Top 5 Apps Similar to Lord of the Flies by William G

Prophets and Kings 1.0
One of the greatest literary jewels in the Christianworld.Writtenby the Christian author, Ellen G. White more than 100yearsago, ineach one of its chapters, it expands in detail whattheHolyScriptures have to teach us. When Israel was a unitedandgloriouskingdom, endowed with a magnificent temple, center ofthetrue cultin the world . The most outstanding spiritual truthsofthebiblical account, from Salmon to the birth of ChristSomechaptersin this tool: - Solomon - The Temple and Its Dedication-Pride ofProsperity - Results of Transgression -Solomon’sRepentance - TheRending of the Kingdom - Jeroboam -NationalApostasy - Elijah theTishbite - The Voice of Stern Rebuke -Carme -From Jezreel toHoreb - “What Doest Thou Here?” - “In theSpirit andPower ofElias” - Jehoshaphat - and more ... The booktalks aboutseveralimportant topics like the following: - Theascent, the gloryandthe fall of Solomon, the wisest king that hasever existed. -Thedivision of the Kingdom of Israel after the deathof Solomon. -Thelife of the prophet Elijah in the time of Israel'sapostasy. -Thecall and ministry of the prophet Elisha. - Jonah andthe peopleofNineveh, - Daniel, his friends and the reign ofBabylon. - Inthetime of Queen Esther. - Reconstruction of the wallsof Jerusaleminthe time of Ezra and Nehemiah. - The coming of thegreatLiberator.Ellen White (November 26, 1827 – July 16, 1915) wasaprolificauthor, writing more than 40 books and 5000periodicalarticlesduring her lifetime. Today there are over onehundred50,000manuscript pages of her writings. She was one of thefoundersofthe Seventh-day Adventist Church, believed by manyreaders tohavethe spiritual gift of prophecy described in theBible. Whitewasconsidered a somewhat controversial figure by hiscritics,withmuch of the controversy centered on his reportsofvisionaryexperiences and the use of other sources in hiswritings.Sheexperienced her first vision shortly after theGreatMilleriteDisappointment of 1844. Historian Randall BalmerhasdescribedWhite as "one of the most important and colorfulfiguresin thehistory of American religion." Walter Martin describedit as"oneof the most fascinating and controversial characterseverappearedon the horizon of religious history" Mrs. White'svisionsprovidedthe basis for the Adventist movement to considerthat the"gift ofprophecy" was manifested in her, which endowed herwritingsofgreat importance to the believers of this denomination.EllenG.White promoted vegetarianism as well as theevangelizationandspread of Adventism in different parts of theworld. Remembertocheck out the More Apps section and you'll beamazed withwonderfulfree apps to feed faith and soul
Napoleon Hill's Audio & E-Books 1.0.3
With this app you can listen to audio books and read e-booksbyDrNapoleon Hill. The app features an E-book reader whichtracksyourreading progress and automatically stores the pagewhereyoustopped. The page will be presented to you whenever youreturn,soyou can continue reading from where you stopped. NOTE:Theapprequires internet or WiFi connection to play all audiofilesaswell as access all e-books.
Titles of God 1.0
Title as defined by the dictionary its"Anamethat describes someone's position or job.". So, wanna knowwhatalltitles are given to God from the Holy Bible?, Presenttoyou,Titles of God,This app has a collection of Titles from theHolyBibleto get you inspired and motivated every day.Features-• Material Design App.• Contains about 1000 Titles and are freely accessible toyou,• Works Completely Offline.• Share Promises with loved ones, friends and family viaanysocialmedia app in your phone.• Add the ones you like the most to favorites.• Get Notifications, A new Title of God Every Day.• No Ads, No Ads and No Ads.The Titles are taken from the UnitedPeopleFellowshipMinistries(UPF)( and thebible verses usedare taken from the bible translation"Bible inBasicEnglish"( even after plenty of effort there might be some typosorsomewrong reference, I'll be fixing them while if you findanypleasedo let me know.All Suggestions are welcomed.New Features are always been worked on.Thank you.
Free Christian Audiobooks - Aneko Press 1.0
Aneko Press
NOTE: These audiobooks play by streaming via yourinternetconnectionor mobile data. A previous experiment withdownloadingthe audiobooksdidn't work out as we had hoped, and weapologizefor anyinconvenience this causes. ABOUT OUR AUDIOBOOKSOuraudiobook appconsists of audiobooks that our company, AnekoPress,has published.Our collection of books consists ofupdatedChristian classics andother Christian books that are alsoof amore serious tone. All areproduced by our professionalnarrators,for your enjoyment,encouragement, and depending who youare,admonishment. We'resteadily adding new audiobooks, even thoughourcurrent selection islimited. Please note that listeningtoaudiobooks requires a goodinternet connection. We hosttheaudiobook files on Amazon's AWS, butas good as their serversare,the streaming is only as good as yourinternet connection. 35+FREEAUDIOBOOKS * Pilgrim's Progress, byJohn Bunyan * The PursuitofGod, by A.W. Tozer * God's Promises, byCharles H. Spurgeon *TheOvercoming Life, by Dwight L. Moody *Following Christ, byCharlesH. Spurgeon * Jesus Came to SaveSinners, by Charles H.Spurgeon *The School of Obedience, by AndrewMurray * The Last ofthe Giants,by Harry Rimmer * The TenCommandments, by Dwight L.Moody * Andmore... APP PERMISSIONSDevices running Android 6.0 andaboverequire more permissions todownload than previous editionsdid.Please note that giving an apppermission does not mean wecanaccess your personal information.Only Android and theapplicationitself can utilize your phone'sfunctionalities in orderto runproperly. Also, you may be able toturn off individualpermissionsafter downloading the app. Learnhowhere: We want your feedback. Contact us with anysuggestionsorconcerns you have during the use of this app. Thankyou, and wehopeyou are blessed by our audiobooks!
Shakespeare Pro 3.3.6
The Shakespeare Pro app is the best way to enjoy his completeworks.Get it now.