Top 4 Apps Similar to Magna Radiation Protection Pro

Magna | Radiation Protection 2.0
Erda Team
Magna Version 2 is finally out!Magna is a free app that alert you if your phone emitmoreradiation then normal.Mobile phones transmit information to cell towers andantennas.When you are farther away from these towers, your phoneworksharder for a signal, which causes it to emit moreradiation.This app will notify you about radiation values aroundyou.The notifications and alerts available for incoming calls,outgoingcalls and during the calls.★ Smart Data Option- Magna automatically will turn offMobiledata or Wi-Fi if the phone close to the ear during the call.Magnawill turn them on again if the call ended or the phone is notcloseto the ear.PAY ATTENTION - Magna will not turn off mobile data onandroidversion 5.0+ due to android system restrictions. BUT in thelastversion we enable this feature for devices with root access!Enjoy:)★Lollipop Design, ads free★Here is a simple guide to this awsome app :)There are 5 options:1. MAGNA active- Turns on / off MAGNA profiles. (Based onyourprofiles selection).2. Incoming calls- Turn on notification and alerts forIncomingcalls. Magan scaninig radiation values in the beginning ofeveryincoming call. (NOT during the call)3. Outgoing calls- The same as Incoming calls but foroutgoingcalls.4. During call- Most of the time you make a phone call andkeepdoing your things such as travel in the bus/train,walking,running, etc.Magna will scanning the values during the call in a REAL TIMEandalert you if the values is out of the safety range.5. Smart Data/WiFi- Magna automatically will turn off Mobiledataor Wi-Fi if the phone close to the ear during the call. Magnawillturn them on again if the call ended or the phone is not closetothe ear.For any question do not hesitate to contact us.We will do our best to give you a quick answer!Permissions:Read phone status- to detect incoming/outgoing callsDisable screen lock- to create a notification during a call.Run at startup - Magna will auto run when phone is turningon.Vibration- for medium / high values notification.Change your audio settings- turn on speakerphone.
Talk Intact - Reduce Radiation
Talk Intact
PHONE RADIATION SPIKES, PROTECT YOURSELF,BEWISE.*** Important Notice - Support for Android 5 ***Starting from version 5.0 of Android (Lollipop), wecannotdisable Mobile Data due to Google restrictions.When running on device having Android 5, Talk Intact appcontrolsWi-Fi, Bluetooth and Sync Data (in Pro Version).But if you have a rooted device running Android 5-we stillcandisable Mobile Data!*** Why you need this application ***Talk Intact reduces radiation emitted by the mobile phone whenitis close to the head.The situation when the phone is close to the ear can bedangerous,because the head is exposed to mobile phoneradiation.When call starts, Talk Intact waits until the phone comescloseto the ear.When the mobile phone comes close to the ear, Talk Intact turnsoffWi-Fi, Mobile Data, Bluetooth and Data Sync (available inPROversion) services.When the phone moves away from the head, or call ends,TalkIntact brings Wi-Fi, Mobile Data, Bluetooth and Data Sync backtothe state it was before the phone call started.Another mode is when Talk Intact disables services when thecallis started. Then Talk Intact enables them back after callisended.In the cases when speaker is on or phone headset is connected-Talk Intact does not turn off any service.This app can be useful for both adults and children,protectingthem from cell phone radiation.*** Features ***- Reduces cell phone radiation exposure- Detects when phone comes close to the ear and then disablesWi-Fi,Mobile Data, Bluetooth and Data Sync- Protects the health of user- Saves on battery power- Works for both incoming and outgoing calls*** PRO Version ***If you are aware of phone radiation risks, please considerthePRO version for more efficient protection.Talk Intact PRO allows control of additional service, hasenhancedalgorithms and contains no ads.Talk Intact PRO provides better protection fromcellularradiation.*** How It Works ***Talk Intact PROACTIVELY protects you from cellphoneradiation.Talk Intact is an app that both reduces cell radiationlevels,especially when it is close to the head and saves yourbatterypower while you talk.This application is intended for mobile phone devices only(bydesign).You can select services such as: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, MobileDataand Data Sync (available in PRO version) that the app cancontrol.These services use a wide range of microwavefrequencyspectrum.Every time you make or answer a call and the phone comes closetoyour ear,the application automatically TURNS OFF the services that areunderits control.Talk Intact can work in two modes:* Mode 1:Talk Intact turns off selected services after thecallstarted.Then the app turns the services on after the call ended.Morebattery power is saved in this mode.* Mode 2:The app turns off selected services each time the phone comescloseto the head.Then it turns services back on each time the phone is movedawayfrom the head. In this mode your phone remains fullyfunctionalduring a call. E.g. you can read emails, use messengers,surf theweb while talking.Only after you put phone back close to your head, Talk Intactturnsoff Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Mobile Data and Data Sync again.Talk Intact runs in background mode. The application is abletoturn itself "on" upon the device’s restart.*** Radiation Concerns ***The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced on May 31,2011that cell phones can bepossibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on anincreasedrisk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer.High levels of mobile phone radiation can cause health effectsbyheating the body tissues.In recent years, especially due to the widespread use ofcellphones, more and more people are concerned about the influenceofemf on human health.More information:
Radiation Sensor 1.0
George Shao
This app detects the radiation in a 1meterradius. It is very useful.
Twinkle Gps 0.0.20
Twinkle Inc.
Twinkle is a device localization staff,bornfrom the union of elegance andtechnology , a device designed to add safety and securitytoyourvita.Twinkle includes planning and design in a classic and,thanksto geolocation , keeps you in touch with your world .Simpleandinnovative also from a technical standpoint , itiseasilyprogrammable and accessible from any device .Althoughhigh-tech ,you can use it with confidence, it is notharmful anddoes nottransmit radiation , children and animals areprotected.Enter themagical world Twinkle!