Top 9 Apps Similar to Signulls

Marblesz is an enterprise GIS solutionthatbrings GIS functionalities on to mobile devices in the formofmobile applications. Every mobile application which serves aGISneed is called as Marble.Marblesz meets GIS needs of every organisation. Marblesz comewithout of box GIS functionalities like Spatial Search, DistanceandArea Calculator, Explorer.There are the available Marblesz.Sketching/RedliningElectric TraceGPS NavigatorIncident ReporterConnectOne Box SearchFind AssetsNot having an account yet? Sign up for free trial at
Incident Reporter 1.2.7
The purpose of app is to collect theincidentdetails while they are fresh in the minds of those whowitness theincident.Tag incident type. Attach picture taken with your smartphoneinorder to better illustrate what had happened. Add free handnotesto the captured picture with distinct colors. Resize thecapturedpicture with cropping features Geo-tag incident locationwith theapp's location based intelligence. Geo-tag incidentlocation withthe app's location based intelligence.This app requires Marblesz base app. To install Marbleszbase,please goto
Connect 1.2.7
Connect Marble is a messaging app that letsyouchat with your fellow members in your organisation. You cancontactwith your Marbles administrator for instant communication,anytime.This app requires Marblesz base app. To install Marbleszbase,please goto
GPS Navigator 1.2.7
GPS Navigator helps the Marbleszuserbyproviding the shortest possible route to thedestination.Itprovides varied list of input options for sourceanddestinationlike,• Point\location on map• Asset Location• Current GPS location• Google Address search.Mode of transport can be toggled between Walk,Self-transportandpublic transport. The distance to be traversed andestimatedtime oftravel are provided.The traverse route is highlighted on map. Navigatingviaprovidedroute enables map panning automatically.This app requires Marblesz base app. To installMarbleszbase,pleasegoto
Trace 1.2.7
Trace can quickly identify thecustomersaffected by malfunctioned network assets like poles/transformers/sub-stations.Trace can trace down through the network below a sub-stationsoas to identify the gaps in the network via trace down-streamTrace can trace up through the network above a customerlocationso as to identify the gaps in the network via traceup-stream.Trace can be performed by placing start node and block nodesonthe network assets/locations on the map.This app requires Marblesz base app. To install Marbleszbase,please goto
Find Assets 1.2.7
This GIS based app is used toperformsimplequery on GIS network assets by a field typeenumerator.This app requires Marblesz base app. To installMarbleszbase,pleasegoto
Forms 1.2.7
Are you tired of filling up piles ofpaperformsfor your business requirements?Forms helps in transforming the form fill up experience-fromfinicky to fabulous!Forms is an enterprise mobile application that serves asaonestop smart solution for businesses and their exclusiveneedstocapture, store, analyze, manage, and present userdatamoreefficiently.This app requires Marblesz base app. To installMarbleszbase,pleasegoto
One Box Search 1.2.7
This provides an open search box for userstoenter a location/address or any Network Asset name. It fetchesthecorresponding asset/location/address details & shows it onthemap.You can view network layers on top of Google Maps andalsooperate Google Maps in compass mode and also find yourcurrentlocation and also bookmark your favourite map locations.This app requires Marblesz base app. To install Marbleszbase,please goto
Work Orders 1.2.7
App displays list of work ordersassignedtoMarblesz users. User can view the location on mapandphotosattached to that work order. User can view theworkorderdescription and also can edit the work orderstatus,description,attach multiple photos.This app requires Marblesz base app. To installMarbleszbase,pleasegoto