Top 11 Apps Similar to School Grades Agenda

Timetable 3.1.1
Moritz Iseke
With this app you can easily manage your school life withyourphoneor your tablet. You can create a timetable, homework,exams,gradesand holidays easily. Timetable - Choose between day-andweekview -Enable saturday and/or AB week - Your phone getsmutedduring thelessons Homework - Choose a subject and the datewill becalculatedautomatically - Attach multiple pictures withyourcamera or fromthe gallery - Add a reminder Exams - Attachmultiplepictures - Adda exam type, a grade and a note - getnotified whenthere is an examin the upcoming days Grades - You canweight yourgrades and addgrade types - You can even weight yoursubjects (e.gwhen a subjectis more important than another) - Theaverage willbe calculatedautomatically Hours absent - Add hoursabsent and getnotified whenyou got unexcused absences - Categorizeyou absences- The app willautomatically calculate the amount ofabsences afteryou selectedyour timeinterval Widgets -Homeworkwidget -Timetablewidget - ExamWidget - Next lesson widget - showsyour next twoclasses -Timetable clock widget - shows the remainingtime of thecurrentlesson - shows the next two classes TranslationsItalianAndreaSartorello Russian Vitaly Snytsa Korean Bomi ChungAlpha&Betatesters:
Homework Planner 2.7.5
Alex Rothauge
Your digital homework planner and homework notebook
Notes app Android 2.1
F. Zander
Write private notes and make widgets - protect your noteswithpassword
Notepad App 3.50
F. Zander
Notepad App for Android . Write notes in folders, subfoldersandmore
School Pro - Ultimate Studying Assistant 2.6.6
Flaring App
🔴 PRO FEATURES 🔴 ✔️ No ads ✔️ Widgets ✔️ Shortcuts ✔️Fasteruserinterface Have you ever desired to make your schoolweekdaysmorevivid and original? Then let us introduce School -yourpersonalassistant in educational process and organization ofdailyroutineand school affairs. Any doubts about the need to useapp?Even themost captious users will be amazed of our brand-newdesign.Yourinstitution resembles on Hogwarts and remembering inwhich partorfloor your lessons are being conducted - is a realchallenge?Agreat deal of subjects, incomprehensible timetable..School istheone that can solve your problems. And even if you arenot abletomemorize names of your favorite teachers - just fillinyourtimetable, names and homework right in the program.Comfortableandhandy, whereas all the information is kept inyoursmartphone.Instead of recalling classes schedule, just openasection, whichshows the time before start or end of thelesson.Furthermore,there is a new capability to add all theliterature inone divisionwhich allows to save time,wasted in searchof necessarybook. Andfinally, you will absolutely be surprised ofhandbooks,which willcome in handy again and again andtrigonometricfunctionscalculator. Our program is under activedevelopment. Ifyou haveany brilliant ideas or remarks, feel free tocontact us viaemail.Enjoy using this petit masterpiece.
Il Thesaurus Treccani 1.0.12
Always carry the Treccani Thesaurus with you.
Notes App Notepad 3
F. Zander
You can manage easy and fast your personal notes app forandroidphones
Class Schedule 3.2.5
Manage your schedule and subjects, find out beforehand if a classisapproaching
TipStuff the family Agenda 26.0.0
Working out your parenting and your working life is a heavydailychallenge ! That's why we created TipStuff to help busyworkingparents to face this challenge. All the functions you needtoorganize your family life are here to save you time : >Quicklyschedules family activities, using the common calendar whichissynchronized with each one's organizer ; > Share with allfamilymembers your shopping or todo lists - to be done absolutelythisweek; > Share useful information about the household:babysitter phone, children's clothing size, etc. > Composeyourmeals for the week, and export ingredients to your shoppinglists.All these features are accessible everywhere via yoursmartphone,tablet or PC. Download TipStuff right now to easy peasyconnectyour whole family ! From the start TipStuff has put yourprivatedata at the center of its concerns (at the same time, we areafamily like yours, and so it is also our data we are talkingabout😉). As a result, unlike some of our "free" competitors, wewillnever sell your data. Never is never. This means never filessoldto merchants, never advertising, never linked to companies suchasFacebook or Google. Now this "never" comes at a price whichisentirely financed by Premium refills. The premium allows us topaythe developers who make the application, the machines that allowitto work, the storage spaces to put all your data, support whenyouhave a problem, etc. That said, we are aware that somefamilieshave moderate use of TipStuff. This is why we haveimplemented afree version which is however subject to certainlimitations: -Advanced features not available (stickers, multiplealarms, weeklyview, PDF export, global search, etc.) - 100 eventsper year (onaccount anniversary date) - 100 tasks per year (on theanniversarydate of the account) - 3 authenticated accesses maximum- 5contacts maximum - 2 weeks of calendar synchronization
Diary app with lock 3.0
F. Zander
My secret Diary with lock password - Add Fotos, Location -SecretsNotes Diary
Timetable 10.0
The most beautiful and intuitive way to manage your schooloruniversity life.