Top 14 Apps Similar to DV POINT 관리자용

Ernährung Pro 1.17.0
Simon Kleine
The original since 2011 - food diary and food information
Vitamin Deficiency Finder
The application can find thevitamindeficiencies by matching your specific symptoms andprovidecorresponding food suggestions. Also provides nutritiondetails incommon foods, key vitamin information, dosage ofsupplements etc..Vitamin Deficiency Finder (VDF) from YantraMindhelps you matchyour specific symptoms against hundreds of symptomsof deficiencyof common vitamins and minerals. Based on a highlyoptimizedinteractive verification process, about the presence orabsence ofrelated symptoms, the app can find possible deficienciesand therelative probability of each of those deficiencies. Thisreport canbe can be sent over mail and saved for future reference.App alsoprovides food suggestions and all the other importantdetails likekey functions, daily dosage, toxicity symptoms, etc.for thesevitamins. The app supports multiple profiles so that moreusers(like different family members or a group) can keep track oftheirspecific reports, history and trends.The app is based on a patent pending innovation related to AIbaseddiagnosis.Key Features-------------------•Diagnosis of the vitamin deficiency based on key symptoms-Identifies further symptoms through question and answers.-It can show multiple deficiencies withassociatedprobabilities.-System displays the probabilities only if it is greater thanaspecific confidence factor.•Food Suggestions for major vitamin deficiencies-Color coded for user's food preferences like veg,ovo-lacto,non-veg•Vitamins in food-Nutritional details of some of the common foods•Vitamin InfoAll key information about the vitamins-Key functions of the vitamin in the body-Major deficiency symptoms-Foods with that vitamin-Toxicity symptoms-Search functionality based on keywords or any detail ofthevitamin•Daily dosage-Daily dosage based on age, sex•Ability to handle multiple profiles (e.g. different familymembers)and reports on prior conclusions. These reports also canbe sentover mail or other data sharing apps.Warning------------The application is provided for information and educationalpurposesonly. It is not intended to provide any sort of diagnosisor medicaladvice. You should consult your own personal physicianto determinethe appropriateness of the information for yourspecific situationbefore making any decision regarding treatmentor medication relatedto vitamin deficiencies.Vitamins and Minerals included in this analysis-----------------------------------------------------------------•Vitamin A•Vitamin B1•Vitamin B2•Vitamin B3•Vitamin B6•Vitamin B12•Vitamin C•Vitamin D•Vitamin E•Biotin•Choline•Folic Acid•Inositol•Calcium•Copper•Iodine•Iron•Magnesium•Manganese•Potassium•Selenium•Sodium•ZincAbout Yantramind--------------------------Yantramind ( ) focuses on developingtechnologysolutions using machine intelligence to solve real worldissues.Healthcare is one of our focus areas and vitamin deficiencyproblemis the first one we are trying to solve. This application istheweb/mobile version addressing the area of vitamindeficiency,leveraging our medical information correlationengine.Your feedback and suggestions--------------------------------------------Your feedback and suggestions are extremely important for us. Letusknow if you want this solution to be extended based on yourideas orproduct or service offerings. Requesting your feedback andcontinuedsupport. Please send your feedback [email protected]
Essential Vitamin Guide 2.1
QOBC Dot Com
Explain in plain language and easy to useasVitamins Quick Guide.This Essential Vitamin Guide is for Infant, Adult & Senior,itwill cover 9 chapters :# Introduction about Vitamins# The Role of Vitamins# The Risk of Vitamins Deficiency# Type of Vitamins# Source of Vitamins From Food# Choosing The Right Vitamins# Vitamins for Infant# Vitamins for Adult# Vitamins for Senior# Avoid Vitamins OverdoseThis ultimate simple and useful guide will help you to knowmoreabout vitamins role and its importance in your body.It’s no secret that human body goes through some major changesasyou get older. The vitamins you need are no exception. There arefewessential vitamins for infant, adult and senior. Theseessentialnutrients play a role in all the basic jobs your bodydoes everyday, each one taking care of specific tasks."Vital Nutrients for Our Body"FEATURES* User friendly - Divided into 9 Chapters and Conclusion* Content menu in every chapters* Quiz & Top scorer* Built-in Memory games* Built-in "Note" (write down what you've read)* Lightweight, small size apkLANGUAGE :English1ST RELEASE :July 24, 20152ND UPDATE :August 3, 2015Please note :1. The network connection is required in some pages (Wi-Fior3G/LTE)2. This application is optimized the 720x1280, 1080x1920 asscreensize3. We recommend that the device OS is above 4.0Disclaimer:This app was not made by medical professionals. Any dietarychangeshould be made with the guidance and supervision of amedicalprofessional.Please email me ([email protected]) if there areanytypos or improvements you would like to suggest.
Top Ten healthy fruit 1.3
Eat more fruits and wholesome, a result ofthefruits rich in vitamins, fiber material, that is beauty butalsoslimming effect. However, what fruit is most beneficial tohealth,and be able to achieve the effect of treatment, Recently,theUnited States, "Reader's Digest" magazine describes the tenkindsof fruit most favorable to health, in the end in which thetenkinds of fruit? To tell through the application you.
Fruits For Health 1.5
"Fruits For Health" Fruits are nature’s wonderful gifttomankind;indeed, medicines packed with vitamins,minerals,anti-oxidants andmany phyto-nutrients (Plant derivedmicronutrients). They are anabsolute feast to our sight, notjustbecause of their color andflavor but for theiruniquenutrition-profile that help the humanbody free of diseasesand stayhealthy!!! Fruits contain manyanti-oxidants likepoly-phenolicflavonoids, vitamin-C, andanthocyanins. Thesecompounds, firstly,help human body protectedfrom oxidant stress,diseases, andcancers, and secondly; help thebody develop capacityto fightagainst these ailments by boostingour immunity level. Manyfruits,when compared to vegetables andcereals, have very highanti-oxidantvalue, which is somethingmeasured by their "OxygenRadicalAbsorbent Capacity". Fruit’shealth benefiting propertiesarebecause of their richness invitamins, minerals,micro-nutrients,anti-oxidants, which helps thebody prevent or atleast prolong thenatural changes of aging byprotecting andrejuvenating cells,tissues and organs. Theiroverall benefits aremanifold! Fruitnutrition benefits areinfinite! You are protectingyourself fromminor ailments likewrinkling of skin, hair-fall, andmemory loss tomajor ailmentslike age-related macular degenerationof the retinain the eyes,Alzheimer’s disease, colon cancers, weakbones ,etc.,and the listof fruit nutrition benefits never ends!!!"Fruits ForHealth" GiveYou the list of Fruits andtheirBenefits................ "So EatFruits Daily an Keep AwayfromHospitals and Doctors......."
सेहत के राज़
(गागर में सागर ) ज्ञान के अथाह सागर से चुन-चुन कर संकलित स्वास्थ्य के मोती जिनसे पाठक अपने व अपनेस्वहितेषियों का स्वास्थ्य मजबूत बना पायेंगे ! इस एप्प को समय समय परऔरबहुमूल्य उपाय सहित अपडेट किया जाता रहेगा ! इसमे समाहित जानकारीएकनज़र -अच्छी सेहत के साथी विटामिन्स और मिनरल्स,विटामिन्स कामहत्व,फैटसॉल्युबल विटामिन्स: ,विटामिन-बी कॉम्पलेक्स:,विटामिन्स कीकमी औररोग:,अच्छी सेहत के साथी मिनरल्स ,प्रमुख एंटीआक्सीडेंट,प्रमुखकैरोटिनाइड एंटीआॅक्सीडेंट्स,प्रोटीन्स के घटक - मुख्यएमीनोएसिड्स,न्यूट्रीशन की कमी के कुछ सामान्य और गंभीरस्वास्थ्यसमस्याएं.घरेलु उपचार =बवासीर,ब्लैकहेड्स ,दस्त,गोखरू या चर्मकील,मुँह में बदबू,गठिया,कमजोरी ,कमर दर्द,कफ,छाती में कफ बैठना,गुर्दे की पथरी,मूत्राषयप्रदाह,एसीडीटी (अम्लपित्त) ,लकवा (पेरेलिसिस),किडनीफेल्योर,ऐसेउतरेगा आपका चश्मा,तंबाकू की लत छुड़ाना,चेहरे की झाइयां,पसीना अधिकआये,नींद न आना,मसूड़े व दांत मजबूत,अरुचि (भूख का कमलगना),नकसीररोग,पेटदर्द,खांसी,मौसमी खाँसी,सूखी खांसी,दाद ,खाज, खुजली,जूँ केघरेलू नुस्खे,मुँहासे हटाने के उपाय,जुकाम,गले के संक्रमण,कब्ज,एक्जिमा,आँख में दर्द,बालों का झड़ना,घुटनों का दर्द,चोट लगना,निम्नरक्तचाप,सांप काटना,मोच और सूजन,चेहरे के दागधब्बे,मोतियाबिंद,मुंहके छाले,ल्यूकोरिया,गैस व् बदहजमी के घरेलूनुस्खे, मधुमेह,दादी माँके नुस्खे,स्वप्नदोष,वजन घटाने के घरेलूनुस्खे, दांत दर्द ,हकलाहट,तुतलाना ,आँख आना [ Conjunctivitis ],कानका बहना,सरदर्द काउपाय,यूरिक एसिड बढ़ना,याददाश्त कमजोर होना ,किडनीकी समस्याए ,सफेददाग,ब्यूटी केयर,दाँतों में से खून (PYORRHOEA),साइनस,आग से जल-जानेपर ,डेंगू बुखार का इलाज !,जोड़ों मेंदर्द,माइग्रेन,हैजा का उपाय,हार्ट अटैक:,थायराईड रोग,सीने मेंजलन,हिचकी, मलेरिया,आंवयुक्तपेचिश,पेट के कीडे ,बदहजमी,कालीखाँसी,क्रोध भगाएँ,खाने के तुरन्त बादपाखाना,तिल्ली बढ़नेपर,झुर्रियाँ ,टॉन्सिल्स,बालों का समय से पहलेसफेद होना,पेट के कैंसरसे बचाव,बदन का दर्द,बालतोड़,बिस्तर पर पेशाबकरना,बैठे गले काइलाज़,भांग का नशा,मुँह के छाले,रुका हुआ पेशाब ,होठों काखुश्की,पीलिया,अस्थमा,पेशाब में जलनशंख से बीमारियो का उपचार, रस-प्रयोग::---- - रस किस रोग मेंकोनसा,आजीवन स्वस्थ रहने के खास नुस्खे , औषधीय गुणों की खान है गर्मपानी,जीभ से रोग पहचान ,मंत्र चिकित्साकिस रोग में कौन से योग आसन, रोग और योगएक्यूप्रेशर चिकित्सा पद्दतिप्राकृतिक चिकित्सा,sehat ke raz ,raj, health app, ghareluupchar,dadi nani ke nuske,upay,bwasir,chaale munh,badan dard,kensar,cancer,heart atteck,gathiya,munhase,pimpal,jhurrinyan,wrinklsswapndosh,rog,rogon ke achuk upayext ,सेहत के राजआपका = योगेश कुमार अमाना .= (Yogesh Kumar Amana) YoguruTechnologiesयोगुरु(Container in theocean)bottomless ocean of knowledge to choose from - choose pearlsthathealth compiled reader will strengthen your health and yourselfHiteshion! The app will be updated from time to time andincludingvaluable tips! It also contains information at a glance-Vitamins and minerals for good health partners, the importanceofvitamins, fat Solyubl vitamins: Vitamin B complex: a lackofvitamins and disease, good health partner Minerals,majorantioxidant, leading Karotinaid Antiaॅkseedents, thecomponents ofproteins - the amino acids , a common and serioushealth problemsto a lack of nutrition.Home remedies =Piles, blackheads, diarrhea, bunions or Charmkil, mouthodor,arthritis, weakness, back pain, cough, phlegm in the chestsit,kidney stones, inflammation Mutrasy, Seediti (acidity),paralysis(Perelisis), kidney failure, such descend Your glasses,weantobacco addiction, freckled face, had more sweat, insomnia, gumandteeth strong, anorexia (loss of appetite loss), bleedingdisorders,abdominal pain, cough, seasonal cough, dry cough,shingles, eczema,scabies, lice home remedies, acne removal remedy,colds, throatinfections, constipation, eczema, eye pain, loss ofhair, kneepain, injury, low blood pressure, snake bite, sprains andswellingof the face, birthmarks spots, cataracts, oral ulcers,leukorrhea,gas business of indigestion remedies, diabetes,grandmother'sprescription, sleep disturbances, weight loss, homeremedies,toothache, stutter, lisp, ophthalmia [Conjunctivitis],Otorrhoea,headache the measure, increased uric acid, weak memory,kidneyproblems, white stains, beauty care, teeth bleed(PYORRHOEA),sinus, fire-being, treat dengue fever!, joint pain,migraine,measures of cholera, heart attacks: Thayraid disease,heartburn,hiccups, malaria, dysentery Aanvyukt, stomach worms,indigestion,whooping cough, Bgaaa anger, immediately after eatingshit, spleenenlargement, the wrinkles, tonsils, Hair prematurelywhite,protection from colon cancer, body pain, Baltod, to urinateon thebed, sitting neck treatment, cannabis intoxication, coldsores,paused urination, dryness of mouth, jaundice, asthma,urinejealousy Treatment of diseases of shellfish, juice-use :: - ----Whichjuice in which disease, particularly lifelong healthy livingtips,hot water medicinal properties mine, tongue diagnosis,healingspells Which Yoga postures in which disease, disease and yoga Acupressure therapy liturgiesNaturopathy, sehat ke raz, raj, health app, gharelu upchar,dadinani ke nuske, upay, bwasir, chaale munh, badan dard,kensar,cancer, heart atteck, gathiya, munhase, pimpal, jhurrinyan,wrinklsswapndosh, rog, rogon ke achuk upayext, health secretYogesh Kumar Amana your =. = (Yogesh Kumar Amana)YoguruTechnologies Yoguru
Liebherr BioFresh 3.2.1
Find out lots of valuable information about your food.
Belly Fat Exercises 1.1
Fat-Burning Ab Exercises to reduce Belly Fat
Vitamin Guide 1.0
Puneet Sahota
This beautiful Applicationpresentsinformationabout various types of vitamins in a colorfulmanner.Health is themost important treasures in life and tomaintainhealth one musttake a balanced diet. One of thein-separableconstituents ofhealthy diet are Vitamins. Thisapplication enlistsbenefits,sources and quantity of various typesof Vitamins.
Home Remedies 1.08
Cure aches and pains naturally. Top Home Remedies.GrandmotherRemedies
انواع الفيتامينات 15.0
This book includes types of vitamins and I hope that you like.
Vitamins for Healthy Body 1.2
D K Apps
• App works completely OFFLINE.• Contents are in English.The application contain Vitamins deficiency disease,itsimportance in our health, various sources of food andrecommendeddietary allowances.Vitamins are classified into two types : Fat Soluble andWaterSolubleFat Soluble Vitamins are Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin EandVitamin K.Water Soluble Vitamins are Vitamin B and Vitamin C.*************************************************************Vitamin A-----------------Chemical name of Vitamin A is Retinol.Deficiency disease :- Deficiency of Vitamin A causesnightblindness. In this the sclera and cornea may become dry-thecondition called xerophthalmia. Bitot's spots are also seen inthesclera of the eyes. They are triangular, pearly white oryellowishfoamy spots. The dry cornea ulcerates and leads toblindness.Importance :- Vitamin A helps to develop a healthy immunesystemand is essential for the growth and development of thecells.Recommended dietary allowances :- 900 µg (male, age 19–70)Sources :- Liver, orange, ripe yellow fruits, leafyvegetables,carrots, pumpkin, squash, spinach, fish, soya milk,milk*************************************************************Your feedback and suggestions are extremely important forus.Requesting your feedback and suggestions. Please send yourfeedbackto [email protected]
Organico Vitamins 2.0
Organico Vitamins-Home of qualitybrandvitamins & supplements. Make us your first choiceforselection, saving and service. We offer rewards for ourloyalcustomers.
Shak Shobjir Gunagun 1.0
Nutrition facts of vegetables in Bengali.