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澳門雜誌 V1.2.1
《澳門》雜誌是由澳門特區政府新聞局出版的時事綜合類期刊。其編輯宗旨為:  客觀、生動地展示澳門各方面的特色與優勢,追蹤澳門前進的腳步,捕捉澳門“遠交近融”的風采,分享中華文化的精粹,關注華人世界的脈搏。使雜誌既成為外界把脈澳門的一扇視窗,又是澳門與外界彼此溝通的一座橋樑。  在刊物內容及形式方面力求高品位、高品質、豐富性、有趣有益,注重真實體驗的故事。"Macao" magazineispublished by the Macao SAR Government Information Bureau ofCurrentAffairs Periodicals. Its editorial purpose:Objective, vividly demonstrated the characteristics andadvantagesof the various aspects of Macao, Macao tracking the paceofprogress, capture Macao 'distant past financial "style, sharingtheessence of Chinese culture, the Chinese world attention pulse.Makethe magazine both as a window outside the pulse of Macao, Macaoandthe outside world is a bridge to communicate with eachother.Sought in terms of content and format of the publicationofhigh-grade, high-quality, rich, interesting useful storyfocusingon real experience.