Top 11 Apps Similar to Ship Squat Calculator / UKC

GZCL Workout Logger 1.8.4
Jimmy Cook
Focus on your lifts and let this app handle the rest
GAIN iBroker 5.10
The simple, intuitive app for trading Futures &Optionswhereveryou are… via your GAIN demo or live account. The appmakesit easyto create a DEMO ACCOUNT to try it now for free. Youwillget$50,000 in simulated funds, plus: ✓ REAL TIME QUOTES for14days. ✓Search and Browse FUTURES and OPTIONS contracts ✓Fullycustomizablereal time CHARTS with indicators ✓ TWITTERintegrationon eachcontract, view feed and join the conversation ✓PRICEALERTS viaPush Notifications ✓ WATCHLIST with yourfavoritecontracts ✓ Quickaccess to ‘LAST VIEWED’ Markets ✓ OneclickREVERSE position, closeposition, CLOSE ALL positions ✓Setupdefault ORDER SETTINGS percontract ✓ FRACTIONAL quotes support✓Free DEMO ACCOUNT signup fromwithin the app GAIN iBroker is100%integrated with GAIN Traderplatform, so traders can usebothinterchangeably to trade and viewaccount information. Anyordersplaced on GAIN Trader can beinstantly seen, edited andcancelledon GAIN iBroker (and viceversa). Get push notifications ofanyfills on your mobile device,even if the order was entered onGAINTrader. Monitor all your OpenPositions with Gain iBroker onthego!
GoldHunt Pro (Geocaching) v7.0.1
Get notified wherever you are and solve & find your cache!
RGC 1.1.0
Luxinno S.A
Ranked Gaming App
Fitloop - Bodyweight Workouts 1.8.7
Calisthenics & Reddit Workouts
AP Physics 2: Practice & Prep 1.8.7
AP Physics 2 full-length practice tests, diagnostic exams,andflashcards
Zero to Hero: The Workout App 1.8-BETA2
Zero to Hero is a personal and smart fitness coach for anyworkoutroutine.
Sheiko Powerlifting Workout 4.3
The best powerlifting workout, from the best powerlifting coachinthe world.
GeoCaching Buddy
Want to try the light version first?DownloadGeocaching Buddy Trial! You will be able to test allfunctionalityto help you decide whether or not to spend yourprecious money:)The ultimate tool for the serious geocacher whensolvingmulti-caches, powered by Geocaching Live. This buddy appwillremember every clue found and will calculate any derived clueornew waypoint for you. Waypoints can be formulas orprojections.These and the final cache formula will be evaluated themoment allclues are found and entered. The app can record youparking spot soyou'll be able to return to your car after findingthe cache.SEE BEFORE YOU BUY: To get a better idea of the functionality,readthe Quick Start Guide at the support website www.gcbuddy.comanddownload the free trial version.Main features===============- Manage a list of caches- Add caches from,, .pl, .us, .nl,.roor Prepare a multi-cache at home on the device or using thewebinterface- All images embedded in the local description arepreloaded:paperless caching!- Navigate to the parking location- Enter answers to questions posed at a waypoint* convert text to value* Stack counting* Roman numerals- Auto-calculate new waypoints using these answers- Auto-calculate the cache location using all answers found- In-app compass when navigating to the next waypoint orcache- In-app Google Maps waypoint overview- Show a waypoint on an external map app- Vibration alert when within 25 m of a waypoint- Document the waypoints with your camera- Photo album for each individual geocache + ultrazoomphotoviewer- Make notes before or while caching- Post a log and optional photo on Find your way back to the parking- Backup all information entered for this cache by e-mail- Restore / transfer cache info from backup e-mail- Write protect a cache in the list of caches
C4droid - C/C++ compiler & IDE
C4droid is a user-friendly (but powerful)C/C++IDE + C/C++ compiler for Android.Basic features:- Offline C compiler: create your own applications on Androiddeviceand run them even without Internet access- Source code editor with syntax highlighting, tabs,codecompletion, code formatting, file association andundo/redo- Export&share your programs as APKs or native executables(forterminal apps)- No root required (but C4droid can use it for your programs ifyouwant)- Full ANSI C and ISO C99 support with TCC (Tiny C Compiler)+uClibc- Git integration- Customizable GUI, choose where to place tabs and buttonsbyyourself, themes are also supported.More features with a free GCC plugin:- Fully-functional C++ compiler, almost complete C++11 supportwithGCC compiler- NativeActivity, Qt, SDL and SDL2 support for GUI- Debugger with breakpoints and watches- Makefile support: use the same build scripts as on yourPC(BusyBox is included)- Semi-automatic open-source library porting feature forenhancedprogramming & educationC4droid is designed to be user-friendy out-of-the-box, butnothingis perfect, so here are some answers for questions thatcanappear:How to install C++ support?C4droid will ask you to install C++ support at first startupandwill configure itself in semi-automatic mode.If you want to do that manually, you need:0) Enough internal memory OR root rights. C4droid does notrequireroot rights for devices with more than 50MB of freeinternalmemory.1) Install GCC plugin (C4droid will ask you to install it).2) Select G++ compiler in C4droid preferences.3*) Add "using namespace std;" to your program(before int main),useiostream, not iostream.hNote that if you want to use C4droid as a C compiler, it isbetterto select GCC, not G++.How to use SDL, SDL2, NativeActivity and Qt insingle-filemode?Just install SDL plugin and select G++ compiler inC4droidpreferences.Note that C4droid chooses app mode using a very simple sourcecodeanalysis:SDL is detected with #include "SDL.h", SDL2 is detectedwith#include "SDL2/SDL.h", NativeActivity is detected with#include"android_native_app_glue.h", Qt is detected with#include"QApplication"If you are compiling a single-file Qt app, you must add#include"yoursourcefilenamewithcpp.moc" to the end of source codefilealso.How to use Makefiles, multifile projects, etc?Long-click compile button (or select "compilation settings"ifbuttons are hidden/moved) and configure current directory tousethe mode you want.Note that C4droid will create .c4droid configuration file whenyouwill press Ok. Some modes (like makefile) require to enterresultexecutable file name, don't forget to do that.After doing that all use compile and run buttons to build andrunyour app as regular.How to build and install libraries?Almost the same way as regular Makefile building except forthatmost probably some patching may be required.Currently tested libraries are gmp(internalmemoryonly),mpfr,mpc,libxml2,neon,sqlite,SDL_gfx(--disable-mmxrequired).Which gestures/keyboard shortcuts does C4droid support?Long-click gestures:New button: delete current file.Save button: save as.Open button: recent files.Run button: run with arguments.Compile button: configure current directory.Tab: close tab.Keyboard shortcuts:Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-X for Copy, Paste and CutCtrl-S, Ctrl-O for Save/OpenCtrl-Z, Ctrl-Y for Undo/Redo.Ctrl-L for "go to Line"Ctrl-F for FindCtrl-A for select AllCtrl-B for Build/compileCtrl-R for RunCtrl-Space/Ctrl-D for autocompletion (Ctrl-Space may be reservedbyAndroid)Report bugs at [email protected] stands for "c for android" (or "c++ for android").C4droid is not an online compiler, so it uses real binaries.Some binaries in APK are licensed under (L)GPL, email me forthesource code (Tiny C compiler, GCC, BusyBox, etc.)Android is a trademark of Google Inc.Qt is a registered trademark of Digia.
VeChain Pro 2.9.8
VeChain App is the unified portal for VeChainblockchainplatform.The product lifecycle can be easily displayed byscanningQR codeor built-in chip attached to the product. In suchway, thedailyoperations in business world can be digitalizedandsystematized.Meanwhile, value transfer can be achieved by doingso.UsingVeChain App to scan the QR code or built-in chip, itcandisplay: •The lifecycle of each imported liquorproduct,includinginformation of overseas winery, free-trade zonewarehouse,deliverycenter, distributers and stores; • Themanufacturing andownershiphistory of luxury goods. Customers canscan the built-inchipattached on the product to identify theauthenticity andclaimownership of the product; • The detailedinformation of assetstofacilitate the related business processes;More use casesinagriculture, food safety, automobile, blockchaingovernmentaffairswill be added, stay tuned! VeChain is a world’sleadingblockchainplatform for products and information. Our aim istobegin with thesmallest elements in business world, anddigitalizeall of thesesmall elements and build a general type ofconnection.VeChainbuilds the reflection on the coordinatingactivities ofmodernbusiness through different smart contracts. Itprovidesrelatedvalue flow tool and system in order to create a newbusinessmodelbased on this coordination pattern. After that VeChainbuildsa newkind of distributed business ecosystem that will beoperatedonBlockchain.