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Karma and Past Life Psychic 16.0
Your birth date and karma are important keystofinding out your past life information, but there are differentwaysto discover past lives. When we look at your past lives duringapsychic reading, we use your full name at birth and your birthdateto access the Akashic Record, which is the record of yoursoul'sjourney through this lifetime and others. It containsyourreincarnation past lives and previous birth information.Knowingmore about your previous life is very important, becausethisknowledge gives you a chance to find your past and predictyourfuture. Regression therapy executed by a skilled specialistwilldefinitely answer your “what is my past life history?”question.The Past lives reading holds all the answers that you werelookingfor.Finding out your past life information and reading your karmaonlinecan let you know who you've been, where you've lived andwith whom,and what you experienced in a particular lifetime. Moreimportantly,discovering past lives can give insights as to gifts,talents andabilities from other lifetimes that could assist you inthis life.Past lives regression often holds the key to healingandunderstanding patterns that keep repeating in this lifetime,suchas relationship or financial issues, which can be affectedbyprevious life. Reincarnation fears, phobias and chronic ailmentsorconditions can be rooted in past lifetimes, and finding outyourpast life where they originated can free you of these issues.There are several ways of finding out your past lifeinformation.Past lives regression is one method to discover pastlives, butregression often requires you to actually relive andre-experiencethose lifetimes, including the pain and sufferingthat you wentthrough, which can be very traumatic. Working withpast livesprovides so many answers to questions and situationsthat cannot beadequately addressed in any other way.