan teloletbisyang kawan kawan inginkan. Seperti telolet Dangdutdansebagainya.Jadi tunggu dan doakan aja semoga pengerjaan appinicepat selesai.TerimakasihCreate a hornsoundTeloletwith your android device, the app simulates as if youhitthe horn onthe bus telolet.Bel telolet directly in your mobile phone. Insteadofhavingroadsidefeatures:The quality is very clear voice-Many Kinds of bell-Can Waking people sleepingNotice :Ask for prayer friends, this app is still in developmentstage.Sofor his future this app will always be updated with thebustelolethis friends want. As telolet Dangdut, and so on. Sojustwait andpray for good workmanship completion of this app.Thankyou
Klakson Telolet MP3 1.0
Buat anda pecinta telolet klakson suara bus atau truk yang suka"omtelolet om", sekarang anda dapat mendengarkan koleksi puluhansuaratelolet klakson dari palikasi ini. Di dalam aplikasi ini adalebihdari 60 macam suara yang bisa anda nikmati. Di dalamnya jugaadafanspage khusus bagi pecinta hobi untik ini. Aplikasi kamidesaindengan sangat menarik dan jelas sehingga pengguna mudahuntukmenggunakannya. berikut beberapa fitur tambahan # bisa setasringtone # bisa direpeat atau di loop # bisa bagikan kepecintatelolet yang lain # suara klakson jernih # aplikasiukurannyasangat ringan # ada bunyi klakson bus malam, buspariwisata, busakap, bus antar provinsi, kopaja, mayasari, busway,dan masihbanyak lagi. Tunggu apa lagi, buat pecinta suara klaksonteloletsejati wajib untuk mencoba aplikasi ini.
Klakson Telolet Terbaru 2017 3.0
Guides Studio
Aplikasi terbaru dari kami untukpecintabismania, penggemar dan pemburu klakson telolet.Tersedia banyak variasi Klakson Telolet terbaru dari berbagaiBisfavorit dan populer.Fitur :- Set To Ringtone Phone- Set To Notification Phone- Share Social MediaKlakson Telolet dengan puluhan Variasi Bismania yang sangatlengkap.Klakson Telolet OM Telolet OM ini dapat anda jadikanhiburan dengansuara yang jernih dan untuk nada dering ponselkalian. om telolet ommendunia, Klakson Telolet menjadi kebangganIndonesia dimatainternasional dengan kreatifitas anakbangsa.Dukung terus pengembangan aplikasi dari kami denganmemberikankomentar,saran dan rating untuk perbaikan aplikasi danpengembanganaplikasi Klakson Telolet supaya lebih baik lagi.Salam om telolet om Bismania Indonesia.The latest applicationofour Bismania lovers, enthusiasts and hunters horn telolet.There are many variations of the latest Telolet horn of variousBispopular favorite.features:- Set To Ringtone Phone- Set To Notification Phone- Share Social MediaTelolet horn with dozens Variations Bismania very complete.Telolethorn Telolet OM OM can you make entertainment with crystalclearsound and ringtones for your cell phone. om om teloletworldwide,horn Telolet became the pride of Indonesia in the eyes ofthenation's international children's creativity.Support the continued development of our application toprovidecomments, suggestions and ratings for the improvementofapplications and application development in order to betterTelolethorn again.Salam om om telolet Bismania Indonesia.
Bus Horn Telolet 5.0.8
Bus Horn for your pocket handphoneFiture:- Clean Sound- Many soundThis bell is suitable for bus enthusiasts Simulator, ETS,Race,Trains, and Automotive ..The source also accommodate Congratulations, Sugeng Rahayu,Bejeu,Santoso, SCH-721, Sindoro, Jaya, Trans Jakarta, SHD AgamTunggalJaya, Truck, Lorena etc.Do not forget to pass it on to your friends.Please write in the comments and do not forget if you likeit,please give 5 start
Telolet (Album Video Telolet) 1.1
oZen Dev
Telolet Video adalah koleksi videosuaraklaksontelolet dari berbagai jenis Bis di Indonesia.Telolet Video isavideocollection telolet horn sound of various types ofbusesinIndonesia.
Super Horns & Sirens 1.3
You can now Download the real time noisemakerloud Horn and Siren sounds and set them as ringtones.Available Features:- Volume boosting technology horns.- Crystal clear booming sound/noise- Easily set horn as a default ringtone ,alarm, SMSornotification.- 100% free- Loud high quality horns and sirens- Tablet friendly & supported- Only banner ads but not annoying at all.- Desi horns- Pakistani horns- Punjabi hornsEnjoy these different ringtones.Sounds in this app Include:-Tornado Warning Siren-Red Alert-Fire Truck Sirens-Bugle Calls-Numerous Air horns-Police Sirens-Emergency Sirens-Air Raid-Truck Horns and Soundsand many more!Note: We don't save, collect or use any user personal datasofeel free to install this app.
AirHorn Siren 1.9
MazuApps Ltd
Powerful Air Horn: Real sirens and hornsounds.Make it loud!Turn your phone into a Powerful Air Horn.Includes real sirens and horn sounds.High quality sounds.Multiple Horn, Siren, Police car, Buzzer , ...This application is using advertisement, but it will not createiconor bookmarks on the desktop. We are also not using anypushadvertisement.
Super Loud Ringtones 1.0.4
Free For Fun
Missed call again? You didn’t hear your phone ring? Oh, don’tworryanymore! Your troubles are over! Super Loud Ringtones forAndroid™is hottest collection of ringtones in which you candownload forfree loudest sound you have ever heard! With this loudapp you’llhave exactly what you need: loudest ringtones soundboardfull oflatest loud ringtones, loud notification sounds, extremelyloudalarm clock and all other kind of really loud noises. Youwillnever be again in the situation not to hear your androiddevice,because, this is the best loud noises app ever! Even if youdon'thave such a problem, if you are only kind of people who loveloudmusic, we are also the best choice for you, so, don't hesitatetodownload these very loud songs! They are right in front of you,onthe loud keyboard of your android phone. From now on you willhaveno need for loud speakers to increase louder music volume, allofthose now you have in this fantastic ringtones app for free!Youwill become the most popular guy whenever your cell phoneringswith some of our very loud alarm ringtones or you receive loudsmsor other loud text message tones. Let's stand up in the morningandshake your head with some of alarm clock to wake you up thatisvery loud, super loud alarm sounds, loud siren or really loudairhorn sound for example. Maybe you are in the mood for some funandwant loud noise prank? With this crazy ringtones you willbrightenyour day. Download for free this cool app and you will haveall ofthose high quality top rated ringtones in 2016! You willnever belate for some obligation you expected early morning, ourloud sirensounds and loud horn tones will make you get out ofbedimmediately! These fantastic sound effects will make yourandroidphone recognizable everywhere and in every situation, whenyoutalking or texting and chatting. If you don’t like anymore youroldmail tone, get some new cool notification tones and behappybecause you are trendy and unique! This application has beentestedon most Android phones and Android tablets for your bestexperienceand is very easy to use. So, come on folks, let's hear itlouder!Enrich your mobile phone with the best ringtones! Set themas callringtones or text message ringtones. Download this new appandenjoy loud sounds and high volume ringtones. These ringtonesandnotifications will help your telephone to become veryloudtelephone! This best ringtone app offers a lot of newringtones2016 such as police siren sound, loud horn sound or someother loudsound effects. They can serve you as phone ringtones,super loudalarm clock ringtones, notification ringtones or someother textmessage ringtones. So, if you are some who adore loudermusicvolume and loud phone ring, grab these loud ringtones freenow!EXPLANATION FOR PERMISSIONS All sensitive personal informationthatwe use in our applications, we use solely for the internalpurpose.We do not collect, publish or forward to third parties anyof theuser's personal information. Permissions that we use:-READ_CONTACTS, WRITE_CONTACTS: for internal use for the purposeofassigning ringtone to desired contact; - WRITE_SETTINGS: tosetdefault ringtone; - INTERNET,ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE,ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: to display ads. -WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: tostore user ringtones. Features: - Freedownload and use - Includestop 50 high quality ringtones - Set asfavorite - Set as ringtone -Set as SMS/notification - Set as alarm- Assign to a specificperson All ringtones are under public domainor creative commonslicense.
Horn Sounds HornHorn
12 funny and loudy horn sound. just set up your devices volumeandhit button !
Siren, Horn and Alarm Sounds 1.0
Siren, Horn and Alarm Sounds.
Suara-Suara Klakson dan Kunci MobilJika sahabat ingin mengoleksinya termasuk suarakuncimobil,jangan khawatir! Sekarang, kami menyediakanaplikasinyatanpakoneksi internet sahabat bisa menggunakannya, bisamenjadinadadering android smartphone anda. Sekarang sahabatbolehmemilikiringtones sebagai koleksi. sahabat juga bisamemilikinyasecarabebas dan gratis.fitur* sebagai nada dering* alarm* panggilan masuk* sms ringtones* play* stop* tambahkan ke favoriteJika sahabat menikmati aplikasi kami "SUARAKLAKSONMOBILringtones", silakan memberikan rating bintang 5diGooglePlay.Terima kasih sahabat!tags: suara,klakson,kunci,mobilVoices horn and Car KeyIf friends want to collect them, including the sound ofcarkeys,do not worry! Now, we provide application withoutaninternetconnection friend can use it, could be yourringtoneandroidsmartphone. Now the friend may have ringtones asacollection.Companions can also have it freely and freeofcharge.features* As ringtones* alarm* incoming call* Sms ringtones* play* stop* Add to favoritesIf the companions enjoy our app "SOUND HORN CARringtones",pleasegive it a 5 star rating on Google Play.Thank you my friend!tags: sound, horns, keys, car
Kicau Murai Batu Gacor Juara 1.0
Malia Danu
Kicau Murai Batu Gacor Juara Spesialinibiasamembantu anda agar suara burung Murai batu anda bisagacordanmerdu seraya musik yang halus , aplikasi ini supportolehsemuaplatform android. Aplikasi ini di desain sedemikian rupadankhususuntuk pecinta para burung murai batu untuk membuat Muraibatuandagacor atau pecah.Kicau burung murai batu ini biasamembantuandaagar suara burung Murai batu anda bisa gacor dan merduserayamusikyang halus , aplikasi ini support oleh semuaplatformandroid.Aplikasi ini di desain sedemikian rupa dan khusuuntukpecinta paraburung murai batu untuk membuat murai batu andagacoratau pecah.Fitur Yang Ada Didalam :*Kicau Khusus Pancingan Murai Batu*Kicau nya Master Murai Batu Gacor*Kicau murai batu yang Jelas Dan Nge Jreng*Di lengkapi Dengan Gambar yang Jelas*Tidak Perlu Mengunduh Kicau lagi karena sudah tersediaChirping MuraiBatugacorThis Special Champion usual help you get the sound ofbirdsyou cangacor Murai stone and melodious music whilesubtle,theseapplications support all android platform. Thisapplicationisdesigned specifically for the way they have and thehummingbirdlovers rock to make you gacor Murai stone orstonepecah.Kicauhumming bird is usually help you get the sound ofbirdsyou cangacor Murai stone and melodious music whilesubtle,theseapplications support by all the android platform.Thisapplicationis designed in such a way and khusu to the hummingbirdlovers rockto make your stone magpie gacor or rupture.Features Available In:* Special Chirping Trick Murai Batu* Chirping his Master Murai Batu gacor* Chirping magpie stone Obviously Dan Nge Jreng* Equipped with a Clear Picture* No Need to Download chirping again because it is available