Top 2 Games Similar to Toss Poker

Dice 1.2.9
Dice Games - Poker (Yahtzee), 1000 (One Thousand)
7776 1.7
Play dice with a friend online!Each player throws 5 dice. The opponents don't know outcomeofeach other's throw. Then each player secretly decides onacombination to gain score points. When decisions are made bybothplayers, we reveal all dice, and each player either gains orlosesscore points on selected combination. The player with thegreaterscore is winning the game.There are 16 combinations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Two of a Kind,Threeof a Kind, Four of a Kind, Poker, 2+2, 3+2, Minor Straight,MajorStraight, Minor Sum and Major Sum. Remember, your diceandopponent's ones are counted. During the game, a combination maybeselected by each player only once.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 require at least three dice withthecorresponding value. If a player fails this combination,thepenalty is -70 points. Be careful! If a player have N dice withMvalue, then score is N * M. For example, three twos give +6pointson 2, ten sixes give +60 points on 6.Two of a Kind, Three of a Kind, Four of a Kind require 2, 3 or4dices with the same value respectively. If a player failsthiscombination, the penalty is -10 points. Luckily, you can neverfailTwo of a Kind. The score is the sum of values. For example, 3twosgive +6 points on Three of a Kind, 10 sixes give +12 points onTwoof a Kind. The dice with greater value are considered first.Poker requires 5 dices with the same kind. If a player failsthiscombination, the penalty is -10 points. Poker on ones gives+50points, poker on twos gives +60 points and so on. Poker onsixesgives +100 points. The dice with greater value areconsideredfirst.2+2 requires two different pairs of dice. If a player failsthiscombination, the penalty is -10 points. The score is the sumofthese values. For example, 2 twos and 2 fours give +12. Thedicewith greater value are considered first.3+2 is almost the same as 2+2. For example, 2 twos and 3foursgive +16 points. The dice with greater value areconsideredfirst.Minor Straight requires dice with values of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.Itgives +15 points. If a player fails this combination, thepenaltyis -10 points.Major Straight requires dice with values of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.Itgives +20 points. If a player fails this combination, thepenaltyis -10 points.Major Sum is just the sum of values on all dice.Minor Sum is +70 minus the sum of values on all dice.Are you curious what is 7776? Glad you asked. 7776 is thenumberof all possible outcomes of 5 dice throw. Game 7776 isderived fromDice Poker, Farkle and Liar's Dice as an attempt tomake anexciting and new dice game for online play.